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Jagirs governed by the Punjab Jagirs Act, 1941

(1)  The jagirs to which the provisions of the Punjab Jagirs Act, 1941,  apply are detailed in the Punjab Land Administration Acts, volume II.  The history of the legislation in this regard is given in paragraphs 140 to 159 of the Land Administration Manual.

(2)  Succession:  The Deputy Commissioner should, as soon as may be , report the death of an assignee governed by the Act to Government through the Commissioner with proposals for the appointment of a successor.  The report should inter alia, state the present value of the assignment, the areas assigned, names of the various members of the family, and the maintenance allowances, if any, proposed for them.

(3)  Financial Commissioner’s letter no.3198-(R)., dated the 18th September, 1933. Principles to be observed in fixing maintenance allowances out of the assignment.  The main object of the Punjab Jagirs Act, 1941, is to maintain the importance of the family through the principles of primogeniture and impartibility, an object which the granting of allowances should not be permitted to defeat.  The following principles should be borne in mind when making recommendations:-

(i)  Government can under section 8(b) of the Punjab Jagirs Act, 1941, provide suitable maintenance for the widow or widows (if any), and other members of the family of any previous holder of the assignment.  The direct descendant of any previous holder is included in the term “member of the family”.

(ii)  Government have full discretion in the matter of allowances and the exercise of its powers must depend on the circumstances of each case which include, inter alia, the allowances already in existence.  As a general rule, and subject to principle  No. (v) below, no allowance should be made to a member of the family who is not in need of it, having due regard to the standard of living which he may be expected to maintain.

(iii)  No hard and fast rules can be laid down in regard to adults, in particular where previous practice is in their favour.

(iv)  As a general rule, subject of course to exceptions, there should be good reasons for stopping or reducing on a new succession, allowances already in existence.  A ground for reduction, which would, however, require careful consideration, might be the fact that  a new succession involved additional allowances constituting serious encroachment on the total value of the jagir, if existing ones were maintained at their full amount.

(v)  Government would be reluctant to intervene where family arrangement are proposed and are not clearly unsuitable.

Hon'ble Revenue Minister


 Sh. Hardip Singh Mundian

 Hon’ble Minister-In-Charge, Department of Revenue, Rehabilitation and Disaster Management