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Circular IX of 1865- Extract from muafi register

Circular IX of 1865. Extract from muafi register - Whenever an application for consideration of the orders previously passed by competent authority made or a proposal is submitted for the resumption  of an assignment or pension before the expiry or for its continuance after the expiry of its sanctioned term, a true extract should always be given from the muafi register in which the case was originally reported, the number of the register, the entry in the register, and the date of the original order disposing of the case been invariably cited.  The Collector should, when making a reference in such cases explain any matter which is not clear in the proposition statement and the extract from the muafi register.  For example, when the value of the assignment or name of a village as stated in the proposition statement differs from that in the extract from the register, the Collector should invariably give a brief explanation of the difference.

Hon'ble Revenue Minister


 Sh. Hardip Singh Mundian

 Hon’ble Minister-In-Charge, Department of Revenue, Rehabilitation and Disaster Management