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Sanads for the grant of land revenue assignments are given by the Commissioner under the following rules:-

(i)  Grants of sanads - Grants held by the same party in one district and on the same tenure should be included in one deed grant.  Great care should be taken in entering the precise conditions of the grant, and, when a portion only of a large holding is to be continued to heirs, the nature and extent of the tenure should be clearly defined.           

(ii)  Punjab Government No.575, dated 27th August, 1870.  By whom to be authenticated -  The deed of grant should be signed and sealed by the Chief Secretary to Government, Punjab, on behalf of Government after scrutiny in the office of the Financial Commissioners.

(iii)  Form sanctioned in letter above quoted.  Terms of the grant.  The deed of grant for every assignment in perpetuity should state that the grant is to be held during the pleasure of Government, and is conditional on good conduct and loyalty.

(iv)  Prohibition of alienation.  The deed of grant should contain an express prohibition of alienation, and declare that the assignment will lapse to Government on the failure of male legitimate issue in the line of the original grantee.

(v)  Termination of Succession.  The limitation of the succession prescribed by rule 8 of the Punjab Pension and Revenue Assignment Rules, 1937, should be inserted in the deed of grant of assignments of land revenue granted in perpetuity after the 25th November, 1859.  In all cases limitation established by the terms of the grant should be specified.

(vi)  No sanad need be issued for inams to which the rules under the Punjab Land Revenue Act, 1887, apply.

Hon'ble Revenue Minister


 Sh. Hardip Singh Mundian

 Hon’ble Minister-In-Charge, Department of Revenue, Rehabilitation and Disaster Management