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Disposal of surplus rural evacuee land on the basis of possession from Kharif 1992 to unathorized occupants.


Copy of letter Memo. No. PIV /2/505 Part- VIII/2852 date, the 8.7.1994 from Joint Secretary, for Financial Commissioner Revenue and Secretary to Govt. Punjab, Department of Revenue & Rehabilitation Chandigarh to all the Deputy Commissioner, in the State of Punjab.

Sub:Disposal of surplus Rural Evacuee land on the basis of possession from kharif, 1992, to unauthorized occupants.

This is in continuation of Memo. No. PIV/2(505}Part-VIII/1007, dated l0th March, 1994 on the subject cited.

2.t has been brought to the notice of the government that in the recent post some people had forcibly occupied the rural evacuee land by ousting the previous peaceful but unauthorized occupants thereof. Government have examined this problem from all dimensions and it has been decided that such persons who have forcibly captured the evacuee lands shall not be allowed to get such lands transferred under the current policy. Hence, it has been decided that every applicant who applies for the transfer of rural evacuee land on the basis of possession form kharif, 1992, shall also tender an affidavit, duly attested (specimen attached). The Tehsildar (Sales) shall satisfy himself about the correctness and genuineness of the contents of the application and affidavit submitted by ­the unauthorized occupants. If during the scrutiny of the application of on a complaint made by any person, it established the entries of Khasra Girdawari having been changed after Kharif, 1989 the Tehsildar (Sales) /Naib Tehsildar (Sales) will conduct an enquiry to find out the truth as the nature and cause of change of Khasra Girdawari, if it is proved that the previous occupant was ousted from the land forcibly or under duress, the Tehsildar (Sales) Naib Tehsildar (Sales), as the case may be shall refer it to the Sales Commissioner for decision who may decide it as he may deem fit under Sub-rule(3) (ii) of the Punjab Package Deal Properties (Disposal) Rule, 1976.

These instructions should be complied with meticulously and a monthly report sent to government by 7th of every month in the enclosed performs.

Hon'ble Revenue Minister


 Sh. Hardip Singh Mundian

 Hon’ble Minister-In-Charge, Department of Revenue, Rehabilitation and Disaster Management