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Allotment of land to Non-Punjabi claimants



The Land Claims Officers,

Rehabilitation Department, Jullundur .

No. RI(120)/76/24738, dated Jullundur, the 2Oth December, 1976

Sub: Allotment of land to Non-Punjabi Claimants.


Please refer to para 5 of the instructions issued,--vide this Department Memorandum No. R-11(165)Part-VI/23148-250, dated November, 24, 1976 (copy enclosed). The following criteria has been laid down for allotment of land to unsatisfied claimants of Non-Punjabi extraction, whose cases have been/are being referred by the Government of India, Department of Rehabilitation under Section 32 of the Displaced Persons (Compensation and Rehabilitation) Act, 1954, read with Sub-rule (2) of Rule 66 of the Displaced Persons (Compensation and Rehabilitation) Rules, of 1955 :­

(i) A non-Punjabi claimant settled in any district of Punjab, may be given allotment in that very district subject to the availability of area, headless of the fact whether or not any area, for the purpose, has been reserved in that district;

(ii) If an area is available in the district of his residence, it may be given to him in any of the nearest districts where the area has been reserved for the purpose, according to his choice;

(iii) A Non-Punjabi claimant settled outside Punjab, may be given allotment in any district of his choice, subject to the availability of the land, out of the districts in which area for the purpose has been reserved, on 'first come first serve' basis. Where the number of claimants, seeking allotment in a particular district, is more than one and their claims have been referred to the Tehsildar (Sales)-cum- Managing Officer concerned, for allotment, on one and the same date, allotment may be made to them in alphabetical order, keeping the English spelling of their names in view. If their names happen to be the same, then preference may be given to the smaller claimant;

(iv) The claimants settled/outside Punjabi, may be asked to give three choices of districts, in order of preference, out of the districts in which area has been reserved for the purpose, district of his first choice, it may be allotted to him in the district of his second or third choice, as the case may be; and

(v) If any area is utilized for the purpose in the districts, where the same has not been reserved, the area thus utilized, will be adjusted towards the reserve area, thereby releasing equivalent area, for sale by restricted auction, out of the 'reserve' area.

2. The existing procedure of re-verification of the claims by the Assistant Registrar (L)-cum-Managing Officer, as and when received from the Government of India, by making back references or by personal visits to the Department of Rehabilitation, depending upon the number of the claims requiring re-verification, should be followed as hereto fore. After the re-verification has been done, the Assistant Registrar (L)-cum­ Managing Officer should ensure that the case of a claimant is finalized for the purpose of allotment of land in accordance with the aforesaid criteria, in one hearing. In order to achieve this object, the notice to be issued to each claimant for the production of the requisite documents, should be comprehensive and self-explanatory so that the claimant may not have to seek adjournment for supplying the omissions or deficiencies, if any, in these documents. As in the case or unsatisfied or partially satisfied claimants of Punjabi extraction, the cases of these claimants bill also require clearance from the Head office, before sending the 'Goshwaras' to the Tehsildar (Sales)-cum-Managing Officer concerned for allotment of land.

3. The avoid inconvenience to these claimants, it has further been decided that the Tehsildar (Sales)-cum-Managing Officer concerned of the district, to whom a particular claim is sent for allotment should complete all the requisite formalities in one hearing. It shall be his responsibility to procure 'Farist Baqaia' from the Patwari, check the same meticulously with the original revenue record, prepare the allotment order and to issue the warrant of possession, on one and the same day. The object of making allotment in one day can be achieved by summoning the Patwari concerned alongwith the record, in his office.

4. All pending cases, in which requisite formalities have already been completed and are ripe for allotment, should be sent to the Tehsildar (Sales)-cum-Managing Officer concerned for allotment, under intimation to each claimant, immediately.

5. A proper account of the area utilized for the purpose, should be kept, so as to ensure that the stipulated limit of 1,500 standard acres is not exceeded. Similarly a complete account of the area utilized for the above purpose, out of the villages in which no areas have been reserved should be kept separately by the Tehsildar (Sales)/ Naib Tehsildar (Sales) for the purpose of adjustment towards the reserved area of 6,000 standard acres. In order to keep proper co-ordination, the Tehsildar (Sales)/Naib Tehsildar (Sales) as the case may be, will intimate the details of the area utilized, out of the surplus rural evacuee agricultural land available in the villages in which no reservation has been made, to their counterparts on the Revenue side, so that they may not dispose of the same in restricted or open auction.

6. The aforesaid instructions should be followed meticulously, by all concerned.


Deputy Secretary, (Reh. )

Hon'ble Revenue Minister


 Sh. Hardip Singh Mundian

 Hon’ble Minister-In-Charge, Department of Revenue, Rehabilitation and Disaster Management