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Grant of cash pensions to the destitute relatives of a deceased holder of a special jagir; Punjab Government letter no. 2687-R., dated 10th October, 1935

Grant of cash pensions of the destitute relatives of a deceased holder of a special jagir; Punjab Government letter no. 2687-R., dated 10th October, 1935.    In exceptional cases, where a special jagir granted for two lives has been enjoyed for one life only and the jagirdar dies sonless, a sum not exceeding Rs. 60 per annum in the aggregate in any one case, may be granted by Government to the destitute widows or unmarried daughters or both, of the deceased till death or (for widow) till re-marriage, or (for daughters) till marriage.

Hon'ble Revenue Minister


 Sh. Hardip Singh Mundian

 Hon’ble Minister-In-Charge, Department of Revenue, Rehabilitation and Disaster Management