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Press Note - Transfer of Rural Evacuee Land in Punjab


                                                                                    Press Note

Transfer of Rural Evacuee Land in Punjab

The government of Punjab had announced the latest policy on January 24, 1994, which pertains to the transfer of rural evacuee land to its unauthorized occupants on the basis of their continuous cultivating possession since Kharif, 92 upto a maximum of 3 Ordinary Acres if the land is situated beyond 2 miles, but upto 5 miles, from the limits of Municipal Committee, Municipal Corporation, Notified Area Committee / Town Area Committee and upto a maximum of 5 ordinary acres when situated beyond 5 miles of the aforesaid limits, inclusive of an occupant’s own holding, if any, under the terms and conditions as laid down in the Punjab Package Deal Properties (Disposal) Rules 1976. Applications from such eligible unauthorized occupants were invited by June 10, 1994 through a Press Note issued on March 10, 1994.

The Government have now re-considered the matter and keeping in view the fact that certain unauthorized eligible occupants could not submit their applications within the stipulated time to the respective Tehsildar (Mahal)-cum-Sales and therefore, it has been decided to extend the date from June 10, 1994 to August 12, 1994. The terms and conditions for the transfer of land shall remain the same.

Eligible occupants of rural evacuee land are therefore, advised to submit their applications in the prescribed form to the Tehsildar (Mahal)-cum-Sales of their respective tehsils latest by August 12, 1994. Application forms can be obtained from the tehsil offices, free of cost. Time barred applications shall not be entertained/considered.


Dated, Chandigarh Financial Commissioner Revenue

The 6th July, 1994. and Rehabilitation Punjab.

Hon'ble Revenue Minister


 Sh. Hardip Singh Mundian

 Hon’ble Minister-In-Charge, Department of Revenue, Rehabilitation and Disaster Management