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Procedure on discovery of unreported lapses

Procedure on discovery of unreported lapses. When an unreported lapse is discovered, the revenue wrongfully enjoyed should be recovered unless remitted by proper authority and the patwari and village headmen should be called to account for their neglect of duty.  Person giving information of concealed lapses should be suitably rewarded.

            It is not intended that any general inquiry should be made into the manner in which jagirs granted for more than one generation have been dealt within the past. But in future cases, Deputy Commissioners should be guided by the following remarks:-

            It is only just that recoveries should be made of erroneous payments; but although this should be the general rule, exceptions must be made where the persons liable are not entitled to participate in any grant, and are without the means of making the payments due from them; and, in other cases, where the recovery of the whole sum would cause undue hardship. In the latter class of cases, the length of time during which the recipients have enjoyed a grant without title thereto and the circumstances under which the error occurred, should be taken into consideration. If the error was solely that of Government of its officers, and  the grant had been wrongly continued for many years, the recovery of a part only of the sum due might usually be sufficient. Each case of recovery should be dealt with on its merits with reference to these remarks.

Hon'ble Revenue Minister


 Sh. Hardip Singh Mundian

 Hon’ble Minister-In-Charge, Department of Revenue, Rehabilitation and Disaster Management