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Form of bills to be submitted for countersignature of Commissioner. ; Financial Commissioner’s notification no. 48, dated 9th January, 1873. Punjab Government no. 297, dated 16th April, 1908

Form of bills to be submitted for countersignature of Commissioner. ; Financial Commissioner’s notification no. 48, dated 9th January, 1873. Punjab Government no. 297, dated 16th April, 1908.   Bills for dowries granted under the above rules require the countersignature of the Commissioner , and should be in the following form :-

Bills for dowry to be paid to be paid to a female pensioner on her marriage

Name of applicant, whether a widow or unmarried PARTICULARS OF PENSION HELD
Relationship to person on whose demise the pension was granted Name of person on whose demise the pension was granted Recorded age of pensioner when pension was granted No. date of Government sanction Amount of pension per annum


Present age of pensioner To whom married Date of marriage Number of years’ pension allowed as dowry Amount of dowry

Hon'ble Revenue Minister


 Sh. Hardip Singh Mundian

 Hon’ble Minister-In-Charge, Department of Revenue, Rehabilitation and Disaster Management