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Amended vide letter No. 1317-28 dated, Mohali, the 1-2-1983

Punjab Government Department of Rehabilitation


All the Deputy Commissioners in the State.

No. 2(505)/G-5/Policy-III/1317-28

Dated Mohali the 1/2/1983

Sub: Disposal of surplus rural evacuee agricultural land/properties.


Continuation this department Memo No. 2(505)/G-5/Policy-III/10273-84 dated 7/7/1981 on the subject cited above.

2. It was envisaged in para (v) of the letter, under reference, that after transferring the chunks of land measuring 20 acres or above to the Forest Department for afforestation and meeting with the demand of state Industries Department in respect of rural land required for industrialisation or the land required by the Village Panchayats for common purposes, the rest of the land would be disposed of by open auction. It was further desired that after meeting with the requirements of the aforesaid departments, further instructions for starting the sale of this land would follow. It has, however, been noticed that Tehsildar (Mahal) cum (Sales) have started auction of this land in pursuance of the aforesaid communication, which, in fact, is contrary to the spirits of this letter. It is once again pointed out that disposal of this land is only to start after transferring the area to the above referred to three departments. It is, therefore, requested that necessary instructions may be issued to the Tehsildars (Mahal) cum (Sales) / Naib Tehsildar (Mahal) cum (Sales), working under you to stop the disposal of the land forthwith. They may also be instructed not to get the sale conducted on the basis of the above letter confirmed from the Sales Commissioner and to make suo-motto references to the Chief Sales Commissioner for de-confirming these sales, if already not confirmed.

3. The receipt of this letter may be acknowledged.

Sd/-Deputy Secretary to Govt. Punjab

Rehabilitation Department, Mohali.

Hon'ble Revenue Minister


 Sh. Hardip Singh Mundian

 Hon’ble Minister-In-Charge, Department of Revenue, Rehabilitation and Disaster Management