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Chapter 10 of Punjab Land Record Manual

Replace standing order No.24 original issue. dated 28th july, 1909  corrected 20th April , 1910, 1st July, 1921.

10.1.  Forms of agricultural register with instructions  - The forms of the nine registers included in the patwari's copy of the village note book (paragraph 398 of the Land Administration Manual), with instructions for their preparation, are given below. The note books for each village and assessment circle and for the Tehsil are kept in the Tehsil in the same form, except that they have an additional statement, No. 10. Variations in the forms of the several statements to adapt them to the special circumstances of a district Tehsil or circle, can be sanctioned by the Financial Commissioner. Statements 1 to 5 are prepared annually, but statements 6,7 and 8 are only prepared in the year of quennial attestation of the jamabandi. The field kanungo will carefully supervise and guide the patwari in preparing statements 6.7 and 8 as they are of somewhat difficult character. He will be responsible for their correctness, and they will be signed by him as well as  by the patwari.


Mauza _____________No.___________situate in assessment circle _______________ Tehsil ______________ District____________________.


1.   The entries in these registers are obtained by exception from the jamabandi last prepared, the crop.

Column No.  2  should show the area according to village papers in the Revenue records.

Column No.  3  : Should show all actually forested area in respect  of the lands classed or administered as forests under any legal enactment dealing with forests, whether state owned or private. If any portion of such land is not actually wooded, but is put to some agricultural use, that portion shall be included in the one shown under the appropriate heading of 'cultivated' or 'uncultivated' land.

Column No.  4  Should show all barren and unculturable  land like mountains deserts,thur, kaller and sem i.e. land whih cannot be brought under cultivation unless as 'unculturable', whether such land is in isolated blocks or within cultivated holdings.

Column No.  5  Should show all land occupied by buildings, roads and railways or under water, e.g. rivers and canals, and other lands put to uses other than agricultural.

Column No.  6  Sholud  show all lands available for cultivation whether not taken  up for cultivation or abandoned for more than five years for one reason or other. Lands once cultivated, but not cultivated for fivt years in succession shall also be included in this category at the end of five years.

Column No.  7  Should show all grazing lands, whether permanent pastures and meadows or not. Village common and grazing lands within forested area shall be included under this head.

Column No.  8  Should show all cultivable land which is not included under net area sown, but is put to some agricultural use. Lands under casurine trees , thatching grass, bamboo bushes and other groves for fuel etc. which are not included under orchards, shall be classed under this category.

Column No.  9  Should show all lands which are left fallow during the current year only.

Column No.  10  Should show all lands which were taken up for cultivation, but are temporarily out of cultivation for a period of not less than one year and not more than five years.

Column No.  11  Should show the net area sown which represents the area sown to crops counting area sown more than once in the same year only once.

Column No.  12  Should show the area sown with crops more than once in the same year.

Column No.  13  Should show the total or gross cropped area which is the sum of areas under all crops and represents the sum of net sown area and area sown more than once in the year.

Column No.  14  Should show the total area of crops ascertained from Jinswars  Abstracts if Kharif and RAbi. Only matured areas according to Jinswars statements are to be mentioned in this column.

Column No.  24  Should those wells which have got a well defined area that can be irrigated by that source alone and not irrigated by any other source of irrigation. The sum total of such wells will be given in this column.

Column No.  33  Should show those tanks which can irrigate 40 hectares of land or more.

Column No.  34  Should show tanks which can irrigate less than 40 hectares.

Column No.  41  Should show the area. information will be collected from the entries in the Khasra girdawari  register.


1.  Annual Kharif Crop Register

2.   Annual Kharif Crop Register of Mauza……………hadhast no………

Jinswar or crop return of the ……………..harvest………

(N.B.-Write in figures (not in remarks) all fraction omitted)

Year             Description of           CEREALS

And             cultivation          Rice   Jowar   Bajra  Maize   Swank  Jowar       Total


1.                        2      3     4     5     6     7     8     9     10     11

Nehri  Govt.canals



Chahi  Tube Well












     PULSES                                            SUGARCANE

Mong  Mash  Arhar   Moth   Kulth                     Total   Desi   Improved           Total

(green  (black  (Red                 (horse               

gram)   gram)   gram)               gram)

12        13        14       15         16        17    18     19       20      21             22 

   23     24


                FRESH FRUIT                                         DRY  FRUIT

Number    Pears     Grapes    Apples                        Total    Walnut                Total

Of fruit      and                                                                       (akhrot)

Bearing    Peaches


25     26     27     28     29     30     31     32     33     34     35



Patatoes     Sweet        Onions    Gourd    Lady’s   Brinjal                     Total

                  Potatoes     gourd      punpkin finger

                  Shakar-                     (Kaddu)  finger

                  Kandi)                                     (bhindi)

36     37     38     39     40     41     42     43     44     45     46


   FIBRES                                                   OIL SEEDS

Misc.   Total     Cotton   Cotton   Hemp   Total  Groundnut  Sesam   Total

Food   food       desi       American (san and                    (Moong-       (til)

Crops  crops                                   Sankukra)                   phalli          

48     49     50     51     52     53     54     55     56     57     58     59


                                   DYES AD TANNING MATERIAL   DRUGS AND NAROOTICS

Non edible    

                     Total      Indigo  Kikar                                Total  Tea   Poppy                Total

                                 (ncal)   etc.

60     61         62              63    64     65       66                 67      68      69      70  71      72


CONDIMENTS AND SPICES                                FODDER CROPS

Ginger Turmeric Chillies                   Total     Maize  Chari  Sudan  Guard  Moth  Cowpea  Ot  Total

(Adrak ) (Haldi)                                               fodder               grass


73     74     75     76     77     78     79     80     81`    82     83     84     85


TOTAL AREA  SOWN     AREA  CROPED    NET CROPPED   Total       Incidence    Remarks on

Matured          Falled           MORE THAN          AREA            assessmetn  of asses    character of

______________________   ONCE                                                     of the         ment  on    harvest and

Pure  Mixed Pure   Mixed   Pure   Mixed      Pure    Mixed     harvest    area      mreasons for


86     87     88     89     90     91     92     93     94     95     96

N.B.- (1)  The entries in the Khsra girdawari should be make crop-wise according to the surce of irrigation or the mode of irrgation.

(2)  Any other crop(s) sown in any loclity should be entered in the blank columns providede under the appropriate head mentioned above.

(3)  Any other major crop m,ixtures sown in any area may be entered in the common dialect in the blank column provided under proper head.

(4)  Peaches and peas include plums,apricot,cherries,etc.

(5)  Citrus fruit includes,mitha,nimbu,galgal,sangtra ,malta etc.

(6)  Other fresh fruit includes jaman, shahtut, strawberries, date(khajoor), lichi, phalsa, figs, papaya and grapes (angoor)

(7)  Gaurd,includes halva,petha,ghia,chappan kaddu.

(8)  The zaid kharif crops should be shown with light vertical stroke by eviding the column of the crop and be entered under the stroke in that column.

(9)  The failed crops should be shown in red ink under the crops which is to be shown in black ink under the appropriate hand.

Annual Rabi Crop.Register

Annual Rabi crop Register of mauza__________NO.______ Jinswar or crop return of ---------------harvest_____________

(N.B-write in figures (not in rakams)omitting fraction)

Year &    Description   Wheat   Barley  Gram  Wheat   Wheat   Gram            Total

Crop        of cultivation                                         barley   gram     barley

(1)               (2)            (3)           (4)        (5)        (6)          (7)         (8)      (9)      (10)






Nehri      Tube wells




Chahi       Wells









PULSES                                                    FRESH FRUIT          DRYFRUIT

Masur  Peas                   Total     Number  Citrus   Other               Total                Total

                                                      Of fruit    fruit       fresh

                                                      Bearing                   fruit


(11)         (12)   (13)          (14)     (15)             (16)         (17)  (18)     (19)   (20)         (21)



VEGETABLES                                                                    MISC.FOOD CROPS

Potatoes   carrots  cauti-  Turninps  onion   radish          total                              Total


(22)            (23)        (24)      (25)          (26)     (27)      (28)  (29)  (30)  (31) (32)      (33)




FIBRES                          OIL SEEDS

                           Edible                                                               Non edible

                    Total  Toria   Taramira    Sarson   Mustard     Total   Linseed          Total


(34)              (35)    (36)      (37)              (38)         (39)             (40)    (41)          (42)  (43)



DYEING AND TANNING       DRUGS AND NARCTICS    CONDIMENT &                                                                                          SPICES

                               Total Tabacco   Bhang                   Total  Dhania  Zeera          Total

(44)    (45)              (46)    (47)           (48)        (49)         (50)  (51)         (52)   (53)   (54)



               FODDER CROPS

Lucrene  Barsem   Saftal    Oats    Sanji     Mehtra    Japan Rape   Others   Total

(55)     (56)      (57)     (58)     (59)     (60)     (61)     (62)   (63)



TOTAL AREA SOWN      AREA CROP     NET CROP    Total            Incidence  Remark

Mature                   Failed         Pure      Mixed         Pure     Mixed     assesment     of asses-    on char-

                                                                           Of the           ment on    acter of

Pure     Mixed     Pure     Mixed                                              Harvest        area          harvest

(64)     (65)     (66)      (67)     (68)      (69)         (70)     (71)     (72)        (73)        (74)


N.B.(1) The entries in the Khasra Grdawari should be made crop wise according to the source of

Irrigation or mode of irrigation.

Any other crop(s) sown in any locality should be entered in the blank column provided under the approriate head mentioned above.

(2)  Any other major crop mixtures sown in the area may be entered in the common blank column provided under the proper head.

(3)  Peaches and peas include plums apricot,cherries etc.

(4)  Citrus fruit includes mitha,nimbu,galgal,sangtra,malts etc.

(5)  Other fresh fruit includes jaman, shahtut, strawberries, date, lichi, phalsam, figs , papaya and grapes (angoor)

(6)  Gaurd ,includes halva ,petha,ghiaa,chappan kadu.

(7)  The zaid rabi crops shoud be shown with light vertical stroke by dividing the column of the cop and be entered under the stroke in that column.

(8)  The mango should be treated as exta rabi or zaid rabi crop.

(9)  The failed crops should be shown i red ink under the crop which is to be shown in black ink under the appropritate head.

4.  Annual Rev.account of Mauza_____________________harvest no._________________Revenue account or jama wasil baki                                

N.B.-All fractions omitted .write in figures ,not in rakms)

(1)        (2)       (3)       (4)      (5)     (6)         (7)        (8)           (9)       (10)     (11)          (12)           (13) 

Year   Harv-  Khal-  Assig- Tot    Suspe- Bal for  Arrears  Arr.    Total   Current  Arrears    Total

            est      sa         ned      al     ded on  colle-     ordered order               harvest  

                                                         A/c of   ction     of pre.     For                 

                                       Harvest             harvest     collec.             


(14)                     (15)                         (16)                    (17)

Remitted            Under suspension  Not under         Remarks


Note  Land revenue and malikana only will be shown in the statement .Where the collection of any revenue is deferred owing to progressive assessment or protective leases ,such revenue should not be shown in this statement until the period for which its collection was deferred has expired,

Column 4.-  Revenue not collected because it is assessed on lands of which the revenue is assigned to the owners ,will be included in the assigned revenue shown in this column.

Columns 11.-13-Revenue not collected because it is assessed on lands on which the revenue is assisgned to the owners or because the jagirdars are allowed themselves to collect the assigned revenue ,will.


5.  Annual Transfers by owners___________of mauza_____________hadbast no._____________

Yearly totals of transfers of rights of owners

N.B.-Write in figures (not in rakams)omitting fractions.

                                   A-partitions                              B-Transfers by           C-Gifts

                                                                                       In heritance

Year     Nature of   Number    Area partitioned   Number of   area        Number of        Total area                       

              Rights        cases          Total     of which  cases              trans-     transactions     transferred

            Transferred                               cultivated                       sferred   

(1)        (2)                (3)                  (4)      (5)             (6)                  (7)                (8)                 (9)



                           FROM DEBT.BY ORDERS OF COURTS

Number     Total              Number of   Total        Of which              Revenue            Mortgage money

Of trans      area               mortgages    area          cultivated                                      in rupees

Actions      transferred    

(10)             (11)    (12)               (13)         (14)                    (15)                            (16)


Area receemed                                            Area transferred

Number   Total   of which   rev.    Mortgage  number  Total    of which    rev. price  Number   remark  of redeem             cultivat               money        of tran               cultivate              in      of mutati               ptions                    ed                        dischar      fers                     ed                       rs.       Witten up                                                                                                                                                    but un -   

                                                                                                                                               Attested at

                                                                                          The close of


(17)      (18)           (19)        (20)         (21)         (22)          (23)       (24)     (25)    (26)         (27)       (28)



N.B.- (1) The figures for this statement are compiled from the mutation register and in case of increase of martgage money on existing mortgage from the patwari’s daily diary of occurrence(roznamcha waziati)

(2)    Shamlat land transferred should also be included .

(3)     In irrigated villages,columns nos,14,19,24 should show how much of the land entered is irrigated.


5-A   Annual Statement of sales and morgages of ownership by classes of land.

                        Mauza_____________hadbast no._______________

(N.B.-Units in figures (not in rakams) (Omitting fractions)

Year   Class of land according   Mortgages with possession ,inclulding temp.  to the main rakba No.of  mortgages       Area       Revenue     Mortgage money

                  statement                                                                      in rupees


(1)         (2)                         (3)                               (4)           (5)                (6)

19----  Mixed irrigated

         mixed unirrigated

         mixed irrigated and



Sales and Permanent transfers for value

No.of                 Area            Revenue         Price in           Remarks

transfers                                                              rupees

(7)                          (8)                      (9)                  (10)                       (11)

19----  Mixed irrigated

         mixed unirrigated

         mixed irrigated and


N.B-  (1)  The figures for this statement will be taken from the mutation register and in cases of increase of martgage money on existing mortgages from the patwari's diary of daily occurrences Roznamcha waqiati)

(2)  Sub mortgage i.e.,further martgages by the first mortgages as opposed to re-mortgages by the first mortgages should be exculded from this statement.

(3)  In the blank space in column no.2 enter the classes of land as given in statement No.1(Milan Rakba Statement)

6.- Quinquennial abstaract of ownership,mortgages and revenue assignments of mauza__________,hadbast no._______________

                           Abstract of Ownership,mortgage and revenue assignment

(N.B.- write in figures (not in rakams) omitting fractions of hectares/rupees)


Year      Description of    Detail      Number of    Number of             Area                                 Total

         tenure                   of            jamabandi    owners &         Total        of which              revenue

                                        owners        holdings        share-holders                    cultivated


(1)      (2)               (3)      (4)                     (5)                      (6)         (7)                           (8)


Total villages



Number  Area                                                                      Revenue

of             Total    of which    Rev.  Details   Num  Area  Total   Amount     Amount   Nazarna  remark

mortg-                 cultivated asses-               of       of         asse-   thereof       of land     annuaily 

gages                                     sment               assig- which  ment   assign-       rev.assi-   paid by

                                         of                        nees  the rev  of       ned             gned not  assignees

                                              martg-                         is ass-   land                      by appor- 

                              aged                             igned   assig                     rtionment 

                              land                           in whole  ned.                     of land but

                                                                                  by cash allo

                                                                                  tment out of

                                                                                   total assess


(9)      (10)        (11)         (12)         (13)   (14)   (15)          (16)    (17)               (18)          (19)      (20)


                                    1.In perpetuity

                                    2.For life or lives

                                    3.For term of settlement


The above is the form,in the village note book,Inthe statement filed by the patwari in the tehsil,column no1 is omitted.

N.B.  (1)  In large villages where the sub divisions of the villages are of importance,it may be conveninet to fill up part I of this statement by sub division addings between column 1 and 5 a column for the name of the sub divisions (taraf or patti)

(2)  In column No.2,the tenure will  be described either as (1) Zamindari(2) Pattidari(3) bhaaichara or (4) by lease from Govt. without grant of ownership.

(3)  In column No.3,give separate details for (1) panchayat,(Aadi Deh and (3) Govt,Property.

(4)  In column No.5,no entry need e made against the Panchayat,village abadi ro

(5)  In column no. 3 to 8 enter the number of maliks (owners)and the particulars relating to them.

(6)  In column no.8 the total should agree with column no.5 of the jama wasil baki.

(7)  In column no.9 to 12,should be entered number of mortgages and the particular relating threto.

(8)  In column no.13,the grants for service and the condition for maintaining the institutions will be entered under head I.

(9)  in column no.16 to 17,the entries will agree with corresponding entried under parts A and B of the statement of revenue assignments  column no.7 and 8 thereof)

(10)  In column no.18,the entry willagree with part C of the statement of revenue assignments

(11)  In column no.19,the entry will agree with  that in column no.10 of the statement of rev.


(12)  In column no.20,give particulars of the assignees where the assignments are large .The

field kanungo will explain here any important difference between the old and the new

entries. He will sign the statement meant for the tehsil.

Quinquennial Abstract of cultivating occupancy of Mauza______________Hadbast NO.


                  (N.B.-write in figures (not in Rakams) omitting fractions

  Area cultivated by tenants

                                                      paying rents

                                                      without right of occupancy

Year   Detail     Total     Area culti-   Area culti     paying    paying    paying in  Total held  Details of

                            culti-    vated by       vated by      at rev.      other       kind with  by               classes

                            vated    owners         tenants         with or    cash        or without tenants      of land(as

                            area                           free of rent   without  rents       addition      paying       milan

                                                               or at a no-    malkana                 in cash       rent            rakba)

                                         minal rent

(1)      (2)          (3)         (4)                  (5)              (6)             (7)           (8)             (9)                (10)


19---   Holding


            No.of tenants


Details of rents in kind and area of which paid by tenants at will


Zabti      ½ produce   2/5th  and   1/3rd &    Less        By fixed    Total           Share of               Remarks

rents       or more       less than    less than  1/3rd amount      area under straw taken

                                     ½                2/5th                        of               in kind        by the land

                                                                                       produce                          lords

(11)    (12)               (13)              (14)         (15)         (16)           (17)              (18)                      (19)

N.B.(1) Zabtirents should be reckoned in this return as rent in kind.

(2)  In column no.4 include all land cultivated by owneers jointly with persons who bring their onw cattle and share in the labour taking some share of the produce i.e.,bhaiwal.

(3)  In column no.17 enter the totla area which whould agree with the area entered in column no.8.

(4)  In column no.19 show any special rates or batal in the case of special rate or tatal in the case of special crops,It the renant pays a share of the land revenue state this ,and where there is irrigation form a canal ,state how the lanlord and the tenant share the liability for the fluctuating canal cfharges in the case of (2) cash rents and (b) kind rents.Also state any cash items paid as Nazarrana by the tenants to the landlord in addition to kind rent.

(5)  The field kanungo should sing the statement meant for submissione to the Tehsil.

Zabti rents and cash rents paid by tenants without rights of occupancy not constiting of land revenue and cesses with or without the addition of a malikana

Cash rent for area given in column 7 of statement 7:-

year      zabti rents          On holdings containing one class of land

crop       rate       class of                 Area    Rent           Average                  per hectare

                             per         land


(1)        (2)           (3)          (4)                         (5)         (6)                 (7)


                    On holdings containing more than one class of  land              Remarks

class of  land        Area         Rent        Average per hectare

(8)                           (9)           (10)            (11)                                             (12)


column 2. -     Enter all crops on which zabti rents are paid.

column 4 and 8. –Enter whatever classes of land are necessary.

                  (These will usually have been fixed at settlement)

column 7       -No entry will be made opposite "Total".

column 10-11      -No entries will be made opposite separate classes of land,but only opposite"Total".

column 12           -Note here any hectare rates that are commonly paid.


9.  Quinquennial Live stock return No.9 (Number of livestock, poultry,agriculture Machinery an implements) in village_________Hedbast no._______

N.B.- write in figures (not in rakms) omitting fractions)

Quin Quennnial livestock Census                                    19---------



                  Males over three year

Name of    Census    Used for   Used for  Used for    bulls and  bullocks     Total males over 3

head of       house      breeding   breeding work     over 3 years not in       years

household  NO.         only          and work only          use for breeding or       

with                                   both        cast   unc-  work

                                                     racte  astr

                                                ed       ated

(1)               (2)           (3)              (4)           (5)      (6)     (7)                          (8)


                           Females over three years

         breeding cows i.e.cows over 3 years kept for breeding or milk production

In milk  or  dry                        Not calved even                     Total

15th April,19----                        once        

(9)                                                (10)                                        (11)

(x)  The animals entered in this column 16 should not be added up while giving totals of cattle in columns 26 and 27. Thus columns 8 and 23 and column 27 will be equal to the sum of column s 15 and 24 sub-columns may be provided under columns 3 and 4 for showing breed of bulls.



Name of      Census   Females over three years                          

Young stock

head of        House     Cows      Cows        Total    Of the    under 1 year                  1 to 3 year

household    No.         over 3     over 3      females  total no. Male   Female  Total Male  Fml.  Total

with                  years      year         over 3    of cows  

                        used for  not used    years     in col.15

                        work       for work                  those in

                        only         or bree-                   milk in

                                         ding pur-                Dec.19__


(1)      (2)               (13)          (14)             (15)           (16)        (17)    (18)     (19)     (20)    (21)    (22)

Total three years and under                Total cattle                                 Buffaloes-Males over three years

Male          Female         Total       Male      Female      Total                  Used for           Used for breeding

                                                                        breeding            and work both

(23)            (24)                  (25)         (26)       (27)         (28)                    (29)                      (30)



Males over three years                                   Females  over three years

used for work  only                               breeding cows i.e. cows over

                                                      3 years kept for breeding of

                                                      milk prodution

Castrated  Uncastrated    Bulls   Total     In milk    Dry   Not       Total           Cows over  Cows over 3

                                            & bull  males   on 15th               calved                      3 year used  years not in

                           ocks &  over     Apr.19__            even                         for work     use for work

                                            over 3  3 year                              once                         only              or breeding

                                           year                                                                                                     purposes

                                          not in

                                          use for


                           of  work

(31)                  (32)           (33)       (34)      (35)         (36)     (37)         (38)          (39)                (40)


                                    FUFFALOES – CONTD.

 Females over three years                                        Young stock


Total     *Of the        under 1 year                1 to 3 year                      total 3 years and under

female   total        Male    Famale   Total  Male   f.male Total   Male    female          Total

over 3    no.of    

years    cows in


            those in

            milk in


(41)      (42)      (43)         (44)         (45)   (46)      (47)     (48)     (49)     (50)               (51)


 *The animals entered in the column 42 should not be added up while giving totals of buffaloes in column 52 and 53,thus column 53 will be equal to the sum of column 41 & 50.



Total buffaloes               3 years and under    above 3years     Total yaks      Total bovine

Male  female   total     male    female          Male   female    Male  female Total  Male Female   Total

(52)     (53)       (54)      (55)     (56)                (57)    (58)         (59)   (60)        (61)   (62)   (63)       (64)



                                   Sheep                                                                 Goats

upto one          over one year                      Upto one year                   Over one year

year          Male   Female   Total      Total sheep                 Male    Female   Total          Total goats

(65)           (66)        (67)       (68)        (69)             (70)         (71)       (73)         (74)             (74)




                           HORSES AND PONIES

                                                                    Young stock
Over three year                   Upto one year              One to three year       Total three year and under

Male  Female    Total    Male    Female  Total   Male  Female Total    Male   Female     Total

(75)     (76)         (77)       (78)      (79)         (80)   (81)    (82)       (83)      (84)        (85)         (86)



                           Young stocks                                         Canels

Total horse and ponies        Mules                             Donkeys                        Over 4  years


Male   Female    Total    Upto 3   Over 3   Total  Male    Female  Total     Male      Female

                                         years      years

(87)      (88)           (89)    (90)       (91)         (92)    (93)      (94)        (95)        (96)                (97)


                             Camels                            Fowls                            Total Fowls

Four year      Total     Pigs        Total livestock    Hens   Cooks  Chiken  Total Desi             Improved

and under                                                       

(98)                (99)      (100)        (101)                     (102)   (103)       (104)    (105)  (106)          (107)


The criterion to distinguish between adult powls and chicken is the ability to breed.

Of the total number of fowls in column.105 Desi and improved virieties muy be shown in column 106 and 107 respectively.


                  Poultry                                        Agricultural machinery and Implements

                     Ducks                                                     Ploughs                       Sugarcane Crushers

Ducks  Duckes  @ Duck lings   Total  Other Total    Wooden   Iron  Carts*   worked by   worked by

                                                              poultry                                  power      bullocks

(108)   (109)    (110)            (111) (112) (113)   (114)  (115)   (116)  (117)       (118)

@ The criterion to distinguish between adult ducks and duckkings is the ability to


Carts and Tractors used for agricultural purpose should be included in these columns.

   Tractors                                                 Ghanis

oil engine        Electric pumps    Persian            Government     Pvt..      Five kilog.     Less than

with pump      for irrigation        wheels or                                                 and over       five kilograms

for irrigation   purposes              rahat


(119)              (120)                         (121)              (122)                 (123)       (124)            (125)

In column no.1 the area owned or cultivated by the head of the house hold may also be shown,with detail of owned as owner and cultivator/ cultivated as tenant without right of ownership.

urban area:(a) will include municipa; ,Cantanment, small town,notified civil lines area .

(b)  A village inhibited by not less than 5,000 persons and having urban  charactericts should also be treated as an urban area.

village:-  The village for the purposes of the livestock census is the Revenue estate(village)which has well defined boundaries excluding (b) above.

House and Household :-  (columns No.1 and 2) A house is defined as any human dwelling having a separate main entrance.

A house hold is a group of persons who commonly live together and would take their meals from a common kitchen unless the exigencfies of work prevent any of them from doing so.

concept of possesion:-The livestocks should be enumerated against hosehold where it is located at the time of enumerat ion irrespective of ownership.

cows in milk:-Signifies cows which yield wilk on the date of enumeration or census of a particular area or any other date specified for the collection of such data.

yak- means as ox of Tibet which is a long haired ,humped gruting will or domesticted animal

plough:-means an implement or plonghing and not yokes of oxen.

cart:-    means bullock cart capable ofcarrying agricultural product and does not include raths

and behlies.

10.  Assessment Statement of Mauza__________with remarks of Officers

I-  Assessment guids and estimates

Nature of   estimates     Amount        Circle rate per hectare on  each class        Remarks

                                                                of land         

A.   Guides of expiring  settlement   :

last summary settlemnt ,actual assesment :

First regular settlement ,actual assesment :

Expiring settlement ) Reveune rate estimate

                           actual jama assessed  :

B.    Guides of  settlement now made             :

Estimate at circle half-net assest rate           :

Estimate at sanctioned circle revenue rates :


  1.  Assessment statement of Mauza __________with remarks of Officers (concluded)

            II.New assessment imposed from _________ harvest ___________


                                     Amount   Rate per                    Remarks

                                                  hectare on   


1.  Gross assessment                       :

2.  Deduction , viz.

(a)  on account of favourable assessment on gardens  :

(b)  On account of unexpired protective leases             :

(c)   on account of progressive assessment                     :

Total deductions (a),(b)and (c)                            :

  Amount   Rate per    Remarks


                                                                                     on culti-



3.           Balance being the net new assessment with detail as below:-



Talukdari allowance (when a deduction from the Revenue) jagir:


Total assigned revenue                                                                       :

Balance khalsa                                                   :

Total                                                                :


4.  Ceases at per cent on total No.3                                :

5.  Total new assessment and cases (No's  3 and 4)                    :

6.  Commutation due to Govt. on jagir                          :

7.  Malikana due to Govt.                                 :

8.  Future increase by progressive assessment or expiring       :

          protective leases




iii.           cesses per cent,on revenue assessmet:

                    Detail           Former      New                Remarks

Local rate

Lambardari cess

Lambardari cess


In the "Remarks"column of part –II the "danger rate" of the village should be stated if such a rate has been fixed.

Blank pages are provided at the end of the village,circle and tehsil not books in which the sub divisional officer the tehsildar and the naib tehsildar should record remarks from time to time shen any thing sepcially note worthy in the history of circumstances of the village,circle or tehsil occurs. In tracts under fluctuating assessment yearly remaks in the circle not books at any rate,should be recorded giving such details of the past sessons as will expalian the success or otherwise of the village.

10.2  The regtisters in the village not-books main  tain ed by the offfixce kanungo of the tehsil (Paragraph 400 of the Land Administrativfe Manual) are filled up from the statement submitted by the Patwaris.Figures for the register in the assessment circle and tehsil note books also mjaintained by him are obtained aby adding together those in the village note books.

(village ,circle and teh.note books maintained at tehsils)

10.3  The orders regarding the record of harvest prices in circle note books will be found in para graph 401 o f the Land Administration Manual.

(record of harvest price)

10.4  General remarks applicable to the whole of an assessment circle or of the tehsil may be entered  in the circle or tehsil  note book by the tehsildars or sub Divisional Officers on the blank pages(statement no.10) provided for the purposes at the end of the book.In cases where there are fluctuating assessment,particular attention should be paid to the yearly record of sufficient remarks in this part of the circle note book. These remarks should given such details of the past season as will explain the success or otherwise of the cultivation,and if recorded with sufficient care for the whole circle,no very lenghty note against each village will usually be required on this subject.

(General remarks in circle and tehsil note books)

10.5  The note books for villages circles and  tehsils will  be properly arranged by the  knaungo in almirahs provided for the purpose.

(Arrangement of note books)

10.6  The note books for assessment circles and tehsilsw and for the whole district,are kept up by the district  Kanungo (paragraph 403 of the Land Administion Manual) in the same form as the circle and tehsil books kept at tehsils. The entries for them are obtained from statement s submitted by the tehsil Office,Kanungo.

(Note books maintianed by the distrcit kanungos)


10.2  The following are the instructions to the maintenance of abstract village note books

(1)  The abstract village note book and its uses are described in paragraphs 405-407 of the Land Administration Manuall .For each district as it comes under settlement a separate form adapted to the special circumstances of that district ,will be submitted by the settlement officer through the Commissioenr,\ to the Director of Land Records for the orders of the Fianccial Commissioner.

(2)  The books should be kept  at Sadr in the Office of the District Kango who is reponsible for their sage custody and maintenance.

(3)  There should be one volume for each assessment circle,or if the assessment circle or if the assessment circle is large ,for a suitable number of villages.Blank sheets for remarks are inserted after the statistics of each villages ,The entries are made in hectares and in English numberals by the Disrict Kgo or his assistant. The annual entries should be prefaced by a settlement entry in red ink data for which are available in the village assessment statistics. At the end of the volume or volumes for an assessment circle the total figures for the whole corcielo should be entered in the same form as that prescribed for eaach estate. Quinquennial averages be given in all village note books. from the beginning of the current settlement in red ink.

(4)  To enable the columns as to cropping and the incidence of revenue in each harvest to be written up as early as possible the tehsil office kgo should send the necessary figures to the d\Sadr immediately after the filing of each jinswar. The remaining columns should be filled in  from information abtained by the tehsil office kanungo from  the statements filed by the patwaris in September. Details as to revenue should ,if necessary ,be procured from the tehsil wasil baqi navis.

(5)  As soon as any figures for entry in the not books are received ,,the District kanungo or his assistant will see that they are in due form and will ten copy them as carefully and neately as possible into the columns for which they are intended.

(6)  The reports containing the figures sent from the tehsils in any one year should be kept in the distrixct kanungo's office till the figures for the followinmg year have been copied into the note books and should then be destroyed.

Note  As an alternative method to that prescribed in (4) to (6) above to avoid the preparation of long statements by the tehsil office kanungo,the District kanungo,agter the filling of the zaid rabi jinswar,may either himself take the abstract note-books to each tehsil in turn and there enter up the jinswar and other figures for the whole year with the help of the tehsil office kanungo and return the books to sadr,or may depute one of his assistants to visit the tehsils for this purpose.

(7)  The village inspection of the settlement officer should be written in or copied into the abstract not books .Assessment statement and a small scale map of each villge amy also be added if thought advisable .

(8)  A copy of the map of assessment circle showing village boundaries and natural features with the name and number of each village should be mde on a samll scale and kept in the pocket of the cover of the volume concerned. This copy should be made on tracing cloth and ijnsecrue fluctuating and grazing tracts within the limits of the circle should be coloured.

(9)  At the begining of each volume there should be an index in the following form:-

This book containsstatements for __________villages in the ________

assessment circle,arranged in the order of their topographical numbers as follows:-

NO.(Topographical)          Name of Village           Page

(10)  The abstract note books are not intended to supersede the ordings village note books. They will help the Deputy Commissioner,to decide questions of suspensions and remissions of revenue and generally speaking,will enable him,the Sub Divisional Officer to see at a glance what villages appeal to require to have their circumstances carefully enquired into.Such further enquiries as may be necessary,should of course only be conducted after full examination of the detailed village not book in each case.

It is hoped that when the Deputy Commissioner,or any of his assistants are in camp,they will take with them the asbtract not books

of each assessment circle in which they are touring and consider the statistics of each village while marching through it. The tehsil note book of a village should not be sent for in the camp until refrence to it is found necessary.

The proper place for the Deputy Commissioner,to record remarks is the ordinary note book . As regards the entry of remarks,paragraph 407 of the Land Administration Manual should be consulted.

Hon'ble Revenue Minister


 Sh. Hardip Singh Mundian

 Hon’ble Minister-In-Charge, Department of Revenue, Rehabilitation and Disaster Management