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Disaster Management 1


Letter No. Dated Subject Click to Download
2/20/2000-ER-II/5212 20-07-2001 Release of funds for relief on account of natural calamities – streamlining the working thereof. Click to download
4/10/2005-2DM1/10974-93 23-7-2010 Amendment in the instructions regarding the grant of relief under the Natural Calamity Relief Fund PDF iconClick to download (This document is in Punjabi language)
7/7/95-2 DM-1/1871-90 04-02-2011 Regarding grant of relief for the loss of crops due to water-logging. PDF iconClick to download
7/1/2011-2DM1/3481-3500 01-03-2011 Regarding the relief for livestock etc. PDF iconClick to download (This document is in Punjabi language)
11/95/11/5.DM.1/17097 16-09-2011 Regarding the sanctioning of funds for repair of roads damaged due to heavy rains at Jalandhar. PDF iconClick to download (This document is in Punjabi language)
OSD(lit)/09/13258 04-08-2011 Regarding the information under RTI Act, 2005 PDF iconClick to download (This document is in Punjabi language)
2/6/12-5DM1/2325-46 06-02-2012 Revision of Items and Norms of assistance from the State Disaster Response Fund(NDRF) for the period 2010-2015 PDF iconClick to download
11/27/12-5DM1/10995-11016 16-07-2012 Funds regarding the floods during the year 2012. PDF iconClick to download (This document is in Punjabi language)
11/27/12-5DM1/12171-93 30-07-2012 Funds regarding the floods during the year 2012. PDF iconClick to download (This document is in Punjabi language)
11/27/12-5DM1/16667-88 19-10-2012 Regarding the demand of funds and maintenance of Accounts under SDRF PDF iconClick to download (This document is in Punjabi language)
2/11/2011-2DM1/14975-76 18-09-2019

Natural Calamities-Assessment - of damage crops, houses, human lives, livestock and other property and Disbursement of gratuitous to the affected persons -- Consolidated draft of instructions with latest amendments

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2/12/2022-2DM1/15430 09-08-2023 Revised Items and Norms of assistance from the State Disaster Response Fund (SDRF) and the National Disaster Response Fund (NDRF) for the period 2022-23 to 2025-26. PDF iconClick to Download


24-08-2023 Revised Items and Norms of assistance from the State Disaster Response Fund (SDRF) and the National Disaster Response Fund (NDRF) for the period 2022-23 to 2025-26. PDF iconClick to Download

Hon'ble Revenue Minister






Hon’ble Minister-In-Charge, Department of Revenue, Rehabilitation and Disaster Management

Sh. Hardeep Singh Mundian

Special Chief Secretary, Department of Revenue, Rehabilitation and Disaster Management

Sh.  K A P Sinha, IAS

What's New

Regarding the simplification of the language used during the registration of property (Model Sale Deed Format)
Regarding Appointment of Tehsildar candidates in Registrar B2 dated 12-09-2023
Regarding Fee Remit (PIDB, SIC etc.)
Rechecking Result of Departmental Examination of N-Tehsildar
Hon'ble CM Punjab launched e-services i.e. Grievance Redressal ,E-stamping and Digital Execution of Documents, Home Delivery of copy of Jamabandi (Fard), Online recording of Khasra Girdawari (e-Girdawari), Linkage of phone and email with Jamabandi
The Punjab Abadi Deh (Record of Rights) Rules, 2021
Meeting regarding Departmental Promotion Committee (DPC) - stands postponed
The Registration (Punjab Amendment) Act. 2020
The Punjab Land Revenue (Amendment) Act. 2020
Resumption of Registration Work, dated 06-05-2020
Regarding Additional Stamp Duty
Notification dated 30-01-2019_regarding amendment in Schedule I-A of Central Act 2 of 1899 : The Indian Stamp (Punjab Amendment) Ordinance, 2019
Online Registration (NGDRS) is implemented in all Sub Registrar Offices of 22 Districts of State of Punjab