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(Replaces Standing Order No. 6 ; Ist reprint, dated 8 th March, 1910, 2nd reprint, dated 13th May, 1919; and 3rd reprint, dated 16th October, 1929.)

3.99    Period for which khasras girda waris etc. should be pre served - When the patwari brings the jamabandis to the tahsil at the beginning of September, he should bring with him all khasra girdawaris, work books (paragraph 3.85 ) consisting of counterfoils and notes of inspection and obbreviated jamabandis in his possession that are more than twelve years old. These papers should be at once destroyed by the office kanungo. He should also bring all fards bach in his possession prepared for villages, the jamabandis of which are being filed, Counter foils of register auraqintiqalat manzur shuda wa na manzur shuda relating to the same jamabandis and copleted registers reltaing to the realization of copying and inspection fee of  patwari's records.

          The fards bachh referred to here are the fards bachh asamiwar or dhal bachhs which are prepared from year to year gfor the purpose of showing the sums recoverable from different individuals or groups of individuals on account of land revenue, cesses, occupier's rate, etc.Fards bachh khatewar, which are prepared at settlement for the purpose of calculating the sums chargeable on different holdings on account of land revenue and cesses, are settlement records and should be dealt with in the manner prescribed in paragraph 3.100 and 3.102 infra.

3.100  Period for which settlement re cords, etc, remain with the patwari  -  The remainder of the records with the patwari,viz:-  

(i)  coies of settlemtn records, including fard bachh khatewar;

(ii)  mutation registers;

(iii)  detailed jamabandis and the maps, statements of irrigation and customs, genealogical trees and lists of revenue assignments appended thereto;

(iv)  shajra parchas until replaced by new ones and field books;

(v)  village note-books.

(vi)  Village diaries(roznamcha ) , (paragraph  3.80)"

(vii)  Field Book prepared in Consolidation of Holdings Operations.

(viii)  Shaira Parcha prepared in the Consolidation of Holdings Operations, until replaced  by new ones.shll remain in his custody during the currency of the settlement to which they relate.

3.101  Papers relating to expired set tlements to be withdrawn from patwaris - All the opapers referred to in the last two paragraphs which relate to expired settlements, also fards bachh of the last years of expired settlements not filed with ajamabandi,should be withdrawn from the patwari on the introduction of a new settlement except:-

(1)  The khasra girdawari until the new settlement has been in force for three hyears or until twelve years elapsed since the khasra girdawari was written, whichever period is longer'

(2)  Current mutation registers;

(3)  Village note-books until the new settlement has been in formce for five years;

(4)  Field books in villages not subjected to remeasurement at settlement.

(5)  Field books prepared in the Consolidation of Holdings Operations of the villages which are not subjected to remeasurement.

3.102  Disposal of papers so withdrawn - The papers so withdrawn shall be disposed of thus:-


1 (a) khasra girdawaris, shall be destroyed at once.
  (b) diaries,
  (c) abbreviated jamabandis,
  (d) village note books,
  (e) mutation registers with duplicate orders only in them
  (f) fards bachh not filed with a jamabandi,
  (g) fard bachh khatewar,

(h)old shajra parcha which has been replaced by a new one,



2 (a) field books (when not bound up with the records of rights)

shall be destroyed at once if twelve years old.Otherwise shall be kept in the Tahsil till they are12 years old and then destroyed



  (b) detailed jamabandis and connected statements,
3 (a) records of rights and all papers bound up with them, shall be kept in the tahsil for ever.
  (b) filed maps (part tahjsil),
  (c) mutation registers containing original orders (if not required in the sadar
  (d) Mussavi Parat Tahsil and Shajra Sabiq on which theb plotting of new Shajra has been done and list of Filed Numbers. prepared in Consolidation of Holdings Operation

But, with regard to(1) and (2)  in any Sub-division where there is sufficient accommodation, the Deputy Commissioner may preserve any of the records in the tahsil for a longer period if he thinks fit.

3.103. What records should be bound - Patwaris papers have to be filed in Government offices should not be bound in boards. But standing records prepared at settlement should be bound in stiff boards covered with leather. This applies both to the copy filed in the record room and to that kept by the patwari.

3.104. Treatment of records.filed by patwaris in tahsil  - The records filed by the patwari in the tahsil from year to year shall be treated in the following way:-

(1)  Abstract Statements:- The abstract statements from which the entries in the office kanungo's copy of the village note-book are obtained shall be destroyed one year after date.

(2)  All Jamabandis filed in the tahsil shall be sent to the district office in the month of April, following or any later date not exceeding 6 months fixed by the Director of Land Records, Punjab alongwith all the maps and papders attached there to except to the fards bachh.

(3)  Fards bachh filed with a jamabandi shall be kept at the tahsil until the next jamabandi is filed along with its fards and shall be then destroyed.

(4)  Completed registers relating to realization of copying and inspection fee of patwaris records shall be kept by the tehsil office kanungo for a period of 3 years and then  destroyed.

(5)  Counterfoils opf Register aurag intiqualat manzur shuda wa na manzur shuda  filled under paragraph 3.99 by patwaris shall be destroyed at once by the office kanungos.

(6)  Proceeding book(both parts) shall be kept in the tehsil office for 12 years.

(7)  List of consolication fee shall be kept till the preparation of next jamabandi.

3.105.  Records to be  permanently  kept  - The following records shall be permanently preserved in district office:-

(1)  Records of expired settlements.

(2)  Mutation registers containing original orders which have not been bound with the jamabandi.

(3)  Detailed jamabandis and all the maps and papers attached thereto (excluding the fards bachh)

(4)  Khatauni Surat Sabiq and Draft Scheme without the list of filed numbers.

The office kanungos copies of the village, assessment circle, and tehsil noter-books shall be permanently preserved in the tahsil.

3.106. Destructions of khataunis and abbreviated ja mabandis filed in district office 

(i)  Khataunis and abbreviated jamabandis filed by patwaris shall be transferred to the District Land Records Office , where the former will be preserved for the term of settlement top which they relate and destroyed after the Khataunis for the next settlement have been prepared and filed and the latter shall be destroyed 12 years after the date of receipt.

(ii)  The list of names of right holders, khatauni paimash and Naqsha Haqdarwar (prepared in the consolication of holdings operations) filed by the patwaris will be transferrede to the District Land Records Office where they will be preserved for 12 years and then destroyed.

Hon'ble Revenue Minister


 Sh. Hardip Singh Mundian

 Hon’ble Minister-In-Charge, Department of Revenue, Rehabilitation and Disaster Management