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Allotment of superior grade land to the inferior grade claimants.


Punjab Government  Department of Rehabilitation




  1. All the Deputy Commissioners in the State.
  2. The land Claims Officer, Jullundur.


No. RI(126)12894-912 Reh(R), dated Jullundur, the 21st April, 1961.


Subject:            Allotment of superior grade land to the inferior grade claimants.


1.It has come to notice that in Punjab and in the districts of erstwhile Pepsu, allotments of rural evacuee agricultural lands had been irrespective of the grade, thereby accommodating inferior grade claimants in substantially superior grade villages. A question has arisen whether such erroneous allotments made in disregard of the Scheme of Grading should be reviewed at this stage or not.

2.It is presumed that some allottees might have made appreciable improvements in such lands and, keeping in view their long possession and consequent hardship likely to be caused to them if their allotments are disturbed, it has been decided by the Government that all rural allotments made in the past in disregard of the Scheme of Grading should not be opened at this late stage. However, cases in which the allotments of inferior grade claimants in superior grade villages have been contested or have come to the notice of the department and action on them is pending, will not come under the category. Such allotments shall be regularized by changing additional premium from the allottees in the manner indicated below, if they are desirous to keep such allotments, otherwise their allotments should be cancelled and they may be given alternative allotments in their appropriate grades.

3.It has also been decided that in future, if any inferior grade claimant is keen to get allotment in 'A' grade village, he should be accommodated after charging him the following premium and provided there is no better grade claimant for that particular area:­

(i) II grade claimant               ..20 per cent

(ii) III grade claimant             ..30 per cent

(iii) IV grade claimant             ..50 per cent


4.According to the principles enumerated in the Land Resettlement Manual, a III (third) grade claimant can be fitted in all (2nd) grade village and, similarly, a IV (forth) grade claimant can be accommodated in a Ill (third) grade village, if there is no better claimant for such areas, without imposition of any additional premium. This rule should be followed even now.

5.In case a IV grade claimant wants land in a 2nd grade village and there is no better grade claimant for that land allotment may be made to him on imposition of 40 per cent premium. Similarly, when an inferior grade claimant asks for allotment in a suburban village having no additional premium, he shall have to pay the necessary premium according to the above scale in order to bring his claim at par with a first grade claimant and no further premium should be charged from him

Six spare copies of this letter are sent herewith for communication to the Tehsildars in your district/staff working under you.


Rehabilitation Department.

Hon'ble Revenue Minister


 Sh. Hardip Singh Mundian

 Hon’ble Minister-In-Charge, Department of Revenue, Rehabilitation and Disaster Management