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Government of India No.778-243-2, dated the 24th September, 1918, and section 10 of the Pensions Act, XXIII of 1871

overnment of India No.778-243-2, dated the 24th September, 1918, and section 10 of the Pensions Act, XXIII of 1871 - Government may in suitable cases sanction the commutation, at 25 years purchase, of hereditary jagirs, in the Punjab not exceeding Rs.5 a month or Rs.60 per annum, provided the holder freely consents.

On receiving an application in any such case the Deputy Commissioner should after verification of all relevant facts refer the case to the Financial Commissioner, through the Commissioner, on the following form :-

Bill for commutation of hereditary jagirs

1 2 3 4
Name, parentage, caste and residence of the applicant PARTICULARS OF THE JAGIR
Area of land, number of wells, etc., name of village Annual value of the grant Terms of the grant under existing orders


5 6 7 8
Is the applicant owner of the area assigned or not Age of the applicant Names of his heirs or reversioners as shown in the pedigree-table attached Amount of commutation money at 25 year’s purchase value


9 10 11
Date of harvest up to which the jagir has been paid Name of the treasury or sub-treasury at which payment is desired Recommendation

The form should be accompanied by an up-to–date copy of the pedigree-table showing the names of the various heirs or collateral’s to succeed on the demise of the holder.


Hon'ble Revenue Minister


 Sh. Hardip Singh Mundian

 Hon’ble Minister-In-Charge, Department of Revenue, Rehabilitation and Disaster Management