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Circular No. 25 of 1879 - All grants held by same person to be considered simultaneously

Circular No. 25 of 1879. All grants held by same person to be considered simultaneously - In order to ensure uniformity in the treatment of proposals for the continuance of muafi grants held by individuals or institutions in separate villages or plots, in the same or in different districts, Government have ordered that such cases may be considered  together.  For obtaining the requisite clue to the sanction of the various grants, the claimants should be carefully questioned, and, if grants are held in other districts or divisions, the reporting officer should refer to the officers concerned before the proposals are submitted to the Financial Commissioners’ office.  The following procedure should be adopted:-

I  Where the deceased held jagirs and muafis in more than one district, and the heirs have their principal residence in one of the said districts, the Deputy Commissioner of the district where the heirs are residing should report to Government after communicating with the other Deputy Commissioner or Deputy Commissioners concerned.

II.  Where the deceased held assignments in more than one district, and the heirs have their principal residence in none of those districts, but the deceased had his principal residence in one of those districts, the Deputy Commissioner of the deceased district should report consulting the other Deputy Commissioner concerned.

III.  Where the deceased held assignments only in one district, and the heirs have their principal residence in another district, the Deputy Commissioner of the deceased’s district should report after consulting the Deputy Commissioner of the latter district.

IV.  Where the deceased held assignments in more than one district, and neither the deceased nor the heirs had or have a principal place of residence in any of those districts, the Deputy Commissioner of the district of the largest assignment should report after consulting the other Deputy Commissioners concerned.

V.  When inquiring into the succession to any assignment of land revenue, or into the claim or relatives of deceased assignees of land revenue to a pension or other provision, the investigating officer should inquire whether the deceased held assignments in districts other than that in which the investigation is held.

Hon'ble Revenue Minister


 Sh. Hardip Singh Mundian

 Hon’ble Minister-In-Charge, Department of Revenue, Rehabilitation and Disaster Management