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Settlement with heirs of deceased muafidars

Settlement with heirs of deceased muafidars.  Paragraphs 180-81 of the Settlement Manual deal with an assignee’s connection with the land and his right and the right of his heirs, to have a settlement made with them.  The existing instructions on the subject are contained in paragraphs 182-83 of the Settlement Manual.

These instructions permit of an assessment at favourable rates being made with the heir of a deceased muafidar.  As there stated, favourable assessments should rarely be adopted, and, if adopted, they will hold good for the life of the immediate heir of the late muafidar, or, if there be several immediate heirs, then for their joint lives unless it is specified that the share of each will lapse on his death.

Hon'ble Revenue Minister


 Sh. Hardip Singh Mundian

 Hon’ble Minister-In-Charge, Department of Revenue, Rehabilitation and Disaster Management