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Filing of claims by non existent persons


Punjab Government Rehabilitation Department


1. All Tehsildars (Sales) in the State.

2. Naib Tehsildars (Sales) Patiala and Sangrur.

No.23886-96/G-7 dated Jalandhar the 19th October 1972.

Sub : Filing of claims for allotment of lands by non-existent persons.


It has come to the notice of Government that many claims are being revived for compensation on behalf of persons who are either non-existent or did not migrate from Pakistan to India. With a view to culminating this malpractice, instructions No. 21436-46/G-7, dated 22nd September 1972 followed by supplementary instructions No. 22100-11/G-7, dated 28th September 1972 were issued. However, after further consideration, it has been decided to supersede the above said instructions and to issue fresh instructions instead as follows :

(i)No application pertaining to a claim for allotment of land shall be processed unless it is presented by the claimant personally.

(ii)In case the application is presented through a counsel or an authorized Agent, the officer concerned shall fix a date for the presence of the actual claimant and record such evidence as he may consider necessary to satisfy himself about the genuineness of the claimant.

(iii)Where any application is presented on behalf of a dead claimant by some person(s) who claim to be his successor-in-interest, the provisions of Rule 86-A of the Displaced Person (Compensation & Rehabilitation) Rules 1955 must be complied with before proceeding with the case. It may be clarified that the Chief Settlement Commissioner mentioned in this Rule means the substantive Chief Settlement Commissioner appointed by the Central Government under the Displaced Persons (Compensation & Rehabilitation) Act 1954.

(iv)These instructions will exclusively apply to applications concerning claimants.

(v)Copies of judicial and quasi judicial orders shall continue to be issued as before on the applications of the parties concerned or their counsel.

Deputy Secretary (Reh) & Dy,. Chief

Settlement Commissioner for the State of Punjab

Hon'ble Revenue Minister


 Sh. Hardip Singh Mundian

 Hon’ble Minister-In-Charge, Department of Revenue, Rehabilitation and Disaster Management