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Chapter 13 of Punjab Land Records Manual.

Replaces Standing Order No.38, original issue dated 11th June 1909, First Reprint dated 5th February 1914.

13.1  Forecast reports have to be submitted by the Deputy Commissioners  and Settlement Officers as noted in paragraph 8.17 of the Punjab Land  Administration Manual  to the Director of Land Records, Punjab, in form F.C.I of the crops shown in the statement below :-

Name of  | Distt. from | Dates on which forecasts are to reach the office of Director of

Crop       |  which the   | Land Records Punjab.  

          | forecase are| ------------------------------------------------------------------------------   

              | required to   | First  | Second  | Third  | Fourth  | Final  |supplementary| Remark

              |be submitted|  Fore  | Forecast| Forec  | Foreca  | Fore  | Forecast           |                      

              |                     |  cast   |              |-ast      |  -st        | -cast  |                        |


   1               2                  3          4             5            6           7              8           9


Cotton     All Distt.       2nd         2nd          29th        30th        ..             Ist April

                                      Aug       Oct.       Nov.      Jan.

Wheat      Ditto             7th Jan   7th Mar    ..           ..           7th May        ....


Rabi Oil   Ditto           12th Dec  21st Jan      ..          ..         5th May         ...




Taramira Ditto            Ditto     Ditto            ..        ..           Ditto

and Toria


Sugar Cane Ditto       11th June  6th Oct       ..         ..           30th April     ....


Ground Nut Ditto      7th  Aug    30th Oct      ..                ..           31st  Jan      ....


Seasamum   Ditto       Ditto       7th  Oct       ..                 ..           15th Dec     ....


Rice           Ditto       7th Oct     7th Dec       ..          ..           5th Feb     ....


Bajra   Ditto       7th Aug      ..                ..         ..         23rd Nov   ..


Maize       Ditto  n     Ditto        ..                ..          ..        22nd Nov


Barley      Ditto         5th Jan     5th Mar        ..         ..         Ist May


Gram       Ditto          Ditto      Ditto            ..         ...         Ditto


Jawar      Ditto           Ist Aug   ..                  ..         ...        31st Oct.


Other  Ditto       25th Aug     ..                ..        ...       15th Dec.


pulses mung,

mash moth

and others


Tobacco   Ditto       10th Mar ..            ...        ....           ..      31st July


Other       Ditto         25th Dec.      ..            ...        ....        20th Apr.              ..          

Rabi pulses


peas &



Ginger    Ditto         ..                                 ...          ....        ....                  .....




Potatoes    Ditto      21st Jan       ...     ....                 ...     Ist June            ....


Sweet        Ditto      ..                ...             ...                 ....     16th Aug



Red gram   Ditto      16th Aug   15th Dec.     ...             .....     15th April        ....



Guara  Ditto     '...             15th Dec.       ..           ....       15th April


Turmeric  Ditto       ..            ..          ...       ...   Ist June


San-Hemp Ditto       Ist Aug   ..     ....      ....        .....     .....


Garlic      Ditto      16th Aug    ...     ....           ....        ....      .....


The potato crop year for purposes of these estimates should be that beginining  with the summer crop and ending with the winter crop. First estimate  should contain areas under potato crop and general information regarding growth  and prospects, and in the final estimates information relating  to area and production of potato  crop be given. In both of these estimates, the figures for summer and winter crops should be shown  separately.

13.2 Importance of punctuality in the despatch of forecasts  -The publication of crop forecasts is always anxiously awaited by business firm.s As delaydetracts greatly from their value, special efforts should be made to despatch all forecasts to the Director of Land Records by their due dates. There should be no difficulty as regards the first and second forecasts which are merely estimates. The third or final forecasts, however, should contain a statement of the actual area sown, together with an estimate of the yield per hectare. Where it is found impossible to complete the crop inspection in time for the inclusion of correct figures of area in the time for the inclusion of correct figures of area in the third or final forecasts, the best possible estimates should be submitted in their place. It should be noted  that revised figures will follow, and these should be despatched as soon as they have been prepared.

13.3  Deleted.

13.4  The Director of Land Records prepares and publishes the State forecasts in Form F.C.2 on the basis of the information supplied by the Deputy Commissioners. In the case of third or final forecasts, the Director of Agriculture checks the tehsils estimtes of outturn with those reported to him by the field officers and then fixes the yield in kilograms per hectare for each district separately for irrigated and unirrigated areas. Then the total outturn of the State is calculated in the Director of Land Records the province is calculated in the Director of Land Records office by applying this yield to the sown area reported by the Deputy Commisioners in their forecasts and a draft report of the forecasts together with a statement is submitted to Director of Agriculture for countersignature.After these forecasts are countersigned by the Director of Agriculture, a copy of each forecast is supplied to the Economic and Statistical Adviser to Government of India, Ministery of Agriculture, New Delhi, Revenue Secretary to Financial Commissioners, Punjab and Controller, Printing and Stationery, Punjab. A copy is also posted at the office of the Director of Land Records, and the Director of Agriculture, Punjab,for the information of the public. Printed copies of forecasts are also supplied gratis to various firms in and outside India.

13.5  Disposal of Forecast reports - The final reports of Forecasts should be retained till next settlement and then handed over to Settlement Oficer. The intermediate reports of  Forecasts should be preserved for two years from the date of submission and then destroyed.

The Director's printed reports on forecasted crops should be similarly disposed of.

13.6 Deleted.

13.7 (1) The estimates of production for the final forecasts and revised estimates should be based on the results of crop-cutting experiments by Random Sampling Methond in the case of crops on which such experiments are carried out in the State.

(2)  The method of framing pre-harvest as well as post-harvest forecasts for crops not covered by the Sample Surveys shall remain the same as before(i.e. on the basis of the normal yield, modified according to the condition factor as ascertained through eye estimation) For framing the final forecasts and revised estimates, the results of the crop-cutting surveys by the Random Sampling Method should be utilized. For the yield of the crops in the State as a sholw and for major Divisions and districts, there should be no difficulty in utilizing the results of such surveys since they give estimates of reasonable  accyracy for these administrative units. With regard to the yield for districts of minor importance from the point of view of croper acreage, however, the crop-cuttingsurveys do not provide results to the same degree of accuracy and, therefore, the data from crop-cutting experiments should be supplemented by ancilliary  information collected at present under the existing official methods such as the product of crop acreage, the normal yield and the condition of crops ascertained through eye estimation.

(3)  Wherever a change is made on the basis of calculating production of a crop from eye estimation to the crop cutting surveys, two sets of figures should be published side  by side arrived at by each method, for a period of two years, in order that the production figures in the current year can, be compared with the previous years and to denote the extent of change in the production estimates made by the old and the new method.

(P.G.Memorandum No.ESA-56/1890 dated the 17th October,1956)

The Punjab Land Records Maunal................Chapter 13.........paragraph 3......

                           FORM F.C.1

Primary Forecast Return..............

Year........................due on..................

Name of Crop......................................details of cultivation of

Village.................Hadbast No.................Tehsil................Distt........................

_____________________________________________________________Number of      Due on         Total  area in the        Total area in the last year

 Forecoast                               current year           

                            Pure   Mixed  Total      Pure      Mixed      Total

                                    net                                     net

       1            2             3           4           5           6            7                8








_____________________________________________________________        _________________________________________

Cause of increase       Details of area of       Valuation of the       Remarks

or decrease     current year (A)        crop in Naye paise 

                  Irriga-     Unirri-       (to a rupee represen

                  ted           gated         ting the normal or

                                           average settlement



         9                        10                11                       12                     13

















           (a) To be filled in for final forecast only    



In the Remarks column mention..................

1.     Whether the sowings were early or in time or late;

2.     Whether the harvesting commenced in time.

3.     Specify gross areas under mixed crops separatelyin the remarkas column.


Forecasts State Return

Forecast report on.....................Crop for the year 19...............


                           AREA IN ACRES

District  Of current  Of previous   Average of  Preceding   Percentage by which column

              year crop    year crop       3 years       5 years        No.2 exceeds or is less than

                                      Column   Column   Column

                                                                            No.3        No.4        No.5

    1             2                 3                   4                5                 6               7           8

-------------Percentage    Of  Current year 's    Of Previous year's       Average of  Preceding

of each          crop only                   crop only                    3 years               5 years

irrigated in

the current


9                         10                                 11                       12                         13

                           YIELD IN TONS

Percentage by which column no.10     Condition  factor   Harvest price        Remarks

exceeds or is less than          

Column     Column       Column

No.11         No.12          No.13

14                 15               16                         17                          18                    19

Due Date fixed by Central Government...............................................


Date of which return is despatched......................................................


Reasons of delay, if any.......................................................................


Hon'ble Revenue Minister


 Sh. Hardip Singh Mundian

 Hon’ble Minister-In-Charge, Department of Revenue, Rehabilitation and Disaster Management