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Punjab Government resolution no.488, dated 4th October 1884, as amended by Punjab Government no.28, dated 11th March 1899 - Submission of proposals for continuance of life assignments or pensions

Punjab Government resolution no.488, dated 4th October 1884, as amended by Punjab Government no.28, dated 11th March 1899 - Submission of proposals for continuance of life assignments or pensions - The following rules  apply to the submission of proposals for the continuance on personal grounds of land revenue assignments and political pensions originally granted for one or more lives:--

I.  The general rule is that pensions, jagirs and revenue-free holdings granted for one or more lives, lapse on the death of the grantee or holder last entitled; and, if it is proposed further to continue any portion thereof, special grounds must be shown, more particularly in the case of pensions.

II.  Proposals for the continuance of any part of revenue-free assignment on personal grounds should be made as soon as possible after the death of the holder. If not made within two years thereof, they will be rejected unless the delay is sufficiently explained.

III.  Such proposals should not be made unless—

      (1)  the family of the deceased holder is in destitute or greatly reduced circumstances; or
      (2)  the members of the family are unable to support themselves; or
      (3)  the deceased holder has rendered important public services of a special kind; or
     (4)  there are sufficient political reasons for exceptional liberality, because of the history, services or position of the family or its claims by reason of misfortunes beyond the control of the survivors upon the compassion of Government.

Hon'ble Revenue Minister


 Sh. Hardip Singh Mundian

 Hon’ble Minister-In-Charge, Department of Revenue, Rehabilitation and Disaster Management