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Punjab Government letter no. 540 – R., dated 7th March, 1925, and Government of India, Department of Education, Health and Lands, letter no. 323, dated 11th June. 1925

Punjab Government letter no. 540– R., dated 7th March, 1925, and Government of India, Department of Education, Health and Lands, letter no. 323, dated 11th June. 1925.  (I)- On the lapse, by failure of male heirs, of any jagir, muafi, horsemen’s share or other revenue—free grant in perpetuity, Government will be prepared to consider applications for the grant of life pensions to the widow and daughters and other destitute relatives of the deceased who were dependent on him for support, amounting in the aggregate to not more than one-half the value of the lapsed grant, where such value exceeds Rs. 120 per annum; and, where the value of the lapsed grant does not exceed Rs. 120 per annum, to not more than Rs. 60, or the actual value of the lapsed grant if below this amount.

(II)  On the lapse of a life assignment, pensions not exceeding Rs. 60 per annum in the aggregate in any one case may be granted by Government to the destitute relatives of the deceased holder.

Hon'ble Revenue Minister


 Sh. Hardip Singh Mundian

 Hon’ble Minister-In-Charge, Department of Revenue, Rehabilitation and Disaster Management