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Punjab Government resolution no. 940- Final., dated 8th May, 1899

Punjab Government resolution no. 940- Finl. dated 8th May, 1899.  The following instructions apply to reports of the death of Indian military or civil pensioners, and of the marriage or re-marriage of females in receipt of family pensions:-

(i)  The deaths of pensioners and the marriage or re-marriage of females in receipt of family pensions residing in the estate must be entered by patwaris in their dairies—Cf., paragraph 3.81(5) of the Land Records Manual

(ii)  Patwaris are bounds to inform kanungos and other revenue officers when they visit the circle, of the deaths of such pensioners or of the marriage or re-marriage of females in receipt of family pensions residing in the estate—Cf., paragraph 291 of the Land Administration Manual and paragraph 3.16(3), Land Records Manual.

(iii)  It is also the duty of the village headman to report such occurrences to the tehsildar—Cf., Land Revenue rule 20(v)

Hon'ble Revenue Minister


 Sh. Hardip Singh Mundian

 Hon’ble Minister-In-Charge, Department of Revenue, Rehabilitation and Disaster Management