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Attestation of existing documents

The examination and attestation of existing assignments by the Settlement Officer, are described in paragraph 568-575 of the Settlement Manual. The Settlement Officer’s power to restore small grant for village service, or in favour of village institutions made for the term of settlement to their original position as grants made and controlled by the village community, is explained in paragraph 570 of the Settlement Manual and in paragraph 196 of the Land Administration Manual. The duties of the Collector as regards lapse and succession are discharged by the Deputy Commissioner, even when the district is  under settlement and all cases should be reported to him for orders by the Settlement Officer, to whom also the orders should be communicated in order that proper effect may be given to them in the records, and that the Settlement Officer may be able to carry out the duty imposed on him by paragraph 568, et. seq., of the Settlement Manual.  It is ordinarily advisable that grants for the support of religious, charitable or other analogous institutions should be in the name of the head or chief  representative of the institution; and where this can be effected with the consent of the assignees, it should ordinarily be done without reference to higher authority.


Hon'ble Revenue Minister


 Sh. Hardip Singh Mundian

 Hon’ble Minister-In-Charge, Department of Revenue, Rehabilitation and Disaster Management