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Title of the heirs of muafidar to receive the revenue payable in respect of any crops that may have been soon, or may be standing at the time of his deceased

The heirs of the muafidar are entitled to receive the revenue payable in respect of any crops that may have been sown, or may be standing, at the time of his decease.  To remove uncertainties in the operation of this rule, the following instructions are issued:

(a)  If the muafidar dies between the Ist October and the 31st May, the resumption shall take effect from the instalment of the following kharif.

(b)  If he dies between the Ist June and the 30th September, it shall take effect from the instalment of the following rabi.

Note; - This paragraph does not apply to ala lambardari, sufedposhi and zaildari inams paid by deduction from revenue.  These should be resumed from the date of the death of the inamdar, the proportionate sum due to him upto date being paid to his legal representatives.  The amount due to the deceased will be calculated for the period from the Ist of October preceding the inamdar’s death up to and inclusive of the date of his death, and will be the same fraction of the total annual value of the inam as that period is of the whole year.  The proportionate sum for the period from the day following the inamdar’s death upto the 30th of the following September, will be collected as fluctuating land revenue, and the full year’s value of the inam added to the rent roll for the following agricultural year, (vide paragraph 38 of this Standing Order, read with paragraph 1 of the Standing Order No.31).

“The sadar wasil baqi nawis will be held responsible for any excess payment made to the legal representative of a deceased inamdar as a result of wrong calculation.  With a view to enable the sadar wasil baqi nawis to calculate the correct amount of inam due, the date of death of an inamdar should be reported to him by the tehsil authorities as soon as possible.”

Hon'ble Revenue Minister


 Sh. Hardip Singh Mundian

 Hon’ble Minister-In-Charge, Department of Revenue, Rehabilitation and Disaster Management