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Where jagirdar’s shares has not been separated

Where jagirdar’s shares has not been separated.  If the paying revenue to the jagirdar are not separate, the assignment will lapse to Government, unless it can be shown to have been made by the jagirdar or his ancestor.  If this can be shown, the lapse will be to the jagirdar where he is in possession of his entire original holding, less any deduction made by way of commutation for service; but, if a share in the estate has accrued to Government by lapse or forfeiture, and the assessment in the resumed land is not less than Rs.5, the proceeds shall be divided between Government and the jagirdar in the rate of their shares, the jagirdar receiving the benefit of all fractional parts of a rupee, and of all lapses under Rs.5.

Hon'ble Revenue Minister


 Sh. Hardip Singh Mundian

 Hon’ble Minister-In-Charge, Department of Revenue, Rehabilitation and Disaster Management