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Paragraph 821 of Punjab Land Administration Manual.

Carriage and supplies for troops. The rules for the provisions of carriage and supplies to troops on the march will be found in Financial Commissioners Standing Order  No. 58 . IN carrying them out a good deal of care and tact is required to ensure on the one hand that nothing taken without payment and on the other that the reasonable requirements of regiments are met. It is important that civil official should be the medium of communication between officers commanding troops on the march and the country people, No definite rule on the subject can be laid down; but Deputy Commissioners must invariably accredit to the commanding officer an official of sufficient standing powers and intelligence to accompany troops on the march or if the number of the troops is small to be present at each encamping ground on their arrival and departure. When the detachment or force on the march consist of European troops, an English –speaking official should, if possible be sent.( Punjab Government circular No. 12-1724, dated 31st July, 1883). Grass cutters of regiments on the march should on arrival at encamping –grounds be directed to best places for cutting grass. Private property must be respected but there is usually abundance of grass on the sides of the roads and other public places. (Punjab Government Circular No. 22-657, dated 28th March 1870.)

Hon'ble Revenue Minister


 Sh. Hardip Singh Mundian

 Hon’ble Minister-In-Charge, Department of Revenue, Rehabilitation and Disaster Management