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Disposal of surplus rural evacuee houses/sites and urban evacuee land Urban evacuee land to be sold after carving out plots of 300 m size


Punjab Government Department of Rehabilitation




All the Deputy Commissioners in the State.

No. PIV/2(505)Part VII/19789-801, dated Chandigarh, the 18th Dec, 1987

Sub:     Disposal of surplus rural evacuee houses/sites and urban evacuee land –Urban evacuee land to be sold after carving out plots of 300 m size


The State Government has revised the policy with regard to the disposal of surplus rural evacuee houses/sites and urban evacuee land. One of the decisions pertains to the revision of prices indicated in sub-rule (3) of Rule 5 of the Punjab Package Deal Properties (Disposal) Rules, 1976 and also the prices entered in the Registers Sikni. As per decision taken, the prices entered in the Register Sikni and also in the Rules ibid, have been enhanced by five times. It has also been decided that a taur of 10 Marlas upto the value of Rs. 1,000/- and a house upto the value of Rs. 1,000/-, which is transferred at a concessional price to the members of the Scheduled Castes and Backward Classes @ Rs. 10/- and Rs. 30/- respectively, under the extant policy will now be transferred to such persons at two times of the price as entered in the Register Sikni and where the registers are not available, the price should be assessed at two times the rate indicated in sub-rule (3) of Rule 5 of the Rules ibid. Necessary amendment in the Rules, is being carried out and will be intimated in due course. Till Rules are amended disposal of evacuee houses/taurs should not be started.


2.         Besides, it has also been decided that henceforth, the urban evacuee land other than what is required for public purposes is to be disposed of only by public auction after carving out residential plots of size not exceeding 300 sq. mtrs. subject to marginal adjustment, if any, and in case of commercial sites, after carving out a plot of more than 300 sq. mtrs., with the prior approval of the Financial Commissioners (Revenue) no transfers of urban evacuee land are to be made on the basis of possession except in the case of lessees/sub-lessees of urban agricultural lands who have been in cultivating possession on or prior to Ist January, 1956, if any. However, it is not likely that any such old case would still be pending. While conducting auctions, requirements of procedure should be carefully complied with so that subsequent litigation is minimized. The reserve price of all sub-urban and urban evacuee land will be fixed by Financial Commissioner (Revenue) hereafter on the recommendations of  the Collectors/Commissioners. Necessary amendment in the Punjab Package Deal Properties (Disposal) Rules, 1976 in order to make provision to this effect, is being carried out and will be intimated to you in due course. The work regarding disposal of urban evacuee land, be taken in hand immediately on receipt of further instructions alongwith a copy of the amended Rules.

3.         It is, however, made clear that no change in the existing policy for the disposal of urban evacuee properties i.e. houses, built-up plots etc. has been made and therefore, the disposal of such properties should continue to be made on a top priority basis.


Deputy Secretary (Reh)

For Financial Commissioner Revenue &

Secretary to Govt. Punjab,

Rehabilitation Department.

Hon'ble Revenue Minister


 Sh. Hardip Singh Mundian

 Hon’ble Minister-In-Charge, Department of Revenue, Rehabilitation and Disaster Management