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Instructions for submission of returns

Instructions for submission of returns - A yearly return in the form below showing the settlement of lapsed and resumed assignments will be submitted by Collectors to Commissioners on the 15th April, each year.  The district statements should be forwarded so as to reach the Financial Commissioner by the first May.  The district return will include all assignments, including inams of which the lapse has come to notice during the preceding year and the resumption of which will effect the fixed land revenue roll of the following agricultural year.  The total of column 9 will, after sanction by the Financial Commissioner, appear as an  “addition” in the fixed revenue roll submitted in October.  And the harvests for which the new assessment will have to be paid in each case previous to its incorporation in the fixed revenue roll (column 13) will end in every instance with the rabi preceding the agricultural year to the fixed revenue roll of which the new assessment will be added.

The amounts shown in column 13 will be collected as fluctuating land revenue.  The total of column 13 will agree with the total of the monthly entries in the running register (Standing Order No. 31, paragraph 29) made by the tehsil wasil baqi nawis and initialled by the tehsildar or naib-tehsildar.  The demand shown in column 7 of tauzi form A, opposite side-head 10, will not, however, agree with the total of column 13 of the resumption statement as all demands on account of muafis, etc., resumed from the Ist April, to the 30th September will, as orders are passed by the Deputy Commissioner, be included in column 6 of the register; and, therefore, in column 7 of tauzi form A, opposite side-head 10 (vide foot-note (c) to the form), but these demands will not be shown in the resumption statement till the next year.  The office copy of the statement should remain with the sadar wasil baqi nawis in order to enable him to check collections.

Statement of lapsed and resumed jagirs and muafis in
the____________district______________for the year ending the 31st March, 19


1 2 3 4 5
No. Estate in which lapse or resumption occurred. Estate of lapse or resumption, whether whole or part of village or muafi plot Name of muafidar Date of muafidar’s decease or other event entailing lapse or resumption of the holding.


6 7 8 9 10
Harvest or date from which resumption is to take effect, with year Area in acres Proposed demand from resumed or lapsed lands Net Government demand to be shown in the revenue roll for the year 193.......19.... Last total khalsa assessment of estate in which lapse has occurred.


11 12 13 14 15
Pro-posed total khalsa assess-ment of estate Amount to be deducted from service commutation in consequence of this lapse or resumption Harvest from which assessment will have to be paid previous to its incorporation in the fixed revenue roll, and amounts due on account of each harvest. Amounts to be remitted for past harvest on account of service commutation with details by harvests REMARKS

Column 6.—In the case of jagirs and muafis, the entries will be by harvests, e.g rabi 19____or kharif  19____ ( as the case may be); while in the case of inams, this column will show the date immediately following  the date of the inamdar’s decease; and it should be borne in mind, that, in the former case, the assignee or his heir is entitled to take the crop sown  or growing at the time of assumption; and in the latter case the inamdar’s heir is entitled to take the proportionate sum, as defined in the note to paragraph 32 of this Standing Order.

Column 8.—The demand shown in this column should be that assessed by the Settlement Officer unless there is some special reason to the contrary.  If such reason exists, it should be noted in the remarks column.

Column 9.—It will ordinarily be the same as column, 8; where they differ, explanation of the cause should be shown in the column  of remarks.  In columns 8 and 9 annas and pies will not be shown.  Fractions of a rupee not exceeding 8 annas will be omitted.  Fractions exceeding 8 annas will be shown as 1 rupee, provided that, if the assignment that has left false short of rupee, no addition should be made to the demand upon the estate of which it forms part.

Columns 9 and 10.—Should make up the total jama entered in column 11.

Column 13 and 14.—The amounts in these columns should be the actual amount to be collected or remitted, as the case may be, and should not be expressed in round figures of rupee only.

Hon'ble Revenue Minister


 Sh. Hardip Singh Mundian

 Hon’ble Minister-In-Charge, Department of Revenue, Rehabilitation and Disaster Management