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Policy regarding disposal of surplus rural evacuee and inferior evacuee land by transfer on the basis of continuous cultivating possession to its unauthorized occupants


Government of Punjab Department of Revenue and Rehabilitation (Land Revenue Branch)



All the Deputy Commissioners,

In the State of Punjab.


Memo No. 3/3/97-LR-3/2857 Chandigarh, dated the 17/4/1997


Sub :    Policy regarding disposal of Surplus Rural Evacuee and Inferior Evacuee land by transfer on the basis of continuous cultivating possession to its unauthorized occupants- wef Kharif 1994


To facilitate disposal of surplus rural evacuee land and inferior evacuee land which remained un-transferred under the policy guidelines issued vide No. 3/1/84­ LR-3/8834, dated 24/12/93, and Memo No. P-IV/2(505)Part-VII/1007, dated 10/3/94, the State Government have reconsidered the matter and it has been decided to modify the policy in order to give relief to the present unauthorized occupants and transfer the lands to them on easy terms and conditions. The modified policy is as under :


Evacuee/inferior evacuee

(i)         Both types of land i.e. Inferior Evacuee land and Surplus Rural Evacuee land may be considered as Rural Evacuee Land.


Possession wef Kharif 1994

(ii)        The determining crop of possession for the purpose of transfer of rural evacuee land to its unauthorized occupants be revised onward from the present crop Kharif 1989 and Kharif 1992 to Kharif 1994.


Last date for applications

(iii)       Fresh applications be invited from the eligible unauthorized occupants by issuing a press note and they may submit their applications to the concerned Tehsildar, Mahal-cum-Sales upto 31st May, 1997. The applications so received shall be finalized by the respective Sub Divisional Officer (Civil).


Maximum area that can be transferred

(iv)       Maximum are upto 3 ordinary acres if the land is situated beyond 2 miles but upto 5 miles from the limit of Municipal Corporation / Municipal Committee / Town Area Committee/Notified Area Committee and upto a maximum of 10 ordinary acres when situated beyond 5 miles of the aforesaid limits inclusive of an occupant's own holding if any, may be transferred.



(v)        The price of the land may be charged @ Rs. 7000/- per acre from the general category and Rs.6000/- per acre from the Scheduled Castes and Backward Classes for all kinds of lands.



(vi)       The price of the land will be recoverable in lump sum within 6 months from the date of transfer of the land.


Damage charges

(vii)      The rate of rent chargeable from the unauthorized occupants will be Rs.250/- per acre per harvest and will be recoverable from Kharif 1994 onwards (inclusive).


Other instructions

(viii)      The other condition as laid down in Rule 3 of the Punjab Package Deal Property (Disposal) Rules, 1976 shall remain applicable to these categories of occupants and instructions issued vide memo No. P­IV/2(505)Part-VII/1007, dated 10/3/1994. So far as the inferior evacuee land is concerned the other conditions as laid down in instructions issued by the Government vide Memo No. 3/1/84/LR-3/8834, dated 24/12/1993 will remain applicable.


Joint Secretary (Revenue)

Hon'ble Revenue Minister


 Sh. Hardip Singh Mundian

 Hon’ble Minister-In-Charge, Department of Revenue, Rehabilitation and Disaster Management