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Change of option for land allotment.


Punjab Government Department of Rehabilitation


The Land Claims Officer,

Rehabilitation Department, Jullundur.

No. RI(165)/9123/G- 7, dated, Jullundur, the 2Oth April 1972.

Sub: Change of Option.


Continuation this Department endorsement No. RI( 165)/16716-28/G-5. dated the 4th August, 1971, on the subject cited above.

2. In order to curb the tendency on the part of the unsatisfied/partially satisfied claimants to approach this Department time and again for transfer of their Parcha claims from one district to another with a view to securing allotment of land in districts, where the level of price is relatively high, it has been decided that the State of Punjab may be divided into the following four zones :­

(i)First Zone consisting of Jullundur and Ludhiana districts ;

(ii)Second Zone comprising of Ropar, Hoshiarpur and Kapurthala districts;

(iii)Third Zone consisting of Patiala, Sangrur and Bhathinda districts; and

(iv)Fourth Zone comprising of Ferozepur. Amritsar and Gurdaspur districts.

In case evacuee land of equivalent grade is not available in the district of original allotment, the feasibility of transferring the parch Claim to another district of the same zone shall only be considered.

3. The above instructions will apply where allotment had previously been made but subsequently cancelled for one reason of the other. Where allotment has not so far been made, cases of such claimants would be governed under the Scheme of allocation of Areas laid down in Appendix of the Land Resettlement Manual. It is, however, made clear that other principles governing transfer of Parcha Claims will remain uncharged.

4 These instructions come into force immediately but will be without prejudice to the over-all allotment policy, which may be evolved/adopted by the Government hereafter.

(DS Chawdhary)

for Secretary to Government Punjab

Rehabilitation Department

Hon'ble Revenue Minister


 Sh. Hardip Singh Mundian

 Hon’ble Minister-In-Charge, Department of Revenue, Rehabilitation and Disaster Management