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Press Note- Disposal of surplus rural evacuee agricultural land on the basis of possession since Rabi 1984



Punjab Government Department of Revenue & Rehabilitation.(Rehabilitation Wing)


                                                                    Press Note

Sub:     Transfer of Rural Evacuee Lands to SC occupants on the basis of possession since Rabi 1982


1.         The State Government in the Revenue and Rehabilitation Department has decided to transfer rural Package Deal Land to its occupants belonging to the members of Scheduled Castes, on the basis of possession, at the concessional rate of Rs.200/-per ordinary acre for all types of lands to the extent indicated below inclusive of their own holding, if any :­


{a)       Land situated beyond 2 miles and within 5 miles of the Municipal limit,….3 ord. Acre

           (b)         Land situated beyond 5 miles of the Municipal limit.,…..5 ord. acres.


However, land situated within urban limit or within 2 miles beyond the, Municipal limits is not transferable.

­Provided :

(1)        He is head of his family.


{2)       The cultivating possession of an occupant should be undisputed     and established to be continuous from the entries in the khasra girdawari from Rabi, 1982 onwards.

(3)        The cultivating possession shall be determined strictly on the basis of the entries appearing in the khasra girdawari. Doubtful and tampered with entries of khasra girdawaris shall be ignored. Similarly, corrections of the Khasra Girdawaris secured after 27-3-1985 shall not be taken into consideration.


{4)         Besides the price, the occupant shall be liable to pay damage charges for use and occupation of the land in his occupation from the date of possession till the date of transfer. These damages shall be payable in lump-sum or in such number of instalments  as may be fixed under specific orders made by the SDO (C)-cum-Sales Commissioner keeping in view of the circumstances of each case and the number of instalments  so fixed will not exceed the number of instalments  in which price of land is to be recovered.


(5)        An occupant's own holding ‘includes’: (i) the land owned by any person, his wife and his dependent children but does not include his wife's or his dependent children's share in the holding of his living father or relation to which anyone of them may succeed as legal heir or reversioner, (ii) any nazool or inferior evacuee agricultural land purchased from the Revenue Department or any other source, on instalments  basis or otherwise by the occupant of surplus rural evacuee agricultural land, his wife or dependent children even if it has not been fully paid for.


2.         The following occupants will not be eligible apply for transfer :­

           (i)          a minor or such women whose husband is alive but is not disabled or in­ capacitated.


(ii)        an allottee or his vendee whose allotment has been canceled; and


(iii)       who has already purchased surplus rural evacuee agricultural land on the basis of possession or in restricted auction and has disposed of the same or has ceased to be entitled to hold the land by reasons of default in the terms and conditions of the transfer or sale.


3.         The occupants who consider themselves eligible to the transfer of the land occupied by them in terms of the above conditions should submit the applications in the prescribed form to the concerned Tehsildar (Mahal)-cum(Sales) latest by 28th June, 1985. Forms can be obtained from the Tehsil Office, free of cost. The application applications received after the stipulated date shall not be entertained. The land found excess with any occupant as a result of transfer of land under this Press Note will be disposed of under the provisions of the Punjab Package Deal Properties (Disposal) Act, 1976 and the rules framed there under, in restricted auction amongst the members of Scheduled Castes, who are landless and dependent upon agriculture.


            Revenue & Rehabilitation

Department Punjab

Dated, Chandigarh the 27th March, 1985.

Hon'ble Revenue Minister


 Sh. Hardip Singh Mundian

 Hon’ble Minister-In-Charge, Department of Revenue, Rehabilitation and Disaster Management