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Standing Orders

FCR’s Standing
Order No
1 Alienation of Land
2 Proceedings and suits between land lords and tenants
3 General Procedure of Revenue Officers and Courts
4 Revenue Agents
5 Inspection of Records
6 Custody and destruction of Patwaris Records
7 Assignment of Land Revenue and Non-Service pensions
8 Revenue Training of Assistant Commissioner and Extra Assistant Commissioners
9 Director of Land Records
10 Director of Agriculture
11 Extra Assistant Commissioners
12 Tehsildars and Naib Tehsildars
13 Tours of Revenue Officers
14 Tehsil Inspections
15 Patwaris
16 Patwari Surveys
17 Relation of Revenue Officers of the Survey Department
19 Kanungos
20 Village Headman
21 Zamindars and Lambardars
22 Harvest Inspections
23 Record of Rights
24 Agricultural Statistics
25 Territorial Transfers
26 Alluvian and diluvian
27 Partitions
28 Land Acquisition
29 Coercive Process
30 Suspension and Remissions
31 Land Revenue Accounts
32 Land improvement and agricultural loans
33 Court of wards
34 State Lands reserved from cultivation
35 State Lands devoted to extension of cultivation
36 Weekly telegraphic weather Health and crop reports
37 Rain gauges and snowfall
38 Forecasts of crops
39 Prices Current
40 Quinquenial wage census
41 Remission of land Revenue in connection with arboriculture
42 Natural Products
43 Gazetteers and village directories
44 General Rules as to Govt. Servants
45 Camp equipage
46 Correspondence
47 Libraries
48 Cancelled
49 Stationery
50 Indent of Forms
51 Periodical returns and reports
52 Business Returns
53 Land Revenue and annual confidential reports on the revenue work of revenue officers
55 Registrars
56 Treasuries
57 Cancelled
58 Troops
59 Governmental Litigation
60 Trade and Industry
61 Canals
62 Record rooms
63 Selected papers of interest
64 The attachment and sale of agricultural produce and land
65 The Nizarat
66 Records and dispatch procedure in English offices of Deputy Commissioners
67 Assessment of Commercial Crops
68 Procedural instructions

Hon'ble Revenue Minister

Hon’ble Minister-In-Charge, Department of Revenue, Rehabilitation and Disaster Management

  Sh.  Bram Shankar (Jimpa)

Special Chief Secretary, Department of Revenue, Rehabilitation and Disaster Management

Sh.  K A P Sinha, IAS

What's New

Regarding the simplification of the language used during the registration of property (Model Sale Deed Format)
Regarding Appointment of Tehsildar candidates in Registrar B2 dated 12-09-2023
Regarding Fee Remit (PIDB, SIC etc.)
Rechecking Result of Departmental Examination of N-Tehsildar
Hon'ble CM Punjab launched e-services i.e. Grievance Redressal ,E-stamping and Digital Execution of Documents, Home Delivery of copy of Jamabandi (Fard), Online recording of Khasra Girdawari (e-Girdawari), Linkage of phone and email with Jamabandi
The Punjab Abadi Deh (Record of Rights) Rules, 2021
Meeting regarding Departmental Promotion Committee (DPC) - stands postponed
The Registration (Punjab Amendment) Act. 2020
The Punjab Land Revenue (Amendment) Act. 2020
Resumption of Registration Work, dated 06-05-2020
Regarding Additional Stamp Duty
Notification dated 30-01-2019_regarding amendment in Schedule I-A of Central Act 2 of 1899 : The Indian Stamp (Punjab Amendment) Ordinance, 2019
Online Registration (NGDRS) is implemented in all Sub Registrar Offices of 22 Districts of State of Punjab