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Information to be given in the case of proposals made to continue part of a life jagir or political pension, or to grant pensions to the families of deceased jagirdars. Punjab Government resolution No. 488, dated 4th October, 1884, as amended by Punjab G

Information to be given in the case of proposals made to continue part of a life jagir or political pension, or to grant pensions to the families of deceased jagirdars.  Punjab Government resolution No. 488, dated 4th October, 1884, as amended by Punjab Government no.28, dated 11th March, 1899. In the case of proposals made to continue part of a life jagir or political pension or to grant pensions to the families of deceased jagirdars, this form should be accompanied by a pedigree-table of the family, and the following questions should be answered:-

(1)  What heirs or other relatives who depended upon him for support have been left by the deceased grantee or pensioner ?

(2)  What are the means of each one of these persons ?

(3)  Are any of them, by reason of tender years, sex or any infirmity, unable to earn their livelihood ?

(4)  Had the deceased any special claim on Government for good services rendered which still calls for recognition ?  If so, by what precedent is any proposal for the continuance of any portion of the emolument supported ?

(5)  Is the land owned or cultivated by the muafidar ?

(6)  With effect from what date is sanction solicited ?

Hon'ble Revenue Minister


 Sh. Hardip Singh Mundian

 Hon’ble Minister-In-Charge, Department of Revenue, Rehabilitation and Disaster Management