File No.P-3/119(927)97/
The facts of the case are that one Smt. Beant Kaur claiming to be daughter of Dhunda Singh son of Wasawa Singh gave an application dated 10.12.96 through Karam Singh son of Darbara Singh to the Tehsildar Boundary Cell-cum-Managing Officer Rehabilitation Department stating that her father Dhunda Singh a migrant from village Matteke Tehsil Daska, District Sialkot was never allotted land anywhere in India. She (Beant Kaur) further claimed that she was the sole legal heir of her father and had no sister or brother and she had not been allotted any land in lieu of land left by Dhunda Singh in Pakistan. With this application was enclosed a copy of jamabandi of village Matteke, Tehsil Daska, District Sialkot, Pakistan obtained from the Directory Organisation, Jalandhar. A photocopy of an affidavit dated 6.11.96 purporting to be from Beant Kaur was also enclosed. This affidavit stated that neither she nor any member of her family had till date been allotted any land in the country. On 6.11.96 itself Beant Kaur also executed a Power of Attorney in favour of Hazara Singh son of Ram Singh of village Nadala. Hazara Singh, in turn, gave a Special Power of Attorney in favour of one Karam Singh son of Darbara Singh of village Nadala on 20.11.96.
2. The Tehsildar, Boundary Cell, Shri Hari Singh sent a notice to Karam Singh son of Darbara Singh and finally vide his order dated 26.3.1997 determined an allotment of 18 SAs 14 units in favour of the “applicant”. In his order he wrote that as per register 1-D Dhunda Singh had been allotted 18 SAs 14 units land in village Ucha H.B.No.85, Tehsil Bolath, district Kapurthala but as per report of D.L.R. office dated 25.11.1996 no allotment was found in the name of the said Dhunda Singh in the said village. Thereafter the case was moved to the Government for clearance. Sh. Kuldip Singh, Senior Assistant recommended on the Govt. file that clearance may be given. However, a back reference was made on the suggestion of MEO on 10.2.1998 that, affidavits should be filed by both the power of attorney holders to verify whether the General Power of Attorney holder and Special Power of Attorney holder were both alive. It was also desired that the Managing Officer may satisfy himself regarding the legal heirs of Dhunda Singh. Sh. Hari Singh was transferred in the meantime and while examining the case the present Managing Officer observed a number of irregularities committed in deciding the entitlement and brought these to the notice of the Govt. It was, therefore, considered necessary to call the concerned parties for a hearing. Registered notices were sent both to Hazara Singh son of Ram Singh and Smt. Beant Kaur through Karam Singh son of Darbara Singh for 12.3.2001. On 12.3.2001 only Hazara Singh son of Ram Singh the General Attorney appeared alongwith a lady who stated that she was Beant Kaur daughter of Dhunda Singh. Their statements were got recorded. A gist of these statements is as under:-
“He recognised Beant Kaur who was daughter of Dhunda Singh. He did not know the name of the father of Dhunda Singh and also did not know the names of the wives of Dhunda Singh. All that he was aware was that they were all killed during the formation of Pakistan. He was not aware whether after Partition any one gave an application in respect of claim of Dhunda Singh nor was he aware whether any allotment was made on the basis of that claim. He had only got a power of attorney 3-4 years back. Prior to receiving the said power of attorney he was not aware of any details relating to the family of Dhunda Singh or his claim. He stated that he gave a Special Power of Attorney to Balwant Singh of Khanpur whose father’s name he did not know and denied having given any power of attorney to Karam Singh, although he admitted that Karam Singh was the resident of Nadala and had died a month and a half back. He admitted that he was a Power of Attorney holder in case of land claim of one Dalip Singh son of Ganga Singh resident of Lakhan Kalan also.
Beant Kaur was told that if she wanted to give evidence or submit any papers she should come to this office on 19.3.2001. But on 19.3.2001, the said Beant Kaur did not show up. However, the same Hazara Singh presented himself. He was identified by one Balwant Singh, lambardar of village Bamuwal Sub-Tehsil Dhilwan. Hazara Singh stated that he had no further proof to give and therefore, Beant Kaur had not come present nor were they hopeful of getting any proof regarding identification of Beant Kaur. Therefore, whatever decision was considered appropriate may be taken.
4. In the light of these statements and the papers on record it is found that the Managing Officer had seriously erred on facts as well as on assumptions in deterring the entitlement of Beant Kaur to such a large chunk of land without proper care and caution. Some of the irregularities and aberrations which have emerged in this case are as under:-
"E[r/P[eIl ipMf auc[/85 qihsIl kpUrQl[ vyKI geI hY |
prcI nMbr[n Ksr[ bn[m FUMf[ pu@qr vs[v[ nhIN imlI hY |
drK[sq v[ps s[iel hovy |"
The signatures on the ‘report’ are illegible and the report has not been authenticated by any competent authority. It is evident that the Managing Officer blatantly misinterpreted the wording of the writing in favour of the applicant. Report of Lakhwinder Singh, Patwari prepared on 1.9.97 after passing of order by Hari Singh, Managing Officer is also of no help as it states that there is no owner by the name of Dhunda Singh son of Wasawa Singh which clearly implies that the position is being stated as on 1.9.97.
5. The aforestated serious infirmities afflicting the order dated 17.6.1997 of Sh.Hari Singh, Tehsildar and the remarkable promptitude displayed by him in favourably disposing of such a large claim, without even bothering to require the presence of Beant Kaur even once, excites grave suspicion about his complicity with the so called attorney who is now fumbling on facts. This conclusion of mine is further fortified by the denial of Hazara Singh on 12.3.2001 that he had given any Power of Attorney in favour of Karam Singh though admitting at the same time that he knows Karam Singh, his (mis)statement that he had given a special Power of Attorney to Balwant Singh, whose father’s name he did not know, and his ignorance regarding the facts of the claim. The said Beant Kaur has only strengthened this belief by her vague and evasive statements, and her ignorance regarding filing of claim by widows of Dhunda Singh. The dubious association of one Wazir Chand, Petition Writer at Jalandhar with this case ( and many other cases) in seeking and obtaining vague unauthenticated reports only makes the case weaker. All these facts and circumstances when considered in conjunction go a long way in detracting from, rather irreparably demolishing, the claim of the petitioner.
6. In view of my above discussions, I am of the opinion that the order dated 17.6.1997 of the Managing Officer suffers from grave and incurable infirmities and irregularities and the same is not legally sustainable. Therefore, in exercise of my powers u/s 33 of the Displaced Persons (Compensation and Rehabilitation) Act, 1954, I set aside the said order.
To be communicated through registered post.
Chandigarh, dated
Financial Commissioner Revenue,
the 24th April, 2001 Punjab.