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Disposal of surplus rural evacuee agricultural land.


Punjab Government Department of Rehabilitation




All the Deputy Commissioner in the State.


No. 2(505)Part-III/9706-17 dated Chandigarh, the 29 July, 1988.


Sub:     Disposal of surplus rural evacuee agricultural land- open auction of urban land.


            Reference this Department Memo No. PIV/2(505)Part-IIIJl1952-63 dated, December 18, 1987 on the subject cited above.


2.         Maximum area: The remaining rural evacuee land after disposing of the applications received by 30.6.1988 in the prescribed form from the sitting occupants for the transfer of land under their continuous cultivating possession since Rabi, 1984 and the land which is not required for allotment to the displaced persons in satisfaction of their claim, war widows and for sale by negotiation to the village Panchayats, Registered Religious Institutions etc. for public purpose shall be sold in auctions, as already mentions under para 16 of the instructions refused to above. 75% of the land available in a village after meeting with the demand of the above mentioned categories, will be sold in open auction and the remaining 25% in restricted auction amongst the members of Scheduled Castes and Backward Classes subject to other conditions already prescribed in the Punjab Package Deal Properties (Disposal) Act, 1976 and the rules framed thereunder. The maximum area that my be sold to any person, including the area, if any, already owned by him shall not exceed 5 standard acres or 10 ordinary acres, whichever may be less as provided under Section 4 of the Act ibid. For the purpose of auction, the reserve price earlier fixed by the Govt. in the year 1981 has also been enhanced and fixed at Rs. 20,000/- per acre in respect of the Chahi/Nehri land and the land irrigated by Tube-Wells and Rs. 10,000/-per acre in respect of un-irrigated land. All the auctions shall be subjected to the above reserve price Necessary amendment in the Punjab Package Deal Properties (Disposal) Rules, 1976 has been carried out vide Notification dated the 22nd June 1988 published in the Punjab, Govt, Gazette on July, 1988, a copy of which is being sent separately for record. The work with regard to the disposal of rural evacuee land by open and restricted auction, should be taken in hand immediately after the disposal of the applications received from the sitting occupants for the transfer of rural evacuee land. Where, however, land less than one acre only is available for disposal in a village that shall be sold in open auction.

3.         Sub urban lands : Lands, which are sub-urban or potential residential or commercial sites or under garden colonies shall be sold in open auction as provided under clause (ii) of sub rule-(2) or Rule 6 of the Punjab Package Deal Propertied (Disposal) Rules, 1976. The remaining sub-clauses of sub-rule (2) i.e. sub-clauses (i), (iii) & (iv) have been deleted. The definition for lands which are sub-urban for the purpose of sub-clause (ii) of sub-rule (2) Rule 6 of 7 the Punjab Package Deal Properties (Disposal) Rules, 1976 has already been defined vide order issued under Endst. No. 2(253)G-5/11000-174 dated 3.5.1979, according to which sub urban land which is situated within 3.2 Kilometres (2 Miles) of the limits of a Corporation or an 'A' Class Municipal Committee within 1.6 KMS (1 Mile) of a limits of 'B' Class Municipal Committee and within 0.8 Kilometre (1/2 Miles) of a  limits of a 'C' Class Municipal Committee, Notified Area Committee or Small Town Committee.


4.         These instructions should be complied with meticulously and its receipt may be acknowledged.


Deputy Secretary

for Financial Commissioner (Revenue) &

Secretary to Government of Punjab,

Rehabilitation Department.

Hon'ble Revenue Minister


 Sh. Hardip Singh Mundian

 Hon’ble Minister-In-Charge, Department of Revenue, Rehabilitation and Disaster Management