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Para 819 of Punjab Land Administration Manual refer.

819.  Prices-The deputy Commissioner of the following districts report on 1st and 15th of each month of wholesale prices of the principal food-grain prevailing at the markets and noted against each:-

Gurgaon Palwal
Ambala Jagadhri
Jullundur Jullundur
Ludhiana Ludhiana
Ferozepore Ferozepore
Lahore Lahore
Amritsar Amritsar
Gurdaspur Gurdaspur
Sialkot Sailkot
Shahpur Sargodha
Jhelum Jhelum
Rawalpindi Rawalpindi
Attock Campbellpur
Montgomery Montgomery
Lyallpur Lyallpur
Multan Multan

This prices of the different crops obtaining in each assessment circle at harvest time are entered in the crop abstracts in the circle note-book in accordance with reports received from district kanugos. A register of the retail price at headquarters of the same crops and of salt and firewood is kept up by the district Kanungo. The prices recorded are those current on the fifteenth and the last day of each month . From the register a return showing the retail prices of some of the chief staples and of slat and firewood is compiled and sent to the Director of Land Records on the 1st and 16th of each month. An officer not below the rank of Extra Assistant Commissioner, either the Treasury officer or some other member of the staff whose work ordinarily keeps him  at headquarters, should be made responsible for checking the figures of retail and wholesale prices in the returns , and each price current should bear his attestation (Government of India Revenue Department , No. 6-150, dated 20th March, 1872). Through the prices recorded are only those of particular  days , it is his duty to keep himself  informed from day to day of all variations in the market.

In districts where there is a Cantonment the same officer should be made responsible for the preparation of the monthly lists of bazar prices furnished to the Indian Army service Crops.

Their accuracy is a matter of great importance , as they may be used as the authority for the payment to Indian troops of compensation for dearness provisions. (For detailed instructions as to price lists see Financial Commissioner’s Standing Order. No. 39. ) A copy of the military bazar prices current is sent monthly to the Director  of Land records for scrutiny.

The industrial surveyors working under the control of the Director of Industries , Punjab , will also check the records of retail prices at  the head quarters of districts once a month. They will report the result of their check to the tahsildar and will not give any directions to the revenue staff, whose responsibility will remain unimpaired.

Hon'ble Revenue Minister


 Sh. Hardip Singh Mundian

 Hon’ble Minister-In-Charge, Department of Revenue, Rehabilitation and Disaster Management