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Press Note – Allotment of Evacuee Land/Urban Plot to Widows of Soldiers etc


                                                                             PRESS NOTE


Dated Jullundur, the 28th November, 1975.

Sub : Allotment of Evacuee Land / Urban Plot to Widows of Soldiers etc

1. Punjab Government have decided to transfer, free of cost, plots, out of urbanevacuee land/urban packaged deal land/land in the Rehabilitation Colonies, including Model , to the widows of personnel of Armed Forces, BSF and PAP killed in action in 1971 Indo-Pak War-subject to the following terms and conditions :­

(A) Regarding plots/House sites in Urban Areas:

(1) The deceased husband did not own any residential plot/house of his own, in any urban town in India.

(2) The widow does not own a plot or a house of her own, in an urban town, nor she has been allotted one under any other scheme in any urban town in India.

(An affidavit to this effect, duly attested by a Magistrate Ist Class, shall be required to be produced by the widow, alongwith her application. In addition, she shall also be required to produce a certificate from the District Soldiers', Sailors' and Airmen's' Board/Military Authority concerned, that her husband actually died in action, in the Indo- Pak War of 1971.

(3) (a) The widow of Commissioned Officer will be eligible for allotment of a plot/house site, measuring 500 square yards, in an urban area, subject to availability of adequate number of plots in particular town/district.

(b) Widow of a non-commissioned armed personnel/BSF/PAP will be eligible for a plot/house site, measuring 250 square yards, in an urban area.

(4) The transferee shall not be permitted to sell/ transfer the plot, so allotted, for a period of 10 years from the date of taking possession of the plot.

(B) Regarding Rural Agricultural Land in Rural area :

(1) The War widows will be entitled to an allotment of 10 ordinary acres of agricultural land inclusive of her own holding or the land in the name of her deceased husband/dependent children, if any, at the rate of Rs. 450/- per standard acre ;

(2) 5 per cent of the price will be payable as earnest money and the remaining 95 per cent will be recovered in 19 half-yearly interest-free equated instalments . First installment will become due at the end of the first harvest after the expiry of one year from the date of allotment.

(3) If the allottee does not deposit 5 per cent amount as earnest money, the allotment shall be cancelled ;

(4) If the allottee fails to deposit 2 instalments consecutively, the allotment shall be liable to be cancelled.

(5) The sale certificate shall be issued in favour of the allottee after the payment of the last installment.

2. The War widows will have the option either to have residential plot/house site, in an urban area or rural agricultural land to the extent of 10 ordinary acres, according to their option. She shall have to furnish an affidavit alongwith the application to the effect that she had submitted an application only for urban/rural area ( as the case may be ).

3. The widows, considering themselves eligible for the allotment of plots in urban, areas or for rural agricultural land, are advised to submit their applications, duly supported by affidavits/certificates to the Deputy Secretary, Rehabilitation, Punjab, 705-Model Town, Jullundur, within a period of two months from the date of release of this Press Note.

Issued by the State Rehabilitation Department Punjab

Hon'ble Revenue Minister


 Sh. Hardip Singh Mundian

 Hon’ble Minister-In-Charge, Department of Revenue, Rehabilitation and Disaster Management