All the Tehsildars (S)-cum-M.O./Naib Tehsildars (S)-cum-M.O. in the State.
No. RD(770)/Part-IY /U-I/16700-17, dated Jullundur, the 31st August, 1979.
Subject: Policy with regard to the disposal of urban evacuee/package deal land/properties taken by the State Government from the Government of India transfer of urban houses in possession of rural land ai1ottees.
Memorandum :
Continuation this Department Memo. No. RD(770) Part-IV /U-I/ 6648-55, dated August 30, 1979, on the subject cited above.
2. Urban evacuee houses and taurs in possession of rural land allottees who have not been allotted any rural house/taurs as appurtenant to their allotments or have not received any grants in lieu thereof may be transferred to them in terms of the instructions issued vide Memo No 134(P-IV)-G-II/26141-55, dated November, 9, 1970 (copy enclosed).
3. The disposal of pending applications, if any, should be taken in hand forthwith. If any application is received now, it should be submitted to the undersigned through the Settlement Officer (Urban) for orders regarding its entertainment, as has been provided in para 3 of the instructions issued,-vide Memorandum dated August 30, 1979, in respect of occupants of urban evacuee property .
Deputy Secretary (Rehabilitation)