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Disposal of urban evacuee land/properties by way of auction – Advertisements in press



Punjab Government Department of Rehabilitation


All the Deputy Commissioner in the State.


No. 2(505)PIV/1931-42 dated Chandigarh, the 17-2-1989.


Sub:     Disposal of Urban evacuee land/properties by way of auction – Advertisements in press



            The matter as to whether the notice of the intended sale of urban evacuee land/properties situated in the State should also be got published in the Daily Newspapers before putting any property to auction has been considered and it has been decided that, in future, every such notice of intended sale of urban evacuee land/property should invariably be got published in atleast two Daily Newspapers including one Punjabi paper having larger circulation in Punjab. It has further been decided that the publicity of the intended sale should also be got made in the entire town where the land/property to be auction is situated through loud-speakers instead of by beat of drum and a copy of such notice of sale got affixed at the Notice Boards of the Corporations, Municipal Committees, Town Area Committees, Small Town Area Committees, and Notified Area Committees, as the case may be. Necessary amendment of Rule 8 of the Punjab Package Deal Properties (Disposal) Rule, 1976, is being made separately.

These instructions should be brought to the notice of all the auctioning officers and its compliance made meticulously.


                                                                        Deputy Secretary (Rehabilitation)

Hon'ble Revenue Minister

Hon’ble Minister-In-Charge, Department of Revenue, Rehabilitation and Disaster Management

  Sh.  Bram Shankar (Jimpa)

Special Chief Secretary, Department of Revenue, Rehabilitation and Disaster Management

Sh.  K A P Sinha, IAS

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