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Amended vide letter No. 1048-59 dated, Chandigarh, the 31-1-1989

Punjab Government

Department of Rehabilitation




            All the Deputy Commissioners in the State.


            No. 2(505)Part-VII/PIV/1048-59

            Dated Chandigarh 31/1/1989


Sub:     Disposal of surplus rural evacuee agricultural land transferred on the basis of possession from Rabi 1984.




            Reference this department Memo No. PIV/2(505)Part-VII/19952-63, dated the 18th December, 1987 on the subject cited above.

2.         It has been provided under paragraph 11 of the instructions referred to above that where evacuee land is cultivated jointly by more than one person, maximum area to the extent of 10 ordinary acres should be transferred to all the occupants in equal shares provided they have applied in time in the prescribed form and fulfil all other conditions. The matter has been reconsidered and it has been decided that each individual adult co sharer, who is head of his family and fulfils all other conditions as prescribed in the Punjab Package Deal Properties (Disposal) Rules, 1976 and the instructions issued in this regard and has also applied by 30/6/1988 in the prescribed form, under the Press Note for the transfer of rural evacuee land on the basis of his possession from Rabi, 1984, should be allowed to get the land transferred under his continuous cultivating possession to the extent of 10 ordinary acres inclusive of his own holding, if any, at the reserve price already fixed for the purpose. The cases already decided in accordance with paragraph 11 of the instructions referred to above should, therefore, be reviewed suo-motto wherever necessary in the light of this revised policy.

Sd/-Deputy Secretary (Reh)

For Financial Commissioner Revenue and

Secretary to Government Punjab

Rehabilitation Department.

Hon'ble Revenue Minister


 Sh. Hardip Singh Mundian

 Hon’ble Minister-In-Charge, Department of Revenue, Rehabilitation and Disaster Management