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Purchase of evacuee lands by the State Forest Department-Issue of Conveyance Deeds thereof.



All the Tehsildar (Sales) in the State

No.      21655-82/GVII/RIV-74/Reh(R), dated, Jullundur, the 21.4.1964.

Sub:     Purchase off evacuee lands by the State Forest Department- Issue of Conveyance Deeds thereof.


Continuation this Department Endst. No 53671-94/GVIII/RIV/74/Reh(R), dated 23/10/1963.

It has been represented by the Forest Department that conveyance deeds are not being issued to them for the lands transferred to them by the Central Government, throughout the State Rehabilitation Department. This practice is irregular, as the issue of mere sanction does not transfer the right, title or interest in the property to the transferee department. The following procedure should, therefore, be adopted in future.

(i) The conveyance deed on the prescribed form should be issued to the Forest Department on receipt of full price. It is for the Department concerned to have this deed registered-and to pay the registration fee., if levied.

(ii) Before issuing the conveyance deeds, you should again check up the titles in respect of the lands transferred from the original jamabandis and other revenue records.

(iii) In particular., it should be ensured that lands which have already been disposed of by this Department by allotment or sale are not included again in the subsequent conveyance deeds. In the case of joint khewats, you should also check up the compensation pool share ill the khasra numbers transferred and should record accurately such shares in the conveyance deeds.

(iv)In the lands transferred to the Forest Department., it has been observed that a large number of field numbers are abadi sites with houses constructed thereon. Before conveyance deeds are issued in respect of such fields., you should obtain consent of the Forest Department again that they  want to have the sites and they have satisfied themselves that no problems are likely to arise in  getting possession of such fields.

(v) Where mutations have already been made in favour of the Forest Department, conveyance deeds need not be issued.

  Deputy Secretary to Govt., Punjab,

Rehabilitation Deptt. Jullundur. Endst:

No.21683-90 /GVIII/RIV/74/Reh(R), dated 21/4/1964

A copy is forwarded to the Tehsildars (Mahal) Palwal Gurgaon, Thanesar, Karnal Gurdaspur, Ambala, Jagadhri, Naraingarh, Kharar, Ropar, Una, Garhshankar, Dasuya, Hoshiarpur & Ludhiana for information in continuation of this Department memo. No. 53656/GVIlI/RIV-74/Reh(R), dated 23.10.1963.

Deputy Secretary to Govt., Punjab,

Rehabilitation Deptt. Jullundur.

Hon'ble Revenue Minister


 Sh. Hardip Singh Mundian

 Hon’ble Minister-In-Charge, Department of Revenue, Rehabilitation and Disaster Management