Business Returns
Original issue, dated 11th June, 1909.
1st reprint, dated 25th October, 1911.
2nd reprint, dated 27th July, 1921.
3rd reprint, dated 20th January, 1938.
4th reprint, dated 20th March, 1952
1. Quarterly business returns - The prescribed business statements are in the forms annexed I to V, and should be submitted by the Deputy Commissioner or Settlement Officer for each quarter of the years which begins from October 1st. Statement V will only be submitted when a special revision of records or general re-assessment is in progress, and statements I, II and III need not be submitted for the quarter ending 30th September.
2. Explanatory remarks, etc. - The quarterly returns should in every case be accompanied by a brief letter written upon half-margin, containing such additional explanations and details as may be necessary to enable the officer or officers to whom they are forwarded to appreciate fairly the work of the quarter under report. The work shown in the statements for the whole year will be noticed in the annual report.
3. Procedure in districts not under settlement is regard to statements I to IV and in districts under settlement in regard to statements I to III - When a district is not under settlement, the Deputy Commissioner will submit statements I to IV to the Commissioner. The fair copy of statement IV will be accompanied by the office copy. The Commissioner, after recording his remarks on both copies will forward statement IV to the Director of Land Records. The Director of Land Records, after recording his remarks, will retain the fair copy in his own office for record and will return the office copy through the Commissioner to the Deputy Commissioner. With the statement for each quarter the Deputy Commissioner will send to the Commissioner, for perusal and return, the office copy of statement IV for the previous quarter.
In the case of districts under settlement, the Deputy Commissioner will submit only statements I to III to the Commissioner of the division. Only the fair copy of statements I to III should be submitted to the Commissioner, who will send to the Deputy Commissioner a copy of his remarks on the statements.
4. Procedure in districts under settlement as regards statements IV and V - When a district is under settlement the Settlement Officer will submit statements I to V to the Commissioner. The fair and office copies of statements IV and V will be sent. The Commissioner will send a copy of his remarks on statements I to III to the Settlement Officer. After recording his remarks, the Commissioner will send both copies of statements IV and V to the Director of Land Records. The Director of Land Records, after recording his remarks will send both copies to the Financial Commissioner. The Financial Commissioner will record his remarks on both copies, and the fair copy will be retained for record in the Financial Commissioners’ office and the office copy will be returned through the Director of Land Records and the Commissioner to the Settlement Officer. In sending up statements IV and V for each quarter the Settlement Officer will forward to the Commissioner and Director of Land Records, for perusal and return, the office copy of statements IV and V for the previous quarter.
5. Miscellaneous business which does not fall under any of the descriptive headings in statement II must not be entered in the quarterly returns. Partition and Revenue Court cases, on which further action is deferred pending decision of suits filed in the Civil Courts should, for the purposes of these returns, be reckoned as decided. The files of cases in which further action is thus deferred should not be left in charge of the departmental clerks but should be sent to the Record Office. When, by the termination of proceedings in the Civil Court, either of the parties to a revenue case of the nature above referred to desires to revive proceedings, the file will, on application being made, be restored to the register of pending cases, and be reckoned in these returns as a new institution.
Showing the work done by each officer (Original cases only) for the quarter ending----19
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 |
No. | Name and rank of Officer | Days employed | Powers | Detail for each Officer | Civil and Criminal case disposed of by Revenue Officer | ||||||
As Civil Court | As Criminal Court | As Revenue Court | As Revenue Officer | Civil suits | Other Civil cases | Criminal cases | Total Civil Criminal work | ||||
For disposal/ Disposed of | |||||||||||
Total |
13 | 14 | 15 | 16 | 17 | 18 |
Revenue cases (including execution of decrees) | REMARKS | ||||
Revenue Court cases | Revenue Offices cases | Total Revenue Offices | Number of cases pending | Partition cases pending over more than a year and all other cases pending over more than 3 months | |
NOTE. (1) Repeat the detail given in column 8 for each officer. Then figures showing cases “disposed of” should be written in red ink.
Column 12 should give the total of columns 9, 10 and 11; column 15 the total of columns 13 and 14. The total of all cases entered in column 15 as (a) for disposed, and (b) disposed of should agree with the corresponding totals in statement II. Cases entirely decided at tehsils should be credited to the tehsil officers concerned. Case in which final orders are passed by a headquarters officers will be credited to him, even though the bulk of the proceedings may have taken place in the tehsil.
(2) Column 17. - Explanations should always be given as to the delay in disposing of cases pending for longer periods.
Classified list of cases in Revenue Courts or before Revenue Officers.
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 |
Class of cases | Sl. no | Description of case | Number of decision | Number decided | Number pending |
Revenue Court cases under the Punjab Tenancy Act, 1887 | 1. | First Group Suits for enhancement, reduction, abatement or determination of rent, under clauses (a), (b) and (c) of section 77(3). |
2. | Second Group Suits between landlord and tenant or any other suit arising out of the lease or conditions of any tenancy, under clauses (d) to (i) of Section 77(3). Suits under clauses (j) to (m) of section 77(3). |
4. | Third Group Suits under clause (n) of section 77(3) by a landlord for arrears of rent or the money equivalent of rent or for sums recoverable under section 14. |
5. | Suits by a landowner to recover sums due for the enjoyment of rights in or over land or in water or on account of land revenue or any other demand recoverable as such under clauses (o) and (p) of section 77(3). | ||||
6. | Execution of decrees of Revenue Courts. | ||||
Total Revenue Court cases .. | |||||
Revenue Officer’s cases under the Punjab Tenancy Act, 1887. | 7. | Cases felling under section 76(1), clauses a, b, c, e, f, p, h, i, k, l, m, and n. Total Revenue Officer’s cases.. |
Revenue Officer’s cases under the Punjab Tenancy Act, 1887 | |||||
9. |
Cases relating to:-- Zaildars and lambardars Patwaris and kanungos |
10. | Assessment by estates of land revenue or cesses and distribution of the same ... | ||||
11. | Suspension and remission of land revenue or cesses | ||||
12. | Special assessment of all kinds including alluvion, dilluvion and action of sand. Note:-In districts where there are many cases of any special class under section 59, Land Revenue Act, the Collector may order separate registers of this form to be kept for any class. In this event such classes will be shown separately here as 12(a), 12(b), and 12(c), otherwise all such cases will be amalgamated against 12. | ||||
13. | Collection processes | ||||
14. | Boundaries and survey marks | ||||
15. 15(a) |
Partitions Execution of partitions |
16. | Deposit of revenue | ||||
17. | Execution of orders of Civil, Criminal or Revenue Courts | ||||
18. | Application for division of produce | ||||
19. | Other cases under the Land Revenue Act Total Revenue Officer’s cases | ||||
20. | Cases relating to:-- Revenue assignments ... ... |
21. | Sale of lease of waste lands | ||||
22. | Taccavi | ||||
23. | Land acquisition | ||||
24. | Excise | ||||
25. | Stamps | ||||
26. | Forests | ||||
27. | Income-tax | ||||
28. | Treasury | ||||
29. | Alienation of Land Act including pre-emption decrees received from Civil Courts under section 27(1) of the Pre-emption Act (Punjab Act II, of 1905). | ||||
30. | Redemption of mortgages | ||||
Total Revenue Officer’s miscellaneous cases Gross total of Revenue Officer’s cases of all kinds Gross total of all cases in Revenue Courts or before Revenue Officers |
Column no.8 (i) Lambardars- As soon as a case is instituted it should be shown as pending in the court of the Revenue Assistant. If in consequence of a case being disputed it goes to the Collector, it should be shown as disposed of by the Revenue Assistant and pending with the Collector.
(ii) Sufedposhes and zaildars - Cases should be shown as pending with the Collector throughout.
Column no.9. Patwaris and kanungos - The following cases only should be shown under this head :-
(i) Appointments, whether temporary or permanent.
(ii) Suspension, dismissal, fines or retirement.
(iii) Rewards
(iv) Promotions
(v) Transfers
(vi) Leave granted by Revenue Assistant or Collector.
Column no.10 Assessment by estates of land revenue, etc. - Fluctuating assessment should be shown here and shown in the returns of the Collector only.
Column no.12. Special assessment, including alluvion and dilluvion. - These cases should be shown in the business returns of the assessing officer.(Tehsildar or Revenue Assistant).
Column no.13. Collection processes - All coercive processes should be shown in the tehsil business returns even when issued after reference to superior authority.
Column no. 15(a) -Execution of partition cases should be shown against serial no.15(a) and not against serial no.19,(other cases under the Land Revenue Act).
Column no.17 - Execution of orders of civil, criminal or revenue courts - Only the following orders of civil, criminal and revenue courts should be shown in this statement:-
Civil and revenue courts:--
(i) Warrants of attachment of immovable property.
(ii) Warrants of possession of immovable property.
(iii) Warrants of sale of immovable property.
(iv) Paupers applications.
(v) Mustajri.
(vi) Probate.
Criminal courts:--
(i ) Warrants of attachment and sale of immovable property under section 87/88 of the Criminal Procedure Code.
(ii) Warrants for recovery of fines.—
(a) Robkars, reminders, etc., should not be shown.
(b) All this work should appear in the business returns of the tehsil and not of the Collector.
(c) Certificates of recovery of land revenue and other demands for other districts should not be entered in the business returns.
Column no.19. - Other cases under the Land Revenue Act - Applications for changes in the entry of tribal designation and for sanction of sales effected by mutation under the Alienation of Land Act should not be shown under this head.
The appropriate head for such applications in serial no.29. Chaukidara and Rodkohi cases should be shown under this head.
Column no.29. The Alienation of Land Act - Sanction for sales effected through mutation should be included under this head as well as sanction granted on applications
Revenue appellate work
Name of officer | REVENUE JUDICIAL APPEALS | Pending more than three months | |||||
Office | Old cases | New institutions | Total decided | Transferred | Pending | ||
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 |
Old cases | New institutions | Total decided | Transferred. | Pending | Pending more than three months | |
9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 |
Maintenance of village records for the quarter ending________________
(1) This statement should be sent separately from the other quarterly returns, bearing a despatch number and date but with no covering docket.
(2) All remarks relating to the statement both of the Collector (or Settlement Officer) and of the Commissioner, should be written in the proper column.
(3) In the quarter ending 30th June, it should be expressly stated in the remarks column whether all the extra rabi abstracts have been filed or not, as the number of these will usually by less than the whole number of estates.
(4) Stage 2(d) of Part I. Note in the remarks column what steps are being taken for the disposal of these old cases.
(5) In Part II give complete figures for one tehsil before beginning another, and total columns 5, 7 and 8 for each tehsil.
(6) In column 8 of part II all pending cases in a tehsil should be shown in the tehsildar’s or naib-tehsildar’s circle, no pending cases being shown against extra naib-tehsildars.
No. |
Number of Patwaris/Field kanungos/Estates
Number of estates for which Jamabandis— (a) were prepared last year (b) have to be prepared this year |
Tehsil |
Tehsil |
Tehsil |
Tehsil |
Tehsil |
Tehsil |
Tehsil |
Total for district |
(a) Kharif crop abstract filed ...
(b) Rabi
(c) Extra rabi
(a) For period under Mutations report attested (b) Total to date
(c) Mutation written up by patwaris but not attested
(d) Unattested mutations in column 2(c) pending for two years or more.
(a) Jamabandis filed
(b) Jamabandis checked on the spot by field kanungos
(c) Jamabandis checked by field kanungos in the tehsil
(a) Jamabandis checked For period on the spot by tehsil under report (b) officers Total to date
(a) Number of tatima shajras checked on the spot by tehsil officers
(b) Number of fard bachh checked by tehsil officers
(c) Number of survey marks inspected by tehsil officers on the spot
Number of patwaris whose work was inspected under para 58 of standing order No.12 by tehsil officers.
(a) Number of estates in which girdawari was checked by tehsil officers.
(b) Number of fields girdawari of which was inspected by tehsil officers
(c) Number of estates in which girdawari was inspected by---
(i) Collector (ii) Assistant Collector, 1st grade.
Number of field kanungos whose work was inspected by
(a) Collector and his Assistants (paras 8.3 and 8.5 of Land Records Manual)
(b) Tehsil revenue officers (paras 8.3 and 8.5 of Land Records Manual)
Number of jamabandis attested on the spot by Collector or his Assistants
(a) Number of tehsils inspected by Collector and his Assistants
(b) Number of mutations checked by Collector or his Assistants at tehsil inspections
(a) Partition cases pending but not completed
(b) Partition cases pending for one year or more |
1 | 2 | 2A | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 |
Tehsil | *Tehsil officers by name and designation | Total number of days laid down by Commissioners for the corresponding months of the quarter under report during which the officer should have been on tour | DAYS ON TOUR | Mutations attested | Average pr day (Column 5 divided by column 3) | Mutations attested by Collector or his Assistant | Pen-ding in each circle | REMARKS | |
Total | Of which nights were spent from the tehsil | ||||||||
Total of columns 5, 7 and 8 for the district |
*Notes: 1. The number of days employed in the tehsil during the quarter should be entered under the names of the officer if he was not so employed throughout the quarter.
2. Column 2(a) of this statement should correspond with column 1 of form T-3 of standing order no.12 and column 3 should correspond with the totals of column 8 of column 8 of form T.4 of standing order No.12, for the corresponding months.
By the Deputy Commissioner | By the Commissioner | By the Director of Land Records and orders of the Financial Commissioners |
Deputy Commissioner’s Office
No. and date of despatch
Commissioner’s Officer
No.______________ dated__________
Deputy Commissioner
Average outturn per day per working chain infield number as well as in acres
Detail | Number of patwaris, district and settlement, engaged in re-measurement or map amendment | Total number of working days | TOTAL OUTTURN | AVERAGE OUTTURN PER DAY PER PATWARI IN COLUMN 2 | REMARKS | ||
KhasraNos. | Area in acres | Khasra Nos. | Area in acres | ||||
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 |
Re-measure-ment Map amend-ment |
Paragraphs 6 and 7. Cancelled
8. Return of kanungo and other candidates under training - Settlement Officers should submit half-yearly on the 1st January and 1st July of each year a statement in the form below showing the kanungo and other candidates under training:--
Half-yearly statement of candidates under settlement training
Serial No. | District from which deputed | Name with description | Authority for deputation | Date of joining the settlement | Date of leaving the settlement | REMARKS |
9. Maintenance of character books - In sending up the Revenue Business Returns for the quarter ending 31st March, Settlement Officers should state specifically whether –
(a) all information required for part II of the character books of their establishment has been obtained and recorded; and
(b) the other parts of the character books have been duly written up as required by paragraph 3.9 of the District Office Manual.
10. Revenue appellate work of Commissioners of divisions - Each Commissioner will submit to the Financial Commissioner half-yearly statements for the periods ending the 31st March and 30thSeptember, respectively, showing the revenue appellate work of his court. For this purpose statement no. XXX of the annual Land Revenue Administration Report, prescribed in standing order no.53, should be used after making the necessary amendments, in manuscript in the heading of the statement. These half-yearly statements should reach the Financial Commissioners’ Office by the 15th April and 15thOctober, respectively, addressed to their Clerk of Court.