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Redemption of mortgaged lands


Punjab Government

Department of Rehabilitation


1. All the Deputy Commissioners in the State.

2. All the Sub Divisional Officers(c) in the State.

No. 19680-725/G-7 Dated Jalandhar the 3rd November 1973.

Sub: Redemption of mortgaged lands.


It has come to the notice of Government that mutations in respect of the evacuee lands mortgaged with locals have not so far been sanctioned by the Mahal authorities in favour of the Central Government and the local mortgagees are still in possession of these lands although according to Section 9(2) of the Evacuee Interest (Separation) Act, 1951, these lands stood automatically vested in the Custodian/Central Government after the expiry of 20 years or the period mentioned in the mortgage deed, which ever is less. It is, therefore, requested that the Tehsildar (Mahal)/Naib Tehsildar (Mahal) working under you, may, please be directed to get the mutations entered in favour of the Central Government and sanction the same, so as to enable the sales staff to dispose of these lands in accordance with the policy of Government.


Deputy Secretary to Govt. Punjab,

Rehabilitation Department.

Hon'ble Revenue Minister


 Sh. Hardip Singh Mundian

 Hon’ble Minister-In-Charge, Department of Revenue, Rehabilitation and Disaster Management