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Disposal of surplus rural evacuee houses/sites and urban evacuee land


Punjab Government Department Of Rehabilitation


All the Deputy Commissioners in the State.

No. Endt. No. 2(505)Part-VII/9912-23/dated, Chandigarh, the 29th July 1988.

Sub:     Disposal of surplus rural evacuee houses/sites and urban evacuee land.



Reference this Department Memo. No. PIV/2(505)Part-VW19789-801, dated December 18, 1987, on the subject cited above.

2. In order to give a legal shape to the decisions take by the State Govt. and conveyed to you vide Memo. under reference, necessary amendment in the Punjab Package Deal Properties (Disposal) Rules, 1976, has been carried out vide notification dated June 22,1988 published in the Punjab Govt. Gazette on July 1, 1988, a copy of which is enclosed for ready reference. The reserve price of a property situated in a rural area as entered in the Register sikni, which was being taken into consideration for the purpose of transfer of such property, has now been revised to five times of the price and necessary amendment to this effect made in sub-rule (3) of Rules 5 of the Punjab Package Deal Properties (Disposal) Rules,. 1976. Similarly, the price of a property where it is not mentioned in the in the Sikni Register or the Sikni Register has been lost or destroyed, the reserve price of a built-up property or a site, the prescribed rates under sub-rule (3) of Rule 5 have also been enhanced to five times and necessary amendment made in this regard A taur upto 10 marlas upto the value of Rs. 1,000/- and a house upto the value of Rs. 1000/-as heretofore are transferred at a concessional price to the members of Scheduled Castes and Backward Classes @ Rs.10/- and Rs.30/- respectively, will now be transferred at the rate of 2/5th of the enhanced price. For example, if Rs. 100/- has been mentioned in the Register Sikni as the reserve price of a house or site, the reserve price shall now be Rs. 500/- of the said house/s for the purpose of transfer/auction and a Scheduled Castes or Backward Classes occupant shall now be eligible for the transfer of a built-up property or a site at 2/5th of the enhanced price i.e. Rs. 200/- instead of at Rs. 10/- & 30/- respectively on the same terms and conditions as already prescribed.

3. Carving out of plots of urban evacuee land: Urban evacuee land should now be sold by carving out plots of 300 Sq. Mtrs. subject to marginal adjustment, if any. In case of commercial sites, a plot of more than 300 Sq. Mtrs. can be carved out, but its disposal could only be made with the prior approval of Financial Commissioner (Revenue). The reserve price of such urban plots and un-built-up sites shall be fixed by the Financial Commissioner (Rev) as per amended Rules and for the purpose a self-contained note giving the sketch of each plot vis-a-vis the total area and the prevailing market price in respect of such type of plots in the surrounding vicinity clearly indicating the names of important industrial establishments & potential value of the land, average market price on the basis of transactions preceding one year in respect of such type of land sold in the locality be sent with clear, cut recommendations to the, Deputy Secretary (Rehabilitation) by name.

4.The work relating to the disposal of rural evacuee houses/sites and urban evacuee land should be taken up in hand immediately and these instructions may be followed meticulously.

5. The receipt of this communication may be acknowledged.

Under Secretary

for Financial Commissioner (Revenue) &

Secretary to Govt. Punjab

Rehabilitation Deptt. Chandigarh.


Hon'ble Revenue Minister


 Sh. Hardip Singh Mundian

 Hon’ble Minister-In-Charge, Department of Revenue, Rehabilitation and Disaster Management