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Submission of proposal for pensions or lapse of assignment; Punjab Government resolution no. 52,dated 17th April, 1894

Submission of proposals for pensions or lapse of assignment; Punjab Government resolution No. 52, dated 17th April, 1894.  The following rules relate to the submission of the proposals for pensions for the relatives of holders of lapsed grants: -

I.  Except in the case of pensions for women, no pension of less than Rs. 2 per mensem shall ordinarily be proposed. If the limit of the emoluments which may under these rules be proposed is less than Rs. 2 per mensem, and the case is one for special consideration a lump sum in commutation of pensionary provision may be proposed, calculated in accordance with the general rules for the commutation of pensions.

II.  Punjab Government notification no. 411, dated 22nd March, 1873, paragraph 11.  Proposals for the grant of non-service pensions shall be submitted in the following form: -

Statement of share held by the deceased holder of a revenue- free grant in________ district, and of the provisions proposed for relatives

1 2 3 4
Name of tehsil Name of village or villages, with hadbast no. or nos. Estimated cash value of original grant Register in which originally  reported, and number in register.


5 6 7 8 9 10
Aggregate amount previously lapsed or resumed Name Amount Name Age Pension proposed


11 12
Date of deceased and of proposed commencement of pension, and grounds of recommendations. Remarks of Commissioner

Notes 1.  If a share only of any village be held, the fraction representing that share, and, if only a plot of land, its area should be shown in column 2 under the name of the village.

2.  The name and share of the deceased should be entered in columns 6 and 7 in red ink.

3.  All the immediate heirs and their ages should be entered in columns 8 and 9, the amount of pensions being entered in column 10 against the names of those only for whom pension is proposed. Ages must be carefully ascertained.


III.  Punjab Government notification No. 411, dated 22nd March, 1873, paragraph 10; Value of the shares: how to be calculated.  In calculating the value of the share under the rules, any sum which was payable as commutation for service should be deducted, and where the pension to be granted would be the equivalent of the actual value of the share, an abatement of not less than 6, and not more than 8 percent should be made to cover the risk of seasons and expense of collection. In case of approved over assessment, the pension sanctioned may be subsequently reduced so as not to exceed a real equivalent.

IV  Punjab Government notification No. 411, dated 22nd March, 1873, paragraph 12; Date of commencement of such pensions.  A pension granted under these rules shall commence from 1st April if the heirs of the deceased assignee have in accordance with the rule laid down in paragraph 32  realized the revenue of the previous kharif harvest, and form the 1st October, if under the same rule, they have realized the revenue of the previous rabi.

V  It should in each case be stated:-

   (i)  if the jagir or other tenure was of long standing and the surviving members of the family are in reduced circumstances; and

   (ii)  if the deceased holder has done some good service to Government.

Hon'ble Revenue Minister


 Sh. Hardip Singh Mundian

 Hon’ble Minister-In-Charge, Department of Revenue, Rehabilitation and Disaster Management