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Interpretation of the orders of release

The Collector is competent to decide all questions concerned with the interpretation of orders of assignment of land revenue, provided that his decision does not involve the grant of a fresh assignment, the continuance of an expired grant, the resumption of a  grant of which the term has not yet expired or the settlement of any question of succession or lapse that he has been forbidden to make.  It is, therefore, for the Collector to decide whether an assignment is of fixed amount, or is liable to variation as the result of reassessment, and whether lapsed muafis in shared villages accrue to the jagirdar or not.  In these or similar cases, the Collector’s  action is of course, subject to appeal. In case of importance in which there is a reasonable doubt regarding the proper interpretation, the Collector should seek the orders of higher authority.*

Hon'ble Revenue Minister


 Sh. Hardip Singh Mundian

 Hon’ble Minister-In-Charge, Department of Revenue, Rehabilitation and Disaster Management