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Issue of flood warning: - Floods are caused by overflowing rivers or by excessive rains. As a safe guard against this calamity it is most essential that warning regarding approaching floods in rivers are issued and conveyed promptly to all concerned such as the Sub-Divisional Officers (Civil), Deputy Commissioners, Commissioners and the Financial Commissioner, Revenue, where necessary.

2. The Punjab Irrigation Department has already fixed the intensity of ‘low’, ‘medium’ and ‘high’ floods for various rivers in cusecs as per Statement No. 1. On the basis of the intensity fixed, the flood warnings are issued and conveyed to the irrigation authorities and other civil officers as per Statement No. II. Warnings intended for the Irrigation Officers are sent by Canal Wire, where possible, and by telegrams to other Civil Officers. The Irrigation Branch Officers listed in the Statement No. III are authorised to use the priority indication ‘IMMEDIATE’ in the Fax, inland telegrams for conveying flood warnings during the period from June 15 to November 15. During October 1 to March 31, warnings are issued immediately when a river rises to the ‘low’ flood level. For the period from April to September 30, flood warnings are issued only when a river reaches the ‘medium’ flood stage. No warnings are issued for ‘low’ floods during summer. As a river rises to each successive stage of ‘low’, ‘medium’, and ‘High’ flood, warnings are sent in the following form: -

“(NAME OF RIVER) AT (NAME OF SITE) LOW/ MEDIUM/ HIGH Flood--------------Cusecs---------------Hours”

(time to be stated by 24 hour clock--------------date) Rising/falling

(Designation of sender)

In case of rising floods, a peak warning is given in the following form:

“(NAME OF RIVER) at (NAME OF SITE) -------------------- Maximum cusecs---------------------Hours (time to be stated by 24 hour clock) --------------- (date) falling.

(Designation of sender)

The list of officers to whom warnings should be sent by telegram is given in column 5-B of Appendix ‘A’. The Commissioners and other Officers concerned with flood relief should be able to judge from figures of the discharge of water conveyed through such warnings, the extent of likely danger to different villages. No hard and fast rule can be laid down in the matter and there is also no certainty as to which areas will be affected by floods. District Officers will, of course, be guided by the past experience in this behalf. Each Deputy Commissioner should collect statistics, in collaboration with the local officers of the Irrigation Department, regarding floods that had visited the districts during the past years, the extent of damaged caused, area flooded etc. etc. This information should be compiled in the proforma shown in Appendix ‘B’. Copies of this statement should be sent to the Commissioners of Divisions and Financial Commissioner Revenue.

Reporting of a serious situation through Police Radio: - When the circumstances so warrant, the agency of the police should be used to report a serious situation. However, the following points may be kept in view: -

(i) The Police Wireless should be used only when there is failure of telephone and telegraph lines and the flood situation is grave and emergent.

(ii) While sending a message through the Police radio to the Financial Commissioner (Revenue), the Deputy Commissioners should also address the same message to the Chief Secretary to Government, Punjab, Chandigarh for granting permission for the use of police radio and also requesting him to get ex–post facto sanction of the Government of India in the concerned Ministry.

(iii) A postal copy of the wireless message with a certificate that the radio channel was utilized on the failure of the normal telephone and telegraph lines and that the flood situation was grave and emergent should be sent by the Deputy Commissioners to the Joint Secretary, Home Department, with a copy to the Inspector General of Police, Punjab.



Protective Measures

Scheme for dealing with floods: - A comprehensive scheme should be evolved to deal with floods. Necessary protective measures should be adopted on the lines indicated below: -

1. Every care should be taken at all levels to ensure that the launching of this scheme does not create panic or give the impression that floods are imminent. On the other hand it should give the impression that Administration is prepared and has a sound plan to cope with the situation, should it ever arise.

Experience has shown that a great deal of the material and psychological damage caused by floods, whether by over-flowing rivers or excessive rains, is due chiefly to the following factors: -

(a) Unpreparedness.

(b) Failure to give timely warnings to all concerned, particularly to the people of villages exposed to floods.

(c) Lack of accurate information regarding the areas cut off by floods.

(d) Inability of the administrative machinery to establish immediate contact with the affected areas.

(e) Inadequate co-ordination between various departments and between the administrative and non-official agencies.

(f) Unplanned action, and

(g) Time- lag in mobilizing resources.

2.Preparation of tehsil maps: - For facility of directing flood relief operations effectively, it is desirable that the information obtained in the Control Rooms should be exhibited suitably by graphs, charts and maps. Failure to do so can be a serious handicap. Four copies of such maps and charts, etc. etc. in each tehsil should be prepared. If a tehsil is absolutely immune from floods on account of its topography, it will not be necessary to prepare a map of that particular tehsil. These maps should contain all the information mentioned in the form at Appendix ‘C’. Four copies of such maps should be prepared ;one for the tehsil Control Room, one for the District Control Room, and one each for the Commissioner and the Financial Commissioner, Revenue.

3.Setting up of Control Rooms: - Control rooms should be set up at the head quarters of Tehsils, Districts, Divisions and at the Secretariat and placed in the charge of the officers mentioned below: -

(i) Tehsil headquarters: - The Sub-Divisional Officer (Civil) or Tehsildar or any other officer appointed by the Deputy Commissioner.

(ii) Deputy Commissioner’s office: - The General Assistant or any other officer appointed by the Deputy Commissioner. It is desirable, perhaps essential, that the Officer placed in charge should not have touring duties.

(iii) Commissioner’s Office: - A responsible official of the Commissioner’s Office.

(iv) Financial Commissioners’ Office: - Secretary/ Special Secretary/ Additional Secretary/ Joint Secretary/ Deputy Secretary/ Under Secretary Revenue.

It is understood that as soon as the emergency arises, at least one official will always be there on duty in such a Control Room.

3.(a) Control Room at the Tehsil Headquarters: - The Control Room at the Tehsil headquarters shall:

(i) Collect information regarding the flood situation coming from all parts of the tehsil. At 5 p.m. every day all the information received till then, shall be set down in form ‘A’ Appendix ‘D’ and conveyed immediately, either by Fax/wireless, or telegram, or where these means of communication have failed, by such other expeditious means as are possible, directly to the Deputy Commissioner, Commissioner and Financial Commissioner Revenue.

Nil report need not be sent;

(ii) Keep in touch with the evacuation of people from dangerously exposed or seriously flooded villages. Such evacuation shall, as explained later, proceed from village to an ‘Evacuation Centre’ and hence to a ‘Relief Centre’. All necessary directions and organisational details pertaining to evacuation shall also be issued from the Control Room.

(iii) Organise and direct relief measure throughout the tehsil through various ‘Relief Centres’;

(iv) Co-ordinate the participation of non-official organizations and agencies, both for evacuation and relief operations; and

(v) Guide and inform all those who may seek assistance or information regarding situation in the tehsil

3(b)Control Room at District Headquarters: - The District Control Room shall perform the following functions:-

(i) Maps showing the flood situation in all tehsils in the district shall be set up in this Control Room and kept upto-date.

(ii) This Control Room shall perform function for the District similar to those performed by the Control Room at the tehsil level.

(iii) By 6 P.M. each day collect situation reports received from the Tehsil Control Rooms and send a consolidated report for the whole district by Fax/Police Wireless, or telegram in Form B at Appendix ‘D’ to the Commissioner, Financial Commissioner, Revenue and Chief Secretary and other authorities concerned with evacuation and relief operations, such as the local army.

(iv) Nil reports need not be sent.

3 (c) Control Room at Divisional headquarters: -

(i) Functions of this Control Room shall be similar to those of the District and Tehsil Control Rooms but the Commissioner shall not be required to issue situation reports to Govt., unless considered necessary in special circumstances.

(ii) Maps of all Tehsils in the Division shall be set up in this control room and kept upto-date.

(iii) The Commissioner of a division shall normally be responsible for enlisting the aid of military authorities, when necessary. It is expected that the Deputy Commissioner shall get in touch with the Commissioner when the situation calls for assistance from the army. If such assistance can be secured locally by the Deputy Commissioner, the Commissioner should be kept informed. If military assistance on a large scale is considered necessary, the Commissioner shall contact the Chief Secretary on telephone or otherwise, and also inform the Financial Commissioner, Revenue about it.

Provided that ordinarily in Flood Relief Operations help should first be sought from Police and P.A.P. personnel. Army is to be called upon only when the floods are of exceptional magnitude.

3 (d) Control Room at the Financial Commissioners’ Office: - Control Room in the Financial Commissioners’ Office, shall be set up under the overall control of one of the Joint /Deputy Secretaries (Revenue) and manned jointly by the staff deputed from the offices of the Financial Commissioners’, Punjab and the Chief Engineer (Drainage), Irrigation Department, Punjab. The officials of the Irrigation Department should obtain and handover the latest information regarding water discharge of the various rivers/ rivulets in the state, to the branch concerned in the F.C’s Office dealing with emergency relief matters. The Assistant deputed from the office of Financial Commissioners’, Punjab should receive messages from Deputy Commissioners’ and other outside agencies including Weather Office and pass it on without any delay to the Branch Officer incharge of the above-mentioned Branch for taking necessary action.

The maps showing the flood prone areas in the districts of the State may be displayed in this Control Room and kept up-to-date.

During the rainy season, the concerned officers at all levels shall depute officials for appropriate timings/round the clock duty in the Control Room enabling them to keep a constant vigil on the impending danger of floods. In the event of a contingency they would report to their respective authorities about the danger so that timely action is taken to check the same by adopting preventive measures.

4. Issue of flood warnings to relief and Evacuation Centres and to other officers

Flood warnings to relief and Evacuation centres etc. etc.:-Timely warnings should be given to all concerned.

(i) It may not always be possible to give timely warning to people in the exposed villages, but every endeavour should be made by the Tehsildar /Sub-Divisional Magistrate, as soon as such a warning is received by him to convey it to the villages directly through patwaris or Relief and Evacuation Centres where these are set up. How this should be done is described later in the sub-para (iii). Warning of approaching floods should be immediately conveyed by the Irrigation authorities to the Deputy Commissioners, Commissioners, and Financial Commissioner Revenue. As soon as a warning is received by the Deputy Commissioner, it will be communicated to the sub-Divisional Magistrate/Tehsildars concerned by telephone, telegrams or wireless .The Sub-Divisional Magistrate shall immediately alert all “Relief Centres” “Evacuation Centres”, where these are set-up and villages in dangerously exposed areas in the manner indicated in sub-paragraph (iii).

(ii) As regards floods caused by heavy rains, no warnings can be given. Every one concerned must be alert as soon as heavy rains start. The Sub-Divisional Magistrate must be particularly wide-awake and keep their Deputy Commissioners informed of the situation as it develops. A watch should be kept on all protective bunds, water –ways natural drainage channels, railway lines and roads. As soon as there are indications of any breach, steps should be taken to repair the breach and direct the water along safe channels, unless the only escape for the water is through such a breach. In order to have up-to-date information about the situation, the Sub-Divisional Magistrate concerned should remain in constant touch with all ‘Relief Centres’ in his jurisdiction .The ‘Relief Centres’ shall on their part, maintain contact with the ‘Evacuation Centres’ in their area, while the Evacuation Centres’ shall remain in touch with the villages they are expected to serve.

(iii) It is absolutely essential that all warnings and information emanating from the Tehsil Control Room should reach ‘Relief Centres’, Evacuation Centres’ and dangerously exposed villages as rapidly as possible and that information from these villages should be passed on to the Tehsil Control Room with all possible speed through Evacuation and Relief Centres. If the telegraphic communication is put out of action by floods or if there are no telegraph offices of places where ‘Relief Centres’ are located, the Sub-DivisionalMagistrate should arrange runners, who may use bicycles, horses, boats or sometimes may walk for conveying messages. As soon aswarning or a message is received from the Sub-Divisional Magistrate bya ‘Relief Centre’, the later will convey it to all ‘Evacuation Centres’ attached to it in the quickest possible manner and each ‘Evacuation Centre’ will, like wise send the information to the villages attached to it .It would be a great advantage if each village ‘Evacuation Centre’. ‘Relief Centre’ and Tehsil Control Room maintains panels of fit, dependable and active men who would be prepared to serve as messengers in such emergencies. There should be no hesitation in using tehsil peons for this purpose.

5. Information about floods to be collected and conveyed to Deputy Commissioners by Tehsildars: - All relevant information about floods should be collected. As soon as a “high flood” warning is received in a tehsil, the Sub-Divisional Magistrate should set about collecting information through his ‘Relief Centres’ regarding the situation. It is expected that ‘Relief Centres’ will get the information either direct, or through ‘Evacuation Centres’. All such information should be collected and conveyed to the Deputy Commissioners and to all concerned at the tehsil headquarters without delay. It will also be the Sub-Divisional Officer’s personal responsibility to alert all concerned with in the tehsil and ‘to clear decks for action’. The Deputy Commissioner shall at the same time ensure that the organisation at the district headquarters is ready to go into action at a short notice.

Evacuation and Evacuation Centres- first line of defence: - The damage caused by the floods in the past years should serve as the guide for making arrangements set forth here.

Classification of flood affected areas.

6. Classification of area:- (i) Dangerously exposed areas. These are areas:-

(a) Which were entirely or almost entirely under water;

(b) Which were practically cut off from the rest of the tehsil or district by disruption of communications;

(c) In which villages were washed away, damaged or marooned;

(d) Which could be reached only by boats, rafts or from the air.

Dangerously exposed villages: - Such areas should be shaded ‘red’ on the tehsil maps. Normally, every village in a dangerously exposed areas, should be placed in this category. There are quite a number of villages which though so situated are safe because they are situated on a sufficiently high ground. Such villages may run the risk of being marooned, but are, otherwise, safe so for as shelter is concerned. Thus only those villages which were either washed away in the last floods and have been wholly or partially rebuilt, or damaged should be placed in the category of “dangerously exposed areas”.

(ii) Moderately exposed areas: - Such areas should be shaded “Green” on the tehsil maps.

(iii) Safe areas are those in which communications were not disrupted and no serious damage to roads etc. etc. had occurred

Safe villages: - All villages which, because of adequate elevation or location, are immune from the ravages of floods (even though they may be marooned or cut off by water from certain sides) may be placed in this category.

Setting up of Evacuation Centres.

7. Evacuation and setting up of Evacuation Centres:- People ,animals and movables should be evacuated from “dangerously exposed” villages to “safe” villages, as soon as the warning of ‘high’ flood is received . The decision to evacuate may be left to the Panchayats of these villages. Every high flood may not necessitate this step. A great deal will depend on the intensity of the flood. If the flood is fast approaching in such villages, there should be no hesitation on the part of residents to shift to the safe villages earmarked as its “Evacuation Centre”.

Evacuation Centres: - Each Deputy Commissioner will in consultation with his Sub-Divisional Magistrate determine the ‘safe’ villages which will serve as ‘Evacuation Centres’. To each centre should be attached a group of ‘dangerously exposed’ villages and the people of these villages should know before hand the name of ‘safe’ villages which will serve as their ‘Evacuation Centres’. The latter should be properly selected; it should be close to its group but safe from the ravages of floods; it should be a fairly big village so that it can, for a day or two, shelter and feed the evacuees and their cattle. In selecting and ‘Evacuation Centre’ the following considerations must be kept in view:

(i) Safety of the villages.

(ii) Distance from its satellites.

(iii) Availability of good drinking water.

(iv) Its economic resources.

(v) Proximity and accessibility to its parent ‘Relief Centre’.

(vi) Availability of open spaces, where carts, cattle etc. etc. of evacuees can be kept till they move to ‘Relief Centres’.

In each of these Evacuation Centres should be set up a strong committee of workers having organising ability and the sprit of service. There should also be a panel of messengers as mentioned earlier. It may also be necessary to select a place for use as a community kitchen and to keep a stock of foodstuffs in such villages. These Centres will not be expected to shelter and feed evacuees for more than a few days. As soon as possible, these people should, unless the ‘Evacuation Centre’ is in a position to keep them longer, be moved to the parent ‘Relief Centre’. These ‘Evacuation Centres’ may appropriately be described as the first line of defence against floods.

It is necessary to provide for rescuing people from dangerously exposed villages because they may have neither the time nor the inclination to move to their ‘Evacuation Centre’ before the floods overtake them. Such people with their belongings shall have to be rescued by boats and their animals on rafts, unless animals can swim alongside boats.

Setting up Relief Centres.

8. Relief Centres- the second line of defence: - Suitably situated big villages or towns should be selected as ‘Relief Centre’. At the time of selection, care should be taken to ensure that communications can be maintained between these Centres and between the tehsil headquarters and these centres. As for as possible, ‘Evacuation Centres’ attached to particular ‘Relief Centres’ should not be more than 5 miles from it.

Every Relief Centre should have: -

(i)A local relief committee comprising local officials, if any, and influential non- official of alldenominations and parties. These committees should be set up forthwith and acquainted with the role they will be required to play in the event of an emergency. The Tehsildar shall set up such a committee in consultation with the leading residents of the place.

(ii) A small building earmarked for use as an office.

(iii) A place for cooking food for distribution to evacuees as they arrive and for sending it out with relief parties;

(iv) A place for storing food, tentage etc. etc.

(v) Selected sites for pitching tents, herding cattle, parking carts, storing chattel etc, etc. and buildings earmarked for housing evacuees.

(vi) A panel of selfless workers of active habits and vigorous constitution who are capable of handling boat in rough or running water; can put rafts swim and endure hardships smilingly. These will be the people who will go out as relief parties to rescue stranded people, bring in people from Evacuation Centres, accompany officials relief parties etc. etc.

(vii) Selected sites or buildings for serving as community kitchen.

(viii) A panel of messengers for carrying messages, running errands and so on.

Should the relief centre be cut off by water from its satellite evacuation centres, it should be provided with boats and rafts by the Sub- Divisional Magistrate. For housing evacuees, the Sub- Divisional Magistrate should arrange to place tents at the disposal of the Relief Committee.

The Sub- Divisional Magistrate should maintain the closest possible contact with “ Relief Centres” in his Tehsil and render all possible help to Relief Committees. It would be of advantage to maintain at each Tehsil headquarter a list of all non- official organizations, missions, societies, schools and colleges which are expected to contribute workers, funds, equipment etc. etc. for dealing with the emergency. A representative committee of all such bodies should be set up at each tehsil headquarter immediately and the task of collecting foodstuffs, beddings, funds etc. entrusted to them. In special circumstances, it may even be necessary to start Langars’ at tehsil headquarters for feeding evacuees, who do not report at relief centres and for those sent with relief parties. Essential medicines can also be collected through this committee, if influential members of the local business community are its members.

After construction of dams on Sutlej and Beas, the need for large scale evacuation during floods would now normally arise only in tehsils close to Ravi. Deputy Commissioner’s may therefore, determine the tehsils in their District in which the evacuation and relief Centres would be necessary and take steps to set up the same in these tehsils during the flood season.

Establishing contact with areas cut off Arrangement of Boats.

9. Communications: - Communications break down almost entirely during floods. It is a problem to devise ways and means of establishing contact with the cut- off areas. The few boats available at ferries in the districts through which rivers flow are utterly inadequate for dealing with the situation, when it is grave. More often, quite a number of these boats are washed away before the authorities can commander them. Experience has shown that loss of life in dangerously exposed villages is invariably due to lack of boats. If arrangements are to be effective, there should be a fair sized boat and a raft or two always available in each of such villages. Women, children and the infirm can be evacuated in boats, while able bodied men, animals and house-hold effects can be easily transported on rafts .It would pay people of such villages to contribute to the cost of a boat and rafts made of sleepers. It is possible that one boat may be able to serve more than one village and in that case the cost can be shared. People of bigger villages should be persuaded to undertake this expenditure. For the poorer villages, the Zila Parishads should do the needful. Besides, these boats, some boats should be kept at each relief centre and the Evacuation Centre. The Zila Parishad may finance the manufacture of these boats so far as possible. One or two well- constructed rafts should also be maintained at each centre by the Zila Parishad.

Each Deputy Commissioner will immediately ascertain the number of boats available in his district and the number required if arrangements as suggested above are to be made. He will take steps to get these boats made. Payment for these boats may be made out of the Zila Parishad funds. These boats should not be more than 15 or 20 feet in length, should be capable of being rowed by one or two persons at the most and should be of light weight. Each boat should be provided with a spare set of oars and should have, in addition, a stout and long bamboo pole for putting, where oars cannot be used and for extricating the boat should it get stuck in mud .It would also be a great advantage if each boat is provided with a large water proof tarpaulin for protecting food, clothes, medicines, etc. etc. from the rain water.

For rapid movement in completely flooded areas, particularly by relief parties consisting of doctors and local officers who cannot afford to waste time, boats of the above size fitted with out-board motor engines will be ideal.

Aerial reconnaissance by Commissioner and submission of report to Government

10. Aerial reconnaissance and air–drop: - If considered necessary aerial reconnaissance of flooded areas should be carried out by the Commissioner at the earliest opportunity to enable him to asses the gravity of the situation.

A reconnaissance report should be compiled by the Commissioner and copies of this report sent to Deputy Commissioner concerned, Financial Commissioner Revenue and Chief Secretary. Afflicted areas, localities where people are stranded, villages that have collapsed or are on the verge of collapse, breaches of railway tracks, roads, canals, bunds etc. etc. are points of particular importance to be noted in such flights.

Air dropping of food should not be necessary if other arrangements, as suggested above, have been made. When air-dropping is considered necessary the Commissioner should contact the Chief Secretary or the Financial Commissioner Revenue.

Relief Organisation at tehsil and district headquarters

11. The organisation at the Tehsil and District Headquarters: - The organisation at the Tehsil and District headquarter should be as efficient as possible. At both the places, relief committees, comprising officials and representative non-officials, should be constituted immediately. Those with experience of tackling similar problems in the past should be preferred.

Students and other willing to go out in relief and rescue parties should be given some training in manning boats, constructions of rafts, disinfection of wells, rendering first- aid and kindred tasks with aid of local Health Officials, the Red Cross and St. John’s Ambulance Brigade Workers.

Adequate arrangements should also be made for the collection of food and medical stores, tents and other articles that may be needed and for their speedy transport to the relief centre.

The pattern of arrangements and organisation can be the same at both the district and tehsil headquarters. Smooth and speedy working should be the keynote of all endeavour.

Use of Police wireless in emergencies.

12. Use of Police Wireless: - The Superintendent of Police in the districts or in the P.A.P should give information about the number and location of wireless transmitters and P.A.P pickets in the district to the Deputy Commissioners. It is expected that pickets in the dangerously exposed areas will transmit to the district headquarters information regarding the arrival of floods, damaged caused, plight of villages affected and also receive messages that may be sent from headquarters for the information of local villages and officials, if any, regarding evacuation and relief arrangements etc.etc.

Joint inspection of flood protection works

13. Joint Inspection of flood protection works: - As a safeguard against breaches in bunds, drains, nullahs and other similar flood protection works. Direct Inspection Committees, consisting of the Deputy Commissioner, Senior Engineers of the Irrigation Department P.W.D. (B. and R.) and the Superintendent of Police should be set up in each district.

The District Inspection Committees should inspect flood protection works during the month of March, and send their reports to Government by the 1st of April every year. The Deputy Commissioner should ensure that that necessary repairs are carried out by the Department concerned by the end of May. They will also report by the 1st June, whether or not the flood protection works are in good condition and whether the Departments concerned attend to proper maintenance of such works. The second joint inspection is to be made by the committee in October, after the monsoons are over.



Handling of flood relief equipment.

1. Handling of Boats: - To be effective in flood relief, mobility over water is essential because unless help can get to the people speedily, deaths from drowning, starvation and ailment will result. Large boats, however powerful, cannot operate effectively during floods, because they need plenty of water in depth, cannot be pushed or hauled in case they are grounded and once stuck in mud, are likely to be out of action for days, if not weeks. Smaller boats ranging from 5 to 7 meters in length, fitted with out – board motors/ out board jet motors or inboard jet engines, are ideal for this type of work. Their carrying capacity can be increased by adopting the towing technique. With a 30 or 40 H. P. outboard motor, as many as 10 to 12 haulage boats can be towed. This technique has a great advantage in that on the way out, the haulage boats can carry cooked or uncooked food, powdered milk, medical units etc. etc. and one or more boats can be detached at each village falling on the way and these boats can then be picked up on the return journey empty or with persons to be evacuated.

2. Training of personnel and availability of flood relief equipment:-Relief operations can be conducted successfully only by trained personnel. It is, therefore, necessary that exercises, refresher courses etc. etc. are arranged at regular intervals to enable trainees to perform their duties with required efficiency and confidence, besides acquiring basic knowledge of the relief technique. The Government of India have set up a Central Training Institute for this purpose at Nagpur.

Punjab is not a maritime State and so there is practically no inland navigation within the State. However, Jeep drivers, Clerks and Assistants from offices and non-officials, particularly those hailing from the affected areas and senior officers can be put through training courses at various camps held for the purpose. Men, who operate our flood relief boats are not whole-time flood operators. It is, not possible or practicable to keep large bodies of trained men idle until the emergency arises. We have, therefore, to depend on voluntary and missionary workers and Government Officials who can, when the emergency arises, be expected to turn out for this duty.

3. Flood Relief training camps: -Flood relief camps are organised at the State and District levels from time to time. In these Training Camps, Government officials from the District/State headquarters etc.etc. are imparted training in the following subjects: -

(1) Swimming

(2) Life Saving Technique and rescuing people marooned in water-logged areas.

(3) First-aid to the drowned.

(4) Operation of Boats/Jet Boats etc etc.

(5) Rowing of Boats

(6) Organising Relief to the marooned people and

(7) Evacuation of marooned people etc.etc.

4. Flood Relief equipments of the organisation - Deputy Commissioners should ensure that only those officials are deputed for training who will be available at the time of any emergency and will be willing workers for flood relief.

5. Flood Relief Equipment - Every Deputy Commissioner should have the flood relief equipment in his district checked up during November each year and thereafter take steps to have the same repaired by end of May, so that it is in good working condition if required during the floods.

Some equipment is also available at the Headquarters. If during floods extra equipment is required in a district, the Deputy Commissioner should immediately contact the Financial Commissioner Revenue or Joint Secretary/Deputy Secretary incharge of Emergency Relief Branch in Revenue Department.

Chapter -IV

Reports Regarding Daily And Weekly

Flood Situation.

Supply of information to the Government on the occurrence of natural calamity-Whenever any natural calamity like hailstorms, floods, lighting, earthquake, Pest attack, locusts etc.etc. occurs in any district, the concerned Deputy Commissioner should at once inform the Government (in the Revenue Department) about its occurrence and intensity through wireless communications and other facilities without any loss of time so that the Government becomes aware of it before its publication in the newspapers and send his detailed report within the shortest possible time. The report should inter-alia give the magnitude of any particular natural calamity, immediate relief provided by the Deputy Commissioner and the help sought from the Government.

2. Submission of daily flood situation report- During the rainy season a Daily Flood situation report is issued from the State headquarters and copies thereof are sent to various departments of the Government of India and the State Government. The despatch of the daily report regularly and punctually is possible only if the said report is received from Deputy Commissioner in time. The following instructions in this behalf should be noted for compliance: -

(a) The daily report regarding flood situation should be sent to the Financial Commissioner Revenue as soon as the rainy season starts or 1st July whichever event occurs earlier. These reports should be continued to be sent till 30st September, a special daily report may be sent if there is heavy rain on any day in September. It should be sent in the following manner:

(i) The report may be sent by ‘Recorded Delivery’ post in the proforma at Appendix ‘E’. All columns of the proforma should be filled in properly.

(ii) Anything special should be reported by Fax, ‘Express telegram’ so that it reaches by 10.00 A. M. or 11 A.M. and mentioned in the daily report to be issued by the Revenue Department. A detailed report may be sent by ‘Recorded Delivery’ ‘Post’ at once.

(iii) Grave and serious situation should be reported over the Police wireless/Fax at once. Immediate and direct threat of a breach in bunds, drains, rivers or canals or imminent damage to crops, lives and villages should be taken as a “Grave and serious situation.”

(b) It may be impressed upon all officers concerned with the relief work in the district that any delay in the despatch of daily reports in manner prescribed above shall be viewed very seriously.

3. Submission of weekly report regarding flood situation- A weekly progress report in the proforma prescribed at Appendix ‘F’ shall also be sent by the Deputy Commissioner on due dates .All column of the proforma shall be filled in properly.



Digging of link Drains and cuts in the P.W.D Roads.


Powers given to Collectors under the Canal and Drainage Act

1. Powers of the Collectors under the Canal and Drainage Act- Collectors have also been given powers under Section 57-A read with Section 30-A to 30-G of the Northern India Canal and Drainage Act, 1873 by the Punjab Government Notification No. 6257-IW3-62/7589, dated 20th May, 1964 issued by the Secretary to Government, Punjab, Irrigation Department.

2. Construction of Link (fields) Drains- In the matter regarding constructions of link (field) drains it has been decided that:-

(i) It will be the responsibility of the Irrigation Department to prepare the alignment, plans and L- Sections and to demarcate the land ( Nishan Dehi) on the spot.

(ii) The execution of the work pertaining to the link drains will be the responsibility of the Government in Irrigation Department.

(iii) Technical supervision will be that of the Irrigation Department.

(iv) In cases where land is not voluntarily given by the villagers, it will have to be acquired according to the provisions of the Land Acquisition Act.

3. To avoid confusion, field and link drains should always be referred to as field (drains). Field drains are defined as drains, which are upto five miles in length. All other drains are main, subsidiary, tributary and sub- tributary drain. A field drain may have its outfall into a sub-tributary, tributary, subsidiary of a main drain directly as the case may be.

4. As regards the inter- superiority of the execution of the field drains in a district, preference should be given to the field drains which would help draining off the congestions in localised depressions.

Selection of test Relief works

5. Test Relief works- Instructions regarding the selection of Test Relief Works in the flood affected areas and their execution etc.etc. are as under : -

The Test works proposed by the Deputy Commissioners fall into the categories given below. These categories have been given in order of priority in which they may be taken up, subject to availability of funds.

(i) Digging link drains and other drains to drain out standing flood water.

The primary responsibility for this should be that of the Drainage Department and where a provision exists for a drain which could not be dug or completed before the last flood season the department should undertake the work immediately with its own funds. Funds from the head “2245- Relief on account of Natural Calamities” (Revenue Department’s Head) should be utilized only where the work is absolutely essential and necessary funds are not available with the Department.

(ii) The repair of ring and other abadi protection bunds.

(iii) The repair of bunds for the protection of agricultural lands.

In both (ii) and (iii) above, if the Department concerned has any funds, the repair should be undertaken by them otherwise the required funds may be utilised from“2245- Relief on account of Natural Calamities” head.

(iv) The construction of ring and other bunds for the protection of abadis.

Necessary funds may be found from the allotments made under the head “2245- Relief on Account of Natural Calamities” for the Relief Test Works or through diversion of funds by the Deputy Commissioners from the amounts placed at their disposal for subsistence grants.

(v) The construction of bunds to protect agricultural lands.

(vi) Constructions of new roads (only earth work and necessary culverts) in areas which are likely to be flooded.

These works will facilitate future flood relief operations in the event of floods. Where floods are not likely because of flood protection works in the near future, construction of such roads may not be undertaken.

Funds for such works may be provided by diversion of the amount placed at the disposal of the Deputy Commissioners for subsistence grants, unless the funds are available with the Department or Zila Parishad concerned.

(vii) Repairs of damaged (a) Roads, (b) Drains and (c) Canals. Responsibility for such repairs is that of the Department concerned and they should be expected to start such works with their own funds.

(viii) Deepening of existing drains to eliminate possibility of future floods. Here also the responsibility is that of Drainage Department who are expected to provide necessary funds.

(ix) Improvement of existing roads, so as to make them usable even in the event of floods, by raising their level, provision of more culverts and protective bunds etc.

Here again, the responsibility is that of the Department concerned and the necessary funds for such works are to be provided by them.

Priority for the selection of Test Relief Works.

5. Criteria to be observed by Deputy Commissioners in the selection of test relief works to be undertaken- While observing priorities suggested above, selection should be continued to those works which: -

(a) have the highest potential for employment of unskilled labour;

(b) which can be started soon and completed within the current financial year; and

(c) where 100% or almost the entire estimated amount will be paid as wages for unskilled labour.


General Instructions regarding execution of works.

6. Other suggestions for the guidance of Deputy Commissioners for the execution of works- (i) Deputy Commissioners should get the necessary plans and detailed estimates prepared by the technical Department concerned. Where the estimate exceeds the rough cost estimates already submitted, the case should be immediately referred to Government for approval.

(ii) For areas and villages where the works are started, payment of subsistence grant should be discontinued to all families which have at least one able bodied male member above 18 years of age, provided that this stipulation should not prohibit the employment of females above the age of 18 years and males between the age of 15 to 18 years on these works.

(iii) Works may be undertaken only in the areas affected by heavy floods involving large scale evacuation in relief camp.

(iv) With a view to ensuring that an adequate number of able-bodied persons turn up regularly for work, that payments are made regularly, that fictitious muster rolls are not maintained, that proper works are executed and completed in current financial year, that proper accounts of all payments are maintained and that families whose members are offered employment on such works and refuse such employment are not paid subsistence grants, it is desirable that the following instructions are observed:-

(a) The area in which Test works are to be undertaken should be divided into sectors, each sector corresponding to the jurisdiction of Overseer/Sectional Officer who will be responsible for the technical part of the work. Each sector should be placed under the charge of a Sector officer not below the rank of Naib-Tehsildar and preferably the Block Development and Panchayat Officer of the Block. These Sector Officers should be appointed by the Deputy Commissioners.

(b) A number of such sectors should be grouped into a zone and for each zone the Deputy Commissioner should depute a Zonal Officer not below the rank of Tehsildar/Block Development and Panchayat Officer. These Zones should correspond to the areas under the Sub-Divisional Officer of the Technical Department responsible for the work. Where the sector is placed under the charge of Block Development and Panchayat Officer, Zonal Sector may be placed under the charge of Tehsildar.

Duties of Local Officers regarding execution of works

7. Duties of various officers.

(a) The Deputy Commissioner.

(1) Selection of works to be undertaken and ensuring that proper plans and estimates are prepared for the works selected and these works are started soon and completed during the current financial year.

(2) To divide the areas in which works are to be undertaken into zones and each zone into sectors.

(3) To appoint Zonal and Sector Officers

(4) To exercise general supervision over zonal and sector officers and to ensure that wages are paid regularly to the persons employed and that proper accounts are kept.

(b) The Zonal Officer.

(1) To supervise generally the execution of all test works in his zone.

(2) To supervise particularly the work of his sector officers and to ensure that every sector officer maintains the prescribed register (appendix G)

The work of each Sector Officer should be inspected at least twice a month when the entries in the register should be checked and initialled in the appropriate column. Random checking on the spot to verify the correctness of entries made by the Sector Officer should be done on each visit to work sites and villages in the sector. At least 25% of the entries in the register should be so checked.

(3) To assist the Technical Officer who is his counter-part, in all matters connected with execution of works in supply of man power.

If there is any friction between a Sector Officer and his technical counter-part, the Zonal Officer and his technical counter-part should see that it is removed. If they cannot do it ,the Zonal Officer will bring the matter to the notice of the Deputy Commissioner.

(C ) The Sector Officers

(1) To explain to people in the sector that all able-bodied persons will be expected to work failing which they would cease to get subsistence grant.

(2) To maintain properly the register prescribed in para (2) of (b) above

(3) To ensure adequate and regular supply of manpower from the affected villages for the execution and completion of works in the sector before the end of the financial year.

The Chairman, Vice-Chairman, members of the Samiti in which the work is located, the Sarpanch and Panches of the villages concerned should be requested to assist in getting people to take up these works.

(4) To give full co-operation to his technical counter-part.

(5) To be present when weekly payments are made to labourers and to attest the Muster –Roll.

(6) Every Sector Officer will be required to maintain a register in the proforma at Appendix ‘G

Cuts in P.W.D. Roads to drain out the flood Water

8. Cuts in P.W.D. Roads: - Cut are sometimes made in the P.W.D. Roads for the draining of flood water. Sometimes these are made by the local people and some by the local authorities without consulting or associating the P.W.D. Officers in the matter. The Public Works Department resent such indiscriminate cuts. It is desired that no cut should be made in the road, except where it is absolutely necessary and that too in consultation with the local officers of the P.W.D. (B and R)



Evaluation of flood damages

Flood damages to be reported to the Chief Engineer (Drainage) Irrigation Works Punjab by the Deputy Commissioners: -The Deputy Commissioners are required to supply necessary information regarding flood damages to the Chief Engineer (Drainage), Irrigation Works, Punjab, on the prescribed proformas (F.D.5 and F.D.7) as at Appendix ‘H’ every year immediately after the flood season is over. The information is to be supplied to the Chief Engineer (Drainage) along with the plan showing sites of damages under intimation to the Revenue Department.



Flood Relief Operations

Different phases of tackling the flood menace: - Flood Relief operations are to be regulated in three distinct phases; namely (i) the Emergency phase (ii) the Static phase, and (iii) the post Flood phase.

The Emergency Phase: - In the emergency phase problems like warnings of floods to vulnerable villages, speedy intimation of arrival of floods to the authorities, speedy contact by local authorities with affected villages, establishment of the basis of the relief operations, deployment of flood relief equipment/ personnel, evacuation of people, medical aid, opening of free kitchen and chlorination of drinking water are to be tackled.

The Static Phase: - In this phase, operations like the return of evacuated persons to their homes, regular flow of flood and essential goods to affected villages, provision of drinking water, opening of fair price shops, and temporary dispensaries for human beings and animals, dewatering of abadis, detailed assessment of their needs, damages and establishment of communications are undertaken.

The Post Floods Phase: - This phase starts when flood waters have either dried up or have been drained off. During these operations repairs to damaged houses, removal of debris, repairs of wells/ roads, disbursement of loans for seeds, fodder and implements, distribution of clothes and starting of test relief works are undertaken.



Instructions regarding Central Assistance in connection with the natural calamities.

Scheme for Constitution and Administration of the Calamity Relief Fund and investments therefrom.

1. Title of the Scheme and Period of Operation- The scheme shall be called ‘Calamity Relief Fund Scheme’.

2. It shall come into force with effect from the financial year 2000-01 and will be operative till the end of the financial year 2004-05.

3. Calamities covered under the Scheme- The CRF should be used for meeting the expenditure forproviding immediate relief to the victims of cyclone, drought, earthquake, fire, flood and hailstorm.

4. Constitution of Calamity Relief Fund- A ‘Calamity Relief Fund’ (hereinafter referred to as ‘the Fund’) will be constituted by each State (if not already constituted) for the purpose of financing natural calamity relief assistance. The Fund would be constituted in the Public Account and classified under the head ‘8235-General and Other Reserve Funds-III Calamity Relief Fund’ in the accounts of the Government concerned. However, if for some reason it is not possible to invest the fund in a manner prescribed in para 9 of the scheme, it should be classified under the head “8121-General and Other Reserve Funds” in the interest bearing section of the Public Account, under a distinct minor head.

5.1 Contributions to the Fund- The amount of annual contribution to the Calamity Relief Fund of each State for each of the financial years 2000-01 to 2004-05 would be as indicated in Annexure-I to this scheme. Of the total contribution indicated, Government of India will contribute 75% of the total yearly allocation in the form of a non-plan grant and the balance amount will be contributed by the State Government concerned. The yearly share of the Government of India and the State Governments are shown in the Annexures-II and III respectively. In respect of successor States of Bihar, Jharkhand, Madhya Pradesh, Chhattisgarh, Uttar Pradesh and Uttaranchal the information is as shown in Annexure-IV.

5.2 The share of the Government of India to the Fund shall be paid to the state Government as Grants-in-aid and accounted in the Government of India accounts under the head “3601-Grants-in-aid to State Governments-01 Non-Plan grants-109 Grants towards contribution to Calamity Relief Fund”. The State Governments shall take these as receipts in their budget and account under the head “1601-Grants-in-aid from Central Government-01 Non-Plan Grant-109 Grants towards contribution to Calamity Relief Fund”.

5.3 In order to enable transfer of the total amount of contribution to the Fund (including the State’s share of contribution), the State Governments would make suitable Budget provision on the expenditure side of their budget under the head “2245-Relief on Account of Natural Calamities-05 Calamity Relief Fund-101 Transfer to Reserve Fund and Deposit Accounts-Calamity Relief Fund.”

5.4 The share of the Central Government shall be remitted to the State Government in two instalments on 1 “May and 1” November in each Financial year. Likewise, the State Governments shall also transfer the total contribution (including State’s share) to the Fund in two instalments in May and November of the same year.

The arrears of first instalment for the financial year 2000-01 will be paid/transferred by the Governments concerned immediately. Wherever the contribution has already been released/transferred by the Central/State Government, suitable accounting adjustments may be carried out in accordance with the provisions of this scheme.

6. Release of Central Contribution to the Fund- The share of the Government of India to the Fund due in a year shall be released to the State Governments subject to the following conditions:

(i) A ‘Calamity Relief Fund’ has been duly constituted by the State Government in the manner prescribed in para 4 above. The creation of the Fund duly certified by the Accountant General (A&E) of the State be furnished by the State Government to the Ministry of Finance.

(ii) Before an instalment is released, the State Government shall furnish a certificate to the Ministry of Finance indicating that the amount received earlier has been credited to the Fund along with the State’s share of contribution, accompanied by a statement giving the up-to-date expenditure and the balance amount available in the CRF. This statement itself shall be treated as utilisation certificate.

(iii) Centre’s contribution due on 1st “November, shall be released only after the ‘Annual Report on Natural Calamities’ as indicated in para 11.2 of the scheme is received by the Ministry of Agriculture who in turn will communicate the same to Ministry of Finance.

(iv) The release of both the instalments shall be made by Ministry of Finance subject to the above conditions being satisfied unless advised by Ministry of Agriculture for withholding of release to any State.

(v) The State shall be able to draw 25% of the funds due to the State in the following year from the Centre to be adjusted against the dues of the subsequent year.

7. Relationship of Fund with General Revenues/Public Account- The periodic contributions to the Fund as well as the other income of the Fund shall be kept outside the Public Accounts of the States and invested in the manner prescribed in the scheme. However, if for some reason it is not possible to invest in the manner prescribed in the scheme, it should be kept in the Public Account on which the State Government should pay interest to the Fund at one and half times the rate applicable to overdrafts under Overdraft Regulation Scheme of the RBI. The interest will be credited on a half yearly basis.

8.1 State Level Committee- A State-level Committee (hereinafter referred to as ‘the Committee’) shall be constituted by the State Government to administer the Fund, by issue of a suitable notification in this behalf.

8.2 Composition of State Level Committees- The Chief Secretary of the State shall be the ex-officio Chairman of the Committee. The Committee would consist of officials who are normally connected with relief work and experts in various fields in the State affected by natural calamities. The Committee will be nominated by the State government.

8.3 Sub-Committee- The State Governments and/or the State Level Committees may constitute sub-committees as may be considered necessary by them in connection with the work of the Committee.

8.4 Functions of the State Level Committee- The Committee will decide on all matters connected with the financing of the relief expenditure.

8.5 The Committee will arrange to obtain the contribution from the concerned Governments, administer the Fund and invest the accretions to the fund as per the norms approved by the Government of India from time to time. The norms of investment are indicated in para 9.3.

8.6 The Committee shall also be responsible to ensure that the money drawn from the Calamity Relief Fund is applied for the purposes for which the Fund has been set up and only on items of expenditure and as per norms contained in the guidelines issued by Ministry of Agriculture.

8.7 The accretions to the Fund together with the income earned on the investments of the Fund will be used by the Committee to meet items of expenditure covered by the norms contained in the guidelines issued by the Ministry of Agriculture. No further financial assistance (beyond the Central Government’s yearly contribution to the Fund) will ordinarily be available for the purpose.

8.8 Expenditure of Committee- All administrative and miscellaneous expenses of the Committee shall be borne by the State Government under its normal budgetary provisions and not from the CRF.

9.1 Administration of the Fund- As stated in paragraph 8.1 above, the responsibility for the administration of the Fund will rest with the Committee.

9.2 On receipt of the amounts of contributions from the Government, the Committee would take action for investment of the funds as per the prescribed norms. The investment of the funds shall be carried out by the branch of the Reserve Bank of India (having Banking Department) at headquarters of the State. In the case of States in which there is no such branch of the Reserve Bank of India at the State headquarters, the investments shall be carried out by the bank designated by RBI. In the case of Government of Jammu & Kashmir and Sikkim these functions shall be carried out by their bankers.

9.3 Pattern of Investment from the Fund- The accretions to the Fund together with the income earned on the investment of the Fund shall, till contrary instructions are issued by Government of India under para 8.5, be invested in one or more of the following instruments:

(a) Central Government dated Securities;

(b) Auctioned Treasury Bills;

(c) Interest earning deposits and certificates of deposits with Scheduled Commercial Banks;

(d) Interest earning deposits in Co-operative Banks;

9.4 Account of Investment Transactions- The Committee will, from time to time, issue instructions to the concerned local bankers indicated in para 9.2 above to invest specified amount (s) from the Fund in the securities specified in clauses (a) to (d) under paragraph 9.3. Such instructions will be issued by the Chairman and any one of the members of the Committee. The banks will immediately arrange to make the necessary investment locally or through their branches/correspondent banks/RBI at Bombay or other metropolitan centres. The banks would scroll to the Government the debit on account of the investment and other incidental charges like brokerage, commission etc. in the usual course. However, in order to ensure that the investment transactions of the Fund do not get mixed up with other transactions these may be indicated distinctly in separate scrolls.

On receipt of the scrolls the investment transactions would be accounted for under the head “8235-Genral and Other Reserve Fund-112 Calamity Relief Fund Investment Account”. However, the incidental charges like brokerage, commission etc. shall be accounted for as charge on the Fund.

9.5 As far as practicable, the investment in the dated securities of the Central Government should be made in their new issues, that is to say, at the time when they are offered for subscription to the public.

9.6 The bank will arrange to collect interest on these securities/bonds and credit the same to the account of the Government on the due date. These receipts shall form a pat of the receipts of the Fund and would be accounted for as such. Further, these would require to be invested by the Committee as in the case of the contributions by the Government i.e. in accordance with the investment norms prescribed in para 9.3 above. On maturity of the securities, the proceeds will be collected and credited to the account of the Government or reinvested on the basis of instructions received from the Committee. As in the case of the debit scrolls the banks shall use separate scrolls for the receipts.

9.7 On receipt of instructions from the Committee, the concerned bank will arrange to sell the securities at the ruling price through its branches/correspondent banks/RBI at Bombay or any other metropolitan Centre and credit the amount realised, less incidental charges, to the account of the Government.

9.8 The receipts on account of maturity or sale of the securities would be taken to the account of the “Calamity Relief Fund Investment Account”. The incidental charges on sale would be charged on the Fund.

9.9 The auctioned Treasury Bills may be purchased by the Bank either at the Treasury Bill auctions on the basis of a non-competitive bid or in the market.

9.10 The Committee will assess the requirements of assistance from the Fund for financing relief expenditure. The provision for expenditure on relief will be made in the budget of the State Government under the relevant heads. The extent of relief expenditure to be financed from the Fund as decided/authorised shall be withdrawn from the Fund by the Committee after disposal of the investment holdings in the manner prescribed in para 9.11 and credited to the CRF Investment Account. However, only the actual amount of relief expenditure shall be brought to account under the head “2245-Relief on account of Natural Calamities-05 Calamity Relief Fund-901 Deduct amount met from Calamity Relief Fund”, which will appear as a recovery below the line in the Demands for Grants of the state Government.

9.11 To meet liability on account of the claims sanctioned for relief the Committee will first dispose of its holdings of auctioned Treasury Bills to the extent required, the oldest lot of bills being sold first and so on. If the amount obtained by the sale of auctioned Treasury Bills is not sufficient to meet the liability towards relief sanctioned, the Committee may encash the deposits with the local branches of the scheduled commercial banks and the co-operative banks. The Central Government dated securities may be sold only if the amount realised by the sale of treasury bills and encashment of the deposits is not adequate.

9.12 The concerned State Government will pay to the RBI/SBI/other banks a commission at the rate determined by RBI in consultation with the concerned State Government. These charges shall also be borne by the Fund as in the case of the charges indicated in paras 9.4 and 9.8. The loss or gain on the sale of securities shall also be taken to the account of the Fund.

10.1 Items and Norms of Expenditure- The expenditure on restoration of damaged capital works should ordinarily be met from the normal budgetary heads, except when it is to be incurred as part of providing immediate relief such as restoration of drinking water sources or provision of shelters etc. or restoration of communication links for facilitating relief operations. A Committee of experts and representatives of States set up by the Ministry of Agriculture shall review the list of items of expenditure which alone will be chargeable to the Fund. A State-specific list shall also be finalised in consultation with the representatives of the concerned State Government after taking into consideration the State specific needs and practices.

10.2 The norms for the amounts to be incurred on each approved item of expenditure shall be prescribed by the State Level Committees. The norms so fixed shall be communicated to the Union Ministry of Agriculture, which may modify them only when they are significantly high. In case any State Government exceeds the amount prescribed the excess expenditure should be borne from the normal budget of the State Government and not form CRF.

10.3 Expenditure on training of the core multidisciplinary group created in the State as per the guidelines of the Ministry of Agriculture shall be met from CRF.

11.1 Monitoring by the Ministry of Agriculture- The Ministry of Agriculture will be nodal Ministry for overseeing the operation of CRF. They shall monitor the scheme of CRF and may advise State Level Committee from time to time in this regard to ensure proper functioning of the Scheme. Further, Ministry of Agriculture shall recommend for adjustment/withholding of release of any instalment to the States in the event of any deficiency/shortcoming in the implementation of the scheme by the States.

11.2 The state Governments shall furnish every year an Annual Reports on Natural Calamities in the format prescribed by Ministry of Agriculture. This report shall be sent by every State Government to the Ministry of Agriculture positively by 30th September, every year, even if the report is nil.

11.3 The National Centre for Calamity Management (NCCM) to be established by the Ministry of Agriculture shall, inter-alia, undertake evaluation of the expenditure incurred out of CRF.

12. Unspent Balance in the Fund- The Unspent Balance in the Fund as at the end of the Financial Year 2000-05 will be available to the State Government for being used as a resource for the next plan.

13. Accounts- The Accounts of the Fund and the investment shall be maintained by the Accountant General Incharge of accounts of the state in the normal course. The Committee will, however, maintain subsidiary accounts in such manner & details as may be considered necessary by the State Government in consultation with the Accountant General.

14. Savings- The Central Government shall issue instructions relating to the provisions of the scheme as may be considered from time to time to enable smooth functioning of the scheme. The Central Government may also alter/ modify the scheme if considered necessary subsequently. In case of any difficulty in the operation of any provision of this scheme, the Central Government, if satisfied, may relax the provisions.

Calamity Relief Fund during 2000-2005

(Rs. in lakhs)









Total 2000-05


Andhra Pradesh








Arunachal Pradesh
















































Himachal Pradesh








Jammu & Kashmir
























Madhya Pradesh*
















































































Tamil Nadu
















Uttar Pradesh*








West Bengal














*Prior to re-organisation.

In respect of successor States of Bihar, Jharkhand, Madhya Pradesh, Chhattisgarh, Uttar Pradesh and Uttaranchal the information is as shown in Annexure-IV.


Calamity Relief Fund during 2000-2005

(Centre’s share)









Total 2000-05


Andhra Pradesh








Arunachal Pradesh
















































Himachal Pradesh








Jammu & Kashmir
























Madhya Pradesh*
















































































Tamil Nadu
















Uttar Pradesh*








West Bengal














*Prior to re-organisation.

In respect of successor States of Bihar, Jharkhand, Madhya Pradesh, Chhattisgarh, Uttar Pradesh and Uttaranchal the information is as shown in Annexure-IV.


Calamity Relief Fund during 2000-2005

(State’s share)

(Rs. in lakhs)









Total 2000-05


Andhra Pradesh








Arunachal Pradesh
















































Himachal Pradesh








Jammu & Kashmir
























Madhya Pradesh*
















































































Tamil Nadu
















Uttar Pradesh*








West Bengal














*Prior to re-organisation.

In respect of successor States of Bihar, Jharkhand, Madhya Pradesh, Chhattisgarh, Uttar Pradesh and Uttaranchal the information is as shown in Annexure-IV.


Shares of New States of Jharkhand, Chhattisgarh and Uttaranchal in CRF for 2000-2005

(Rs. in Lakhs)







Total (2000-2005)


Erstwhile Bihar

Centre’s share (75%)







State share (25%)














Successor Bihar

Centre’s share (75%)







State share (25%)















Centre’s share (75%)







State share (25%)















Erstwhile M.P.

Centre’s share (75%)







State share (25%)














Successor M.P.

Centre’s share (75%)







State share (25%)















Centre’s share (75%)







State share (25%)















Erstwhile U.P.

Centre’s share (75%)







State share (25%)















Centre’s share (75%)







State share (25%)















Centre’s share (75%)







State share (25%)




















No.2/2/2001-ER-II/1298.- In pursuance of the scheme for constitution and administration of the Calamity Relief Fund and Investments there from issued by the Government of India, Ministry of Finance, Department of Expenditure, Plan Finance-1 Division, New Delhi- vide their letter No 43 ( 1 ) PP. 1/2000 dated the 24th November, 2000, the Governor of Punjab is pleased to constitute a State Level Committee to administer the Calamity Relief Fund in the State of Punjab, comprising the following:-

1. Chief Secretary to Government, Punjab :Chairman

2. Financial Commissioner, Revenue, Punjab :Member

3. Financial Commissioner, Development, Punjab :Member

4. Principal Secretary to Government, Punjab, Irrigation :Member

and Power Department.

5. Principal Secretary to Government , Punjab,Health :Member

and Family Welfare Department

6. Principal Secretary to Government, Punjab, Finance Department :Member

7. Secretary to Government, Punjab, Public Works Department :Member

(B & R )

8. Secretary to Government, Punjab, Animal Husbandry :Member


9. Secretary to Government, Punjab , Public Health Department :Member

10.Special Secretary / Addl. Secretary/ Joint Secretary to :Member

Government, Punjab Revenue Department. Secretary

2. Functions of the State Level Committee will be as under:

(a) The Committee will decide on all matters connected with the financing of the relief expenditure.

(b) The Committee will arrange to obtain the contributions from the concerned Government, administer the fund and Invest the accretions to the Fund as per the norms approved by the Government of India from time to time.

(c) The Committee shall also be responsible to ensure that the money drawn from the Calamity Relief Fund is applied for the purposes for which the Fund has been set up and only on items of expenditure and as per norms contained in the guidelines issued by Ministry of Agriculture.

(d) The accretions to the Fund together with the income earned on the Investments of the Fund will be used by the Committee to meet items of expenditure covered by the norms contained in the guidelines issued by the Ministry of Agriculture. No further financial assistance (beyond the Central Government’s yearly contribution of the Fund) will ordinarily be available for the purpose.

(e) The accretions to the Fund together with the income earned on the investment of the Fund shall, till contrary instructions are issued by Government of India under pare 8.5, be invested in one or more of the following instruments: -

(i) Central Government dated Securities;

(ii) Auctioned Treasury Bills;

(iii) Interest earning deposits and certificates of deposits with Scheduled Commercial Banks;

(iv) Interest earning deposits in Co-operative Banks.

3. The Committee will meet as and when required at the discretion of the Chairman. The Chairman may invite any person or persons, not being a member of the Committee, to attend any meeting of the Committee, but such invitee or invitees shall not be entitled to vote at the meeting.

4. The Committee constituted- Vide this department notification No. 7/4/90-ER-II/1789, dated 28th February, 1991 is hereby superseded.

Chandigarh SHYAMA MANN

The 22nd February, 2001 Financial Commissioner, Revenue and

Secretary to Government Punjab,

Department of Revenue &Rehabilitation.



Delegation of Powers to sanction expenditure in connection with natural calamities

1. Sanction of relief expenditure under the head ‘2245’-Relief on account of Natural Calamities-To meet the demands arising out of cyclone, drought, earthquake, fire, flood, and hailstorms, and other natural calamities, funds are provided in the state budget under the head “2245- Relief on account of Natural Calamities”. Besides establishment charges, funds are provided for the grant of gratuitous relief in the shape of concessional supply of food, cash payment to indigent persons, cash doles to disabled, supply of seed, fodder, medicines, prevention of epidemics, provision of drinking water, transport facilities for goods and test relief works. Funds are also provided to meet unforseen expenditure in connection with the natural calamities and other allied purposes under the subordinate head “D –General- other Expenditure”. The Financial Commissioner, Revenue is the head of department for the purpose of this budget head for which funds are placed at the disposal of the Commissioners of Divisions, Director, Health Services, Punjab and Director, Animal Husbandry, Punjab. A substantial amount is also kept in Financial Commissioner’s Reserve Fund to meet the emergent needs. Funds allocated to the Commissioners of the Divisions are distributed by them amongst the Deputy Commissioners of the district of their respective Divisions. The Director of Health Services and Director, Animal Husbandry incur expenditure under this head after seeking the approval of the competent authority.

2. Delegation of Financial powers to sanction expenditure in connection with natural calamities under Sr. No. 23 of rule 19.9 of Punjab Financial Rules Volume I- The Department of Finance –Vide their letter no.22/13/84-FR/3570, dated 15th March, 1985, delegated full powers under Sr. No. 23 of Rule 19.9 of the Punjab Financial Rules ‘Volume-I’ to the Deputy Commissioners to incur expenditure from the allotted amount under the budget head of Account- “2245- Relief on account of Natural Calamities” in any one case provided the amount is spent to meet the demands for relief in case of distress caused by heavy rains, floods, hailstorms, fire or other natural calamities in accordance with the instructions issued by the government from time to time and within the funds placed at his disposal.



Chapter – X


Natural calamities such as floods, heavy rains, fire lightning, storms, hailstorms, earthquakes, land slides, locusts, pest attack1 etc., cause enormous damage to life and property. At the same time of these occurrences people look to Government for relief and rehabilitation. Since the magnitude of the loss caused and other allied problems, which emerge on account of these calamities, vary from time to time and place to place no hard and fast rules/ regulations can be framed for the grant of relief to the people in distress. However keeping in view the nature and magnitude of the loss sustained relief operations are organised as soon as the calamities occur and steps are taken to give relief to the deserving cases.

(A) Flood Relief.

Nature of relief to the flood victims: - Relief to the flood sufferers is afforded in the form of gratuitous relief, electricity charges to tubewell owners and post-ponement of recoveries of previous taccavi loans etc. etc. Besides, flood protection works are undertaken to provide gainful employment to the people.

Scale of gratuitous relief: - The following scales of gratuitous relief are prescribed on the items shown here under2: -

(I) Loss of Human life: - In case of death of bread-winner or the members of the family by natural calamities, verification in this regard should be made immediately and ordinarily not later than a week from the date of incidence. Deputy Commissioners through Revenue agency should carry out verification with regard to loss of human lives with the help of voters list of the village in the presence of village elders such as Lambardars, Sarpanch and members of Panchayat.

Norms for the grant of relief for the loss of human life, loss of limbs or eyes by Natural Calamities at the following rates: -



Norms decided


(i) Grant on the death of a person whether bread-winner or not by heavy rains/floods/fire or lightening or collapse of house, pillar or pole or tree by furious dust storm

Rs. 50,000/-(Per adult or minor) to the heirs of the deceased

Note:- Ex-gratia grant is admissible to the next of kin of the missing persons also, subject to their furnishing an undertaking to the satisfaction of the Deputy Commissioner that if at any later stage a missing person reappears or is found, the amount of ex-gratia grant shall be refundable3.

(ii) Ex-gratia payment for the loss of limbs or eyes due Rs. 25,000 /- (per

to heavy rains/ floods and other natural calamities. victim) to the victim


1. Punjab Government consolidated instructions memo No. 7/7/95 –ER-II/4731, dated 25/8/95 memo No. 7/7/95-ER-II/5192, dated 14/9/95, and memo No. 7/7/95-ER- II/3601 dated 19/5/97.)

2. Vide endst no. 2/36/ 99-ER/12770 dated 20/12/2000.)

3. Vide memo no. 5/108/88-ERTL-II /5423 dated 28/6/89.)


Although wide spread damage has not been reported, yet there may be cases in which marooned persons have to be evacuated to safer places. It may be necessary to give subsistence grant to persons who are to stay in camps/temporary shelters as a result of evacuation. Maximum subsistence grant which can be given for the duration of the stay in camps/temporary shelters is indicated as under: -

(a) Rs 10/- per head per day in cash or in kind as may be considered suitable.

(b) 15 metres of cloth per family of 5 members or more.

(c) Two blankets per family.

Regarding (b) and (c), Deputy Commissioner concerned with the approval of the Commissioner may decide as to in which affected area cloth and blankets, as per norm, should be given.

The above assistance will be limited to persons who are staying in camps/temporary shelters. Deputy Commissioner concerned may grant appropriate assistance subject to maximum indicated above depending on the circumstances in each situation.

A family will be deemed to comprise of a husband, wife, children, dependent parents and any other member wholly dependent on the head of the family. An adult married so having a sperate kitchen and paying separate chullah tax will be reckoned as a separate family unit for purposes of this relief.

As regards the supply of cloth, the Deputy Commissioner should arrange the required supply of cloth at a price not exceeding Rs. 10 per metre through Punjab State Handloom and Textile Corporation / any other approved organization. As regards blankets, the Deputy Commissioner should arrange the required supplies through the Punjab State Handloom and Taxtile Corporation/ any other approved organisation at a ceiling price not exceeding Rs 80 per blanket. The actual rate paid to the supplier should be as per the rate contract approved by the controller of the stores for the current financial year or by the Financial Commissioner Revenue.

Air dropping of food and medicine

The Deputy Commissioner may provide relief of Rs 10 per head as subsistence allowance to people of marooned villages by Air Dropping of food items

(III) Temporary Shelter

At the first instance, the Deputy Commissioner should accommodate the families which are evacuated in some schools, dharamshalas, Gurudwaras etc. which are safer and can be used for this purpose. In the event of such buildings not being available, then one used tarpauline black cover per family of the appropriate size may be provided for the temporary shelter on non returnable basis if it is not possible to provide tents.

(IV) Fodder Relief

To meet the immediate needs of fodder for the evacuated families, fodder grant of Rs 15 per large animal per day and Rs 7.50 per small animal per day may be allowed subject to a maximum of 8 heads of cattle per family if the Deputy Commissioner concerned considers it necessary to do so.

(V) Loss of cattle heads

The assessment of cattle heads lost should be carried out by the gazetted officer with the head of staff of Animal Husbandry Department. While carrying out the assessments, the Sarpanch and Lambardars, along with other village respectables, should be associated, if any census of animals of the village has been carried out, its date may be taken into account. Details of animals lost, family-wise, should be announced in the village assembly and the list should be signed by the Sarpanch, Patwari and Lambardar of the patti. It has been further decided that the Deputy Commissioner will submit their report with regard to cattle heads lost in proforma at appendix ‘o’ and sanction of relief under this item will be communicated after consideration of their reports. For calculation of funds, following norms of relief per family may be adopted: -

(i) Grant for animals lost on account of heavy rain/floods/hail storms/ fire or lightening: -

(a) Rs. 4,000/- per buffalo/ bullock/crossbreed cow.

(b) Rs. 2,000 /- per desi cow.

(c) Rs. 800/- per goat /sheep/ pig.

Note: - The counting of animals may be done on the following criteria:-

(a) He or she buffalo or their calves is one animal each.

(b) Cow or Bull or their calves are one animal each.

(c) Ox is one animal.

(ii) Grant for draught animals lost on account of heavy rains/ floods/ hail storms/fire or lightening.

(a) Rs. 4,000/- per horse.

(b) Rs. 2,000/- per mule.

(c) Rs. 2,000/- per pony.

(d) Rs. 2,000/- per donkey.

(e) Rs. 4,000/- per camel.

Relief for loss of cattle is to be restricted to a maximum of two buffaloes, bullocks, cross breed cows, desi cows per family. Ceiling for goats, sheep and pig will be four animals per family1.

In so far as the animals flooded, whose financial arrangement have been made under the Integrated Rural Development Programme and have also been insured, in such cases no relief should be granted. In this connection owners of such animals be extended help to get them relief from the insurance companies1.

(VI) Crop Damage Relief

Gratuitous relief is admissible on account of damage to the crops in floods/heavy rains affected areas. Therefore, the assessment of the damage to the crops for the purpose of disbursement of gratuitous relief on account of loss to standing/harvested crops has to be carried out. Assessment is ordinarily to be based on normal girdawari because it is only at the time of normal girdawari that exact loss of a particular crop by natural calamity can be ascertained. As normal girdawari for kharif crop is done in October, it may be preponed in so far as flood affected areas are concerned. However, for the assessment of the damage to cops, following instructions may be followed: -


(1) Vide memo No.13/22/90-ER-II/2404 to 2419 dated 18-3-91

1. Relief will be admissible for a maximum of 10 acres of damaged crop per khatauni or the actual area affected, which ever is less, depending on the damage. If the Khatauni has more than one co-sharer, the total relief admissible will be divided among the co-sharers in proportion to their shares.

2. Within the ceiling of 10 acres, if for example 6 acres have sustained damage between 76% to100% and 4 acres have sustained damage between 51% to 75% the relief payable will be worked out in accordance with the different scales allowed for different categories.

3. In case of land is being cultivated by a tenant on chakota rent and chakota has already been paid for the Kharif crop to the landlord, the relief admissible will be paid entirely to the tenant. In the case of a tenant who is obliged to pay batai, the relief admissible will be shared between the landlord and tenant in the ratio of 1/3:2/3.

4. Sometime, though the khasra girdwari shows that land is under self-cultivation of the owners, in actual practice, a tenant is cultivating a land. In such cases the officer should at the time of preparing the assessment list, hold a local enquiry from cultivators of neighbouring fields and village elders in order to ascertain as to who is in actual cultivation of the land. If it is found that the land is being cultivated by a tenant, the relief admissible should be paid to the tenant, etc. as per instructions contained in the proceeding sub-paragraph 3.

5. Where an unauthorised cultivator is under cultivating possession of Government land, relief should be allowed to him to the extent of 2/3 rd of the relief admissible leaving 1/3 rd share undisbursed as it pertains to Government’s share as land-lord. While disbursing the cultivator’s share, any arrears of charges for unauthorised cultivation in the preceding years should be deducted.

6. The percentage of damage has to be worked out on field-to field basis and no averaging is to be done for all the fields in the Khatauni taken together. For example if the khatauni has 20 acres of land, out of which 10 acres have sustained damage between 76% to 100 % while the remaining 10 acres are left unaffected, relief will be provided up to the prescribed ceiling of 10 acres for all the acres which have suffered 76% to 100% damage at the scale applicable to this category of damage.

7. In order to have proper assessment of damage to crops by floods/ rains, and to eliminate the chances of complaints, assessment of damage by patwaris be verified cent per cent by the Kanungo/ circle Revenue Officers, 50% by the Sub-Divisional Magistrate and random check be undertaken by the Deputy Commissioner Further:-

(i) The Patwari at the time of making assessment of damage in a particular village should send advance intimation in writing to the village Panchayat through its Sarpanch.

(ii) To avoid party faction in the village and to minimise the chances of complaints, assessments be made in the presence of the members of the village panchayat.

(iii) In case the members of the Panchayat do not turn up despite intimation, the patwari should not withhold the assessment of damage on that account but should proceed according to the scheduled programme.

(iv) The Tehsildar, Sub-Divisional Magistrate should, while undertaking the checking of the assessment made by the patwari, inform the M. P./ Ex. M. L. A. in whose constituency the village falls, so that they could also join the inspection if he is so desires.

There are instances where the land is on lease with tenants and the landowners get the girdawari done in their names so as to by pass the provisions of the Tenancy laws. In such cases relief of the damaged crop shall be ensured to those lease holders who have genuinely suffered the loss. Likewise where the land is on ‘ Batai’ the tenants/ cultivators shall get their share of the relief in case of damage to the crops. In addition there are cases where big landowners have got their land on ‘Seeri’ i. e. 4th or 5th share. Their proper verification shall be ensured so that the relief is given to the workers/ cultivators proportionate to their ‘Seeri’ share. Such verification shall be done in the villages with the help of Panchayats.*

The Deputy Commissioners will furnish information about the damage to the standing/harvested crops by rains/floods at the earliest. These reports should be sent to the Commissioners with a copy to the State Government. Relief on account of crop damages will be sanctioned only after the consideration of reports submitted by the Deputy Commissioners.

The Deputy Commissioners will be personally responsible to ensure that proper assessment of damage to crops etc. by rains/ floods is conducted and intimated tehsil wise.

Gratuitous Relief is admissible on account of damage to standing/ harvested crops by heavy rains/ floods and hail- storms to the land owners/ tenants (agricultural labourers) seeris and kamis in respect of each field up to a maximum of 10 acres per the actual area affected, which ever is less, depending on the damaged caused:-

(i) where crop is totally damaged in Rs.700/-per acre

early stage but area can be resown

in the same season, farmers may be

allowed relief for seeds, fertilizers etc

(ii) where crop is totally damaged in early Rs. 1000/- per acre

stage but area cannot be resown.

(iii) Relief on account of damage of mature

Standing/ harvested crops will be admissible

At the following rates:-

(a) where the loss to standing/harvested Rs.2000/-per acre

crops exceeds75%

(b) where the loss to standing/harvested Rs. 1000/- per acre

crops exceeds 50% but does not

exceed 75%

(c) where the loss to standing/harvested Rs. 700/- per acre

crops exceeds 25% but does not

exceed 50%

(e) It has also been decided that relief for cotton crop damaged on account of pest attack be given as per the following norms**:-

(i) where crop is totally damaged in early Rs. 700/-per acre

stage but area can be re- sown in the

same season, farmers may be allowed

relief for seeds, fertilizers etc.


* (Vide No. PA/J.S.R. (L)/95.)

** (Vide endst. No. 2/36/99-ER.II/12767 dated 20/12/2000)

(ii) Relief on account of damage to

mature standing/harvested crop

(iii) where crops is totally damaged in early Rs. 1000/- per acre

stage but area cannot be re-sown, relief

may be allowed at the following rates

may be allowed:

(a) where the loss exceed 75% Rs. 2000/- per acre

(b) where the loss exceeds 50%but Rs. 1000/- per acre

does not exceeds 75%

(c) where the loss exceeds 25% but Rs. 700/- per acre

does not exceed 50%

These instructions will be applicable in respect of damage on or after 8/12/2000.

The relief will be admissible up to maximum of 10 acres per Khatauni or the actual area affected which ever is less. The other terms and conditions for grant of relief and for assessment will be as applicable for agricultural crops and as per instructions issued from time to time.

2. The amount of relief will be apportioned amongst the land owners/ tenants/ seeris/kamiz etc. (agricultural labourers) in the ratio in which the crop is shared amongst them irrespective of the fact whether their share in the crop is mentioned in the revenue record/ crop inspection reports or not, and where a fixed rent is payable by the tenant, the amount of relief payable will be apportioned amongst the tenant/ seeris/ kamiz etc. (agricultural labourers) in the ratio in which the crop is shared amongst them irrespective of the fact whether their share in crop is mentioned in the revenue record/ crop inspection reports or not and the landowner will not get any relief. For ascertaining the shares in crop the Deputy Commissioner would make suitable arrangement for enquiry at the village level by responsible Revenue Officer.

3. Barseem crop is regenerative and gives successive cuttings. Any damage by hailstorm or some other natural calamity during the month of December to March would, ordinarily affect one cutting. Such damage in the month of April and May, however, results in shrivelling of the crop, which may not then re-generate. However, by that time the crop would, ordinarily, have given a number of cuttings. Therefore, unless there be repeated hail, rain etc. or the cumulative effect of all these with subsequent atmospheric conditions is complete or substantial damage, the cultivator would not be bereft of the crop or return there from. In case of any hailstorm /rain etc. during the earlier months that is December to March, loss of one cutting may be there, while in case of any such calamity in April/May, the last seed crop would be damaged or lost. Taking an overall view the possibility of ‘Barseem’ crop suffering loss exceeding 25% and up to 50% would not arise unless the fodder crop is repeatedly damaged thus reducing the total fodder output to less then 50%. Only in such an eventuality would payment of relief be justified. The only other case where relief would seem justified would be where the crop had been kept for seed and is damaged more than 50% by hailstorms/ rain etc., in April and May. Thus relief is to be considered for ‘barseem’ crop only in the light of this clarification.

Note:- Special girdawari of flood affected area under vegetable crop will also be carried out and relief will be given like damage to other crops. In this connection reference is made to Land Records Manual where in the jins war covers vegetable also. Hence they are crops1

1(Vide memo no. 7/77/85-ERTL-1/13176 dated the 9 Oct., 1985.)

Relief for damage to fruit, vegetables, Horticulture and Floriculture by Hailstorms and floods may be granted at the following rates:-


Government have decided that relief may also be allowed in case of loss on account of ‘no crops sown’ due to water logging or floods. Norms of relief on account of; no crops sown’ due to floods or water logging will be given at the following rates:-

Sr.No.Items Norms

(i) where crops have not been sown Rs. 2000/- per acre. for less than 2 years.

(ii) where crops have not been sown Rs. 4000/- per acre. for 2 years.

(iii) where crops have not been sown Rs. 6000/- per acre. up to 5 years.

(iv) where crops have not been sown Rs. 8000/- per acre. more than 5 years.

The above norms shall be applicable in respect of relief on or after 12/9/97. Other terms and conditions for grant of relief to affected persons will remain the same as laid down earlier1. It is clarified that if there is no continuity between un-sown crops, relief may be paid proportionately. Thus “Where crops have not been sown for less than two years, the amount of relief is to provided @ Rs. 2,000/- per acre and in this period of less than two years last three crops are to be covered. If a person has sown two crops he should be paid 1/3rd relief and if a person has sown only one crop he should be paid 2/3rd relief. Consequently, the relief may be calculated proportionately in the aforesaid manner for the crops not sown due to floods/ water-logging2

(a) Where the loss to crops exceeds 75% Rs. 2000 per acre.

(b) Where the loss to crops exceeds 50% Rs. 1000 per acre.

but does not exceed 75%

(c) Where the loss to crops exceeds 25% Rs. 700 per acre.

but does not exceed 50%

(d) Where the loss does not exceed 25% Nil.

Grant of relief for damage to fruit gardens by hailstorms and flood at the following rates3:-

(a) Where the loss to fruit crop exceed 75% Rs. 1000/- per acre.

(b) Where the loss to fruit crop exceeds 50% but does not Rs. 600/- per acre.

exceed 75%.

(c) Where the loss to fruit crop exceeds 25% but does not Rs. 300/- per acre.

exceed 50%

(d) Where the loss does not exceed 25% Nil.


1. (Vide Memo No. 7/7/95 –ER-II/ 6885, Dated 23/ 9/ 97).

2. (Vide Memo No 7/7/95 – ER -II-/ 201, Dated 9/1/98.)

3. (Vide Memo No 7/4/90 – ER -II-/ 4902, Dated 18/8/93.)

{This manual contains latest instructions upto 26/11/2001.}

2. The relief would be admissible up to a maximum of 10 acres per Khatauni or the actual area affected, whichever is less depending on the damage actually caused. For the purpose of disbursement of relief, all members of a Khatauni whether in the capacity of owner/cosharer/tenant/ mortgage in possession will be treated as one unit. Likewise any person holding land in more than one khatauni will be entitled to relief up to a maximum of 10 acres of damaged area taking into account all the area held by him.

3. The relief will be admissible for only those gardens which are recorded as such at the time of girdawri in the Revenue record. The assessment will be made through special girdawri by the revenue authorities like other crops. If Deputy Commissioners deem fit, they can consult the District level officers of the horticulture department. The relief is to be granted for the damage caused by hailstorms and floods only to the fruit bearing trees from the stage of flowering to plucking of fruits. Relief will be admissible only for the damage caused with in specific dates which will be intimated by the horticulture department.

The above norms shall be applicable in respect of damage caused after 5.7.1993.



In case of damage to houses, farm houses, (provided farm owner does not get relief for house in village separately) and huts due to rain/ floods, assessment of damage shall be made for disbursement of relief. The relief shall be admissible for only one house, farm house or hut, as the case may be. For example if house (s), farmhouse (s) and hut (s) of a person are damaged, relief will be admissible only in respect of one of them. Sheds used for gathering cattle or storage of fodder straw etc. are not eligible for getting house damage relief. For calculation purposes following scales of relief may be adopted: -

(a) For a totally damaged pucca house. Rs. 10,000/-

(b) For partially damaged pucca house. Rs. 5,000/-

(c) For totally damaged kacha house Rs. 6,000/-

(d) For partially damaged kacha house. Rs. 3,000/-

(e) For totally damaged hut. Rs 2,000/-

(f) For partially damaged hut Rs. 1,000/-

It is certified that in order to qualify for being categorised as partially damaged, there should be significant and visible damage such as collapse of a wall, portion of roof, settlement of foundations resulting in serious cracks etc. to the extent of 50% overall damage. A fully damaged house, farm house or hut would be one which would require to be fully re- constructed.

In case of damage to residential house, farm house or hut verification of damage should be made through survey ordinarily not later than a week from the date of incidence and report about the same should be sent in proforma at Appendix ‘N’.

The assessment of damage and preparation of lists of the persons eligible for receiving the relief should be undertaken through gazetted officers in the first instance itself, rather than leaving initial preparation to be done by village level revenue officials. At the time of carrying out the assessment, village elders such as Lambardars, Sarpanch, members of Panchayats should be co-opted. Any other community representatives who wish to assist in the assessment may be permitted to do so. Immediately after the assessment has been completed an open village assembly should be convened and the assessment list be read out in the assembly. Any objection which are raised regarding the correctness of the list should be verified at the spot by the assessing officer and the list be finalised there and then. A certificate should be recorded on the assessment list by gazetted officer concerned bearing also the signatures of the village alders who have been associated during the assessment. On the receipt of assessment and proposals of relief by this office, sanction for relief for damages to the house will be issued.

In urban areas Municipal councillors should be associated with the assessment. However, the Deputy Commissioners are requested to ensure that the damage is correctly assessed and the relief is disbursed to the genuine sufferers1.

No relief should be given on account of damage to houses/huts constructed unauthorisedly on the Government land, shamlat land and panchayat land2.

Cases where poor people own a house which is used for living, cattle living and fodder also. Such damaged houses shall fall in the category of being eligible for providing relief3.

VIII. Relief for loss of crop on account of Fire4: - The Punjab State Electricity Board vide its instructions No. 28435/29030/ GB-348, dated 5/5/2001 has made provision for grant of relief for crop loss on account of fire caused by electrical short circuit/faults. The district authorities would forward such cases to the Electricity Board. The State Government will provide relief of Rs. 3,000/- per acre for mature standing/ harvested crop destroyed on account of fire caused by lightening or any other cause subject to the following terms and conditions: -

(a) The cause of fire should be other than electrical faults/short circuit.

(b) The fire cases would be reported promptly and the Circle Revenue Officer would verify such cases after a spot visit preferably within 48 hours. He would satisfy himself about the cause of fire, the condition of crop and the extent of damage. The Sarpanch, Village Panch and Nambardars etc. and owners of adjoining fields would be associated with the verification. Other factors like requisitioning the service of fire brigade could also be taken into account while making the verification.

(c) The relief of Rs. 3,000/- per acre would be provided for completely destroyed mature standing/harvested crop.

(d) The relief for maximum of 10 acres per Khatauni would be provided.

These instructions would cover the cases of fire loss occurring after 10/7/2001. The other conditions for grant of relief would be the same as in the case of crop loss due to floods.

Relief for damage to agricultural produce caused by fire on the way from fields to Mandis:

If a loss is caused by fire to the agricultural produce on the way from fields to mandis (while going to the mandi for sale) relief will be granted as per the following present norms in respect of loss by fire5: -

“ 20% of the total loss subject to a maximum of Rs. 10,000/- in any individual case in respect of properties which were not insured without any condition relating to income of the affected person.”

1. (Vide memo no. 7/4/90-ER-II/4857 dated 13-8-93.)

2. (Vide memo no. 7/7/95 –ER-II/3601 dated 19-5-97.)

3. (Vide no. PA/JSR (L) 95, dated 22-9-95.)

4. (Vide Memo No.7/4/2001-ER-II/5003, Chandigarh, dated 12/7/2001.)

5. (Vide Memo No. 7/4/90-ER-II/4906, Chandigarh, dated the ,18/8/1993.)

{This manual contains instructions upto 26/11/2001 received from Emergency Relief Branch.}

This relief shall be applicable in respect of damage/loss caused after 5-7-93.

The other terms and conditions will remain the same as laid down in the previous instructions issued by Government from time to time.

IX. Restoration to pre-calamity level of damaged public works viz., roads, buildings, irrigation and flood control works, drinking water supply works, drainage works, school building public health centres, hospital building electricity installation etc.

The proposal of concerned department will be considered by the state level committee keeping in view the availabilities of funds.

X. Cost of clearance of debris: - Full cost of expenditure will be reimbursed by Government on the recommendation of concerned Deputy Commissioner.

XI. Cost of search and rescue measure: - Full cost of expenditure will be reimbursed by Government on the recommendation of concerned Deputy Commissioner.

XII. Disposal of dead bodies/carcases: - Full cost of expenditure will be reimbursed by Government on the recommendation of concerned Deputy Commissioner.

XIII. Post disaster public education: - No norms proposed for the time being. But expenditure on this account may be incurred at the district or state level with the prior approval of Financial Commissioner Revenue.

XIV. Improvement to the flood control amenities as a preparatory measures:- Adequate funds will be released by the Government to the Deputy Commissioners on receipt of concrete proposals for flood preparatory measures before the onset of monsoon season.

XV. Mode of Payment: -The disbursement of relief has to be carried out through Account Payees Cheques to prevent any bungling during the disbursement of relief, and to avoid future complaints from the affected people that they did not receive the full amount which was due to them under the Government policy1.In so far as small amounts up to Rs. 1,000/- are concerned, the disbursement may be allowed by the Deputy Commissioners by bearer cheques if a branch of a bank is available within a distance of 2 kilometres from the village. However if no such branch is available he may allow disbursement of such small amounts not exceeding Rs. 1,000/- in cash with immediate effect subject to the condition that the bearer cheque is to be delivered only to the concerned person on receipt of his/her signatures which should be kept in record2. The non-encashment of cheques by the issuing persons is a criminal offence under the Banking Act, the person issuing such cheques is liable to prosecution, therefore, every issuing officer must ensure that requisite money is available in the Bank before any cheque is issued3.

XVI. Supervision and Checking-Deputy Commissioners and Commissioners of Divisions should conduct intensive tours of the area in their jurisdiction to supervise the working of the Disbursement Teams. They should ensure that the instructions issued by the Government are meticulously followed.

XVII. Disposal of grievances: - The Deputy Commissioners should ensure that a proper record of complaints received about the assessment /disbursement is maintained and its regular monitoring is done. Weekly reports about the No. of complaints pending. No. of complaints received and disposed of, may be intimated to the Government. As far as possible, it should be ensured that such complaints are attended to without any delay and are not allowed to remain pending for more than a week.

1(Vide Memo No. 5/8/87/ERTL –V/ 4985, dated 23rd May, 1987 and Memo No. 5/108/88/ERTL- V/ 9737, dated 10th October, 1988.)

2(Memo/ Endst. No. 7/4/90- ER-11/6715-6718 dated 20- 9- 1993.)

3(Memo No. 5/108/88- ERTL-II/7074, dated 4-8-89.)




1. Relief in cash to be distributed by a gazetted officer:- In order to avoid chances of misappropriation or misuse of the Government money meant for relief it is desirable that it should be distributed only by gazetted officers. A further precaution may also be taken that if an officer has prepared lists of the demolished or damaged houses or has assessed the relief due, he should not be put on duty for disbursing the amount in that area. The Deputy Commissioner of the Districts should particularly keep an eye on the distribution of relief in the form of cash.

2. Payment of money to a grantee to be attested by Municipal Commissioner, Lambardar:- A Municipal Commissioner or a Lambardar may attest such payments in Urban areas and members of Panchayats or a Lambardar should attest such payment in villages.

3. Expenditure to be incurred up to the limit of funds sanctioned:- It is necessary that the expenditure is not allowed to exceed funds allocated to a Deputy Commissioner for the distribution of relief of different kinds.

4. Payment of Gratuitous Relief to institutions like charitable trusts, bodies, religious institutions and Gram Panchayats:- The scheme for payment of gratuitous relief is meant for individuals land owners/cultivators of land does not provide grant of relief to institutions like charitable trusts, bodies, religious institutions and Gram Panchayats etc.

5. Admissibility of grant of the missing persons:-Exgratia grant is admissible to the next of kin of the missing persons also, subject to their furnishing an undertaking to the satisfaction of the Deputy Commissioner that if at any later stage a missing person reappears or is found , the amount of exgratia grant shall be refundable.

(B) Drought and famine

Scarcity conditions are sometimes caused by failure of rains and insufficient irrigation facilities. Punjab is generally free from famine/drought conditions because most of the agricultural land is irrigated. However, certain areas may still be affected by drought when the rain is either inadequate, or when the monsoons fail. Instructions contained in the Punjab Famine Code 1906 (as revised in 1930) may be perused for measures to be taken before and during the famine conditions in any part of the State and regarding the duties to be performed by various departments concerned. Relief such as cash grants for the purchase of fodder, grant of taccavi loans for seeds and fodder are generally given to relieve the people of the scarcity conditions as in the case of floods, in accordance with Government instructions.

“On all future drought relief work carried out in the State, wherever the majority of workers are women, some women-mate would be put incharge of that work”.

(C) Hailstorms and Heavy rains

Heavy losses to crops and property may be caused by hailstorms, heavy rains, severe dust storms etc. Relief is provided to the people in distress after assessing the loss caused by such calamities in the shape of suspension of recovery of taccavi loans, and remission of fertilizer loans, grant of taccavi loans for seeds and fodder in accordance with the Government Instructions for flood relief.

Interest free loans are also granted to the sufferers, which are repayable after one year. In such cases orders of the Government should be obtained by the Deputy Commissioners by submitting assessment of losses incurred.

Suspension- Remission of Taccavi Loans.

Suspension of recovery of loans :-(i) Recovery of the taccavi loans may be suspended on proof of failure of crops or other exceptional calamity. The Collector is empowered to suspend recovery up to a limit of Rs. 5,000/- for a tehsil or total of Rs. 10,000/- for the whole district in any one harvest, provided the sum involved at a time in any one case shall not exceed Rs. 1,000. All such suspensions are to be reported through the Commissioners of Divisions to the Financial Commissioner. Penal interest is not to be charged on suspended instalment.

Remission of taccavi loans: - (ii) Remission of taccavi loans on account of floods and other natural calamities is seldom granted. However, detailed instructions in respect of remissions are contained in Rule 8 of the Land Improvement Loans (Punjab Amendment) Rules, 1988 Rule 9 of the Agriculturists Loans (Punjab Amendment) Rules, 1988 and para 2 of part VII of the Land Improvement and Agriculturists Loans Manual.

Remission of irrecoverable loans:- (iii) “When any portion of a loan is found to be irrecoverable or when from any special cause it appears that the loan ought not to be recovered, a special report shall be made to the Collector who has the power to grant remission of an amount of loan not exceeding one thousand rupees in any one case. If the amount proposed for remission exceeds one thousand rupees the case shall be forwarded to the Commissioner of the Division who has the power to grant remission of an amount of loan not exceeding five thousand rupees in any one case and for the grant of remission of an amount of loan exceeding five thousand rupees, the case shall be forwarded by the Commissioner to the Financial Commissioner who has the power to grant remission without any limit”.

(D) Control of locusts and relief Measures

1. Control and Relief Measures:- Locusts are now rarely seen in the State, and as a rule they speedily disappear after doing an amount of damage which, though it may be small in proportion to the total production, may be very serious for cultivators, whose crops have been damaged. In some seasons, however, vast swarms invade the State and cause widespread devastation. Their power of multiplication is enormous. Whenever, locusts are observed in a district, measures should be taken to ensure-

(a) That laying and hatching of eggs are promptly reported and that.

(b) Measures are at once taken for the destructions of eggs and of young nymphs when hatched.

Once locusts have begun to fly, no measures hitherto devised appear to be really effective. The use of aeroplanes to drop dust power has not been tried in Punjab. Flame guns can be used to kill the insects as they are resting at night but this measure is costly and obviously of little value.

2. Reporting and Measures to be taken –When locusts visit a district, the Deputy Commissioners of adjoining districts should immediately be informed by telegram in order that they should keep watch over the laying of eggs by locusts

The village headman should at once inform the patwari of the appearance of locusts, the laying of eggs and hatching of the young nymphs. The patwari should immediately report to the field Kanungo and Tehsildar or Naib-Tehsildar. As regards the work of destructions, the Tehsildar and Naib-Tehsildar should be held responsible, within their respective inspection circles, for seeing that headman and people of the village working under them do their duty and when necessary act in concert with the headman and people of the neighbouring villages. A Tehsildar or Naib-Tehsildar who finds a Lambardar negligent of his duties in this respect, should have no hesitation in reporting the fact to the Collector. Lambardars who fail to co-operate after due warning should be dismissed.

When eggs are hatched, the young locusts (nymphs) should be attacked and followed up till destroyed, not merely by the men of the estate in which they first appear but by the people collected from the surrounding villages and working together. Arrangement should be made for relieving persons who have worked their fair share and replacing them by others.

3. Functions of Patwaris and Kanungos.- Field Kanungos may properly be employed as Supervising Officer’s within their respective circles but the patwari should only be used for reporting information. The patwari should be required to maintain tables showing progressive damage by locusts and by campaign operations to crops and other property. The form prescribed in Standing Order No. 58 for the recording of damage done by troops provide a useful analogy. Areas affected by egg laying should also be recorded by the patwaris. It is wrong to give a patwari any sort of authority over village headman. The above plan of operations will, generally speaking, be the best to pursue but every Deputy Commissioner will, of course, adopt any measures, which the special circumstances of his district render necessary to secure the end in view.

4. Remuneration not usually to be given: - As a rule, no payments should be made in cash. It is the duty and the interest of the people to protect their own crops from the depredation of locusts. However where the locusts appear in a locality distant from any village, rewards may be offered, but the cost should be met from district funds. When crop have to be removed to facilitate the destruction of eggs, compensation should be given to the owner from the same fund.

In cases where eggs have been laid in areas remote from the human habitations and cultivated lands, the Deputy Commissioners, with the sanction of commissioner of the Division may grant small rewards out of the state revenues to schools children for the collection and destructions of eggs and hoppers.

5. Reports to the Financial Commissioner (Revenue):- The appearance of locusts in a district and the measures taken for their destruction should be reported to the Financial Commissioner (Revenue ) and the Director of Agriculture in the form below:-

Report Regarding locusts


Date of Appearance

Direction of flight

Damage done

Measures taken

Remarks (nothing extent of flight and whether eggs were deposited








It should be borne in mind that a special report should not be made in every case when a flight is seen, but only when damage to crops to any considerable extent is caused by the locusts. In all other cases, it will be sufficient to mention in the weekly weather and crop reports submitted to the Director of Land Records that locusts have been observed.

6. Coordinated efforts and organisation in case of severe attacks.- Individual efforts in a district are inadequate to deal with a menace of the magnitude of the desert locust swarms. It may, therefore, be necessary in cases of severe infestations to set up a special agency for co-ordination. In the absence of such an agency, the Commissioner of each Division should co-ordinate efforts in the different districts of his division. The Director of Agriculture and his staff or any special officers who may be appointed will supply technical advice, broadcast information and whenever possible supply apparatus and equipment.

Where in a case of severe infestation, it is considered desirable to set up a special co-ordinating agency, an officer at the headquarters of the district should be appointed to deal with the receipt and distribution of supplies and equipment and with the allotment of personnel. This officer should not normally go on tour or interfere in control methods, but he should work in close cooperation with officials of the Agriculture Department concerned with supplies and should have full authority under the Deputy Commissioner to allot staff made available within the District or from outside. Locust Control Officers should be responsible for areas not larger than two tehsils each and should be responsible for the organisation of circle within their charge and for the adoption of control methods. They should requisition supplies and staff from the officers at the headquarters. A manageable circle has been found to consist of about 25 villages. Preferably an officer of gazetted rank should be in charge of such a circle. It has been found that no village is likely to do well unless visited by a responsible official for a considerable period daily but in these matters local conditions vary and much must be left to the discretion of the local officers.

(1) Life history and habits.- From reports and observations made it seems that in the Punjab, Locusts generally appear in the months of June or July(though there have been cases of their appearance are so advanced a period of the year as October); that they then deposit their eggs, and that the destruction of the crops is caused by the young nymphs which emerge from these eggs.

In habit locusts are diurnal, generally frequenting high dry places, closely grazed pastures, meadows and grainfield’s after subsidence of the rains.

(2) The laying season normally extends from six to eight weeks in March or April, and again, if the conditions are favourable, about August. When about to lay her eggs, the female locusts makes a hole in the ground by means of the two pairs of horny valves which open and shut at the tip of her abdomen with the valves close, she pushes the tips into the ground and makes a hole for herself and her eggs, which later are voided in a pale glistening glutinous fluid which holds them together and binds them into a long cylindrical pod covered with particles of earth which adhere to it. When fresh, the whole mass is soft and moist, but it soon acquires a firmer consistency. It is rarely placed much more than an inch below the surface of the ground, but sometimes it lies much deeper. The eggs are laid side by side at right angles to the axis of the pod to the number of from 30 to 100. They are slightly curved, of a pale yellow colour and rather larger in the middle than at the ends, about 5 milimeter long and 15 milimeter at the thickest part. The female is believed to lay three batches of eggs, and the average interval between the period of laying by the same female is said to be two weeks. Eggs may be laid in almost any kind of soil, but by preference in bare sandy soil, especially in high dry ground preferably compact. Pastures, grounds and stubbly fields are much resorted to for ovipositing. A field of grass stubble will show no signs of holes but yet abound in eggs. Locust have been known to deposit their eggs, in the sandy beds of rivers, and after the subsidence of the rains and the river floods, and when the usual hatching time has arrived, the young have emerged from the sandy beds in myriads.

(3) Collecting eggs.- One of the most rapid ways of collecting eggs, especially where there are numerous and in light soils, is to slice of about an inch of the soil with a spade or a similar instrument, then carry the eggs to one spot and after separating them from the sand, to bury them in deep pits, the ground being packed hard on the surface.

(4) Harrowing:- Harrowing is an effective mode of destroying eggs and of preventing future injury. The object should not be to stir deeply, but to scarify and pulverize as much as possible the soil to the depth of about an inch. Breaking up of the mass and exposure of the individual eggs to the desiccating effects of the atmosphere effectively destroys them, and when to this is added the well-known fact that thus exposed they are more liable to destruction by their numerous enemies, we see at once the importance of this mode of coping with the evil.

(5) Ploughing: - Ploughing is another effective way of destroying eggs. The ground may be ploughed up repeatedly, ploughing five or six inches deep, if possible. When eggs are deposited in standing crops, measures should at once be taken to destroy the eggs without regard to consequent damage to crop.

(6) Hatching: - As the hatching period approaches(about three weeks after laying) eggs become more plump and pale and dark eyes of the embryo are distinctly visible within the shell, now somewhat transparent. The ova hatch in about three weeks after they are laid. All the eggs in the given mass burst very nearly at one and the same hole, which in the field is scarcely noticeable.

The period between the laying of the eggs and the appearance of the young locusts is liable to variation. Under the influence of more than ordinary heat and moisture, eggs have been observed, in Punjab, to hatch out in about a fortnight. Therefore, whenever locusts appear, careful observation should be taken at once to ascertain as soon as possible whether eggs have been laid and the young are hatched out, and necessary measures for their destruction should be carried out soon after the eggs are discovered.

(7) Young or unfledged locusts: - The time from hatching till the wings appear varies from three to eight weeks. The young locusts display gregarious instincts and congregate in immense numbers; sometimes vast numbers will be found collected in a small shade of brush wood and short grass After their first transformation (and they go through five changes) their voracious appetites seem to came to them. They march into the fields of crops just beginning to grow, clearing the ground as they move. As one band meets another, they join together until they from immense closely packed armies. They migrate only when their original breeding places cannot hold them.

It has been found that, more especially during the harvesting season in Rabi when crops are no longer green, canal banks with abundant grass and vegetation sooner or later become the objective of hoppers. When this is so, work on canal banks requires close supervision. Employees of the Irrigation Department must not be allowed to content themselves with driving hoppers out of the canal areas.

The organs of generation from gradually and get more complete, with each change of skin. After the fifth change, the insect arrives at its complete state. It is impossible to prevent fecundation. The larvae are produced largely and rapidly from eggs, and the first swarms are not only replaced but multiplied a hundred fold by each successive generation.

(8) Destruction of the young or unfledged locusts: - Various methods have been employed for the destruction of the young locusts, such as burning, crushing, and trapping but the last method obtained most favour. When they are not above a week old, a trench of 6 or 8 inches wide and deep such as two men may form in a few minutes, suffices for securing the insects which jump into it with alacrity and appear wholly unable to extricate themselves from it. When, however, they grow a little older and are making their way from roads and path, ditches two feet wide and two feet deep with perpendicular sides or dug wider at the bottom than that at the top, offer effectual barriers. The young locusts tumble into such a ditch and accumulate and die at the bottom in the immense numbers. In order to keep the main ditch open, it may be necessary to dig pits or deeper side-ditches at short intervals in which the locusts will accumulate and may be buried, the earth being well pressed down. Where the soil is tenacious and water can be let into the ditches so as to cover the bottom they may be made shallower and still be effectual. The efficacy of the ditch depends so much on the inability of the young locusts to jump or scale it, as on the tendency of the young insects not to do so. In the bottom of the ditch they soon become demoralised, crippled, and enfeebled by constant effort and the trampling and crowding upon one another.

The destruction of the young can only be carried out successfully during the period when the locust are unable to fly and this period is very short, being at the most only six weeks or two months.

In addition to the above, other devises have been resorted to, such as the use of nets or sieves, or long strips of muslin, calico, or similar materials covering after the manner of equal nets, also the Screen adopted in Cyprus. But after a careful consideration, it has been decided that there is not sufficient occasion for using them in Punjab. Moreover, these methods are too costly or elaborate.

It may be added that in the cold weather the swarms are often unable to move in the morning from numbness and under such circumstances the destruction of even full–grown swarms is easy.

Complete destruction of the full- grown or winged insect when they invade a country in large swarms is impossible. Attempts have been made to frighten them away by firing guns, crackers, beating drums, and by rattling, tankling noises, but, if disturbed in this way, they simply pass on to the next field. Experience shows that only effectual means of coping with the evil is by the destruction of:-

(1) The eggs.

(2) The young or unfledged insects.

Eggs are laid in masses, just beneath the surface of the ground, seldom to a depth of more than one inch. Where immense swarms have settled, scarcely an inch of the soil for miles can be stirred without exposing eggs. The means commonly employed in destroying the eggs are: -

(1) Collecting,

(2) Harrowing,

(3) Ploughing or digging,

(4) Flooding, and

(5) Trampling,

The following note on control operations has been compiled as a result of experience in the very severe visitations by locusts that took place in 1929 and 1930: -

(1) When egg laying occurs supplies and equipment should be despatched at once to the areas affected so as to be on the spot before emergence occurs. If nymphs can be destroyed on the breeding ground, most of the trouble is saved. It has been found useful to bait all breeding grounds, for instance with sodium fluosilicate or aldrin from the expected date of first emergence onwards. When eggs laying is suspected and search is made, it has been found useful to mark breeding grounds with red flags to facilitate subsequent recognition and treatment.

(2) No better method of dealing with eggs can be found than ploughing and digging combined with the collection of eggs in the broken ground where ploughing is difficult or impossible. Sweet meats and small cash rewards offered for collection of eggs proved a great inducement especially to school children who characteristically taken to this novel form of employment with great enthusiasm

(3) For hoppers short drives into shallow and quickly constructed trenches proved more profitable than the laborious disposition of long and deep trenches on an elaborate scale. These shallow trenches were immediately filled up and the ‘catch’ was periodically transferred to pits dug in the neighbourhood. Each pit was filled from the neighbouring part of the trench, so the same trench could be used several times. This was found to save labour in dealing with large swarms.

(4) Flame guns were used with great effect by experienced hands in some districts when hoppers were extremely thick and against concentrated swarms of nymphs at the final stage of development, but this method was found to be too expensive in Gurgaon . (Now in Haryana State)

(5) More particularly in areas where crops were thick and the Zamindars objected to trenching, much success was obtained by spreading sodium fluosilicate poison on the ground.

(6) A trench filled with water and supplied with a film of oil proved fatal to hoppers. On a small scale this method can be adopted on well-irrigated land by utilizing the existing water channels

(7) Oil was used to facilitate burning and as an insecticide. Its most effective use was in oil sprays against thickly clustered collections of nymphs of hoppers. These uses of oil sprays to facilitate burning was most valuable. The method being to light dry grass round hedges or bushes where swarms had collected and to spray oil so as to produce a fierce flame from which there could be no escape. This method, however, proved to be expensive and required strict control.

(8) The beating down and crushing of adult locusts when they were sluggish or mating was found the only method of dealing with flying swarms. It was noticed that starlings were destroying locusts and gazette notification was issued prohibiting the shooting of these birds.

(9) BHG dust (5% for the young and 10% for the older nymphs) and Aldrin spray (0.2%) are very effective.

(10) Dieldrin as a spray can also be applied shortly before the emergence of the hoppers, so that as soon as they come out they would come into contact with the insecticide and die.

(11) A number of birds attack locusts, and of these common myna and the tiller (starling) are the most important. During the locust cycle, if practicable these birds should be protected.

7. Relief:- When damage has been caused by locusts in a certain area, relief measures may be undertaking in the same manner as relief is provided to farmer whose crops are destroyed by hailstorms. The expenditure on relief measures in such circumstances, shall be borne out of the head “2245-Relief on account of natural calamities.”

8. Expenditure on destruction:- The expenditure on the destruction of locusts nymphs and eggs is to be incurred out of the funds to be provided by the Agriculture Department. It is also understood that employees of the Revenue and Development Departments will get their T.A/D.A from their respective Departments

The local village Panchyats and Panchyat Samitis/Zila Prishads are also expected to incur necessary expenditure out of their own funds to purchase necessary articles like Kerosene oil , insecticide etc.

Loans under the Punjab Distressed persons (facilities for loans) Act, 1958

10. Grant of loans under the Punjab Distressed persons (Facilities for loans) Act 1958: - Loans under this Act are granted to persons who are affected by natural calamities, such as floods, epidemics, famine, earthquake, land slides, avalanches, snow-storms, hailstorms, fire, severe drought and locusts. According to these rules, Tehsildars, Sub-Divisional Officers (Civil) Collectors/Commissioners of Divisions are competent to sanction loans upto Rs, 100, Rs, 200,Rs. 500and Rs. 1000 respectively to each family, upto the limit of funds allotted to them for the purpose.

The Financial Commissioner Revenue is the Head of Department under these rules as in the case of taccavi loans. In so far as ordinary loans are concerned, the Financial Commissioner makes the allotments to the Commissioners of Divisions. They in turn allocate the funds to the Deputy Commissioners, according to the demand of each district. Each Deputy Commissioner in his turn makes allotment of funds to tehsils in his District for the purpose of distribution.

Conversion of short term Agricultural loans into Medium terms loans-Conversion of short term Agricultural Loans into medium term Co-operative loans:- In order, however, to expedite the conversion of short-term agricultural loans into medium ones, of the borrowing members whose crops have been damaged by natural calamities, like floods, hailstorms, the Tehsildars should send the list of the affected farmers whose crops have been damaged beyond 50 percent, in the villages under their jurisdiction, to the concerned Assistant Registrars, Co-operative Societies. The Assistant Registrar, Co-operative Societies, on receipt of these lists, could initiate action at the level of the Society to get the loans of such members converted from short to medium-term, by filling the necessary application forms and also on getting a resolution of the general body of the Society passed to that effect. The Tehsildars while sending the lists to the Assistant Registrar, Co-operative Societies are to certify on the lists that the loss to the crops of these farmers has been 50 per cent and more by the natural calamities, like floods, hailstorms etc. etc. In the event of Tehsildars supplying the lists of affected farmers to the Assistant Registrars in the prescribed form, the Central Co-operative Banks need not obtain the certificate from the District Collector and action for the conversion of the short-term agricultural loans of these farmers into medium-term loans could be expedited by the Assistant Registrar or other competent authority.


(11) Medical, Public Health and Veterinary Relief:- This relief is given to the persons afflicted by natural calamities such as floods ,famine, hailstorms, epidemics and other calamities according to requirements. Funds are earmarked for this purpose under the head “2245-Relief on account of Natural Calamities” which are placed at the disposal of the Director of Health Services and Family Planning and the Director of Animal Husbandry, who incur expenditure with the approval of the competent authority. A detailed plan for medical care and prevention of epidemic is given in the next chapter i.e. Part-III.

(12) Suspension of consolidation fee.- Along with other measures to help the people in distress caused by floods etc. etc. relief in the shape of suspension of realisation of consolidation Fees (like taccavi loans) is also sometimes afforded when the Deputy Commissioners are satisfied that it is necessary to give this relief. This is however, required to be brought to the notice of the Government.

Procedure to make demand for relief due to natural calamities.

(13) Demand for relief.- Experience gained from demands made for relief measures by the Deputy Commissioners in emergence created by natural calamities in the past, would show that the procedure for demanding relief needs streamlining.

It would be better if the patwari of the affected village fills in the enclosed forms A and B (as at Appendix J) in quadruplicate immediately when the damage occurs. He should send these forms duly filled in triplicate to the Tehsildar or the Naib Tehsildar, having jurisdiction over the village for verification. As soon as the Tehsildar or his Naib comes to know of the occurrence of a natural calamity in his circle, he should visit the affected village/villages and verify the particulars reported by the Patwari, in forms A and B. The Tehsildar or the Naib Tehsildar should retain one copy and send one copy of each of these forms to the Sub-Divisional Officer (civil) and to the Deputy Commissioner of the District. The Deputy Commissioner Should prepare an extract from these forms for whole district in form ‘C’ at Appendix ‘J’ and should also visit some of the affected villages to verify the information furnished by the Tehsildar. He should specify the quantum of relief in different forms he can sanction from the funds at his disposal in column for remarks (No.10) of form ‘C’ (Appendix ‘J’) and the amount required from the Commissioner and Government. He should then forward the extract in form ‘C’ referred to above, in duplicate, to the Commissioner, and endorse a copy to Government in the Revenue Department. The Commissioner will then examine the proposal, and if necessary, visit some of the affected villages, and should prepare an extract in form ‘C’ for the whole Division stating how much money of other relief measures he can sanction from the funds at his disposal and what he recommends to Government for necessary sanction. The Commissioner will forward to the Financial Commissioner Revenue a copy of the extract for the Division as a whole for his consideration

Intimation about availability of funds.

14. Availability of funds under head “2245-Relief on account of Natural Calamities”.- It has been observed that while demanding funds and making proposals for financial sanction to Government, no indication is given by some of the Deputy Commissioners regarding the availability of funds with them out of existing budget Grants. Lack of information in this regard needs back reference and this results in avoidable delay. In order to avoid such delays it is necessary that information regarding availability of funds under the sub-head/detailed heads concerned be clearly indicated while applying for sanction.

Instructions regarding distribution of relief.

15. Distributions of gratuitous relief:-It is desirable that relief should reach the needy with as little delay as possible. The actual distribution of gratuitous relief is the responsibility of the Revenue Officers, but the Deputy Commissioners may associate and employ any officials of other Departments/Agencies for this purpose. If considered necessary Magistrates can also be deputed for this work by the Deputy Commissioners.

Gratuitous relief in the shape of grants for temporary shelters, subsistence grants and fodder grants be disbursed to the eligible persons affected by heavy rains/floods immediately on receipt of funds and not later than a week in any case. The disbursement of relief for loss of lives or cattle or damage to houses be completed within a week from the date of release of funds on the basis of verified lists. Like this, on release of funds distribution of relief for loss of crops is to be made on the basis of the verified villagewise /khewatwise lists within the stipulated period.

In order to ensure proper disbursement of relief to the persons affected by natural calamities and to eliminate the chance of complaints, the record regarding the disbursement of relief be checked by the Sub-Divisional Officer (c) and random check be undertaken by the Deputy Commissioners.

The Deputy Commissioner will be responsible to ensure personally that the assessment of damage to crops etc., etc. by natural calamities is completed and lists for payments of relief prepared within stipulated period. When there is heavy work load, the local patwari be assisted by patwaris of other circles for assessment of damage to crops etc., by natural calamities.

The Sub-Divisional Officer or where there is no Sub-Divisional Officer, the Tehsildar will be in general charge of the distribution in the Tehsil, and all orders should be carried out under his supervision and control. The Panchayat, Lambardars or known social workers and the officers responsible for actual distribution should pay a visit to the area concerned immediately and draw up a list of persons who are entitled to such relief, showing therein the extent of relief to be allowed to each family. These lists will be signed by the official in charge and the Sarpanch or in his absence a panch or the Lambardar or the social worker, associated with this work. On the strength of these lists, the Tehsildars should allow the necessary money to be drawn and paid to the officers entrusted with the distribution work who should go to the affected area with the money and distribute it to the individuals entitled to it, in the presence of panchayat, Lambardar etc. Adequate protection should be afforded to these officers so that the money is not lost in transit or while in their custody. The distributing officers should be held responsible personally for the correct, prompt and fair distribution of money. Strict supervision over the distribution of relief should be exercised by Deputy Commissioners to prevent misuse of funds.

Distribution of all kinds gratuitous relief to the persons adversely affected by natural calamities such as floods/ heavy rains/ hailstorms etc., etc., should normally be made with in a period of month of the date of release of funds at the most. Therefore, the utilization certificates be sent to the Deputy Secretary to Government, Punjab, Revenue Department (In Accounts Branch) with a copy to E. R. T. L. Branch, within a period of two months of date of release of funds.

Maintenance of accounts showing particulars of relief granted.

16. Maintenance of registers showing particulars of relief granted:- It is imperative that accounts showing the relief granted in various forms is maintained properly, especially when the State Government can seek Central Assistance on certain items of relief according to the procedure laid down by the Government of India in the Ministry of Finance. Accordingly, a register in the proforma at Appendix ‘K’ should be maintained for every village in which relief is afforded. During the period relief is given, it will remain in the custody of the Disbursing Officer. The Officer immediately above him should check at least 25% of the entries pertaining to every village, on the spot, before the disbursement operation is over and sign the remarks column of the register in token of having done so. As soon as disbursement is completed, the Disbursing Officer will hand over to the Tehsildar against a proper receipt, which should be kept by him in safe custody. This register will be a permanent record and should be used every time any relief is given during that and the succeeding year. The Deputy Commissioner or any Officer not below the rank of Extra Assistant Commissioner deputed by him will check at least 25% of the entries in the registers of at least 50% of the villages assigned to each Disbursing Officer and send to the Government a certificate to this effect at the close of the distribution of relief. The Deputy Commissioners should, also at the time of inspecting tehsils, see if these registers are being properly kept at the tehsil headquarters.

Accounts pertaining to gratuitous relief should be maintained carefully by all concerned in the form at Appendix ‘L’. The Officer advancing grants should certify the entries made in the proforma.

Part – III

Medical care and Prevention of epidemics during floods and other Natural calamities: -

1. Plan for medical care and prevention of epidemics: -Health services can play an important role in saving lives and in ameliorating suffering both amongst human beings and animals at the time of the occurrence of floods and other natural calamities and thereafter. Much of the damage resulting from calamities and diseases can be lessened and human suffering reduced, if there is an organised and planned effort to meet this problem.

It has, therefore, been decided that medical aid and prevention of epidemics in flood affected areas of the State should be organised in accordance with the recommendations of the Minister’s Committee on floods and flood relief appointed by the Government of India in the Ministry of Irrigation and Power in 1970. The procedure and manner of organising medical care and prevention of epidemics suggested in their report is as follows:

2. Organisation and control-In the Government of India, the Director General of health Services is assigned the following executive functions:

(a) to assist the States in formulating their own plans to produce and integrated flood emergency health organisation:

(b) to assist the States in obtaining their shortages in personnel, equipment and stores whenever possible:

(c) to build up central resources of supply and personnel.

The coordinating authority at the state level will be the Director of Health Services. The Health Department through the Director of Health Services, Shall be responsible for the followings:

(a) Planning emergency health services for flood affected areas within the state;

(b) Setting up of an emergency Health Advisory Committee for the State at the time of flood;

(c) Making adequate provision for personnel, equipment and stores to meet any emergency; and

(d) Training of personnel.

Districts. - The coordinating authority at the district level will be the Chief Medical officer of the District who will be responsible for medical care and prevention of epidemics in the flood affected areas of the district.

N.E.S. Blocks. - The Medical Officer of the Primary Health Centre will be responsible for organising Medical and Public Health Services in the area under his jurisdiction. For that he should remain in touch with the Block Development Officer. Well in advance of the flood season he should take steps to get medicines and equipment for medical care and prevention of epidemics. He will act under the guidance of Chief Medical Officer of Health of the district.

3. Planning for emergency Medical Care.

Nature of control measures: - Measures for the medical care during and emergency should as far as possible be devised in advance of the occurrence of the calamities. In this respect past experience and data collected over a period of three years by the state should afford valuable guidance towards devising control measures.

Certain factors have to be taken into consideration in planning. These are: -

(a) Assessment of Problem: - It is necessary to find out which particular area/areas is particularly susceptible to floods. For the purposes of planning, different areas and localities within each districts should be classified on the basis of frequency and intensity of floods that have occurred in the past. A suggested classification is:

(1) Very vulnerable areas: - Areas which have been affected by natural disasters most often and with some severity.

(2) Vulnerable areas: Areas wherein such disasters are not of very frequent occurrence but are nevertheless to be seriously reckoned with.

(3) Other areas:- This classification should also be done with reference to particular types of floods.

The quantum of relief required by way of medical services will also vary from area to area. Casualties during floods should be much fewer needing perhaps a lesser degree of medical relief, but expensive public health measures will be necessary.

(b) Collection of Statistics: - Every Chief Medical Officer, for the purpose of planning, should collect data with reference to floods in the proforma given below in respect of disasters that had occurred in various parts of his district in the past


Statement showing details of floods, that have occurred in the district.

1. Name of the district.

2. Period of review.

3. Nature of flood.

4. Actual period of occurrence of the flood.

5. Location of disaster (such as sub-division /rivers affected) and approximate extent of areas of disaster in square Kilometres.

6. Population affected.

7. Number of persons died or injured.

8. Medical relief measures adopted by the state government.

9. Types of Epidemic occurred during last flood.

(c)Assessment of requirements, availabilities and deficiencies: -

An assessment should be made of (1) requirements, (2) availabilities and (3) deficiencies, if any, in respect of (i) Personnel, (ii) stores and equipment and (iii) accommodation.

Based on the past experience, requirements of trained men power, medical stores and equipment and any additional accommodation should be drawn up in respect of each of the emergency services, i.e. first aid, emergency medical aid and hospitalisation and public health measures.

4. Stages of planning

In order to plan methodically and to avoid confusion about the duties and responsibilities of those concerned with the implementation, it is desirable that planning should be develop in two stages(a) Planning Stage, and(b)Operational Stage

(a) Planning Stage. - The planning stage is concerned with the setting up of the State and district advisory committees and paper plans relating to the approximate requirements, availabilities and deficiencies in respect of man power, equipment etc. etc. at various levels prepared on the basis of the data collected from various sources. The duties and responsibilities of the medical and public health services should laid down and the procedure to be followed in rendering assistance to people affected should be tentatively be settled.

When steps have been taken as indicated above, all arrangements for implementing the plan should be finalised and the necessary personnel arranged. Duties and responsibilities undertaken should be specifically allotted to voluntary agencies or particular individual selected for the purpose. Training in first aid, home nursing, sanitation and other related subjects should be arranged. Supplies and equipment should be arranged and where necessary stores and additional requirements should be listed and earmarked for procurement at the proper time.

(b) Operational Stage:- The operational stage consists of :

(i) Precautionary Stage:- When more or less definite information regarding the probable occurrence of floods becomes available and steps are taken to:

(a) alert the services;

(b) post them to the places of duty;

(c) finalise arrangements in respect of despatch of stores and equipments already collected, to the place likely to be affected; and

(d) indenting for additional supplies previously earmarked.

(ii) Action Stage:- This is the stage when disaster strikes and emergency services come into action. In case where disaster strikes suddenly, planning in respect of very vulnerable areas should be such that the precautionary and action stages are merged into one. It would be desirable to provide or a nucleus of volunteers with all the essential supplies so that this nucleus can, before further arrangements are made, go into action on their own. This nucleus should be placed under the local authority responsible for conducting the operations.

5. Public Health Measures for prevention of Epidemics

The sanitation staff for prevention of epidemics should include sanitary inspectors, sanitary subordinates, lady health visitors, vaccinators, sweepers and watermen. The sanitation staff should work under the direction of the medical officer of the Primary Health Centre.

D.D.T. Squads should be organised to fight fly and mosquito menace in the camps and to keep the surroundings disinfected. Sources of water supplies, should be frequently chlorinated. Mass inoculations, wherever necessary, should be enforced with firmness to ward off any threat of epidemics, Diarrhoea, dysentery and enteric fever are frequent complaints of camp life generally arising out of impurity of water in camps. Camps dispensaries should be well stocked with supply of specific medicines to meet these threats effectively.

The existing sanitary arrangements should be expanded with voluntary efforts. The sanitary authorities should have in hand emergency sanitation plans. Adequate health education in the form of films and posters is very necessary to educate the population.

The Emergency sanitary authorities should be responsible for :

(a) Maintenance and restoration of safe water supply and also temporary measures required for rendering water safe for drinking purposes and for other essential uses.

(b) Adequate food inspection during emergency, especially inspection of emergency kitchens, canteens and cafeterias.

(c) Tightening up of existing sanitary regulations regarding milk supply and preventing diseases among milk cattle.

(d) Maintenance of high standards of sanitation in the disposal of sewage and solid waste.

(e) Maintenance of sanitation of high degrees in emergency camps.

(f) Prevention of epidemics by massive inoculation with T.A.B. and Cholera vaccines.

(g) Anti-fly and anti-mosquito measures to be intensified specially after floods when the normal sanitation arrangements will be disrupted.

(h) Stocking of essential hygienic chemicals such as bleaching power and D.D.T.

(i) Proper disposal of the dead if any by the corpse disposal organisation.



Assorted adhesive dressing 2 doz

Triangular Bandages 6

Roller Bandages 1” 2” 3” 4 each

Adhesive Plaster 1” X 5” Yds 2 rolls

Medicine Glass Graduate Min. 2cc, 4cc 1 each

Scissor 5” Blunt pointed 1

Safety pins (Assorted rust proof in box) 1 box

Tie-on-labels 1 box

Cotton Wool 1 Lb. 4 Oz., 1 Oz 1 each

Sterile absorbenta gouse 6 pcs

Sal. Volatile or Smelling Salt 2 bottles

Tr. Iodine 4 oz.

Tr. Bension Co. 4 oz.

Dettol 1 bottle

Kidney Tray (med. Size) 1

Glucose Sweets or cube suger 1 box

Constrictive andage (Rubber) 1

Small Square of Mackntosh or plastic 1

Sheeting ..

Soap for hand wash etc. 2 pcs

Alcohol or spirit Rectified 4 oz.

Spirit Methylated 1 bottle

Solution Mercurochrome 2% Acquous 100 oz.

Vaseline 1

Hotwater Bottle 1

Ice Bag 1

Warm Blankets 2

Eye droppers 1 doz.

Anti verom Serum (snake poison) 50 dozens

Tetracycline 100 Tablets

Sulpha Guanadine 100 Tablets

Entero Quinole 100 Tablets

Burnol 5 Tubes

Anti Septic Ointment 5 Tubes

Anti-boitic ointment 5 Tubes

Needles 1 Packet

Catgut 1 Packet

Stretcher 1 Standards army pattn

Syringe (hypderic 5cc with two needles) 1 Case

Spilints, arm wood, plain sets of 8 One

Mouth Gag One

Forceps Tongue One (Cross action)

Clear instructions by the Director , Health Authorities should be given to the Medical Officer of the Primary Health Centres to keep this stock of medicines only for use during the emergency.



In case of damage to houses, farm houses, (provided farm owner does not get relief for house in village separately) and huts due to rain/ floods, assessment of damage shall be made for disbursement of relief. The relief shall be admissible for only one house, farm house or hut, as the case may be. For example if house (s), farmhouse (s) and hut (s) of a person are damaged, relief will be admissible only in respect of one of them. Sheds used for gathering cattle or storage of fodder straw etc. are not eligible for getting house damage relief. For calculation purposes following scales of relief may be adopted: -

(a) For a totally damaged pucca house. Rs. 10,000/-

(b) For partially damaged pucca house. Rs. 5,000/-

(c) For totally damaged kacha house Rs. 6,000/-

(d) For partially damaged kacha house. Rs. 3,000/-

(e) For totally damaged hut. Rs 2,000/-

(f) For partially damaged hut Rs. 1,000/-

It is certified that in order to qualify for being categorised as partially damaged, there should be significant and visible damage such as collapse of a wall, portion of roof, settlement of foundations resulting in serious cracks etc. to the extent of 50% overall damage. A fully damaged house, farm house or hut would be one which would require to be fully re- constructed.

In case of damage to residential house, farm house or hut verification of damage should be made through survey ordinarily not later than a week from the date of incidence and report about the same should be sent in proforma at Appendix ‘N’.

The assessment of damage and preparation of lists of the persons eligible for receiving the relief should be undertaken through gazetted officers in the first instance itself, rather than leaving initial preparation to be done by village level revenue officials. At the time of carrying out the assessment, village elders such as Lambardars, Sarpanch, members of Panchayats should be co-opted. Any other community representatives who wish to assist in the assessment may be permitted to do so. Immediately after the assessment has been completed an open village assembly should be convened and the assessment list be read out in the assembly. Any objection which are raised regarding the correctness of the list should be verified at the spot by the assessing officer and the list be finalised there and then. A certificate should be recorded on the assessment list by gazetted officer concerned bearing also the signatures of the village alders who have been associated during the assessment. On the receipt of assessment and proposals of relief by this office, sanction for relief for damages to the house will be issued.

In urban areas Municipal councillors should be associated with the assessment. However, the Deputy Commissioners are requested to ensure that the damage is correctly assessed and the relief is disbursed to the genuine sufferers1.

No relief should be given on account of damage to houses/huts constructed unauthorisedly on the Government land, shamlat land and panchayat land2.

Cases where poor people own a house which is used for living, cattle living and fodder also. Such damaged houses shall fall in the category of being eligible for providing relief3.

VIII. Relief for loss of crop on account of Fire4: - The Punjab State Electricity Board vide its instructions No. 28435/29030/ GB-348, dated 5/5/2001 has made provision for grant of relief for crop loss on account of fire caused by electrical short circuit/faults. The district authorities would forward such cases to the Electricity Board. The State Government will provide relief of Rs. 3,000/- per acre for mature standing/ harvested crop destroyed on account of fire caused by lightening or any other cause subject to the following terms and conditions: -

(a) The cause of fire should be other than electrical faults/short circuit.

(b) The fire cases would be reported promptly and the Circle Revenue Officer would verify such cases after a spot visit preferably within 48 hours. He would satisfy himself about the cause of fire, the condition of crop and the extent of damage. The Sarpanch, Village Panch and Nambardars etc. and owners of adjoining fields would be associated with the verification. Other factors like requisitioning the service of fire brigade could also be taken into account while making the verification.

(c) The relief of Rs. 3,000/- per acre would be provided for completely destroyed mature standing/harvested crop.

(d) The relief for maximum of 10 acres per Khatauni would be provided.

These instructions would cover the cases of fire loss occurring after 10/7/2001. The other conditions for grant of relief would be the same as in the case of crop loss due to floods.

Relief for damage to agricultural produce caused by fire on the way from fields to Mandis:

If a loss is caused by fire to the agricultural produce on the way from fields to mandis (while going to the mandi for sale) relief will be granted as per the following present norms in respect of loss by fire5: -

“ 20% of the total loss subject to a maximum of Rs. 10,000/- in any individual case in respect of properties which were not insured without any condition relating to income of the affected person.”

1. (Vide memo no. 7/4/90-ER-II/4857 dated 13-8-93.)

2. (Vide memo no. 7/7/95 –ER-II/3601 dated 19-5-97.)

3. (Vide no. PA/JSR (L) 95, dated 22-9-95.)

4. (Vide Memo No.7/4/2001-ER-II/5003, Chandigarh, dated 12/7/2001.)

5. (Vide Memo No. 7/4/90-ER-II/4906, Chandigarh, dated the ,18/8/1993.)

{This manual contains instructions upto 26/11/2001 received from Emergency Relief Branch.}

This relief shall be applicable in respect of damage/loss caused after 5-7-93.

The other terms and conditions will remain the same as laid down in the previous instructions issued by Government from time to time.

IX. Restoration to pre-calamity level of damaged public works viz., roads, buildings, irrigation and flood control works, drinking water supply works, drainage works, school building public health centres, hospital building electricity installation etc.

The proposal of concerned department will be considered by the state level committee keeping in view the availabilities of funds.

X. Cost of clearance of debris: - Full cost of expenditure will be reimbursed by Government on the recommendation of concerned Deputy Commissioner.

XI. Cost of search and rescue measure: - Full cost of expenditure will be reimbursed by Government on the recommendation of concerned Deputy Commissioner.

XII. Disposal of dead bodies/carcases: - Full cost of expenditure will be reimbursed by Government on the recommendation of concerned Deputy Commissioner.

XIII. Post disaster public education: - No norms proposed for the time being. But expenditure on this account may be incurred at the district or state level with the prior approval of Financial Commissioner Revenue.

XIV. Improvement to the flood control amenities as a preparatory measures:- Adequate funds will be released by the Government to the Deputy Commissioners on receipt of concrete proposals for flood preparatory measures before the onset of monsoon season.

XV. Mode of Payment: -The disbursement of relief has to be carried out through Account Payees Cheques to prevent any bungling during the disbursement of relief, and to avoid future complaints from the affected people that they did not receive the full amount which was due to them under the Government policy1.In so far as small amounts up to Rs. 1,000/- are concerned, the disbursement may be allowed by the Deputy Commissioners by bearer cheques if a branch of a bank is available within a distance of 2 kilometres from the village. However if no such branch is available he may allow disbursement of such small amounts not exceeding Rs. 1,000/- in cash with immediate effect subject to the condition that the bearer cheque is to be delivered only to the concerned person on receipt of his/her signatures which should be kept in record2. The non-encashment of cheques by the issuing persons is a criminal offence under the Banking Act, the person issuing such cheques is liable to prosecution, therefore, every issuing officer must ensure that requisite money is available in the Bank before any cheque is issued3.

XVI. Supervision and Checking-Deputy Commissioners and Commissioners of Divisions should conduct intensive tours of the area in their jurisdiction to supervise the working of the Disbursement Teams. They should ensure that the instructions issued by the Government are meticulously followed.

XVII. Disposal of grievances: - The Deputy Commissioners should ensure that a proper record of complaints received about the assessment /disbursement is maintained and its regular monitoring is done. Weekly reports about the No. of complaints pending. No. of complaints received and disposed of, may be intimated to the Government. As far as possible, it should be ensured that such complaints are attended to without any delay and are not allowed to remain pending for more than a week.

1(Vide Memo No. 5/8/87/ERTL –V/ 4985, dated 23rd May, 1987 and Memo No. 5/108/88/ERTL- V/ 9737, dated 10th October, 1988.)

2(Memo/ Endst. No. 7/4/90- ER-11/6715-6718 dated 20- 9- 1993.)

3(Memo No. 5/108/88- ERTL-II/7074, dated 4-8-89.)


1. Relief in cash to be distributed by a gazetted officer:- In order to avoid chances of misappropriation or misuse of the Government money meant for relief it is desirable that it should be distributed only by gazetted officers. A further precaution may also be taken that if an officer has prepared lists of the demolished or damaged houses or has assessed the relief due, he should not be put on duty for disbursing the amount in that area. The Deputy Commissioner of the Districts should particularly keep an eye on the distribution of relief in the form of cash.

2. Payment of money to a grantee to be attested by Municipal Commissioner, Lambardar:- A Municipal Commissioner or a Lambardar may attest such payments in Urban areas and members of Panchayats or a Lambardar should attest such payment in villages.

3. Expenditure to be incurred up to the limit of funds sanctioned:- It is necessary that the expenditure is not allowed to exceed funds allocated to a Deputy Commissioner for the distribution of relief of different kinds.

4. Payment of Gratuitous Relief to institutions like charitable trusts, bodies, religious institutions and Gram Panchayats:- The scheme for payment of gratuitous relief is meant for individuals land owners/cultivators of land does not provide grant of relief to institutions like charitable trusts, bodies, religious institutions and Gram Panchayats etc.

5. Admissibility of grant of the missing persons:-Exgratia grant is admissible to the next of kin of the missing persons also, subject to their furnishing an undertaking to the satisfaction of the Deputy Commissioner that if at any later stage a missing person reappears or is found , the amount of exgratia grant shall be refundable.

(B) Drought and famine

Scarcity conditions are sometimes caused by failure of rains and insufficient irrigation facilities. Punjab is generally free from famine/drought conditions because most of the agricultural land is irrigated. However, certain areas may still be affected by drought when the rain is either inadequate, or when the monsoons fail. Instructions contained in the Punjab Famine Code 1906 (as revised in 1930) may be perused for measures to be taken before and during the famine conditions in any part of the State and regarding the duties to be performed by various departments concerned. Relief such as cash grants for the purchase of fodder, grant of taccavi loans for seeds and fodder are generally given to relieve the people of the scarcity conditions as in the case of floods, in accordance with Government instructions.

“On all future drought relief work carried out in the State, wherever the majority of workers are women, some women-mate would be put incharge of that work”.

(C) Hailstorms and Heavy rains

Heavy losses to crops and property may be caused by hailstorms, heavy rains, severe dust storms etc. Relief is provided to the people in distress after assessing the loss caused by such calamities in the shape of suspension of recovery of taccavi loans, and remission of fertilizer loans, grant of taccavi loans for seeds and fodder in accordance with the Government Instructions for flood relief.

Interest free loans are also granted to the sufferers, which are repayable after one year. In such cases orders of the Government should be obtained by the Deputy Commissioners by submitting assessment of losses incurred.

Suspension- Remission of Taccavi Loans.

Suspension of recovery of loans :-(i) Recovery of the taccavi loans may be suspended on proof of failure of crops or other exceptional calamity. The Collector is empowered to suspend recovery up to a limit of Rs. 5,000/- for a tehsil or total of Rs. 10,000/- for the whole district in any one harvest, provided the sum involved at a time in any one case shall not exceed Rs. 1,000. All such suspensions are to be reported through the Commissioners of Divisions to the Financial Commissioner. Penal interest is not to be charged on suspended instalment.

Remission of taccavi loans: - (ii) Remission of taccavi loans on account of floods and other natural calamities is seldom granted. However, detailed instructions in respect of remissions are contained in Rule 8 of the Land Improvement Loans (Punjab Amendment) Rules, 1988 Rule 9 of the Agriculturists Loans (Punjab Amendment) Rules, 1988 and para 2 of part VII of the Land Improvement and Agriculturists Loans Manual.

Remission of irrecoverable loans:- (iii) “When any portion of a loan is found to be irrecoverable or when from any special cause it appears that the loan ought not to be recovered, a special report shall be made to the Collector who has the power to grant remission of an amount of loan not exceeding one thousand rupees in any one case. If the amount proposed for remission exceeds one thousand rupees the case shall be forwarded to the Commissioner of the Division who has the power to grant remission of an amount of loan not exceeding five thousand rupees in any one case and for the grant of remission of an amount of loan exceeding five thousand rupees, the case shall be forwarded by the Commissioner to the Financial Commissioner who has the power to grant remission without any limit”.

(D) Control of locusts and relief Measures

1. Control and Relief Measures:- Locusts are now rarely seen in the State, and as a rule they speedily disappear after doing an amount of damage which, though it may be small in proportion to the total production, may be very serious for cultivators, whose crops have been damaged. In some seasons, however, vast swarms invade the State and cause widespread devastation. Their power of multiplication is enormous. Whenever, locusts are observed in a district, measures should be taken to ensure-

(a) That laying and hatching of eggs are promptly reported and that.

(b) Measures are at once taken for the destructions of eggs and of young nymphs when hatched.

Once locusts have begun to fly, no measures hitherto devised appear to be really effective. The use of aeroplanes to drop dust power has not been tried in Punjab. Flame guns can be used to kill the insects as they are resting at night but this measure is costly and obviously of little value.

2. Reporting and Measures to be taken –When locusts visit a district, the Deputy Commissioners of adjoining districts should immediately be informed by telegram in order that they should keep watch over the laying of eggs by locusts

The village headman should at once inform the patwari of the appearance of locusts, the laying of eggs and hatching of the young nymphs. The patwari should immediately report to the field Kanungo and Tehsildar or Naib-Tehsildar. As regards the work of destructions, the Tehsildar and Naib-Tehsildar should be held responsible, within their respective inspection circles, for seeing that headman and people of the village working under them do their duty and when necessary act in concert with the headman and people of the neighbouring villages. A Tehsildar or Naib-Tehsildar who finds a Lambardar negligent of his duties in this respect, should have no hesitation in reporting the fact to the Collector. Lambardars who fail to co-operate after due warning should be dismissed.

When eggs are hatched, the young locusts (nymphs) should be attacked and followed up till destroyed, not merely by the men of the estate in which they first appear but by the people collected from the surrounding villages and working together. Arrangement should be made for relieving persons who have worked their fair share and replacing them by others.

3. Functions of Patwaris and Kanungos.- Field Kanungos may properly be employed as Supervising Officer’s within their respective circles but the patwari should only be used for reporting information. The patwari should be required to maintain tables showing progressive damage by locusts and by campaign operations to crops and other property. The form prescribed in Standing Order No. 58 for the recording of damage done by troops provide a useful analogy. Areas affected by egg laying should also be recorded by the patwaris. It is wrong to give a patwari any sort of authority over village headman. The above plan of operations will, generally speaking, be the best to pursue but every Deputy Commissioner will, of course, adopt any measures, which the special circumstances of his district render necessary to secure the end in view.

4. Remuneration not usually to be given: - As a rule, no payments should be made in cash. It is the duty and the interest of the people to protect their own crops from the depredation of locusts. However where the locusts appear in a locality distant from any village, rewards may be offered, but the cost should be met from district funds. When crop have to be removed to facilitate the destruction of eggs, compensation should be given to the owner from the same fund.

In cases where eggs have been laid in areas remote from the human habitations and cultivated lands, the Deputy Commissioners, with the sanction of commissioner of the Division may grant small rewards out of the state revenues to schools children for the collection and destructions of eggs and hoppers.

5. Reports to the Financial Commissioner (Revenue):- The appearance of locusts in a district and the measures taken for their destruction should be reported to the Financial Commissioner (Revenue ) and the Director of Agriculture in the form below:-

Report Regarding locusts


Date of Appearance

Direction of flight

Damage done

Measures taken

Remarks (nothing extent of flight and whether eggs were deposited








It should be borne in mind that a special report should not be made in every case when a flight is seen, but only when damage to crops to any considerable extent is caused by the locusts. In all other cases, it will be sufficient to mention in the weekly weather and crop reports submitted to the Director of Land Records that locusts have been observed.

6. Coordinated efforts and organisation in case of severe attacks.- Individual efforts in a district are inadequate to deal with a menace of the magnitude of the desert locust swarms. It may, therefore, be necessary in cases of severe infestations to set up a special agency for co-ordination. In the absence of such an agency, the Commissioner of each Division should co-ordinate efforts in the different districts of his division. The Director of Agriculture and his staff or any special officers who may be appointed will supply technical advice, broadcast information and whenever possible supply apparatus and equipment.

Where in a case of severe infestation, it is considered desirable to set up a special co-ordinating agency, an officer at the headquarters of the district should be appointed to deal with the receipt and distribution of supplies and equipment and with the allotment of personnel. This officer should not normally go on tour or interfere in control methods, but he should work in close cooperation with officials of the Agriculture Department concerned with supplies and should have full authority under the Deputy Commissioner to allot staff made available within the District or from outside. Locust Control Officers should be responsible for areas not larger than two tehsils each and should be responsible for the organisation of circle within their charge and for the adoption of control methods. They should requisition supplies and staff from the officers at the headquarters. A manageable circle has been found to consist of about 25 villages. Preferably an officer of gazetted rank should be in charge of such a circle. It has been found that no village is likely to do well unless visited by a responsible official for a considerable period daily but in these matters local conditions vary and much must be left to the discretion of the local officers.

(1) Life history and habits.- From reports and observations made it seems that in the Punjab, Locusts generally appear in the months of June or July(though there have been cases of their appearance are so advanced a period of the year as October); that they then deposit their eggs, and that the destruction of the crops is caused by the young nymphs which emerge from these eggs.

In habit locusts are diurnal, generally frequenting high dry places, closely grazed pastures, meadows and grainfield’s after subsidence of the rains.

(2) The laying season normally extends from six to eight weeks in March or April, and again, if the conditions are favourable, about August. When about to lay her eggs, the female locusts makes a hole in the ground by means of the two pairs of horny valves which open and shut at the tip of her abdomen with the valves close, she pushes the tips into the ground and makes a hole for herself and her eggs, which later are voided in a pale glistening glutinous fluid which holds them together and binds them into a long cylindrical pod covered with particles of earth which adhere to it. When fresh, the whole mass is soft and moist, but it soon acquires a firmer consistency. It is rarely placed much more than an inch below the surface of the ground, but sometimes it lies much deeper. The eggs are laid side by side at right angles to the axis of the pod to the number of from 30 to 100. They are slightly curved, of a pale yellow colour and rather larger in the middle than at the ends, about 5 milimeter long and 15 milimeter at the thickest part. The female is believed to lay three batches of eggs, and the average interval between the period of laying by the same female is said to be two weeks. Eggs may be laid in almost any kind of soil, but by preference in bare sandy soil, especially in high dry ground preferably compact. Pastures, grounds and stubbly fields are much resorted to for ovipositing. A field of grass stubble will show no signs of holes but yet abound in eggs. Locust have been known to deposit their eggs, in the sandy beds of rivers, and after the subsidence of the rains and the river floods, and when the usual hatching time has arrived, the young have emerged from the sandy beds in myriads.

(3) Collecting eggs.- One of the most rapid ways of collecting eggs, especially where there are numerous and in light soils, is to slice of about an inch of the soil with a spade or a similar instrument, then carry the eggs to one spot and after separating them from the sand, to bury them in deep pits, the ground being packed hard on the surface.

(4) Harrowing:- Harrowing is an effective mode of destroying eggs and of preventing future injury. The object should not be to stir deeply, but to scarify and pulverize as much as possible the soil to the depth of about an inch. Breaking up of the mass and exposure of the individual eggs to the desiccating effects of the atmosphere effectively destroys them, and when to this is added the well-known fact that thus exposed they are more liable to destruction by their numerous enemies, we see at once the importance of this mode of coping with the evil.

(5) Ploughing: - Ploughing is another effective way of destroying eggs. The ground may be ploughed up repeatedly, ploughing five or six inches deep, if possible. When eggs are deposited in standing crops, measures should at once be taken to destroy the eggs without regard to consequent damage to crop.

(6) Hatching: - As the hatching period approaches(about three weeks after laying) eggs become more plump and pale and dark eyes of the embryo are distinctly visible within the shell, now somewhat transparent. The ova hatch in about three weeks after they are laid. All the eggs in the given mass burst very nearly at one and the same hole, which in the field is scarcely noticeable.

The period between the laying of the eggs and the appearance of the young locusts is liable to variation. Under the influence of more than ordinary heat and moisture, eggs have been observed, in Punjab, to hatch out in about a fortnight. Therefore, whenever locusts appear, careful observation should be taken at once to ascertain as soon as possible whether eggs have been laid and the young are hatched out, and necessary measures for their destruction should be carried out soon after the eggs are discovered.

(7) Young or unfledged locusts: - The time from hatching till the wings appear varies from three to eight weeks. The young locusts display gregarious instincts and congregate in immense numbers; sometimes vast numbers will be found collected in a small shade of brush wood and short grass After their first transformation (and they go through five changes) their voracious appetites seem to came to them. They march into the fields of crops just beginning to grow, clearing the ground as they move. As one band meets another, they join together until they from immense closely packed armies. They migrate only when their original breeding places cannot hold them.

It has been found that, more especially during the harvesting season in Rabi when crops are no longer green, canal banks with abundant grass and vegetation sooner or later become the objective of hoppers. When this is so, work on canal banks requires close supervision. Employees of the Irrigation Department must not be allowed to content themselves with driving hoppers out of the canal areas.

The organs of generation from gradually and get more complete, with each change of skin. After the fifth change, the insect arrives at its complete state. It is impossible to prevent fecundation. The larvae are produced largely and rapidly from eggs, and the first swarms are not only replaced but multiplied a hundred fold by each successive generation.

(8) Destruction of the young or unfledged locusts: - Various methods have been employed for the destruction of the young locusts, such as burning, crushing, and trapping but the last method obtained most favour. When they are not above a week old, a trench of 6 or 8 inches wide and deep such as two men may form in a few minutes, suffices for securing the insects which jump into it with alacrity and appear wholly unable to extricate themselves from it. When, however, they grow a little older and are making their way from roads and path, ditches two feet wide and two feet deep with perpendicular sides or dug wider at the bottom than that at the top, offer effectual barriers. The young locusts tumble into such a ditch and accumulate and die at the bottom in the immense numbers. In order to keep the main ditch open, it may be necessary to dig pits or deeper side-ditches at short intervals in which the locusts will accumulate and may be buried, the earth being well pressed down. Where the soil is tenacious and water can be let into the ditches so as to cover the bottom they may be made shallower and still be effectual. The efficacy of the ditch depends so much on the inability of the young locusts to jump or scale it, as on the tendency of the young insects not to do so. In the bottom of the ditch they soon become demoralised, crippled, and enfeebled by constant effort and the trampling and crowding upon one another.

The destruction of the young can only be carried out successfully during the period when the locust are unable to fly and this period is very short, being at the most only six weeks or two months.

In addition to the above, other devises have been resorted to, such as the use of nets or sieves, or long strips of muslin, calico, or similar materials covering after the manner of equal nets, also the Screen adopted in Cyprus. But after a careful consideration, it has been decided that there is not sufficient occasion for using them in Punjab. Moreover, these methods are too costly or elaborate.

It may be added that in the cold weather the swarms are often unable to move in the morning from numbness and under such circumstances the destruction of even full–grown swarms is easy.

Complete destruction of the full- grown or winged insect when they invade a country in large swarms is impossible. Attempts have been made to frighten them away by firing guns, crackers, beating drums, and by rattling, tankling noises, but, if disturbed in this way, they simply pass on to the next field. Experience shows that only effectual means of coping with the evil is by the destruction of:-

(1) The eggs.

(2) The young or unfledged insects.

Eggs are laid in masses, just beneath the surface of the ground, seldom to a depth of more than one inch. Where immense swarms have settled, scarcely an inch of the soil for miles can be stirred without exposing eggs. The means commonly employed in destroying the eggs are: -

(1) Collecting,

(2) Harrowing,

(3) Ploughing or digging,

(4) Flooding, and

(5) Trampling,

The following note on control operations has been compiled as a result of experience in the very severe visitations by locusts that took place in 1929 and 1930: -

(1) When egg laying occurs supplies and equipment should be despatched at once to the areas affected so as to be on the spot before emergence occurs. If nymphs can be destroyed on the breeding ground, most of the trouble is saved. It has been found useful to bait all breeding grounds, for instance with sodium fluosilicate or aldrin from the expected date of first emergence onwards. When eggs laying is suspected and search is made, it has been found useful to mark breeding grounds with red flags to facilitate subsequent recognition and treatment.

(2) No better method of dealing with eggs can be found than ploughing and digging combined with the collection of eggs in the broken ground where ploughing is difficult or impossible. Sweet meats and small cash rewards offered for collection of eggs proved a great inducement especially to school children who characteristically taken to this novel form of employment with great enthusiasm

(3) For hoppers short drives into shallow and quickly constructed trenches proved more profitable than the laborious disposition of long and deep trenches on an elaborate scale. These shallow trenches were immediately filled up and the ‘catch’ was periodically transferred to pits dug in the neighbourhood. Each pit was filled from the neighbouring part of the trench, so the same trench could be used several times. This was found to save labour in dealing with large swarms.

(4) Flame guns were used with great effect by experienced hands in some districts when hoppers were extremely thick and against concentrated swarms of nymphs at the final stage of development, but this method was found to be too expensive in Gurgaon . (Now in Haryana State)

(5) More particularly in areas where crops were thick and the Zamindars objected to trenching, much success was obtained by spreading sodium fluosilicate poison on the ground.

(6) A trench filled with water and supplied with a film of oil proved fatal to hoppers. On a small scale this method can be adopted on well-irrigated land by utilizing the existing water channels

(7) Oil was used to facilitate burning and as an insecticide. Its most effective use was in oil sprays against thickly clustered collections of nymphs of hoppers. These uses of oil sprays to facilitate burning was most valuable. The method being to light dry grass round hedges or bushes where swarms had collected and to spray oil so as to produce a fierce flame from which there could be no escape. This method, however, proved to be expensive and required strict control.

(8) The beating down and crushing of adult locusts when they were sluggish or mating was found the only method of dealing with flying swarms. It was noticed that starlings were destroying locusts and gazette notification was issued prohibiting the shooting of these birds.

(9) BHG dust (5% for the young and 10% for the older nymphs) and Aldrin spray (0.2%) are very effective.

(10) Dieldrin as a spray can also be applied shortly before the emergence of the hoppers, so that as soon as they come out they would come into contact with the insecticide and die.

(11) A number of birds attack locusts, and of these common myna and the tiller (starling) are the most important. During the locust cycle, if practicable these birds should be protected.

7. Relief:- When damage has been caused by locusts in a certain area, relief measures may be undertaking in the same manner as relief is provided to farmer whose crops are destroyed by hailstorms. The expenditure on relief measures in such circumstances, shall be borne out of the head “2245-Relief on account of natural calamities.”

8. Expenditure on destruction:- The expenditure on the destruction of locusts nymphs and eggs is to be incurred out of the funds to be provided by the Agriculture Department. It is also understood that employees of the Revenue and Development Departments will get their T.A/D.A from their respective Departments

The local village Panchyats and Panchyat Samitis/Zila Prishads are also expected to incur necessary expenditure out of their own funds to purchase necessary articles like Kerosene oil , insecticide etc.

Loans under the Punjab Distressed persons (facilities for loans) Act, 1958

10. Grant of loans under the Punjab Distressed persons (Facilities for loans) Act 1958: - Loans under this Act are granted to persons who are affected by natural calamities, such as floods, epidemics, famine, earthquake, land slides, avalanches, snow-storms, hailstorms, fire, severe drought and locusts. According to these rules, Tehsildars, Sub-Divisional Officers (Civil) Collectors/Commissioners of Divisions are competent to sanction loans upto Rs, 100, Rs, 200,Rs. 500and Rs. 1000 respectively to each family, upto the limit of funds allotted to them for the purpose.

The Financial Commissioner Revenue is the Head of Department under these rules as in the case of taccavi loans. In so far as ordinary loans are concerned, the Financial Commissioner makes the allotments to the Commissioners of Divisions. They in turn allocate the funds to the Deputy Commissioners, according to the demand of each district. Each Deputy Commissioner in his turn makes allotment of funds to tehsils in his District for the purpose of distribution.

Conversion of short term Agricultural loans into Medium terms loans-Conversion of short term Agricultural Loans into medium term Co-operative loans:- In order, however, to expedite the conversion of short-term agricultural loans into medium ones, of the borrowing members whose crops have been damaged by natural calamities, like floods, hailstorms, the Tehsildars should send the list of the affected farmers whose crops have been damaged beyond 50 percent, in the villages under their jurisdiction, to the concerned Assistant Registrars, Co-operative Societies. The Assistant Registrar, Co-operative Societies, on receipt of these lists, could initiate action at the level of the Society to get the loans of such members converted from short to medium-term, by filling the necessary application forms and also on getting a resolution of the general body of the Society passed to that effect. The Tehsildars while sending the lists to the Assistant Registrar, Co-operative Societies are to certify on the lists that the loss to the crops of these farmers has been 50 per cent and more by the natural calamities, like floods, hailstorms etc. etc. In the event of Tehsildars supplying the lists of affected farmers to the Assistant Registrars in the prescribed form, the Central Co-operative Banks need not obtain the certificate from the District Collector and action for the conversion of the short-term agricultural loans of these farmers into medium-term loans could be expedited by the Assistant Registrar or other competent authority.


(11) Medical, Public Health and Veterinary Relief:- This relief is given to the persons afflicted by natural calamities such as floods ,famine, hailstorms, epidemics and other calamities according to requirements. Funds are earmarked for this purpose under the head “2245-Relief on account of Natural Calamities” which are placed at the disposal of the Director of Health Services and Family Planning and the Director of Animal Husbandry, who incur expenditure with the approval of the competent authority. A detailed plan for medical care and prevention of epidemic is given in the next chapter i.e. Part-III.

(12) Suspension of consolidation fee.- Along with other measures to help the people in distress caused by floods etc. etc. relief in the shape of suspension of realisation of consolidation Fees (like taccavi loans) is also sometimes afforded when the Deputy Commissioners are satisfied that it is necessary to give this relief. This is however, required to be brought to the notice of the Government.

Procedure to make demand for relief due to natural calamities.

(13) Demand for relief.- Experience gained from demands made for relief measures by the Deputy Commissioners in emergence created by natural calamities in the past, would show that the procedure for demanding relief needs streamlining.

It would be better if the patwari of the affected village fills in the enclosed forms A and B (as at Appendix J) in quadruplicate immediately when the damage occurs. He should send these forms duly filled in triplicate to the Tehsildar or the Naib Tehsildar, having jurisdiction over the village for verification. As soon as the Tehsildar or his Naib comes to know of the occurrence of a natural calamity in his circle, he should visit the affected village/villages and verify the particulars reported by the Patwari, in forms A and B. The Tehsildar or the Naib Tehsildar should retain one copy and send one copy of each of these forms to the Sub-Divisional Officer (civil) and to the Deputy Commissioner of the District. The Deputy Commissioner Should prepare an extract from these forms for whole district in form ‘C’ at Appendix ‘J’ and should also visit some of the affected villages to verify the information furnished by the Tehsildar. He should specify the quantum of relief in different forms he can sanction from the funds at his disposal in column for remarks (No.10) of form ‘C’ (Appendix ‘J’) and the amount required from the Commissioner and Government. He should then forward the extract in form ‘C’ referred to above, in duplicate, to the Commissioner, and endorse a copy to Government in the Revenue Department. The Commissioner will then examine the proposal, and if necessary, visit some of the affected villages, and should prepare an extract in form ‘C’ for the whole Division stating how much money of other relief measures he can sanction from the funds at his disposal and what he recommends to Government for necessary sanction. The Commissioner will forward to the Financial Commissioner Revenue a copy of the extract for the Division as a whole for his consideration

Intimation about availability of funds.

14. Availability of funds under head “2245-Relief on account of Natural Calamities”.- It has been observed that while demanding funds and making proposals for financial sanction to Government, no indication is given by some of the Deputy Commissioners regarding the availability of funds with them out of existing budget Grants. Lack of information in this regard needs back reference and this results in avoidable delay. In order to avoid such delays it is necessary that information regarding availability of funds under the sub-head/detailed heads concerned be clearly indicated while applying for sanction.

Instructions regarding distribution of relief.

15. Distributions of gratuitous relief:-It is desirable that relief should reach the needy with as little delay as possible. The actual distribution of gratuitous relief is the responsibility of the Revenue Officers, but the Deputy Commissioners may associate and employ any officials of other Departments/Agencies for this purpose. If considered necessary Magistrates can also be deputed for this work by the Deputy Commissioners.

Gratuitous relief in the shape of grants for temporary shelters, subsistence grants and fodder grants be disbursed to the eligible persons affected by heavy rains/floods immediately on receipt of funds and not later than a week in any case. The disbursement of relief for loss of lives or cattle or damage to houses be completed within a week from the date of release of funds on the basis of verified lists. Like this, on release of funds distribution of relief for loss of crops is to be made on the basis of the verified villagewise /khewatwise lists within the stipulated period.

In order to ensure proper disbursement of relief to the persons affected by natural calamities and to eliminate the chance of complaints, the record regarding the disbursement of relief be checked by the Sub-Divisional Officer (c) and random check be undertaken by the Deputy Commissioners.

The Deputy Commissioner will be responsible to ensure personally that the assessment of damage to crops etc., etc. by natural calamities is completed and lists for payments of relief prepared within stipulated period. When there is heavy work load, the local patwari be assisted by patwaris of other circles for assessment of damage to crops etc., by natural calamities.

The Sub-Divisional Officer or where there is no Sub-Divisional Officer, the Tehsildar will be in general charge of the distribution in the Tehsil, and all orders should be carried out under his supervision and control. The Panchayat, Lambardars or known social workers and the officers responsible for actual distribution should pay a visit to the area concerned immediately and draw up a list of persons who are entitled to such relief, showing therein the extent of relief to be allowed to each family. These lists will be signed by the official in charge and the Sarpanch or in his absence a panch or the Lambardar or the social worker, associated with this work. On the strength of these lists, the Tehsildars should allow the necessary money to be drawn and paid to the officers entrusted with the distribution work who should go to the affected area with the money and distribute it to the individuals entitled to it, in the presence of panchayat, Lambardar etc. Adequate protection should be afforded to these officers so that the money is not lost in transit or while in their custody. The distributing officers should be held responsible personally for the correct, prompt and fair distribution of money. Strict supervision over the distribution of relief should be exercised by Deputy Commissioners to prevent misuse of funds.

Distribution of all kinds gratuitous relief to the persons adversely affected by natural calamities such as floods/ heavy rains/ hailstorms etc., etc., should normally be made with in a period of month of the date of release of funds at the most. Therefore, the utilization certificates be sent to the Deputy Secretary to Government, Punjab, Revenue Department (In Accounts Branch) with a copy to E. R. T. L. Branch, within a period of two months of date of release of funds.

Maintenance of accounts showing particulars of relief granted.

16. Maintenance of registers showing particulars of relief granted:- It is imperative that accounts showing the relief granted in various forms is maintained properly, especially when the State Government can seek Central Assistance on certain items of relief according to the procedure laid down by the Government of India in the Ministry of Finance. Accordingly, a register in the proforma at Appendix ‘K’ should be maintained for every village in which relief is afforded. During the period relief is given, it will remain in the custody of the Disbursing Officer. The Officer immediately above him should check at least 25% of the entries pertaining to every village, on the spot, before the disbursement operation is over and sign the remarks column of the register in token of having done so. As soon as disbursement is completed, the Disbursing Officer will hand over to the Tehsildar against a proper receipt, which should be kept by him in safe custody. This register will be a permanent record and should be used every time any relief is given during that and the succeeding year. The Deputy Commissioner or any Officer not below the rank of Extra Assistant Commissioner deputed by him will check at least 25% of the entries in the registers of at least 50% of the villages assigned to each Disbursing Officer and send to the Government a certificate to this effect at the close of the distribution of relief. The Deputy Commissioners should, also at the time of inspecting tehsils, see if these registers are being properly kept at the tehsil headquarters.

Accounts pertaining to gratuitous relief should be maintained carefully by all concerned in the form at Appendix ‘L’. The Officer advancing grants should certify the entries made in the proforma.


Part – III


Medical care and Prevention of epidemics during floods and other Natural calamities: -

1. Plan for medical care and prevention of epidemics: -Health services can play an important role in saving lives and in ameliorating suffering both amongst human beings and animals at the time of the occurrence of floods and other natural calamities and thereafter. Much of the damage resulting from calamities and diseases can be lessened and human suffering reduced, if there is an organised and planned effort to meet this problem.

It has, therefore, been decided that medical aid and prevention of epidemics in flood affected areas of the State should be organised in accordance with the recommendations of the Minister’s Committee on floods and flood relief appointed by the Government of India in the Ministry of Irrigation and Power in 1970. The procedure and manner of organising medical care and prevention of epidemics suggested in their report is as follows:

2. Organisation and control-In the Government of India, the Director General of health Services is assigned the following executive functions:

(a) to assist the States in formulating their own plans to produce and integrated flood emergency health organisation:

(b) to assist the States in obtaining their shortages in personnel, equipment and stores whenever possible:

(c) to build up central resources of supply and personnel.

The coordinating authority at the state level will be the Director of Health Services. The Health Department through the Director of Health Services, Shall be responsible for the followings:

(a) Planning emergency health services for flood affected areas within the state;

(b) Setting up of an emergency Health Advisory Committee for the State at the time of flood;

(c) Making adequate provision for personnel, equipment and stores to meet any emergency; and

(d) Training of personnel.

Districts. - The coordinating authority at the district level will be the Chief Medical officer of the District who will be responsible for medical care and prevention of epidemics in the flood affected areas of the district.

N.E.S. Blocks. - The Medical Officer of the Primary Health Centre will be responsible for organising Medical and Public Health Services in the area under his jurisdiction. For that he should remain in touch with the Block Development Officer. Well in advance of the flood season he should take steps to get medicines and equipment for medical care and prevention of epidemics. He will act under the guidance of Chief Medical Officer of Health of the district.

3. Planning for emergency Medical Care.

Nature of control measures: - Measures for the medical care during and emergency should as far as possible be devised in advance of the occurrence of the calamities. In this respect past experience and data collected over a period of three years by the state should afford valuable guidance towards devising control measures.

Certain factors have to be taken into consideration in planning. These are: -

(a) Assessment of Problem: - It is necessary to find out which particular area/areas is particularly susceptible to floods. For the purposes of planning, different areas and localities within each districts should be classified on the basis of frequency and intensity of floods that have occurred in the past. A suggested classification is:

(1) Very vulnerable areas: - Areas which have been affected by natural disasters most often and with some severity.

(2) Vulnerable areas: Areas wherein such disasters are not of very frequent occurrence but are nevertheless to be seriously reckoned with.

(3) Other areas:- This classification should also be done with reference to particular types of floods.

The quantum of relief required by way of medical services will also vary from area to area. Casualties during floods should be much fewer needing perhaps a lesser degree of medical relief, but expensive public health measures will be necessary.

(b) Collection of Statistics: - Every Chief Medical Officer, for the purpose of planning, should collect data with reference to floods in the proforma given below in respect of disasters that had occurred in various parts of his district in the past


Statement showing details of floods, that have occurred in the district.

1. Name of the district.

2. Period of review.

3. Nature of flood.

4. Actual period of occurrence of the flood.

5. Location of disaster (such as sub-division /rivers affected) and approximate extent of areas of disaster in square Kilometres.

6. Population affected.

7. Number of persons died or injured.

8. Medical relief measures adopted by the state government.

9. Types of Epidemic occurred during last flood.

(c)Assessment of requirements, availabilities and deficiencies: -

An assessment should be made of (1) requirements, (2) availabilities and (3) deficiencies, if any, in respect of (i) Personnel, (ii) stores and equipment and (iii) accommodation.

Based on the past experience, requirements of trained men power, medical stores and equipment and any additional accommodation should be drawn up in respect of each of the emergency services, i.e. first aid, emergency medical aid and hospitalisation and public health measures.

4. Stages of planning

In order to plan methodically and to avoid confusion about the duties and responsibilities of those concerned with the implementation, it is desirable that planning should be develop in two stages(a) Planning Stage, and(b)Operational Stage

(a) Planning Stage. - The planning stage is concerned with the setting up of the State and district advisory committees and paper plans relating to the approximate requirements, availabilities and deficiencies in respect of man power, equipment etc. etc. at various levels prepared on the basis of the data collected from various sources. The duties and responsibilities of the medical and public health services should laid down and the procedure to be followed in rendering assistance to people affected should be tentatively be settled.

When steps have been taken as indicated above, all arrangements for implementing the plan should be finalised and the necessary personnel arranged. Duties and responsibilities undertaken should be specifically allotted to voluntary agencies or particular individual selected for the purpose. Training in first aid, home nursing, sanitation and other related subjects should be arranged. Supplies and equipment should be arranged and where necessary stores and additional requirements should be listed and earmarked for procurement at the proper time.

(b) Operational Stage:- The operational stage consists of :

(i) Precautionary Stage:- When more or less definite information regarding the probable occurrence of floods becomes available and steps are taken to:

(a) alert the services;

(b) post them to the places of duty;

(c) finalise arrangements in respect of despatch of stores and equipments already collected, to the place likely to be affected; and

(d) indenting for additional supplies previously earmarked.

(ii) Action Stage:- This is the stage when disaster strikes and emergency services come into action. In case where disaster strikes suddenly, planning in respect of very vulnerable areas should be such that the precautionary and action stages are merged into one. It would be desirable to provide or a nucleus of volunteers with all the essential supplies so that this nucleus can, before further arrangements are made, go into action on their own. This nucleus should be placed under the local authority responsible for conducting the operations.

5. Public Health Measures for prevention of Epidemics

The sanitation staff for prevention of epidemics should include sanitary inspectors, sanitary subordinates, lady health visitors, vaccinators, sweepers and watermen. The sanitation staff should work under the direction of the medical officer of the Primary Health Centre.

D.D.T. Squads should be organised to fight fly and mosquito menace in the camps and to keep the surroundings disinfected. Sources of water supplies, should be frequently chlorinated. Mass inoculations, wherever necessary, should be enforced with firmness to ward off any threat of epidemics, Diarrhoea, dysentery and enteric fever are frequent complaints of camp life generally arising out of impurity of water in camps. Camps dispensaries should be well stocked with supply of specific medicines to meet these threats effectively.

The existing sanitary arrangements should be expanded with voluntary efforts. The sanitary authorities should have in hand emergency sanitation plans. Adequate health education in the form of films and posters is very necessary to educate the population.

The Emergency sanitary authorities should be responsible for :

(a) Maintenance and restoration of safe water supply and also temporary measures required for rendering water safe for drinking purposes and for other essential uses.

(b) Adequate food inspection during emergency, especially inspection of emergency kitchens, canteens and cafeterias.

(c) Tightening up of existing sanitary regulations regarding milk supply and preventing diseases among milk cattle.

(d) Maintenance of high standards of sanitation in the disposal of sewage and solid waste.

(e) Maintenance of sanitation of high degrees in emergency camps.

(f) Prevention of epidemics by massive inoculation with T.A.B. and Cholera vaccines.

(g) Anti-fly and anti-mosquito measures to be intensified specially after floods when the normal sanitation arrangements will be disrupted.

(h) Stocking of essential hygienic chemicals such as bleaching power and D.D.T.

(i) Proper disposal of the dead if any by the corpse disposal organisation.



Assorted adhesive dressing 2 doz

Triangular Bandages 6

Roller Bandages 1” 2” 3” 4 each

Adhesive Plaster 1” X 5” Yds 2 rolls

Medicine Glass Graduate Min. 2cc, 4cc 1 each

Scissor 5” Blunt pointed 1

Safety pins (Assorted rust proof in box) 1 box

Tie-on-labels 1 box

Cotton Wool 1 Lb. 4 Oz., 1 Oz 1 each

Sterile absorbenta gouse 6 pcs

Sal. Volatile or Smelling Salt 2 bottles

Tr. Iodine 4 oz.

Tr. Bension Co. 4 oz.

Dettol 1 bottle

Kidney Tray (med. Size) 1

Glucose Sweets or cube suger 1 box

Constrictive andage (Rubber) 1

Small Square of Mackntosh or plastic 1

Sheeting ..

Soap for hand wash etc. 2 pcs

Alcohol or spirit Rectified 4 oz.

Spirit Methylated 1 bottle

Solution Mercurochrome 2% Acquous 100 oz.

Vaseline 1

Hotwater Bottle 1

Ice Bag 1

Warm Blankets 2

Eye droppers 1 doz.

Anti verom Serum (snake poison) 50 dozens

Tetracycline 100 Tablets

Sulpha Guanadine 100 Tablets

Entero Quinole 100 Tablets

Burnol 5 Tubes

Anti Septic Ointment 5 Tubes

Anti-boitic ointment 5 Tubes

Needles 1 Packet

Catgut 1 Packet

Stretcher 1 Standards army pattn

Syringe (hypderic 5cc with two needles) 1 Case

Spilints, arm wood, plain sets of 8 One

Mouth Gag One

Forceps Tongue One (Cross action)

Clear instructions by the Director , Health Authorities should be given to the Medical Officer of the Primary Health Centres to keep this stock of medicines only for use during the emergency.



In case of damage to houses, farm houses, (provided farm owner does not get relief for house in village separately) and huts due to rain/ floods, assessment of damage shall be made for disbursement of relief. The relief shall be admissible for only one house, farm house or hut, as the case may be. For example if house (s), farmhouse (s) and hut (s) of a person are damaged, relief will be admissible only in respect of one of them. Sheds used for gathering cattle or storage of fodder straw etc. are not eligible for getting house damage relief. For calculation purposes following scales of relief may be adopted: -

(a) For a totally damaged pucca house. Rs. 10,000/-

(b) For partially damaged pucca house. Rs. 5,000/-

(c) For totally damaged kacha house Rs. 6,000/-

(d) For partially damaged kacha house. Rs. 3,000/-

(e) For totally damaged hut. Rs 2,000/-

(f) For partially damaged hut Rs. 1,000/-

It is certified that in order to qualify for being categorised as partially damaged, there should be significant and visible damage such as collapse of a wall, portion of roof, settlement of foundations resulting in serious cracks etc. to the extent of 50% overall damage. A fully damaged house, farm house or hut would be one which would require to be fully re- constructed.

In case of damage to residential house, farm house or hut verification of damage should be made through survey ordinarily not later than a week from the date of incidence and report about the same should be sent in proforma at Appendix ‘N’.

The assessment of damage and preparation of lists of the persons eligible for receiving the relief should be undertaken through gazetted officers in the first instance itself, rather than leaving initial preparation to be done by village level revenue officials. At the time of carrying out the assessment, village elders such as Lambardars, Sarpanch, members of Panchayats should be co-opted. Any other community representatives who wish to assist in the assessment may be permitted to do so. Immediately after the assessment has been completed an open village assembly should be convened and the assessment list be read out in the assembly. Any objection which are raised regarding the correctness of the list should be verified at the spot by the assessing officer and the list be finalised there and then. A certificate should be recorded on the assessment list by gazetted officer concerned bearing also the signatures of the village alders who have been associated during the assessment. On the receipt of assessment and proposals of relief by this office, sanction for relief for damages to the house will be issued.

In urban areas Municipal councillors should be associated with the assessment. However, the Deputy Commissioners are requested to ensure that the damage is correctly assessed and the relief is disbursed to the genuine sufferers1.

No relief should be given on account of damage to houses/huts constructed unauthorisedly on the Government land, shamlat land and panchayat land2.

Cases where poor people own a house which is used for living, cattle living and fodder also. Such damaged houses shall fall in the category of being eligible for providing relief3.

VIII. Relief for loss of crop on account of Fire4: - The Punjab State Electricity Board vide its instructions No. 28435/29030/ GB-348, dated 5/5/2001 has made provision for grant of relief for crop loss on account of fire caused by electrical short circuit/faults. The district authorities would forward such cases to the Electricity Board. The State Government will provide relief of Rs. 3,000/- per acre for mature standing/ harvested crop destroyed on account of fire caused by lightening or any other cause subject to the following terms and conditions: -

(a) The cause of fire should be other than electrical faults/short circuit.

(b) The fire cases would be reported promptly and the Circle Revenue Officer would verify such cases after a spot visit preferably within 48 hours. He would satisfy himself about the cause of fire, the condition of crop and the extent of damage. The Sarpanch, Village Panch and Nambardars etc. and owners of adjoining fields would be associated with the verification. Other factors like requisitioning the service of fire brigade could also be taken into account while making the verification.

(c) The relief of Rs. 3,000/- per acre would be provided for completely destroyed mature standing/harvested crop.

(d) The relief for maximum of 10 acres per Khatauni would be provided.

These instructions would cover the cases of fire loss occurring after 10/7/2001. The other conditions for grant of relief would be the same as in the case of crop loss due to floods.

Relief for damage to agricultural produce caused by fire on the way from fields to Mandis:

If a loss is caused by fire to the agricultural produce on the way from fields to mandis (while going to the mandi for sale) relief will be granted as per the following present norms in respect of loss by fire5: -

“ 20% of the total loss subject to a maximum of Rs. 10,000/- in any individual case in respect of properties which were not insured without any condition relating to income of the affected person.”

1. (Vide memo no. 7/4/90-ER-II/4857 dated 13-8-93.)

2. (Vide memo no. 7/7/95 –ER-II/3601 dated 19-5-97.)

3. (Vide no. PA/JSR (L) 95, dated 22-9-95.)

4. (Vide Memo No.7/4/2001-ER-II/5003, Chandigarh, dated 12/7/2001.)

5. (Vide Memo No. 7/4/90-ER-II/4906, Chandigarh, dated the ,18/8/1993.)

{This manual contains instructions upto 26/11/2001 received from Emergency Relief Branch.}

This relief shall be applicable in respect of damage/loss caused after 5-7-93.

The other terms and conditions will remain the same as laid down in the previous instructions issued by Government from time to time.

IX. Restoration to pre-calamity level of damaged public works viz., roads, buildings, irrigation and flood control works, drinking water supply works, drainage works, school building public health centres, hospital building electricity installation etc.

The proposal of concerned department will be considered by the state level committee keeping in view the availabilities of funds.

X. Cost of clearance of debris: - Full cost of expenditure will be reimbursed by Government on the recommendation of concerned Deputy Commissioner.

XI. Cost of search and rescue measure: - Full cost of expenditure will be reimbursed by Government on the recommendation of concerned Deputy Commissioner.

XII. Disposal of dead bodies/carcases: - Full cost of expenditure will be reimbursed by Government on the recommendation of concerned Deputy Commissioner.

XIII. Post disaster public education: - No norms proposed for the time being. But expenditure on this account may be incurred at the district or state level with the prior approval of Financial Commissioner Revenue.

XIV. Improvement to the flood control amenities as a preparatory measures:- Adequate funds will be released by the Government to the Deputy Commissioners on receipt of concrete proposals for flood preparatory measures before the onset of monsoon season.

XV. Mode of Payment: -The disbursement of relief has to be carried out through Account Payees Cheques to prevent any bungling during the disbursement of relief, and to avoid future complaints from the affected people that they did not receive the full amount which was due to them under the Government policy1.In so far as small amounts up to Rs. 1,000/- are concerned, the disbursement may be allowed by the Deputy Commissioners by bearer cheques if a branch of a bank is available within a distance of 2 kilometres from the village. However if no such branch is available he may allow disbursement of such small amounts not exceeding Rs. 1,000/- in cash with immediate effect subject to the condition that the bearer cheque is to be delivered only to the concerned person on receipt of his/her signatures which should be kept in record2. The non-encashment of cheques by the issuing persons is a criminal offence under the Banking Act, the person issuing such cheques is liable to prosecution, therefore, every issuing officer must ensure that requisite money is available in the Bank before any cheque is issued3.

XVI. Supervision and Checking-Deputy Commissioners and Commissioners of Divisions should conduct intensive tours of the area in their jurisdiction to supervise the working of the Disbursement Teams. They should ensure that the instructions issued by the Government are meticulously followed.

XVII. Disposal of grievances: - The Deputy Commissioners should ensure that a proper record of complaints received about the assessment /disbursement is maintained and its regular monitoring is done. Weekly reports about the No. of complaints pending. No. of complaints received and disposed of, may be intimated to the Government. As far as possible, it should be ensured that such complaints are attended to without any delay and are not allowed to remain pending for more than a week.

1(Vide Memo No. 5/8/87/ERTL –V/ 4985, dated 23rd May, 1987 and Memo No. 5/108/88/ERTL- V/ 9737, dated 10th October, 1988.)

2(Memo/ Endst. No. 7/4/90- ER-11/6715-6718 dated 20- 9- 1993.)

3(Memo No. 5/108/88- ERTL-II/7074, dated 4-8-89.)


1. Relief in cash to be distributed by a gazetted officer:- In order to avoid chances of misappropriation or misuse of the Government money meant for relief it is desirable that it should be distributed only by gazetted officers. A further precaution may also be taken that if an officer has prepared lists of the demolished or damaged houses or has assessed the relief due, he should not be put on duty for disbursing the amount in that area. The Deputy Commissioner of the Districts should particularly keep an eye on the distribution of relief in the form of cash.

2. Payment of money to a grantee to be attested by Municipal Commissioner, Lambardar:- A Municipal Commissioner or a Lambardar may attest such payments in Urban areas and members of Panchayats or a Lambardar should attest such payment in villages.

3. Expenditure to be incurred up to the limit of funds sanctioned:- It is necessary that the expenditure is not allowed to exceed funds allocated to a Deputy Commissioner for the distribution of relief of different kinds.

4. Payment of Gratuitous Relief to institutions like charitable trusts, bodies, religious institutions and Gram Panchayats:- The scheme for payment of gratuitous relief is meant for individuals land owners/cultivators of land does not provide grant of relief to institutions like charitable trusts, bodies, religious institutions and Gram Panchayats etc.

5. Admissibility of grant of the missing persons:-Exgratia grant is admissible to the next of kin of the missing persons also, subject to their furnishing an undertaking to the satisfaction of the Deputy Commissioner that if at any later stage a missing person reappears or is found , the amount of exgratia grant shall be refundable.

(B) Drought and famine

Scarcity conditions are sometimes caused by failure of rains and insufficient irrigation facilities. Punjab is generally free from famine/drought conditions because most of the agricultural land is irrigated. However, certain areas may still be affected by drought when the rain is either inadequate, or when the monsoons fail. Instructions contained in the Punjab Famine Code 1906 (as revised in 1930) may be perused for measures to be taken before and during the famine conditions in any part of the State and regarding the duties to be performed by various departments concerned. Relief such as cash grants for the purchase of fodder, grant of taccavi loans for seeds and fodder are generally given to relieve the people of the scarcity conditions as in the case of floods, in accordance with Government instructions.

“On all future drought relief work carried out in the State, wherever the majority of workers are women, some women-mate would be put incharge of that work”.

(C) Hailstorms and Heavy rains

Heavy losses to crops and property may be caused by hailstorms, heavy rains, severe dust storms etc. Relief is provided to the people in distress after assessing the loss caused by such calamities in the shape of suspension of recovery of taccavi loans, and remission of fertilizer loans, grant of taccavi loans for seeds and fodder in accordance with the Government Instructions for flood relief.

Interest free loans are also granted to the sufferers, which are repayable after one year. In such cases orders of the Government should be obtained by the Deputy Commissioners by submitting assessment of losses incurred.

Suspension- Remission of Taccavi Loans.

Suspension of recovery of loans :-(i) Recovery of the taccavi loans may be suspended on proof of failure of crops or other exceptional calamity. The Collector is empowered to suspend recovery up to a limit of Rs. 5,000/- for a tehsil or total of Rs. 10,000/- for the whole district in any one harvest, provided the sum involved at a time in any one case shall not exceed Rs. 1,000. All such suspensions are to be reported through the Commissioners of Divisions to the Financial Commissioner. Penal interest is not to be charged on suspended instalment.

Remission of taccavi loans: - (ii) Remission of taccavi loans on account of floods and other natural calamities is seldom granted. However, detailed instructions in respect of remissions are contained in Rule 8 of the Land Improvement Loans (Punjab Amendment) Rules, 1988 Rule 9 of the Agriculturists Loans (Punjab Amendment) Rules, 1988 and para 2 of part VII of the Land Improvement and Agriculturists Loans Manual.

Remission of irrecoverable loans:- (iii) “When any portion of a loan is found to be irrecoverable or when from any special cause it appears that the loan ought not to be recovered, a special report shall be made to the Collector who has the power to grant remission of an amount of loan not exceeding one thousand rupees in any one case. If the amount proposed for remission exceeds one thousand rupees the case shall be forwarded to the Commissioner of the Division who has the power to grant remission of an amount of loan not exceeding five thousand rupees in any one case and for the grant of remission of an amount of loan exceeding five thousand rupees, the case shall be forwarded by the Commissioner to the Financial Commissioner who has the power to grant remission without any limit”.

(D) Control of locusts and relief Measures

1. Control and Relief Measures:- Locusts are now rarely seen in the State, and as a rule they speedily disappear after doing an amount of damage which, though it may be small in proportion to the total production, may be very serious for cultivators, whose crops have been damaged. In some seasons, however, vast swarms invade the State and cause widespread devastation. Their power of multiplication is enormous. Whenever, locusts are observed in a district, measures should be taken to ensure-

(a) That laying and hatching of eggs are promptly reported and that.

(b) Measures are at once taken for the destructions of eggs and of young nymphs when hatched.

Once locusts have begun to fly, no measures hitherto devised appear to be really effective. The use of aeroplanes to drop dust power has not been tried in Punjab. Flame guns can be used to kill the insects as they are resting at night but this measure is costly and obviously of little value.

2. Reporting and Measures to be taken –When locusts visit a district, the Deputy Commissioners of adjoining districts should immediately be informed by telegram in order that they should keep watch over the laying of eggs by locusts

The village headman should at once inform the patwari of the appearance of locusts, the laying of eggs and hatching of the young nymphs. The patwari should immediately report to the field Kanungo and Tehsildar or Naib-Tehsildar. As regards the work of destructions, the Tehsildar and Naib-Tehsildar should be held responsible, within their respective inspection circles, for seeing that headman and people of the village working under them do their duty and when necessary act in concert with the headman and people of the neighbouring villages. A Tehsildar or Naib-Tehsildar who finds a Lambardar negligent of his duties in this respect, should have no hesitation in reporting the fact to the Collector. Lambardars who fail to co-operate after due warning should be dismissed.

When eggs are hatched, the young locusts (nymphs) should be attacked and followed up till destroyed, not merely by the men of the estate in which they first appear but by the people collected from the surrounding villages and working together. Arrangement should be made for relieving persons who have worked their fair share and replacing them by others.

3. Functions of Patwaris and Kanungos.- Field Kanungos may properly be employed as Supervising Officer’s within their respective circles but the patwari should only be used for reporting information. The patwari should be required to maintain tables showing progressive damage by locusts and by campaign operations to crops and other property. The form prescribed in Standing Order No. 58 for the recording of damage done by troops provide a useful analogy. Areas affected by egg laying should also be recorded by the patwaris. It is wrong to give a patwari any sort of authority over village headman. The above plan of operations will, generally speaking, be the best to pursue but every Deputy Commissioner will, of course, adopt any measures, which the special circumstances of his district render necessary to secure the end in view.

4. Remuneration not usually to be given: - As a rule, no payments should be made in cash. It is the duty and the interest of the people to protect their own crops from the depredation of locusts. However where the locusts appear in a locality distant from any village, rewards may be offered, but the cost should be met from district funds. When crop have to be removed to facilitate the destruction of eggs, compensation should be given to the owner from the same fund.

In cases where eggs have been laid in areas remote from the human habitations and cultivated lands, the Deputy Commissioners, with the sanction of commissioner of the Division may grant small rewards out of the state revenues to schools children for the collection and destructions of eggs and hoppers.

5. Reports to the Financial Commissioner (Revenue):- The appearance of locusts in a district and the measures taken for their destruction should be reported to the Financial Commissioner (Revenue ) and the Director of Agriculture in the form below:-

Report Regarding locusts


Date of Appearance

Direction of flight

Damage done

Measures taken

Remarks (nothing extent of flight and whether eggs were deposited







It should be borne in mind that a special report should not be made in every case when a flight is seen, but only when damage to crops to any considerable extent is caused by the locusts. In all other cases, it will be sufficient to mention in the weekly weather and crop reports submitted to the Director of Land Records that locusts have been observed.

6. Coordinated efforts and organisation in case of severe attacks.- Individual efforts in a district are inadequate to deal with a menace of the magnitude of the desert locust swarms. It may, therefore, be necessary in cases of severe infestations to set up a special agency for co-ordination. In the absence of such an agency, the Commissioner of each Division should co-ordinate efforts in the different districts of his division. The Director of Agriculture and his staff or any special officers who may be appointed will supply technical advice, broadcast information and whenever possible supply apparatus and equipment.

Where in a case of severe infestation, it is considered desirable to set up a special co-ordinating agency, an officer at the headquarters of the district should be appointed to deal with the receipt and distribution of supplies and equipment and with the allotment of personnel. This officer should not normally go on tour or interfere in control methods, but he should work in close cooperation with officials of the Agriculture Department concerned with supplies and should have full authority under the Deputy Commissioner to allot staff made available within the District or from outside. Locust Control Officers should be responsible for areas not larger than two tehsils each and should be responsible for the organisation of circle within their charge and for the adoption of control methods. They should requisition supplies and staff from the officers at the headquarters. A manageable circle has been found to consist of about 25 villages. Preferably an officer of gazetted rank should be in charge of such a circle. It has been found that no village is likely to do well unless visited by a responsible official for a considerable period daily but in these matters local conditions vary and much must be left to the discretion of the local officers.

(1) Life history and habits.- From reports and observations made it seems that in the Punjab, Locusts generally appear in the months of June or July(though there have been cases of their appearance are so advanced a period of the year as October); that they then deposit their eggs, and that the destruction of the crops is caused by the young nymphs which emerge from these eggs.

In habit locusts are diurnal, generally frequenting high dry places, closely grazed pastures, meadows and grainfield’s after subsidence of the rains.

(2) The laying season normally extends from six to eight weeks in March or April, and again, if the conditions are favourable, about August. When about to lay her eggs, the female locusts makes a hole in the ground by means of the two pairs of horny valves which open and shut at the tip of her abdomen with the valves close, she pushes the tips into the ground and makes a hole for herself and her eggs, which later are voided in a pale glistening glutinous fluid which holds them together and binds them into a long cylindrical pod covered with particles of earth which adhere to it. When fresh, the whole mass is soft and moist, but it soon acquires a firmer consistency. It is rarely placed much more than an inch below the surface of the ground, but sometimes it lies much deeper. The eggs are laid side by side at right angles to the axis of the pod to the number of from 30 to 100. They are slightly curved, of a pale yellow colour and rather larger in the middle than at the ends, about 5 milimeter long and 15 milimeter at the thickest part. The female is believed to lay three batches of eggs, and the average interval between the period of laying by the same female is said to be two weeks. Eggs may be laid in almost any kind of soil, but by preference in bare sandy soil, especially in high dry ground preferably compact. Pastures, grounds and stubbly fields are much resorted to for ovipositing. A field of grass stubble will show no signs of holes but yet abound in eggs. Locust have been known to deposit their eggs, in the sandy beds of rivers, and after the subsidence of the rains and the river floods, and when the usual hatching time has arrived, the young have emerged from the sandy beds in myriads.

(3) Collecting eggs.- One of the most rapid ways of collecting eggs, especially where there are numerous and in light soils, is to slice of about an inch of the soil with a spade or a similar instrument, then carry the eggs to one spot and after separating them from the sand, to bury them in deep pits, the ground being packed hard on the surface.

(4) Harrowing:- Harrowing is an effective mode of destroying eggs and of preventing future injury. The object should not be to stir deeply, but to scarify and pulverize as much as possible the soil to the depth of about an inch. Breaking up of the mass and exposure of the individual eggs to the desiccating effects of the atmosphere effectively destroys them, and when to this is added the well-known fact that thus exposed they are more liable to destruction by their numerous enemies, we see at once the importance of this mode of coping with the evil.

(5) Ploughing: - Ploughing is another effective way of destroying eggs. The ground may be ploughed up repeatedly, ploughing five or six inches deep, if possible. When eggs are deposited in standing crops, measures should at once be taken to destroy the eggs without regard to consequent damage to crop.

(6) Hatching: - As the hatching period approaches(about three weeks after laying) eggs become more plump and pale and dark eyes of the embryo are distinctly visible within the shell, now somewhat transparent. The ova hatch in about three weeks after they are laid. All the eggs in the given mass burst very nearly at one and the same hole, which in the field is scarcely noticeable.

The period between the laying of the eggs and the appearance of the young locusts is liable to variation. Under the influence of more than ordinary heat and moisture, eggs have been observed, in Punjab, to hatch out in about a fortnight. Therefore, whenever locusts appear, careful observation should be taken at once to ascertain as soon as possible whether eggs have been laid and the young are hatched out, and necessary measures for their destruction should be carried out soon after the eggs are discovered.

(7) Young or unfledged locusts: - The time from hatching till the wings appear varies from three to eight weeks. The young locusts display gregarious instincts and congregate in immense numbers; sometimes vast numbers will be found collected in a small shade of brush wood and short grass After their first transformation (and they go through five changes) their voracious appetites seem to came to them. They march into the fields of crops just beginning to grow, clearing the ground as they move. As one band meets another, they join together until they from immense closely packed armies. They migrate only when their original breeding places cannot hold them.

It has been found that, more especially during the harvesting season in Rabi when crops are no longer green, canal banks with abundant grass and vegetation sooner or later become the objective of hoppers. When this is so, work on canal banks requires close supervision. Employees of the Irrigation Department must not be allowed to content themselves with driving hoppers out of the canal areas.

The organs of generation from gradually and get more complete, with each change of skin. After the fifth change, the insect arrives at its complete state. It is impossible to prevent fecundation. The larvae are produced largely and rapidly from eggs, and the first swarms are not only replaced but multiplied a hundred fold by each successive generation.

(8) Destruction of the young or unfledged locusts: - Various methods have been employed for the destruction of the young locusts, such as burning, crushing, and trapping but the last method obtained most favour. When they are not above a week old, a trench of 6 or 8 inches wide and deep such as two men may form in a few minutes, suffices for securing the insects which jump into it with alacrity and appear wholly unable to extricate themselves from it. When, however, they grow a little older and are making their way from roads and path, ditches two feet wide and two feet deep with perpendicular sides or dug wider at the bottom than that at the top, offer effectual barriers. The young locusts tumble into such a ditch and accumulate and die at the bottom in the immense numbers. In order to keep the main ditch open, it may be necessary to dig pits or deeper side-ditches at short intervals in which the locusts will accumulate and may be buried, the earth being well pressed down. Where the soil is tenacious and water can be let into the ditches so as to cover the bottom they may be made shallower and still be effectual. The efficacy of the ditch depends so much on the inability of the young locusts to jump or scale it, as on the tendency of the young insects not to do so. In the bottom of the ditch they soon become demoralised, crippled, and enfeebled by constant effort and the trampling and crowding upon one another.

The destruction of the young can only be carried out successfully during the period when the locust are unable to fly and this period is very short, being at the most only six weeks or two months.

In addition to the above, other devises have been resorted to, such as the use of nets or sieves, or long strips of muslin, calico, or similar materials covering after the manner of equal nets, also the Screen adopted in Cyprus. But after a careful consideration, it has been decided that there is not sufficient occasion for using them in Punjab. Moreover, these methods are too costly or elaborate.

It may be added that in the cold weather the swarms are often unable to move in the morning from numbness and under such circumstances the destruction of even full–grown swarms is easy.

Complete destruction of the full- grown or winged insect when they invade a country in large swarms is impossible. Attempts have been made to frighten them away by firing guns, crackers, beating drums, and by rattling, tankling noises, but, if disturbed in this way, they simply pass on to the next field. Experience shows that only effectual means of coping with the evil is by the destruction of:-

(1) The eggs.

(2) The young or unfledged insects.

Eggs are laid in masses, just beneath the surface of the ground, seldom to a depth of more than one inch. Where immense swarms have settled, scarcely an inch of the soil for miles can be stirred without exposing eggs. The means commonly employed in destroying the eggs are: -

(1) Collecting,

(2) Harrowing,

(3) Ploughing or digging,

(4) Flooding, and

(5) Trampling,

The following note on control operations has been compiled as a result of experience in the very severe visitations by locusts that took place in 1929 and 1930: -

(1) When egg laying occurs supplies and equipment should be despatched at once to the areas affected so as to be on the spot before emergence occurs. If nymphs can be destroyed on the breeding ground, most of the trouble is saved. It has been found useful to bait all breeding grounds, for instance with sodium fluosilicate or aldrin from the expected date of first emergence onwards. When eggs laying is suspected and search is made, it has been found useful to mark breeding grounds with red flags to facilitate subsequent recognition and treatment.

(2) No better method of dealing with eggs can be found than ploughing and digging combined with the collection of eggs in the broken ground where ploughing is difficult or impossible. Sweet meats and small cash rewards offered for collection of eggs proved a great inducement especially to school children who characteristically taken to this novel form of employment with great enthusiasm

(3) For hoppers short drives into shallow and quickly constructed trenches proved more profitable than the laborious disposition of long and deep trenches on an elaborate scale. These shallow trenches were immediately filled up and the ‘catch’ was periodically transferred to pits dug in the neighbourhood. Each pit was filled from the neighbouring part of the trench, so the same trench could be used several times. This was found to save labour in dealing with large swarms.

(4) Flame guns were used with great effect by experienced hands in some districts when hoppers were extremely thick and against concentrated swarms of nymphs at the final stage of development, but this method was found to be too expensive in Gurgaon . (Now in Haryana State)

(5) More particularly in areas where crops were thick and the Zamindars objected to trenching, much success was obtained by spreading sodium fluosilicate poison on the ground.

(6) A trench filled with water and supplied with a film of oil proved fatal to hoppers. On a small scale this method can be adopted on well-irrigated land by utilizing the existing water channels

(7) Oil was used to facilitate burning and as an insecticide. Its most effective use was in oil sprays against thickly clustered collections of nymphs of hoppers. These uses of oil sprays to facilitate burning was most valuable. The method being to light dry grass round hedges or bushes where swarms had collected and to spray oil so as to produce a fierce flame from which there could be no escape. This method, however, proved to be expensive and required strict control.

(8) The beating down and crushing of adult locusts when they were sluggish or mating was found the only method of dealing with flying swarms. It was noticed that starlings were destroying locusts and gazette notification was issued prohibiting the shooting of these birds.

(9) BHG dust (5% for the young and 10% for the older nymphs) and Aldrin spray (0.2%) are very effective.

(10) Dieldrin as a spray can also be applied shortly before the emergence of the hoppers, so that as soon as they come out they would come into contact with the insecticide and die.

(11) A number of birds attack locusts, and of these common myna and the tiller (starling) are the most important. During the locust cycle, if practicable these birds should be protected.

7. Relief:- When damage has been caused by locusts in a certain area, relief measures may be undertaking in the same manner as relief is provided to farmer whose crops are destroyed by hailstorms. The expenditure on relief measures in such circumstances, shall be borne out of the head “2245-Relief on account of natural calamities.”

8. Expenditure on destruction:- The expenditure on the destruction of locusts nymphs and eggs is to be incurred out of the funds to be provided by the Agriculture Department. It is also understood that employees of the Revenue and Development Departments will get their T.A/D.A from their respective Departments

The local village Panchyats and Panchyat Samitis/Zila Prishads are also expected to incur necessary expenditure out of their own funds to purchase necessary articles like Kerosene oil , insecticide etc.

Loans under the Punjab Distressed persons (facilities for loans) Act, 1958

10. Grant of loans under the Punjab Distressed persons (Facilities for loans) Act 1958: - Loans under this Act are granted to persons who are affected by natural calamities, such as floods, epidemics, famine, earthquake, land slides, avalanches, snow-storms, hailstorms, fire, severe drought and locusts. According to these rules, Tehsildars, Sub-Divisional Officers (Civil) Collectors/Commissioners of Divisions are competent to sanction loans upto Rs, 100, Rs, 200,Rs. 500and Rs. 1000 respectively to each family, upto the limit of funds allotted to them for the purpose.

The Financial Commissioner Revenue is the Head of Department under these rules as in the case of taccavi loans. In so far as ordinary loans are concerned, the Financial Commissioner makes the allotments to the Commissioners of Divisions. They in turn allocate the funds to the Deputy Commissioners, according to the demand of each district. Each Deputy Commissioner in his turn makes allotment of funds to tehsils in his District for the purpose of distribution.

Conversion of short term Agricultural loans into Medium terms loans-Conversion of short term Agricultural Loans into medium term Co-operative loans:- In order, however, to expedite the conversion of short-term agricultural loans into medium ones, of the borrowing members whose crops have been damaged by natural calamities, like floods, hailstorms, the Tehsildars should send the list of the affected farmers whose crops have been damaged beyond 50 percent, in the villages under their jurisdiction, to the concerned Assistant Registrars, Co-operative Societies. The Assistant Registrar, Co-operative Societies, on receipt of these lists, could initiate action at the level of the Society to get the loans of such members converted from short to medium-term, by filling the necessary application forms and also on getting a resolution of the general body of the Society passed to that effect. The Tehsildars while sending the lists to the Assistant Registrar, Co-operative Societies are to certify on the lists that the loss to the crops of these farmers has been 50 per cent and more by the natural calamities, like floods, hailstorms etc. etc. In the event of Tehsildars supplying the lists of affected farmers to the Assistant Registrars in the prescribed form, the Central Co-operative Banks need not obtain the certificate from the District Collector and action for the conversion of the short-term agricultural loans of these farmers into medium-term loans could be expedited by the Assistant Registrar or other competent authority.

(11) Medical, Public Health and Veterinary Relief:- This relief is given to the persons afflicted by natural calamities such as floods ,famine, hailstorms, epidemics and other calamities according to requirements. Funds are earmarked for this purpose under the head “2245-Relief on account of Natural Calamities” which are placed at the disposal of the Director of Health Services and Family Planning and the Director of Animal Husbandry, who incur expenditure with the approval of the competent authority. A detailed plan for medical care and prevention of epidemic is given in the next chapter i.e. Part-III.

(12) Suspension of consolidation fee.- Along with other measures to help the people in distress caused by floods etc. etc. relief in the shape of suspension of realisation of consolidation Fees (like taccavi loans) is also sometimes afforded when the Deputy Commissioners are satisfied that it is necessary to give this relief. This is however, required to be brought to the notice of the Government.

Procedure to make demand for relief due to natural calamities.

(13) Demand for relief.- Experience gained from demands made for relief measures by the Deputy Commissioners in emergence created by natural calamities in the past, would show that the procedure for demanding relief needs streamlining.

It would be better if the patwari of the affected village fills in the enclosed forms A and B (as at Appendix J) in quadruplicate immediately when the damage occurs. He should send these forms duly filled in triplicate to the Tehsildar or the Naib Tehsildar, having jurisdiction over the village for verification. As soon as the Tehsildar or his Naib comes to know of the occurrence of a natural calamity in his circle, he should visit the affected village/villages and verify the particulars reported by the Patwari, in forms A and B. The Tehsildar or the Naib Tehsildar should retain one copy and send one copy of each of these forms to the Sub-Divisional Officer (civil) and to the Deputy Commissioner of the District. The Deputy Commissioner Should prepare an extract from these forms for whole district in form ‘C’ at Appendix ‘J’ and should also visit some of the affected villages to verify the information furnished by the Tehsildar. He should specify the quantum of relief in different forms he can sanction from the funds at his disposal in column for remarks (No.10) of form ‘C’ (Appendix ‘J’) and the amount required from the Commissioner and Government. He should then forward the extract in form ‘C’ referred to above, in duplicate, to the Commissioner, and endorse a copy to Government in the Revenue Department. The Commissioner will then examine the proposal, and if necessary, visit some of the affected villages, and should prepare an extract in form ‘C’ for the whole Division stating how much money of other relief measures he can sanction from the funds at his disposal and what he recommends to Government for necessary sanction. The Commissioner will forward to the Financial Commissioner Revenue a copy of the extract for the Division as a whole for his consideration

Intimation about availability of funds.

14. Availability of funds under head “2245-Relief on account of Natural Calamities”.- It has been observed that while demanding funds and making proposals for financial sanction to Government, no indication is given by some of the Deputy Commissioners regarding the availability of funds with them out of existing budget Grants. Lack of information in this regard needs back reference and this results in avoidable delay. In order to avoid such delays it is necessary that information regarding availability of funds under the sub-head/detailed heads concerned be clearly indicated while applying for sanction.

Instructions regarding distribution of relief.

15. Distributions of gratuitous relief:-It is desirable that relief should reach the needy with as little delay as possible. The actual distribution of gratuitous relief is the responsibility of the Revenue Officers, but the Deputy Commissioners may associate and employ any officials of other Departments/Agencies for this purpose. If considered necessary Magistrates can also be deputed for this work by the Deputy Commissioners.

Gratuitous relief in the shape of grants for temporary shelters, subsistence grants and fodder grants be disbursed to the eligible persons affected by heavy rains/floods immediately on receipt of funds and not later than a week in any case. The disbursement of relief for loss of lives or cattle or damage to houses be completed within a week from the date of release of funds on the basis of verified lists. Like this, on release of funds distribution of relief for loss of crops is to be made on the basis of the verified villagewise /khewatwise lists within the stipulated period.

In order to ensure proper disbursement of relief to the persons affected by natural calamities and to eliminate the chance of complaints, the record regarding the disbursement of relief be checked by the Sub-Divisional Officer (c) and random check be undertaken by the Deputy Commissioners.

The Deputy Commissioner will be responsible to ensure personally that the assessment of damage to crops etc., etc. by natural calamities is completed and lists for payments of relief prepared within stipulated period. When there is heavy work load, the local patwari be assisted by patwaris of other circles for assessment of damage to crops etc., by natural calamities.

The Sub-Divisional Officer or where there is no Sub-Divisional Officer, the Tehsildar will be in general charge of the distribution in the Tehsil, and all orders should be carried out under his supervision and control. The Panchayat, Lambardars or known social workers and the officers responsible for actual distribution should pay a visit to the area concerned immediately and draw up a list of persons who are entitled to such relief, showing therein the extent of relief to be allowed to each family. These lists will be signed by the official in charge and the Sarpanch or in his absence a panch or the Lambardar or the social worker, associated with this work. On the strength of these lists, the Tehsildars should allow the necessary money to be drawn and paid to the officers entrusted with the distribution work who should go to the affected area with the money and distribute it to the individuals entitled to it, in the presence of panchayat, Lambardar etc. Adequate protection should be afforded to these officers so that the money is not lost in transit or while in their custody. The distributing officers should be held responsible personally for the correct, prompt and fair distribution of money. Strict supervision over the distribution of relief should be exercised by Deputy Commissioners to prevent misuse of funds.

Distribution of all kinds gratuitous relief to the persons adversely affected by natural calamities such as floods/ heavy rains/ hailstorms etc., etc., should normally be made with in a period of month of the date of release of funds at the most. Therefore, the utilization certificates be sent to the Deputy Secretary to Government, Punjab, Revenue Department (In Accounts Branch) with a copy to E. R. T. L. Branch, within a period of two months of date of release of funds.

Maintenance of accounts showing particulars of relief granted.

16. Maintenance of registers showing particulars of relief granted:- It is imperative that accounts showing the relief granted in various forms is maintained properly, especially when the State Government can seek Central Assistance on certain items of relief according to the procedure laid down by the Government of India in the Ministry of Finance. Accordingly, a register in the proforma at Appendix ‘K’ should be maintained for every village in which relief is afforded. During the period relief is given, it will remain in the custody of the Disbursing Officer. The Officer immediately above him should check at least 25% of the entries pertaining to every village, on the spot, before the disbursement operation is over and sign the remarks column of the register in token of having done so. As soon as disbursement is completed, the Disbursing Officer will hand over to the Tehsildar against a proper receipt, which should be kept by him in safe custody. This register will be a permanent record and should be used every time any relief is given during that and the succeeding year. The Deputy Commissioner or any Officer not below the rank of Extra Assistant Commissioner deputed by him will check at least 25% of the entries in the registers of at least 50% of the villages assigned to each Disbursing Officer and send to the Government a certificate to this effect at the close of the distribution of relief. The Deputy Commissioners should, also at the time of inspecting tehsils, see if these registers are being properly kept at the tehsil headquarters.

Accounts pertaining to gratuitous relief should be maintained carefully by all concerned in the form at Appendix ‘L’. The Officer advancing grants should certify the entries made in the proforma.

Part – III

Medical care and Prevention of epidemics during floods and other Natural calamities: -

1. Plan for medical care and prevention of epidemics: -Health services can play an important role in saving lives and in ameliorating suffering both amongst human beings and animals at the time of the occurrence of floods and other natural calamities and thereafter. Much of the damage resulting from calamities and diseases can be lessened and human suffering reduced, if there is an organised and planned effort to meet this problem.

It has, therefore, been decided that medical aid and prevention of epidemics in flood affected areas of the State should be organised in accordance with the recommendations of the Minister’s Committee on floods and flood relief appointed by the Government of India in the Ministry of Irrigation and Power in 1970. The procedure and manner of organising medical care and prevention of epidemics suggested in their report is as follows:

2. Organisation and control-In the Government of India, the Director General of health Services is assigned the following executive functions:

(a) to assist the States in formulating their own plans to produce and integrated flood emergency health organisation:

(b) to assist the States in obtaining their shortages in personnel, equipment and stores whenever possible:

(c) to build up central resources of supply and personnel.

The coordinating authority at the state level will be the Director of Health Services. The Health Department through the Director of Health Services, Shall be responsible for the followings:

(a) Planning emergency health services for flood affected areas within the state;

(b) Setting up of an emergency Health Advisory Committee for the State at the time of flood;

(c) Making adequate provision for personnel, equipment and stores to meet any emergency; and

(d) Training of personnel.

Districts. - The coordinating authority at the district level will be the Chief Medical officer of the District who will be responsible for medical care and prevention of epidemics in the flood affected areas of the district.

N.E.S. Blocks. - The Medical Officer of the Primary Health Centre will be responsible for organising Medical and Public Health Services in the area under his jurisdiction. For that he should remain in touch with the Block Development Officer. Well in advance of the flood season he should take steps to get medicines and equipment for medical care and prevention of epidemics. He will act under the guidance of Chief Medical Officer of Health of the district.

3. Planning for emergency Medical Care.

Nature of control measures: - Measures for the medical care during and emergency should as far as possible be devised in advance of the occurrence of the calamities. In this respect past experience and data collected over a period of three years by the state should afford valuable guidance towards devising control measures.

Certain factors have to be taken into consideration in planning. These are: -

(a) Assessment of Problem: - It is necessary to find out which particular area/areas is particularly susceptible to floods. For the purposes of planning, different areas and localities within each districts should be classified on the basis of frequency and intensity of floods that have occurred in the past. A suggested classification is:

(1) Very vulnerable areas: - Areas which have been affected by natural disasters most often and with some severity.

(2) Vulnerable areas: Areas wherein such disasters are not of very frequent occurrence but are nevertheless to be seriously reckoned with.

(3) Other areas:- This classification should also be done with reference to particular types of floods.

The quantum of relief required by way of medical services will also vary from area to area. Casualties during floods should be much fewer needing perhaps a lesser degree of medical relief, but expensive public health measures will be necessary.

(b) Collection of Statistics: - Every Chief Medical Officer, for the purpose of planning, should collect data with reference to floods in the proforma given below in respect of disasters that had occurred in various parts of his district in the past


Statement showing details of floods, that have occurred in the district.

1. Name of the district.

2. Period of review.

3. Nature of flood.

4. Actual period of occurrence of the flood.

5. Location of disaster (such as sub-division /rivers affected) and approximate extent of areas of disaster in square Kilometres.

6. Population affected.

7. Number of persons died or injured.

8. Medical relief measures adopted by the state government.

9. Types of Epidemic occurred during last flood.

(c)Assessment of requirements, availabilities and deficiencies: -

An assessment should be made of (1) requirements, (2) availabilities and (3) deficiencies, if any, in respect of (i) Personnel, (ii) stores and equipment and (iii) accommodation.

Based on the past experience, requirements of trained men power, medical stores and equipment and any additional accommodation should be drawn up in respect of each of the emergency services, i.e. first aid, emergency medical aid and hospitalisation and public health measures.

4. Stages of planning

In order to plan methodically and to avoid confusion about the duties and responsibilities of those concerned with the implementation, it is desirable that planning should be develop in two stages(a) Planning Stage, and(b)Operational Stage

(a) Planning Stage. - The planning stage is concerned with the setting up of the State and district advisory committees and paper plans relating to the approximate requirements, availabilities and deficiencies in respect of man power, equipment etc. etc. at various levels prepared on the basis of the data collected from various sources. The duties and responsibilities of the medical and public health services should laid down and the procedure to be followed in rendering assistance to people affected should be tentatively be settled.

When steps have been taken as indicated above, all arrangements for implementing the plan should be finalised and the necessary personnel arranged. Duties and responsibilities undertaken should be specifically allotted to voluntary agencies or particular individual selected for the purpose. Training in first aid, home nursing, sanitation and other related subjects should be arranged. Supplies and equipment should be arranged and where necessary stores and additional requirements should be listed and earmarked for procurement at the proper time.

(b) Operational Stage:- The operational stage consists of :

(i) Precautionary Stage:- When more or less definite information regarding the probable occurrence of floods becomes available and steps are taken to:

(a) alert the services;

(b) post them to the places of duty;

(c) finalise arrangements in respect of despatch of stores and equipments already collected, to the place likely to be affected; and

(d) indenting for additional supplies previously earmarked.

(ii) Action Stage:- This is the stage when disaster strikes and emergency services come into action. In case where disaster strikes suddenly, planning in respect of very vulnerable areas should be such that the precautionary and action stages are merged into one. It would be desirable to provide or a nucleus of volunteers with all the essential supplies so that this nucleus can, before further arrangements are made, go into action on their own. This nucleus should be placed under the local authority responsible for conducting the operations.

5. Public Health Measures for prevention of Epidemics

The sanitation staff for prevention of epidemics should include sanitary inspectors, sanitary subordinates, lady health visitors, vaccinators, sweepers and watermen. The sanitation staff should work under the direction of the medical officer of the Primary Health Centre.

D.D.T. Squads should be organised to fight fly and mosquito menace in the camps and to keep the surroundings disinfected. Sources of water supplies, should be frequently chlorinated. Mass inoculations, wherever necessary, should be enforced with firmness to ward off any threat of epidemics, Diarrhoea, dysentery and enteric fever are frequent complaints of camp life generally arising out of impurity of water in camps. Camps dispensaries should be well stocked with supply of specific medicines to meet these threats effectively.

The existing sanitary arrangements should be expanded with voluntary efforts. The sanitary authorities should have in hand emergency sanitation plans. Adequate health education in the form of films and posters is very necessary to educate the population.

The Emergency sanitary authorities should be responsible for :

(a) Maintenance and restoration of safe water supply and also temporary measures required for rendering water safe for drinking purposes and for other essential uses.

(b) Adequate food inspection during emergency, especially inspection of emergency kitchens, canteens and cafeterias.

(c) Tightening up of existing sanitary regulations regarding milk supply and preventing diseases among milk cattle.

(d) Maintenance of high standards of sanitation in the disposal of sewage and solid waste.

(e) Maintenance of sanitation of high degrees in emergency camps.

(f) Prevention of epidemics by massive inoculation with T.A.B. and Cholera vaccines.

(g) Anti-fly and anti-mosquito measures to be intensified specially after floods when the normal sanitation arrangements will be disrupted.

(h) Stocking of essential hygienic chemicals such as bleaching power and D.D.T.

(i) Proper disposal of the dead if any by the corpse disposal organisation.


Assorted adhesive dressing 2 doz

Triangular Bandages 6

Roller Bandages 1” 2” 3” 4 each

Adhesive Plaster 1” X 5” Yds 2 rolls

Medicine Glass Graduate Min. 2cc, 4cc 1 each

Scissor 5” Blunt pointed 1

Safety pins (Assorted rust proof in box) 1 box

Tie-on-labels 1 box

Cotton Wool 1 Lb. 4 Oz., 1 Oz 1 each

Sterile absorbenta gouse 6 pcs

Sal. Volatile or Smelling Salt 2 bottles

Tr. Iodine 4 oz.

Tr. Bension Co. 4 oz.

Dettol 1 bottle

Kidney Tray (med. Size) 1

Glucose Sweets or cube suger 1 box

Constrictive andage (Rubber) 1

Small Square of Mackntosh or plastic 1

Sheeting ..

Soap for hand wash etc. 2 pcs

Alcohol or spirit Rectified 4 oz.

Spirit Methylated 1 bottle

Solution Mercurochrome 2% Acquous 100 oz.

Vaseline 1

Hotwater Bottle 1

Ice Bag 1

Warm Blankets 2

Eye droppers 1 doz.

Anti verom Serum (snake poison) 50 dozens

Tetracycline 100 Tablets

Sulpha Guanadine 100 Tablets

Entero Quinole 100 Tablets

Burnol 5 Tubes

Anti Septic Ointment 5 Tubes

Anti-boitic ointment 5 Tubes

Needles 1 Packet

Catgut 1 Packet

Stretcher 1 Standards army pattn

Syringe (hypderic 5cc with two needles) 1 Case

Spilints, arm wood, plain sets of 8 One

Mouth Gag One

Forceps Tongue One (Cross action)

Clear instructions by the Director , Health Authorities should be given to the Medical Officer of the Primary Health Centres to keep this stock of medicines only for use during the emergency.



In case of damage to houses, farm houses, (provided farm owner does not get relief for house in village separately) and huts due to rain/ floods, assessment of damage shall be made for disbursement of relief. The relief shall be admissible for only one house, farm house or hut, as the case may be. For example if house (s), farmhouse (s) and hut (s) of a person are damaged, relief will be admissible only in respect of one of them. Sheds used for gathering cattle or storage of fodder straw etc. are not eligible for getting house damage relief. For calculation purposes following scales of relief may be adopted: -

(a) For a totally damaged pucca house. Rs. 10,000/-

(b) For partially damaged pucca house. Rs. 5,000/-

(c) For totally damaged kacha house Rs. 6,000/-

(d) For partially damaged kacha house. Rs. 3,000/-

(e) For totally damaged hut. Rs 2,000/-

(f) For partially damaged hut Rs. 1,000/-

It is certified that in order to qualify for being categorised as partially damaged, there should be significant and visible damage such as collapse of a wall, portion of roof, settlement of foundations resulting in serious cracks etc. to the extent of 50% overall damage. A fully damaged house, farm house or hut would be one which would require to be fully re- constructed.

In case of damage to residential house, farm house or hut verification of damage should be made through survey ordinarily not later than a week from the date of incidence and report about the same should be sent in proforma at Appendix ‘N’.

The assessment of damage and preparation of lists of the persons eligible for receiving the relief should be undertaken through gazetted officers in the first instance itself, rather than leaving initial preparation to be done by village level revenue officials. At the time of carrying out the assessment, village elders such as Lambardars, Sarpanch, members of Panchayats should be co-opted. Any other community representatives who wish to assist in the assessment may be permitted to do so. Immediately after the assessment has been completed an open village assembly should be convened and the assessment list be read out in the assembly. Any objection which are raised regarding the correctness of the list should be verified at the spot by the assessing officer and the list be finalised there and then. A certificate should be recorded on the assessment list by gazetted officer concerned bearing also the signatures of the village alders who have been associated during the assessment. On the receipt of assessment and proposals of relief by this office, sanction for relief for damages to the house will be issued.

In urban areas Municipal councillors should be associated with the assessment. However, the Deputy Commissioners are requested to ensure that the damage is correctly assessed and the relief is disbursed to the genuine sufferers1.

No relief should be given on account of damage to houses/huts constructed unauthorisedly on the Government land, shamlat land and panchayat land2.

Cases where poor people own a house which is used for living, cattle living and fodder also. Such damaged houses shall fall in the category of being eligible for providing relief3.

VIII. Relief for loss of crop on account of Fire4: - The Punjab State Electricity Board vide its instructions No. 28435/29030/ GB-348, dated 5/5/2001 has made provision for grant of relief for crop loss on account of fire caused by electrical short circuit/faults. The district authorities would forward such cases to the Electricity Board. The State Government will provide relief of Rs. 3,000/- per acre for mature standing/ harvested crop destroyed on account of fire caused by lightening or any other cause subject to the following terms and conditions: -

(a) The cause of fire should be other than electrical faults/short circuit.

(b) The fire cases would be reported promptly and the Circle Revenue Officer would verify such cases after a spot visit preferably within 48 hours. He would satisfy himself about the cause of fire, the condition of crop and the extent of damage. The Sarpanch, Village Panch and Nambardars etc. and owners of adjoining fields would be associated with the verification. Other factors like requisitioning the service of fire brigade could also be taken into account while making the verification.

(c) The relief of Rs. 3,000/- per acre would be provided for completely destroyed mature standing/harvested crop.

(d) The relief for maximum of 10 acres per Khatauni would be provided.

These instructions would cover the cases of fire loss occurring after 10/7/2001. The other conditions for grant of relief would be the same as in the case of crop loss due to floods.

Relief for damage to agricultural produce caused by fire on the way from fields to Mandis:

If a loss is caused by fire to the agricultural produce on the way from fields to mandis (while going to the mandi for sale) relief will be granted as per the following present norms in respect of loss by fire5: -

“ 20% of the total loss subject to a maximum of Rs. 10,000/- in any individual case in respect of properties which were not insured without any condition relating to income of the affected person.”

1. (Vide memo no. 7/4/90-ER-II/4857 dated 13-8-93.)

2. (Vide memo no. 7/7/95 –ER-II/3601 dated 19-5-97.)

3. (Vide no. PA/JSR (L) 95, dated 22-9-95.)

4. (Vide Memo No.7/4/2001-ER-II/5003, Chandigarh, dated 12/7/2001.)

5. (Vide Memo No. 7/4/90-ER-II/4906, Chandigarh, dated the ,18/8/1993.)

{This manual contains instructions upto 26/11/2001 received from Emergency Relief Branch.}

This relief shall be applicable in respect of damage/loss caused after 5-7-93.

The other terms and conditions will remain the same as laid down in the previous instructions issued by Government from time to time.

IX. Restoration to pre-calamity level of damaged public works viz., roads, buildings, irrigation and flood control works, drinking water supply works, drainage works, school building public health centres, hospital building electricity installation etc.

The proposal of concerned department will be considered by the state level committee keeping in view the availabilities of funds.

X. Cost of clearance of debris: - Full cost of expenditure will be reimbursed by Government on the recommendation of concerned Deputy Commissioner.

XI. Cost of search and rescue measure: - Full cost of expenditure will be reimbursed by Government on the recommendation of concerned Deputy Commissioner.

XII. Disposal of dead bodies/carcases: - Full cost of expenditure will be reimbursed by Government on the recommendation of concerned Deputy Commissioner.

XIII. Post disaster public education: - No norms proposed for the time being. But expenditure on this account may be incurred at the district or state level with the prior approval of Financial Commissioner Revenue.

XIV. Improvement to the flood control amenities as a preparatory measures:- Adequate funds will be released by the Government to the Deputy Commissioners on receipt of concrete proposals for flood preparatory measures before the onset of monsoon season.

XV. Mode of Payment: -The disbursement of relief has to be carried out through Account Payees Cheques to prevent any bungling during the disbursement of relief, and to avoid future complaints from the affected people that they did not receive the full amount which was due to them under the Government policy1.In so far as small amounts up to Rs. 1,000/- are concerned, the disbursement may be allowed by the Deputy Commissioners by bearer cheques if a branch of a bank is available within a distance of 2 kilometres from the village. However if no such branch is available he may allow disbursement of such small amounts not exceeding Rs. 1,000/- in cash with immediate effect subject to the condition that the bearer cheque is to be delivered only to the concerned person on receipt of his/her signatures which should be kept in record2. The non-encashment of cheques by the issuing persons is a criminal offence under the Banking Act, the person issuing such cheques is liable to prosecution, therefore, every issuing officer must ensure that requisite money is available in the Bank before any cheque is issued3.

XVI. Supervision and Checking-Deputy Commissioners and Commissioners of Divisions should conduct intensive tours of the area in their jurisdiction to supervise the working of the Disbursement Teams. They should ensure that the instructions issued by the Government are meticulously followed.

XVII. Disposal of grievances: - The Deputy Commissioners should ensure that a proper record of complaints received about the assessment /disbursement is maintained and its regular monitoring is done. Weekly reports about the No. of complaints pending. No. of complaints received and disposed of, may be intimated to the Government. As far as possible, it should be ensured that such complaints are attended to without any delay and are not allowed to remain pending for more than a week.

1(Vide Memo No. 5/8/87/ERTL –V/ 4985, dated 23rd May, 1987 and Memo No. 5/108/88/ERTL- V/ 9737, dated 10th October, 1988.)

2(Memo/ Endst. No. 7/4/90- ER-11/6715-6718 dated 20- 9- 1993.)

3(Memo No. 5/108/88- ERTL-II/7074, dated 4-8-89.)




1. Relief in cash to be distributed by a gazetted officer:- In order to avoid chances of misappropriation or misuse of the Government money meant for relief it is desirable that it should be distributed only by gazetted officers. A further precaution may also be taken that if an officer has prepared lists of the demolished or damaged houses or has assessed the relief due, he should not be put on duty for disbursing the amount in that area. The Deputy Commissioner of the Districts should particularly keep an eye on the distribution of relief in the form of cash.

2. Payment of money to a grantee to be attested by Municipal Commissioner, Lambardar:- A Municipal Commissioner or a Lambardar may attest such payments in Urban areas and members of Panchayats or a Lambardar should attest such payment in villages.

3. Expenditure to be incurred up to the limit of funds sanctioned:- It is necessary that the expenditure is not allowed to exceed funds allocated to a Deputy Commissioner for the distribution of relief of different kinds.

4. Payment of Gratuitous Relief to institutions like charitable trusts, bodies, religious institutions and Gram Panchayats:- The scheme for payment of gratuitous relief is meant for individuals land owners/cultivators of land does not provide grant of relief to institutions like charitable trusts, bodies, religious institutions and Gram Panchayats etc.

5. Admissibility of grant of the missing persons:-Exgratia grant is admissible to the next of kin of the missing persons also, subject to their furnishing an undertaking to the satisfaction of the Deputy Commissioner that if at any later stage a missing person reappears or is found , the amount of exgratia grant shall be refundable.

(B) Drought and famine

Scarcity conditions are sometimes caused by failure of rains and insufficient irrigation facilities. Punjab is generally free from famine/drought conditions because most of the agricultural land is irrigated. However, certain areas may still be affected by drought when the rain is either inadequate, or when the monsoons fail. Instructions contained in the Punjab Famine Code 1906 (as revised in 1930) may be perused for measures to be taken before and during the famine conditions in any part of the State and regarding the duties to be performed by various departments concerned. Relief such as cash grants for the purchase of fodder, grant of taccavi loans for seeds and fodder are generally given to relieve the people of the scarcity conditions as in the case of floods, in accordance with Government instructions.

“On all future drought relief work carried out in the State, wherever the majority of workers are women, some women-mate would be put incharge of that work”.

(C) Hailstorms and Heavy rains

Heavy losses to crops and property may be caused by hailstorms, heavy rains, severe dust storms etc. Relief is provided to the people in distress after assessing the loss caused by such calamities in the shape of suspension of recovery of taccavi loans, and remission of fertilizer loans, grant of taccavi loans for seeds and fodder in accordance with the Government Instructions for flood relief.

Interest free loans are also granted to the sufferers, which are repayable after one year. In such cases orders of the Government should be obtained by the Deputy Commissioners by submitting assessment of losses incurred.

Suspension- Remission of Taccavi Loans.

Suspension of recovery of loans :-(i) Recovery of the taccavi loans may be suspended on proof of failure of crops or other exceptional calamity. The Collector is empowered to suspend recovery up to a limit of Rs. 5,000/- for a tehsil or total of Rs. 10,000/- for the whole district in any one harvest, provided the sum involved at a time in any one case shall not exceed Rs. 1,000. All such suspensions are to be reported through the Commissioners of Divisions to the Financial Commissioner. Penal interest is not to be charged on suspended instalment.

Remission of taccavi loans: - (ii) Remission of taccavi loans on account of floods and other natural calamities is seldom granted. However, detailed instructions in respect of remissions are contained in Rule 8 of the Land Improvement Loans (Punjab Amendment) Rules, 1988 Rule 9 of the Agriculturists Loans (Punjab Amendment) Rules, 1988 and para 2 of part VII of the Land Improvement and Agriculturists Loans Manual.

Remission of irrecoverable loans:- (iii) “When any portion of a loan is found to be irrecoverable or when from any special cause it appears that the loan ought not to be recovered, a special report shall be made to the Collector who has the power to grant remission of an amount of loan not exceeding one thousand rupees in any one case. If the amount proposed for remission exceeds one thousand rupees the case shall be forwarded to the Commissioner of the Division who has the power to grant remission of an amount of loan not exceeding five thousand rupees in any one case and for the grant of remission of an amount of loan exceeding five thousand rupees, the case shall be forwarded by the Commissioner to the Financial Commissioner who has the power to grant remission without any limit”.

(D) Control of locusts and relief Measures

1. Control and Relief Measures:- Locusts are now rarely seen in the State, and as a rule they speedily disappear after doing an amount of damage which, though it may be small in proportion to the total production, may be very serious for cultivators, whose crops have been damaged. In some seasons, however, vast swarms invade the State and cause widespread devastation. Their power of multiplication is enormous. Whenever, locusts are observed in a district, measures should be taken to ensure-

(a) That laying and hatching of eggs are promptly reported and that.

(b) Measures are at once taken for the destructions of eggs and of young nymphs when hatched.

Once locusts have begun to fly, no measures hitherto devised appear to be really effective. The use of aeroplanes to drop dust power has not been tried in Punjab. Flame guns can be used to kill the insects as they are resting at night but this measure is costly and obviously of little value.

2. Reporting and Measures to be taken –When locusts visit a district, the Deputy Commissioners of adjoining districts should immediately be informed by telegram in order that they should keep watch over the laying of eggs by locusts

The village headman should at once inform the patwari of the appearance of locusts, the laying of eggs and hatching of the young nymphs. The patwari should immediately report to the field Kanungo and Tehsildar or Naib-Tehsildar. As regards the work of destructions, the Tehsildar and Naib-Tehsildar should be held responsible, within their respective inspection circles, for seeing that headman and people of the village working under them do their duty and when necessary act in concert with the headman and people of the neighbouring villages. A Tehsildar or Naib-Tehsildar who finds a Lambardar negligent of his duties in this respect, should have no hesitation in reporting the fact to the Collector. Lambardars who fail to co-operate after due warning should be dismissed.

When eggs are hatched, the young locusts (nymphs) should be attacked and followed up till destroyed, not merely by the men of the estate in which they first appear but by the people collected from the surrounding villages and working together. Arrangement should be made for relieving persons who have worked their fair share and replacing them by others.

3. Functions of Patwaris and Kanungos.- Field Kanungos may properly be employed as Supervising Officer’s within their respective circles but the patwari should only be used for reporting information. The patwari should be required to maintain tables showing progressive damage by locusts and by campaign operations to crops and other property. The form prescribed in Standing Order No. 58 for the recording of damage done by troops provide a useful analogy. Areas affected by egg laying should also be recorded by the patwaris. It is wrong to give a patwari any sort of authority over village headman. The above plan of operations will, generally speaking, be the best to pursue but every Deputy Commissioner will, of course, adopt any measures, which the special circumstances of his district render necessary to secure the end in view.

4. Remuneration not usually to be given: - As a rule, no payments should be made in cash. It is the duty and the interest of the people to protect their own crops from the depredation of locusts. However where the locusts appear in a locality distant from any village, rewards may be offered, but the cost should be met from district funds. When crop have to be removed to facilitate the destruction of eggs, compensation should be given to the owner from the same fund.

In cases where eggs have been laid in areas remote from the human habitations and cultivated lands, the Deputy Commissioners, with the sanction of commissioner of the Division may grant small rewards out of the state revenues to schools children for the collection and destructions of eggs and hoppers.

5. Reports to the Financial Commissioner (Revenue):- The appearance of locusts in a district and the measures taken for their destruction should be reported to the Financial Commissioner (Revenue ) and the Director of Agriculture in the form below:-

Report Regarding locusts


Date of Appearance

Direction of flight

Damage done

Measures taken

Remarks (nothing extent of flight and whether eggs were deposited







It should be borne in mind that a special report should not be made in every case when a flight is seen, but only when damage to crops to any considerable extent is caused by the locusts. In all other cases, it will be sufficient to mention in the weekly weather and crop reports submitted to the Director of Land Records that locusts have been observed.

6. Coordinated efforts and organisation in case of severe attacks.- Individual efforts in a district are inadequate to deal with a menace of the magnitude of the desert locust swarms. It may, therefore, be necessary in cases of severe infestations to set up a special agency for co-ordination. In the absence of such an agency, the Commissioner of each Division should co-ordinate efforts in the different districts of his division. The Director of Agriculture and his staff or any special officers who may be appointed will supply technical advice, broadcast information and whenever possible supply apparatus and equipment.

Where in a case of severe infestation, it is considered desirable to set up a special co-ordinating agency, an officer at the headquarters of the district should be appointed to deal with the receipt and distribution of supplies and equipment and with the allotment of personnel. This officer should not normally go on tour or interfere in control methods, but he should work in close cooperation with officials of the Agriculture Department concerned with supplies and should have full authority under the Deputy Commissioner to allot staff made available within the District or from outside. Locust Control Officers should be responsible for areas not larger than two tehsils each and should be responsible for the organisation of circle within their charge and for the adoption of control methods. They should requisition supplies and staff from the officers at the headquarters. A manageable circle has been found to consist of about 25 villages. Preferably an officer of gazetted rank should be in charge of such a circle. It has been found that no village is likely to do well unless visited by a responsible official for a considerable period daily but in these matters local conditions vary and much must be left to the discretion of the local officers.

(1) Life history and habits.- From reports and observations made it seems that in the Punjab, Locusts generally appear in the months of June or July(though there have been cases of their appearance are so advanced a period of the year as October); that they then deposit their eggs, and that the destruction of the crops is caused by the young nymphs which emerge from these eggs.

In habit locusts are diurnal, generally frequenting high dry places, closely grazed pastures, meadows and grainfield’s after subsidence of the rains.

(2) The laying season normally extends from six to eight weeks in March or April, and again, if the conditions are favourable, about August. When about to lay her eggs, the female locusts makes a hole in the ground by means of the two pairs of horny valves which open and shut at the tip of her abdomen with the valves close, she pushes the tips into the ground and makes a hole for herself and her eggs, which later are voided in a pale glistening glutinous fluid which holds them together and binds them into a long cylindrical pod covered with particles of earth which adhere to it. When fresh, the whole mass is soft and moist, but it soon acquires a firmer consistency. It is rarely placed much more than an inch below the surface of the ground, but sometimes it lies much deeper. The eggs are laid side by side at right angles to the axis of the pod to the number of from 30 to 100. They are slightly curved, of a pale yellow colour and rather larger in the middle than at the ends, about 5 milimeter long and 15 milimeter at the thickest part. The female is believed to lay three batches of eggs, and the average interval between the period of laying by the same female is said to be two weeks. Eggs may be laid in almost any kind of soil, but by preference in bare sandy soil, especially in high dry ground preferably compact. Pastures, grounds and stubbly fields are much resorted to for ovipositing. A field of grass stubble will show no signs of holes but yet abound in eggs. Locust have been known to deposit their eggs, in the sandy beds of rivers, and after the subsidence of the rains and the river floods, and when the usual hatching time has arrived, the young have emerged from the sandy beds in myriads.

(3) Collecting eggs.- One of the most rapid ways of collecting eggs, especially where there are numerous and in light soils, is to slice of about an inch of the soil with a spade or a similar instrument, then carry the eggs to one spot and after separating them from the sand, to bury them in deep pits, the ground being packed hard on the surface.

(4) Harrowing:- Harrowing is an effective mode of destroying eggs and of preventing future injury. The object should not be to stir deeply, but to scarify and pulverize as much as possible the soil to the depth of about an inch. Breaking up of the mass and exposure of the individual eggs to the desiccating effects of the atmosphere effectively destroys them, and when to this is added the well-known fact that thus exposed they are more liable to destruction by their numerous enemies, we see at once the importance of this mode of coping with the evil.

(5) Ploughing: - Ploughing is another effective way of destroying eggs. The ground may be ploughed up repeatedly, ploughing five or six inches deep, if possible. When eggs are deposited in standing crops, measures should at once be taken to destroy the eggs without regard to consequent damage to crop.

(6) Hatching: - As the hatching period approaches(about three weeks after laying) eggs become more plump and pale and dark eyes of the embryo are distinctly visible within the shell, now somewhat transparent. The ova hatch in about three weeks after they are laid. All the eggs in the given mass burst very nearly at one and the same hole, which in the field is scarcely noticeable.

The period between the laying of the eggs and the appearance of the young locusts is liable to variation. Under the influence of more than ordinary heat and moisture, eggs have been observed, in Punjab, to hatch out in about a fortnight. Therefore, whenever locusts appear, careful observation should be taken at once to ascertain as soon as possible whether eggs have been laid and the young are hatched out, and necessary measures for their destruction should be carried out soon after the eggs are discovered.

(7) Young or unfledged locusts: - The time from hatching till the wings appear varies from three to eight weeks. The young locusts display gregarious instincts and congregate in immense numbers; sometimes vast numbers will be found collected in a small shade of brush wood and short grass After their first transformation (and they go through five changes) their voracious appetites seem to came to them. They march into the fields of crops just beginning to grow, clearing the ground as they move. As one band meets another, they join together until they from immense closely packed armies. They migrate only when their original breeding places cannot hold them.

It has been found that, more especially during the harvesting season in Rabi when crops are no longer green, canal banks with abundant grass and vegetation sooner or later become the objective of hoppers. When this is so, work on canal banks requires close supervision. Employees of the Irrigation Department must not be allowed to content themselves with driving hoppers out of the canal areas.

The organs of generation from gradually and get more complete, with each change of skin. After the fifth change, the insect arrives at its complete state. It is impossible to prevent fecundation. The larvae are produced largely and rapidly from eggs, and the first swarms are not only replaced but multiplied a hundred fold by each successive generation.

(8) Destruction of the young or unfledged locusts: - Various methods have been employed for the destruction of the young locusts, such as burning, crushing, and trapping but the last method obtained most favour. When they are not above a week old, a trench of 6 or 8 inches wide and deep such as two men may form in a few minutes, suffices for securing the insects which jump into it with alacrity and appear wholly unable to extricate themselves from it. When, however, they grow a little older and are making their way from roads and path, ditches two feet wide and two feet deep with perpendicular sides or dug wider at the bottom than that at the top, offer effectual barriers. The young locusts tumble into such a ditch and accumulate and die at the bottom in the immense numbers. In order to keep the main ditch open, it may be necessary to dig pits or deeper side-ditches at short intervals in which the locusts will accumulate and may be buried, the earth being well pressed down. Where the soil is tenacious and water can be let into the ditches so as to cover the bottom they may be made shallower and still be effectual. The efficacy of the ditch depends so much on the inability of the young locusts to jump or scale it, as on the tendency of the young insects not to do so. In the bottom of the ditch they soon become demoralised, crippled, and enfeebled by constant effort and the trampling and crowding upon one another.

The destruction of the young can only be carried out successfully during the period when the locust are unable to fly and this period is very short, being at the most only six weeks or two months.

In addition to the above, other devises have been resorted to, such as the use of nets or sieves, or long strips of muslin, calico, or similar materials covering after the manner of equal nets, also the Screen adopted in Cyprus. But after a careful consideration, it has been decided that there is not sufficient occasion for using them in Punjab. Moreover, these methods are too costly or elaborate.

It may be added that in the cold weather the swarms are often unable to move in the morning from numbness and under such circumstances the destruction of even full–grown swarms is easy.

Complete destruction of the full- grown or winged insect when they invade a country in large swarms is impossible. Attempts have been made to frighten them away by firing guns, crackers, beating drums, and by rattling, tankling noises, but, if disturbed in this way, they simply pass on to the next field. Experience shows that only effectual means of coping with the evil is by the destruction of:-

(1) The eggs.

(2) The young or unfledged insects.

Eggs are laid in masses, just beneath the surface of the ground, seldom to a depth of more than one inch. Where immense swarms have settled, scarcely an inch of the soil for miles can be stirred without exposing eggs. The means commonly employed in destroying the eggs are: -

(1) Collecting,

(2) Harrowing,

(3) Ploughing or digging,

(4) Flooding, and

(5) Trampling,

The following note on control operations has been compiled as a result of experience in the very severe visitations by locusts that took place in 1929 and 1930: -

(1) When egg laying occurs supplies and equipment should be despatched at once to the areas affected so as to be on the spot before emergence occurs. If nymphs can be destroyed on the breeding ground, most of the trouble is saved. It has been found useful to bait all breeding grounds, for instance with sodium fluosilicate or aldrin from the expected date of first emergence onwards. When eggs laying is suspected and search is made, it has been found useful to mark breeding grounds with red flags to facilitate subsequent recognition and treatment.

(2) No better method of dealing with eggs can be found than ploughing and digging combined with the collection of eggs in the broken ground where ploughing is difficult or impossible. Sweet meats and small cash rewards offered for collection of eggs proved a great inducement especially to school children who characteristically taken to this novel form of employment with great enthusiasm

(3) For hoppers short drives into shallow and quickly constructed trenches proved more profitable than the laborious disposition of long and deep trenches on an elaborate scale. These shallow trenches were immediately filled up and the ‘catch’ was periodically transferred to pits dug in the neighbourhood. Each pit was filled from the neighbouring part of the trench, so the same trench could be used several times. This was found to save labour in dealing with large swarms.

(4) Flame guns were used with great effect by experienced hands in some districts when hoppers were extremely thick and against concentrated swarms of nymphs at the final stage of development, but this method was found to be too expensive in Gurgaon . (Now in Haryana State)

(5) More particularly in areas where crops were thick and the Zamindars objected to trenching, much success was obtained by spreading sodium fluosilicate poison on the ground.

(6) A trench filled with water and supplied with a film of oil proved fatal to hoppers. On a small scale this method can be adopted on well-irrigated land by utilizing the existing water channels

(7) Oil was used to facilitate burning and as an insecticide. Its most effective use was in oil sprays against thickly clustered collections of nymphs of hoppers. These uses of oil sprays to facilitate burning was most valuable. The method being to light dry grass round hedges or bushes where swarms had collected and to spray oil so as to produce a fierce flame from which there could be no escape. This method, however, proved to be expensive and required strict control.

(8) The beating down and crushing of adult locusts when they were sluggish or mating was found the only method of dealing with flying swarms. It was noticed that starlings were destroying locusts and gazette notification was issued prohibiting the shooting of these birds.

(9) BHG dust (5% for the young and 10% for the older nymphs) and Aldrin spray (0.2%) are very effective.

(10) Dieldrin as a spray can also be applied shortly before the emergence of the hoppers, so that as soon as they come out they would come into contact with the insecticide and die.

(11) A number of birds attack locusts, and of these common myna and the tiller (starling) are the most important. During the locust cycle, if practicable these birds should be protected.

7. Relief:- When damage has been caused by locusts in a certain area, relief measures may be undertaking in the same manner as relief is provided to farmer whose crops are destroyed by hailstorms. The expenditure on relief measures in such circumstances, shall be borne out of the head “2245-Relief on account of natural calamities.”

8. Expenditure on destruction:- The expenditure on the destruction of locusts nymphs and eggs is to be incurred out of the funds to be provided by the Agriculture Department. It is also understood that employees of the Revenue and Development Departments will get their T.A/D.A from their respective Departments

The local village Panchyats and Panchyat Samitis/Zila Prishads are also expected to incur necessary expenditure out of their own funds to purchase necessary articles like Kerosene oil , insecticide etc.

Loans under the Punjab Distressed persons (facilities for loans) Act, 1958

10. Grant of loans under the Punjab Distressed persons (Facilities for loans) Act 1958: - Loans under this Act are granted to persons who are affected by natural calamities, such as floods, epidemics, famine, earthquake, land slides, avalanches, snow-storms, hailstorms, fire, severe drought and locusts. According to these rules, Tehsildars, Sub-Divisional Officers (Civil) Collectors/Commissioners of Divisions are competent to sanction loans upto Rs, 100, Rs, 200,Rs. 500and Rs. 1000 respectively to each family, upto the limit of funds allotted to them for the purpose.

The Financial Commissioner Revenue is the Head of Department under these rules as in the case of taccavi loans. In so far as ordinary loans are concerned, the Financial Commissioner makes the allotments to the Commissioners of Divisions. They in turn allocate the funds to the Deputy Commissioners, according to the demand of each district. Each Deputy Commissioner in his turn makes allotment of funds to tehsils in his District for the purpose of distribution.

Conversion of short term Agricultural loans into Medium terms loans-Conversion of short term Agricultural Loans into medium term Co-operative loans:- In order, however, to expedite the conversion of short-term agricultural loans into medium ones, of the borrowing members whose crops have been damaged by natural calamities, like floods, hailstorms, the Tehsildars should send the list of the affected farmers whose crops have been damaged beyond 50 percent, in the villages under their jurisdiction, to the concerned Assistant Registrars, Co-operative Societies. The Assistant Registrar, Co-operative Societies, on receipt of these lists, could initiate action at the level of the Society to get the loans of such members converted from short to medium-term, by filling the necessary application forms and also on getting a resolution of the general body of the Society passed to that effect. The Tehsildars while sending the lists to the Assistant Registrar, Co-operative Societies are to certify on the lists that the loss to the crops of these farmers has been 50 per cent and more by the natural calamities, like floods, hailstorms etc. etc. In the event of Tehsildars supplying the lists of affected farmers to the Assistant Registrars in the prescribed form, the Central Co-operative Banks need not obtain the certificate from the District Collector and action for the conversion of the short-term agricultural loans of these farmers into medium-term loans could be expedited by the Assistant Registrar or other competent authority.

(11) Medical, Public Health and Veterinary Relief:- This relief is given to the persons afflicted by natural calamities such as floods ,famine, hailstorms, epidemics and other calamities according to requirements. Funds are earmarked for this purpose under the head “2245-Relief on account of Natural Calamities” which are placed at the disposal of the Director of Health Services and Family Planning and the Director of Animal Husbandry, who incur expenditure with the approval of the competent authority. A detailed plan for medical care and prevention of epidemic is given in the next chapter i.e. Part-III.

(12) Suspension of consolidation fee.- Along with other measures to help the people in distress caused by floods etc. etc. relief in the shape of suspension of realisation of consolidation Fees (like taccavi loans) is also sometimes afforded when the Deputy Commissioners are satisfied that it is necessary to give this relief. This is however, required to be brought to the notice of the Government.

Procedure to make demand for relief due to natural calamities.

(13) Demand for relief.- Experience gained from demands made for relief measures by the Deputy Commissioners in emergence created by natural calamities in the past, would show that the procedure for demanding relief needs streamlining.

It would be better if the patwari of the affected village fills in the enclosed forms A and B (as at Appendix J) in quadruplicate immediately when the damage occurs. He should send these forms duly filled in triplicate to the Tehsildar or the Naib Tehsildar, having jurisdiction over the village for verification. As soon as the Tehsildar or his Naib comes to know of the occurrence of a natural calamity in his circle, he should visit the affected village/villages and verify the particulars reported by the Patwari, in forms A and B. The Tehsildar or the Naib Tehsildar should retain one copy and send one copy of each of these forms to the Sub-Divisional Officer (civil) and to the Deputy Commissioner of the District. The Deputy Commissioner Should prepare an extract from these forms for whole district in form ‘C’ at Appendix ‘J’ and should also visit some of the affected villages to verify the information furnished by the Tehsildar. He should specify the quantum of relief in different forms he can sanction from the funds at his disposal in column for remarks (No.10) of form ‘C’ (Appendix ‘J’) and the amount required from the Commissioner and Government. He should then forward the extract in form ‘C’ referred to above, in duplicate, to the Commissioner, and endorse a copy to Government in the Revenue Department. The Commissioner will then examine the proposal, and if necessary, visit some of the affected villages, and should prepare an extract in form ‘C’ for the whole Division stating how much money of other relief measures he can sanction from the funds at his disposal and what he recommends to Government for necessary sanction. The Commissioner will forward to the Financial Commissioner Revenue a copy of the extract for the Division as a whole for his consideration

Intimation about availability of funds.

14. Availability of funds under head “2245-Relief on account of Natural Calamities”.- It has been observed that while demanding funds and making proposals for financial sanction to Government, no indication is given by some of the Deputy Commissioners regarding the availability of funds with them out of existing budget Grants. Lack of information in this regard needs back reference and this results in avoidable delay. In order to avoid such delays it is necessary that information regarding availability of funds under the sub-head/detailed heads concerned be clearly indicated while applying for sanction.

Instructions regarding distribution of relief.

15. Distributions of gratuitous relief:-It is desirable that relief should reach the needy with as little delay as possible. The actual distribution of gratuitous relief is the responsibility of the Revenue Officers, but the Deputy Commissioners may associate and employ any officials of other Departments/Agencies for this purpose. If considered necessary Magistrates can also be deputed for this work by the Deputy Commissioners.

Gratuitous relief in the shape of grants for temporary shelters, subsistence grants and fodder grants be disbursed to the eligible persons affected by heavy rains/floods immediately on receipt of funds and not later than a week in any case. The disbursement of relief for loss of lives or cattle or damage to houses be completed within a week from the date of release of funds on the basis of verified lists. Like this, on release of funds distribution of relief for loss of crops is to be made on the basis of the verified villagewise /khewatwise lists within the stipulated period.

In order to ensure proper disbursement of relief to the persons affected by natural calamities and to eliminate the chance of complaints, the record regarding the disbursement of relief be checked by the Sub-Divisional Officer (c) and random check be undertaken by the Deputy Commissioners.

The Deputy Commissioner will be responsible to ensure personally that the assessment of damage to crops etc., etc. by natural calamities is completed and lists for payments of relief prepared within stipulated period. When there is heavy work load, the local patwari be assisted by patwaris of other circles for assessment of damage to crops etc., by natural calamities.

The Sub-Divisional Officer or where there is no Sub-Divisional Officer, the Tehsildar will be in general charge of the distribution in the Tehsil, and all orders should be carried out under his supervision and control. The Panchayat, Lambardars or known social workers and the officers responsible for actual distribution should pay a visit to the area concerned immediately and draw up a list of persons who are entitled to such relief, showing therein the extent of relief to be allowed to each family. These lists will be signed by the official in charge and the Sarpanch or in his absence a panch or the Lambardar or the social worker, associated with this work. On the strength of these lists, the Tehsildars should allow the necessary money to be drawn and paid to the officers entrusted with the distribution work who should go to the affected area with the money and distribute it to the individuals entitled to it, in the presence of panchayat, Lambardar etc. Adequate protection should be afforded to these officers so that the money is not lost in transit or while in their custody. The distributing officers should be held responsible personally for the correct, prompt and fair distribution of money. Strict supervision over the distribution of relief should be exercised by Deputy Commissioners to prevent misuse of funds.

Distribution of all kinds gratuitous relief to the persons adversely affected by natural calamities such as floods/ heavy rains/ hailstorms etc., etc., should normally be made with in a period of month of the date of release of funds at the most. Therefore, the utilization certificates be sent to the Deputy Secretary to Government, Punjab, Revenue Department (In Accounts Branch) with a copy to E. R. T. L. Branch, within a period of two months of date of release of funds.

Maintenance of accounts showing particulars of relief granted.

16. Maintenance of registers showing particulars of relief granted:- It is imperative that accounts showing the relief granted in various forms is maintained properly, especially when the State Government can seek Central Assistance on certain items of relief according to the procedure laid down by the Government of India in the Ministry of Finance. Accordingly, a register in the proforma at Appendix ‘K’ should be maintained for every village in which relief is afforded. During the period relief is given, it will remain in the custody of the Disbursing Officer. The Officer immediately above him should check at least 25% of the entries pertaining to every village, on the spot, before the disbursement operation is over and sign the remarks column of the register in token of having done so. As soon as disbursement is completed, the Disbursing Officer will hand over to the Tehsildar against a proper receipt, which should be kept by him in safe custody. This register will be a permanent record and should be used every time any relief is given during that and the succeeding year. The Deputy Commissioner or any Officer not below the rank of Extra Assistant Commissioner deputed by him will check at least 25% of the entries in the registers of at least 50% of the villages assigned to each Disbursing Officer and send to the Government a certificate to this effect at the close of the distribution of relief. The Deputy Commissioners should, also at the time of inspecting tehsils, see if these registers are being properly kept at the tehsil headquarters.

Accounts pertaining to gratuitous relief should be maintained carefully by all concerned in the form at Appendix ‘L’. The Officer advancing grants should certify the entries made in the proforma.

Part – III

Medical care and Prevention of epidemics during floods and other Natural calamities: -

1. Plan for medical care and prevention of epidemics: -Health services can play an important role in saving lives and in ameliorating suffering both amongst human beings and animals at the time of the occurrence of floods and other natural calamities and thereafter. Much of the damage resulting from calamities and diseases can be lessened and human suffering reduced, if there is an organised and planned effort to meet this problem.

It has, therefore, been decided that medical aid and prevention of epidemics in flood affected areas of the State should be organised in accordance with the recommendations of the Minister’s Committee on floods and flood relief appointed by the Government of India in the Ministry of Irrigation and Power in 1970. The procedure and manner of organising medical care and prevention of epidemics suggested in their report is as follows:

2. Organisation and control-In the Government of India, the Director General of health Services is assigned the following executive functions:

(a) to assist the States in formulating their own plans to produce and integrated flood emergency health organisation:

(b) to assist the States in obtaining their shortages in personnel, equipment and stores whenever possible:

(c) to build up central resources of supply and personnel.

The coordinating authority at the state level will be the Director of Health Services. The Health Department through the Director of Health Services, Shall be responsible for the followings:

(a) Planning emergency health services for flood affected areas within the state;

(b) Setting up of an emergency Health Advisory Committee for the State at the time of flood;

(c) Making adequate provision for personnel, equipment and stores to meet any emergency; and

(d) Training of personnel.

Districts. - The coordinating authority at the district level will be the Chief Medical officer of the District who will be responsible for medical care and prevention of epidemics in the flood affected areas of the district.

N.E.S. Blocks. - The Medical Officer of the Primary Health Centre will be responsible for organising Medical and Public Health Services in the area under his jurisdiction. For that he should remain in touch with the Block Development Officer. Well in advance of the flood season he should take steps to get medicines and equipment for medical care and prevention of epidemics. He will act under the guidance of Chief Medical Officer of Health of the district.

3. Planning for emergency Medical Care.

Nature of control measures: - Measures for the medical care during and emergency should as far as possible be devised in advance of the occurrence of the calamities. In this respect past experience and data collected over a period of three years by the state should afford valuable guidance towards devising control measures.

Certain factors have to be taken into consideration in planning. These are: -

(a) Assessment of Problem: - It is necessary to find out which particular area/areas is particularly susceptible to floods. For the purposes of planning, different areas and localities within each districts should be classified on the basis of frequency and intensity of floods that have occurred in the past. A suggested classification is:

(1) Very vulnerable areas: - Areas which have been affected by natural disasters most often and with some severity.

(2) Vulnerable areas: Areas wherein such disasters are not of very frequent occurrence but are nevertheless to be seriously reckoned with.

(3) Other areas:- This classification should also be done with reference to particular types of floods.

The quantum of relief required by way of medical services will also vary from area to area. Casualties during floods should be much fewer needing perhaps a lesser degree of medical relief, but expensive public health measures will be necessary.

(b) Collection of Statistics: - Every Chief Medical Officer, for the purpose of planning, should collect data with reference to floods in the proforma given below in respect of disasters that had occurred in various parts of his district in the past


Statement showing details of floods, that have occurred in the district.

1. Name of the district.

2. Period of review.

3. Nature of flood.

4. Actual period of occurrence of the flood.

5. Location of disaster (such as sub-division /rivers affected) and approximate extent of areas of disaster in square Kilometres.

6. Population affected.

7. Number of persons died or injured.

8. Medical relief measures adopted by the state government.

9. Types of Epidemic occurred during last flood.

(c)Assessment of requirements, availabilities and deficiencies: -

An assessment should be made of (1) requirements, (2) availabilities and (3) deficiencies, if any, in respect of (i) Personnel, (ii) stores and equipment and (iii) accommodation.

Based on the past experience, requirements of trained men power, medical stores and equipment and any additional accommodation should be drawn up in respect of each of the emergency services, i.e. first aid, emergency medical aid and hospitalisation and public health measures.

4. Stages of planning

In order to plan methodically and to avoid confusion about the duties and responsibilities of those concerned with the implementation, it is desirable that planning should be develop in two stages(a) Planning Stage, and(b)Operational Stage

(a) Planning Stage. - The planning stage is concerned with the setting up of the State and district advisory committees and paper plans relating to the approximate requirements, availabilities and deficiencies in respect of man power, equipment etc. etc. at various levels prepared on the basis of the data collected from various sources. The duties and responsibilities of the medical and public health services should laid down and the procedure to be followed in rendering assistance to people affected should be tentatively be settled.

When steps have been taken as indicated above, all arrangements for implementing the plan should be finalised and the necessary personnel arranged. Duties and responsibilities undertaken should be specifically allotted to voluntary agencies or particular individual selected for the purpose. Training in first aid, home nursing, sanitation and other related subjects should be arranged. Supplies and equipment should be arranged and where necessary stores and additional requirements should be listed and earmarked for procurement at the proper time.

(b) Operational Stage:- The operational stage consists of :

(i) Precautionary Stage:- When more or less definite information regarding the probable occurrence of floods becomes available and steps are taken to:

(a) alert the services;

(b) post them to the places of duty;

(c) finalise arrangements in respect of despatch of stores and equipments already collected, to the place likely to be affected; and

(d) indenting for additional supplies previously earmarked.

(ii) Action Stage:- This is the stage when disaster strikes and emergency services come into action. In case where disaster strikes suddenly, planning in respect of very vulnerable areas should be such that the precautionary and action stages are merged into one. It would be desirable to provide or a nucleus of volunteers with all the essential supplies so that this nucleus can, before further arrangements are made, go into action on their own. This nucleus should be placed under the local authority responsible for conducting the operations.

5. Public Health Measures for prevention of Epidemics

The sanitation staff for prevention of epidemics should include sanitary inspectors, sanitary subordinates, lady health visitors, vaccinators, sweepers and watermen. The sanitation staff should work under the direction of the medical officer of the Primary Health Centre.

D.D.T. Squads should be organised to fight fly and mosquito menace in the camps and to keep the surroundings disinfected. Sources of water supplies, should be frequently chlorinated. Mass inoculations, wherever necessary, should be enforced with firmness to ward off any threat of epidemics, Diarrhoea, dysentery and enteric fever are frequent complaints of camp life generally arising out of impurity of water in camps. Camps dispensaries should be well stocked with supply of specific medicines to meet these threats effectively.

The existing sanitary arrangements should be expanded with voluntary efforts. The sanitary authorities should have in hand emergency sanitation plans. Adequate health education in the form of films and posters is very necessary to educate the population.

The Emergency sanitary authorities should be responsible for :

(a) Maintenance and restoration of safe water supply and also temporary measures required for rendering water safe for drinking purposes and for other essential uses.

(b) Adequate food inspection during emergency, especially inspection of emergency kitchens, canteens and cafeterias.

(c) Tightening up of existing sanitary regulations regarding milk supply and preventing diseases among milk cattle.

(d) Maintenance of high standards of sanitation in the disposal of sewage and solid waste.

(e) Maintenance of sanitation of high degrees in emergency camps.

(f) Prevention of epidemics by massive inoculation with T.A.B. and Cholera vaccines.

(g) Anti-fly and anti-mosquito measures to be intensified specially after floods when the normal sanitation arrangements will be disrupted.

(h) Stocking of essential hygienic chemicals such as bleaching power and D.D.T.

(i) Proper disposal of the dead if any by the corpse disposal organisation.



Assorted adhesive dressing 2 doz

Triangular Bandages 6

Roller Bandages 1” 2” 3” 4 each

Adhesive Plaster 1” X 5” Yds 2 rolls

Medicine Glass Graduate Min. 2cc, 4cc 1 each

Scissor 5” Blunt pointed 1

Safety pins (Assorted rust proof in box) 1 box

Tie-on-labels 1 box

Cotton Wool 1 Lb. 4 Oz., 1 Oz 1 each

Sterile absorbenta gouse 6 pcs

Sal. Volatile or Smelling Salt 2 bottles

Tr. Iodine 4 oz.

Tr. Bension Co. 4 oz.

Dettol 1 bottle

Kidney Tray (med. Size) 1

Glucose Sweets or cube suger 1 box

Constrictive andage (Rubber) 1

Small Square of Mackntosh or plastic 1

Sheeting ..

Soap for hand wash etc. 2 pcs

Alcohol or spirit Rectified 4 oz.

Spirit Methylated 1 bottle

Solution Mercurochrome 2% Acquous 100 oz.

Vaseline 1

Hotwater Bottle 1

Ice Bag 1

Warm Blankets 2

Eye droppers 1 doz.

Anti verom Serum (snake poison) 50 dozens

Tetracycline 100 Tablets

Sulpha Guanadine 100 Tablets

Entero Quinole 100 Tablets

Burnol 5 Tubes

Anti Septic Ointment 5 Tubes

Anti-boitic ointment 5 Tubes

Needles 1 Packet

Catgut 1 Packet

Stretcher 1 Standards army pattn

Syringe (hypderic 5cc with two needles) 1 Case

Spilints, arm wood, plain sets of 8 One

Mouth Gag One

Forceps Tongue One (Cross action)

Clear instructions by the Director , Health Authorities should be given to the Medical Officer of the Primary Health Centres to keep this stock of medicines only for use during the emergency.

6. Rural Ambulance Service

It has been observed during the floods that for lack of transportation many people do not get adequate medical relief and medical care and for lack of such arrangements, a large number of deaths take place. It is necessary to arrange first aid boats for rescue of persons and for immediate care of the patients and after rendering medical care, some of the patients may require to be transferred to the referral or district hospitals for prolonged treatment where necessary. As such the State may arrange rural Ambulances through State budget or request the International Agencies like UNICEF, WHO for giving motor boats and motor vehicles as an aid for the flood emergency relief. In the chronically flood affected areas, it should consist of:

(i) Motor boat for rescue and immediate first aid treatment for the drowned or otherwise injured persons, and

(ii) Motor vehicles for taking the serious patients from the primary health centre to the referral or district hospital.

This transport is necessary to transfer patients from PHC because there is no provision of dietary beds at the Primary Health Centre level.

7. Trained personnel in Medical Care and Prevention of Epidemics:-Persons joining the flood fighting training courses of 15 days may be imparted training in medical care and prevention of epidemics during flood emergencies.

Lectures have to be given by the Chief Medical Officer or staff from the Social and Preventive Department of the Medical College.

Lectures may be taken on the following three subjects during the training course of 15 days:


First Aid Course

By demonstration and practice


Prevention of epidemics

Lecture and practical demonstration in application of insecticides and disinfectants and disposal of dead bodies etc. etc.


Emergency sanitation

Lecture and demonstration on purification of water, disposal of sewage construction of latrines maintenance of cleanliness.

For the training of general public in the chronically flood affected area, health education measures have to be implemented prior to the flood season through specially prepared programmes on mass medica like posters, pamphlets, film strips and cinema shows.

8. Veterinary Services- Similar arrangements should be made by the Director, Animal Husbandry for prevention of epidemics amongst animals during and after floods. He should make use of the Veterinary hospitals and the field staff in providing veterinary and Animal Health Services at the appropriate time.

Statement No.1*

(Part 1, Chapter 1, Para 2)

Statement showing Flood Limits Danger Levels and High Gilds Dated at important Gauge and Discharge Sites on Rivers, Nadies of Punjab, High Flood Data



Name of site

Low Flood

Medium Flood

High Flood

Danger level

Zero R.D. (Reduced Discharged of Gauge

Year with Dates


















1) Naushera Mirthal



250000 & above

2) Mandi Plan



300000 & above



1) Harike Head Works



300000 & above



2) Ferozepur Head Works



300000 & above



3) U/S Bhakra Dam



150000 & above



4)U/S Nangal Dam



150000 & above



5) U/S Ropar H/W



200000 & above





1) Madhopur



100000 & above



2) Mukeshar



100000 & above



3) Dharam Kot



100000 & above





1) R.D. 460797 B.M.L.



20000 & above



2) R.D. 14966- Narwana Branch



42000 & above



*(Vide No. 1268, dated 26/2/01)

Statement No.II

(Part 1, Chapter 1, Para 2)

Statement showing authority who issues the flood warnings and authorities to whom the flood warnings are issued on Punjab Rivers


Name of River


Officer who issues warnings

To whom warnings are issued

Irrigation Branch Officers

Civil and Other Officers










Sub- Divisional officer, Head Works Madhopur

1. Superintending Engineer, Upper Bari Doab Circle at Amritsar.

2. Director, Irrigation and Power Research Institute, Amritsar.

3. Assistant Research Officer, Malikpur.

1. Deputy Commissioner, Gurdaspur.

2. Deputy Commissioner, Amritsar.

3. Chief Engineer, Northern Railways.



Naushera Mirthal

Junior Engineer, Naushera Mirthal

1. Superintending Engineer, Ferozepur Canal Circle at Ferozepur.

2. Executive Engineer, Eastern and Harike Divisions at Ferozepur.

3. Executive Engineer, Drainage Division, Jalandhar.

1.Deputy Commissioner, Gurdaspur. 2.Deputy Commissioner, Hoshiarpur. 3.Deputy Commissioner, Amritsar.

4. Deputy Commissioner, Ferozepur.

5. Tehsildar, Dasuya.

6. Chief Engineer, Northern Railways.

7.Executive Engineer, Jalandhar Provincial Division.




Sub-Divisional Officer, Head Works, Ropar

1. Superintending Engineer, Sirhind Canal Circle at Ludhiana.

2. Superintending Engineer, Ferozepur Circle at Ferozepur.

3. Superintending Engineer, Jalandhar Drainage Circle and Superintending Engineer, Ferozepur Drainage Circle, Eastern and Harike Divisions at Ferozepur.

4. Executive Engineer, Phagwara Drainage Division.

5. Executive Engineer, Hoshiarpur Drainage Division.

6. Executive Engineer, Ludhiana Drainage Division.

1.Deputy Commissioner, Hoshiarpur. 2.Deputy Commissioner, Rupnagar 3.Deputy Commissioner, Jalandhar.

4. Deputy Commissioner, Ferozepur.

5. Deputy Commissioner, Ludhiana.

6. Chief Engineer, Northern Railways.

7. Executive Engineer, Jalandhar Provincial Division.

Ferozepur Below

Sub-Divisional Officer, Head Works, Ferozepur

1. Superintending Engineer, Ferozepur Canal Circle at Ferozepur.

2. Superintending Engineer, Ferozepur Drainage Circle at Ferozepur.

3. Executive Engineer, Golewala Drainage Division, Golewala.

1. Deputy Commissioner Ferozpur.

Statement No.III

(Part 1, Chapter 1, Para 2)

List of Officers of Punjab who are authorised to use priority indication ‘Immediate’ in inland State telegrams:-


Name of Station

Designation of the Officers






S.D.O River Works Sub-Division and Junior Engineer.





Bhakra Dam

(i) Xen Bhakra Dam Division, Nangal Township.

(ii) Gauge Reader Bhakra.



Junior Engineer, Budhlada.



(i) Xen, Flood, Chandigarh.

(ii) Superintendent, Floods, Chandigarh.


Dera Baba Nanak

S.D.O. Chakandar Sub-Division and his J.E.



Junior Engineer, Dhuri.



S.D.O. Head Works Signaller, Junior Engineer (F.C.C.)Ferozepur.



J.E. Gauge Reader Janauri Hariana.



Xen, Phagwara Drainage Division and Xen Jalandhar Drainage Division.


Lehra Gaga

J.E. Lehra Gaga.



J.E. Longowal.



(i) J.E.Madhopur.

(ii) S.D.O. Headworks, Madhopur.



J.E. Makhu.


Naushera Mirthal






Narot Jaimal Singh

S.D.O. Vhak Andhar & his J.E.









Gauge Reader, Phillaur.



S.D.O. & Xen,Ropar.





Tarn Taran

J.E.Tarn Taran.






J.E.Boha, Teh. Mansa, Dist. Bhatinda.



Xen, Devigarh Division, Patiala.



Sub-Divisional Officer,Devigarh Division, Patiala.



Xen, Devigarh Division.



S.D.O. Devigarh Division.



Xen, Amritsar Drainage Division.



J.E. Chakander Sub-Division.



S.D.O. Drainage Sub-Division No. 13.



Sub-Divisional Officer, Nasrala Choe Sub-Division.



Xen, Ludhiana Drainage Division.



S.D.O. Drainage Sub-Division No.3.



J.E.Dasuya Section.



J.E. Rara Section.



J.E. Dasuya Langpur.



J.E. Dhilwan.



J.E. West Bein.



J.E. Floods Protection Bund.



J.E. Nasrala Choe.



J.E. Sutlej Canalisation.



S.D.O. Phillaur Drainage Sub-Division.


(Chapter I, Part I, Para 2)

Note: 1. To Commissioners and Financial Commissioners, only High Flood warnings need be sent.

2. In column 5B. reference is to Sub-Divisional Officer (Civil).



River con-cerned

Present Arrangement

Arrangement to be followed in future






By whom warning is issued and from where sent

To whom warning is sent











1. Ravi

1. S.D.O. Head-Works, Madhopur

Deputy Commissioner

1. Some Place higherup

Deputy Commissioner, Gurdaspur, Sub-Divisional Officer and Tehsildars of Batala and Pathankot, Commissioner, Jalandhar Financial Commissioner, Revenue.

The warning from Madhopur is not timely enough. I.B. should consider issuing the warning from some higher place.

2. Beas

2. J.E. Discharge Naushera Mirthal


2. Pathankot



1. Ravi

1. S.D.O. Head Works, Madhopur


1. S.D.O. Head-Works, Madhopur

Deputy Commissioner, Amritsar, S.D.O. (Civil) & Tehsildar, Ajnala, Commissioner, Jalandhar , Financial Commissioner Revenue.

2. Beas

1. J.E. Discharge Naushera, Mirthal


2. Junior Engineer, Discharge Naushera, Mirthal



1. Beas

2. Junior Engineer Dischrage, Naushera Mirthal

1. Deputy Commissioner

2. Tehsildar, Dasuya

Deputy Commissioner, Hoshiarpur, S.D.O. and Tehsildar Garhshankar and Dasuya.

2. Sutlej

1. S.D.O. Head Works Ropar

Deputy Commissioner

2. S.D.O. Head-Works, Ropar

Commissioner, Jalandhar, Financial Commissioner, Revenue.



1. Beas



1. Junior Engineer Discharge Naushera Mirthal

Deputy Commissioner, Jalandhar, S.D.O.(C) Nawanshehar, Tehsildars Nawanshahar, Phillaur & Nakodar.

S.DO. (C) & Tehsildar

2. Sutlej

S.D.O. Head Works Ropar

Deputy Commissioner

2. S.D.O. Head-Works, Ropar

Commissioner Jalandhar, Financial Commissioner, Revenue.



1. Sutlej




Deputy Commissioner, Ludhiana, S.D.O. (Civil) and Tehsildars, Ludhiana, Samrala and Jagraon, Commissioner, Patiala, Financial Commissioner, Revenue.



1. Beas

1. Junior Engineer Discharge, Naushera Mirthal


1. Junior Engineer, Naushera Mirthal

Deputy Commissioner, Ferozepur, S.D.O. (C) Fazilka.

2. Sutlej

2. S.D.O. Head Works Ropar


2. S.D.O. Head Works Ropar

S.D.O (C) Ferozepur, Zira and Fazilka.

3. S.D.O. Head Works, Ferozepur


3. S.D.O. Head Works, Ferozepur

Commissioner, Jalandhar, Financial Commissioner, Revenue.


(Part I, Chapter I, Para 2)

(Statistics about floods during past years to be maintained by Deputy Commissioners)


Name of river causing floods

Nature of floods, warning received i.e. High, Medium or Low

Discharge in cusecs as reported in flood warning

Area in square miles flooded

Extent of damage caused

Number of houses affected

(a) Destroyed

(b) Damaged


Locality affected

Number of villages affected

Number of lives lost

Completely washed away

Partially damaged
















(Part I, Chapter II, Para 2)

1. Symbols to be used in giving information on the maps:

(a) Dangerously exposed areas

(i) By river action -To be shaded red.

(ii) By rains -To be striped red

(b) Moderately exposed areas

(i) By river Action -To be shaded green

(ii) By rains -To be striped green

(c) Villages that were completely washed away.

To be indicated by a black cross mark.

(d) Villages that were partially damaged-

To be indicated by square.

(e) Villages situated on sufficiently big round even though situated in a dangerously exposed area-

To be indicated by black circle.

(f) Protective bunds-

To be shown in black.

(g) Natural drainage channels -To be shaded light blue

(h) Railway tracks -To be shown in black

(i) Roads (i) Metalled (Burnt Sienna)……

(ii) Unmetalled in black……….

(j) Canals-

To be sown in blue double lines if a major canal and a single line if a minor.

(k) Rivers- To be indicated by a thick green line.

(l) Places where boats are available-

To be indicated by letter B-2, the numeral 2 indicating number available.

(m) Places where boats are needed to be shown B-2, the numeral 2 indicating the number required.

(n) Evacuation Centre-

To be indicated by two concentric circles in black.

(o) Relief Centres- To be indicated by a circle with a cross in the middle in black.

2. Major breaches of roads, railway tracks canals and protective bunds, should be indicated by a single arrow mark in black, the arrow pointing in the direction of flow of water.

Breaches that occur during the emergency should be indicated by two arrow marks close together and paralleled both pointing in the direction of flow of water.

3. The map should be kept upto date in all control rooms on the basis of intelligence received.


(Part I, Chapter II, Para 3(a)(i))


(Collection of data regarding flood situation in a tehsil)

1. Tehsil

2. Approximate area in square miles flooded

3. Number of villages affected:

(i) Completely washed away

(ii) Partially washed away

(iii) Undamaged but surrounded by water

4. Loss of life

(Give number only)

5. Loss of cattle

(Give number only)

6. Communications-

(i) Railway

(ii) Roads

7. Canals

8. Protective Bunds

9. Number of villages evacuated

10. Number of Relief Centres opened

11. Number of Relief Parties despatched

12. Whether situation under control

The method of drafting the message is explained below.

Let us assume that in tehsil Batala, 50 square miles have been flooded; 20 villages have been affected, of which 2 have been washed away, 8 partially washed away and the remaining 10 have been surrounded by water but are undamaged, that loss of life is 3, loss of cattle 20; that railway track for Gurdaspur to Batala has been breached at 3 places, that Batala Gurdaspur road is under water at 3 places, that upper Bari Doab Canal has been breached at 2 places, that Dhusi Bund has been given way at 4 places, 3 villages have been evacuated, 4 Relief Centres have been opened and 6 Relief Parties despatched.

The message should read:

Batala 50 square miles 20 villages 2 completely, 8 partially, 10 surrounded, life 3, cattle 20, Gurdaspur- Batala Line 3 breaches, Gurdaspur- Batala Road 3 Breaches, Upper Bari Doab 2 breaches, Dhusi Bund 4 Breaches, 3 villages evacuated, Relief Centres 4, Relief Parties 6 Situation under control.

Note: 1. Where there is nothing to report against any item, it may not be mentioned.

2. To avoid misunderstanding message should be carefully and accurately worded and copy sent by posts, if postal communications are intact.



(Part I, Chapter II, Para 3 (b)(iii)

1. District

2. Tehsils affected and area in square miles flooded in each tehsil

3. Number of villages affected-

(i) Completely washed away

(ii) Partially washed away

(iii) Surrounded but safe

4. Loss of cattle

5. Loss of life

6. Communications-

(i) Railway

(ii) Roads

7. Canals

8. Protective Bunds

9. Villages evacuated

10. Relief Centres opened

11. Relief Parties despatched

12. Whether situation under control

The message should be drafted as explained in Form A.

An illustration is given below: -

Gurdaspur Tehsil Batala 50, Gurdaspur 50, Pathankot 15 square miles, 100 villages affected, 8 completely, 50 partially, rest surrounded- life 10 cattle 100.

Road Batala Gurdaspur 3 Breaches, Gurdaspur- Dera Baba Nanak ten breaches, Upper Bari Doab Canal 5 breaches, Railway Batala Dera Canal 5 Breaches, Railway Batala Dera Baba Nanak 6 breaches, Dhusi Bund 10 breaches, 8 villages evacuated, Relief Centres 10, Relief Parties 20, situation not fully under control.


[(Part I, Chapter IV, Para 2 (a) (i)]

Daily statement showing damage by heavy rains/floods in various districts of Punjab State during the flood season Date________________


Name of district

Cause of flood

No. of villages affected

Area affected (in Hec.)

Population affected

Damage to crops

Damage to houses

Cattle head lost

Human lives lost

Damage to public utilities (in Rs.)

Total Damage (Col. 8+10 +12+14)

Area in Hec.

Value (in Rs.)


Value (in Rs.)


Value (in Rs.)

















(Part I, Chapter IV, Para 3)

Proforma for Reporting Weekly Flood Situations

(To be submitted every Friday for the week ending______________)

1. Name of District

2. No. of villages affected (Tehsil wise)

3. Population affected (No.)

4. Total area affected (Sq. Kilometers)

5. Damage to Crops-

(a) Area affected (In Hectares)

(b) Value (in Rs.)

6. Cattle Lost-

(a) No.

(b) Value (In Rs.)

7. Human lives lost (No.)

8. Damage to public utilities

9. Damage to Houses

(a) No.

(b) Value

10. Behaviours and effect of Flood Control Works

11. An assessment of the benefits accruing from the flood control works

12. A brief review, giving-

(a) an account of the flood situation for week as a whole

(b) Evacuation Centres opened

(c) Relief Centres opened

(d) Medicines distributed

(e) Other relief provided

(f) Whether relief provided is sufficient and if not, what steps are being taken in this behalf.

Note:I. Previous damage figures should not be reported in weekly report. Figures in respect of the week to which the report pertains should only be given.

Note:II. Each weekly report must be despatched at 5 P.M. on each Friday and should be sent in a separate envelope marked “Weekly Flood Striped”. Even if there are no floods or heavy rains in a particular week, nil report must be sent.


[(Part I, Chapter V, Para 7 (C)(6))]

Relief Test Works Register to be maintained by each Sector Officer


Brief particulars of Test Works undertaken in the sector

Names of villages supplying labour for these works

Number of able-bodied persons supplied by each village

Number of families in the village getting relief

Number of families whose subsistence grant has been stopped because

Date/Signature of Zonal Officer

(a) Males above 18

(b) Males between 15 & 18

(c) Females above 18

(a) They are employed on works

(b) They have refused works









(Part I, Chapter VI)

Proforma F.D. 5 regarding Flood Damage to be sent to the Chief Engineer (Drg) Irrigation Works, Punjab



Drainage Basins River Tributary

Sub-Tributary State District(Revenue)

Reach where Spilled over Acreage Flooded Crop

Ares Acres

Upto 60 cm

Over 60 cm

Depth of inundation in-cms over

Bank irrigation cropped lands/Buildings

Duration of damaging flows

Duration for which area remained under water.

(a) Total area

(b) Tilliable area

Cause of damage

Extent and Character of flood damage

1. Damage to Buildings

Item Value Damage


Farm building



2. Crop Acreage Value to farmer Percent Percent

Per Acre Total Salvage damage


3. Damage to human life and livestock

(a) No. of human lives lost

(b) No. of cattle lost

(give description of cattle)

(c) Assessed value of the loss of cattle in Rs.__________

4. Damage to land (Permanent)


(i) Acres damaged Total damage in Rs.


(ii) Surface erosion

(cost of fertilizing benefits)


5. Other direct damage

6. Total direct damage

7. Indirect flood damages

(a) Loss due to interruption irrigation works

(b) Loss due to time taken in restoration

Reported by




1. This form is to be filled in at the end of every flood by the District Collector.

2. Here give the dates and the months on which the flood reported in this statement occurred.

3. Map scale ¼”=1 mile showing the location of flood damage mentioned should accompany the report.
Proforma F.D. 7 regarding Flood Damage to be sent to the Chief Engineer (Drg) Irrigation Works, Punjab



Drainage Basin________________River______________Tributary______________ Sub Tributary_______________State______________District___________________ City or town______________________________Reach where spilled

Over or eroded_________________________________Character and size of property.

Monthly Rental

_______________________________________________________Assessed values if any


Depth of inundation in Meters.

Duration of damaging flows_____Duration for which area remained under water__________

Causes of damage_________________


Itemwise damage to lands, landscaping, gardens, buildings and other improvements, furnishings, equipments, vehicles and other damaged property on basis of replacement or restoration value less depreciation prior to flood. Also list cost of cleaning up any other direct expenditure due to flood


Item Classification of damage Amount of damage


Local direct flood damages


Item wise indirect damage including profit or income lost, wages lost, unusual expenditure renting temporary quarters, additional transportation costs and other additional expense.



Item Type of damage Amount of damage



Reported by




1. This form is to be filled in at the end of every flood by Municipal Committee in the case of Municipalities and the District Collector in other cases villages etc.

2. One form is meant for report by one reporting officer of damages in his jurisdiction.

3. Here give the dates and month, on which the flood reported in this statement occurred.

4. A map scale ¼ inch=1 mile showing the location of flood mentioned should accompany the report.

Appendix H ‘I’

The norms of relief of various items for the grant of relief for loss by natural calamities are detailed below (vide Government of Punjab , Department of Revenue letter No. 2/6/2001-ER-II/10340, dated 26/11/2001):-

Sr, No.




Gratuitous Relief

(a) Ex- Gratia payment to families of deceased persons.

Rs. 50,000/- per deceased

(b) Ex- gratia payment for loss of a limb or eyes.

Rs. 25,000/- per person ( The Gratuitous relief for loss of limb etc. should be extended only when the disability is more than 40% and certified by a Govt. doctor or doctors from panel approved by the Govt.)

(c)Grievous injury requiring hospitalisation for more than a week.

Rs. 5,000/- per person.

(d) Relief for the old, infirm and destitute, children.

Rs. 20/- per adult.

Rs. 10 per child, per day.

(e) Clothing and utensils for families whose houses have been washed away.

Rs. 500/- for clothing and Rs.- 500/- for utensils per family.


Supplementary Nutrition

Rs. 1.05 per day per head as per ICDS norms.


Assistance to small and marginal farmers for:-

(a) Desilting etc.

25% and 33-1/3% to small farmers and marginal farmers respectively on the basis of NABARD pattern subject to ceiling of Rs. 5,000/- per hectare.

(b) Removal of debris in hill areas, and

(c) Desilting/ Restoration/ Repair of fish farms.

(d) Relief on account of damage to standing/ harvested crops.

Norms already fixed by the State Govt. may continue from the next financial year, no relief will be given on account of “no crops sown” due to floods, water logging or any other reasons.

(e) Loss of substantial portion of land caused by landslide, avalanche, change of course of rivers.

Rs. 10,000/- per hectare.


Employment generation

(only to meet additional requirements after taking into account funds available under plan scheme, viz., JRY, IJRY, EAS, ETC.

As per Jawahar Gram Samridhi Yojana norms.


Animal Husbandry Assistance to small and marginal farmers agricultural labourers:-


For replacement of drought animals, milch animals or animals for livelihood.

(i)Rs.4,000/-perbuffalo/bullock/ crossbreed cow.

(ii) Rs.2000/- per Desi Cow.

(iii)Rs.800/- per goat/sheep/pig.

(iv)Rs 4000/- per horse/camel

(v) Rs.2,000/- per Mule/Donkey/Poney

(b) For provision of fodder/fodder concentrate.

(c) Procurement, storage and movement of fodder.

(d) Movement of useful cattle to other areas.

Large animals- Rs.12.00 per day

Small animals- Rs. 6.00 per day.

As per assessment by NCCM/State Level Committee.

As per assessment by NCCM/State Level Committee


Assistance to Fishermen:

(a) For repair/replacement of boats, nets, damaged or lost.


- Dugour- Canoe

- Nets

(b) Input subsidy for fish seed farm

Subsidy will be provided for other equipments subject to ceilings on subsidy per family as per SGSY Pattern

The cost of boats will also be determined with reference to approved cost under SGSY.

Rs. 2,000/- per hectare.


Assistance to artisans in handicrafts sector by way of subsidy for repair/replacement of damaged equipments.

(a)Traditional Crafts

(i)For damaged equipments

Rs.1,000/- per person

(ii)For raw Material

Rs. 1,000/- per person.

(b)For Handloom Weavers.

(i) Repair/replacement of loom equipments and accessories

Rs.1,000/- per loom

(ii)Purchase of yarn and other materials

Rs.1,000/- per loom


Assistance for repair/restoration of damaged houses

(a)Full damaged houses

(i) Pucca House

Rs.10,000/- per house

(ii) Kuchha House

Rs.6,000/- per house

(b)Severally damaged houses

(i) Pucca House

Rs.2,000/- per house

(ii) Kuchha House

Rs.1,200/- per house

(c)Marginally Damaged Houses

Rs.800/- per house


Emergency supply of drinking water including transportation of drinking water in urban areas

To be assessed by State Level Committee for CRF


Provision of medicines, disinfectants insecticides for prevention of outbreak of epidemics

To be assessed by State Level Committee


Medical care for cattle and poultry against epidemics.



Evacuation of people affected/ likely to be affected



Hiring of boats for carrying immediate relief & saving life



Provision for temporary accommodation, food ,clothing, medical care etc. of people affected/evacuated



Air dropping of essential supplies



Repair/restoration of immediate nature of the damaged infrastructure relating to communication, power ,public health, drinking water supply, primary education and community owned assets in the social sector



Replacement of damaged medical equipment and lost medicines of Govt. hospitals/ health centres



Operational cost(of POL only) for Ambulance service, Mobile Medical Teams and temporary dispensaries



Cost of clearness of debris



Draining of flood water in affected areas



Cost of search and rescue measures



Disposal of dead bodies/ caresses



Training to core multidisciplinary groups of the State Officers drawn from different cadres expenditure to be met from CRF


(Part II, Chapter X A and B)

Details of relief granted to the people affected by Natural calamities

Subsistence grant for heavy rains/ floods

House repair grants(in rural and urban areas) by heavy rains /floods

Relief on account of damage to the crops by heavy rains/floods/hailstorms

Grant for animals lost on account of heavy rains/floods/ hailstorms

/fire or lightening

Grant for fodder for heavy rains/floods

(a)Grants on the death of a person whether bread –winner of or not by heavy rains/floods/fire or lightening or collapse of house, pillar, or tree, pole by furious dust storms

(b) Ex-gratia payment for the loss of limbs or eyes due to heavy rains/floods and other natural calamities

Provision for temporary shelter for heavy rains/ floods


on account

t of

other losses due to fire

and lightening









(i)Subsistence grant to persons who are to stay in evacuation camps.

(a) For a totally damaged pucca house.

Rs. 10,000

(i) Where crop is totally damaged in early stage but area can be re-sown in the same season.

Rs. 750. per acre.

(i) For milch animals and others

Rs 15. per large animal per day and Rs. 7.50 per small animal per day upto a maximum of 8 heads of cattle per family

(a) Rs 50,000 (per adult or minor) to the heirs of the deceased.

(a) Full cost of providing medical relief to the victim.

(a) Rs. 10 per head per day in cash or kind as may be considered suitable.

(b) for a par tially pucca house.Rs 5,000

(ii) Where crop is totally damaged in early stage but area can not be re-sown.Rs.1,000 per acre.

(a) Buffalo/ Bullock/ cross-breed cow. Rs. 4000.

(b) Rs. 25,000 (per victim) to the victim

In the event of buildings for temporary shelters not being available then one used tarpaulin black cover per family of the appropriate size may be provided for the temporary shelter on non- returnable basis if it is not possible to provide tents.

(b) 20 % of the total loss subject to a maximum of Rs. 50,000 . in any individual case in respect of properties/ crops which were not insured without any condition relating to income of the affected persons.

(b) 15 meters of cloth per family of five members or more.

(c) for a totally damaged kacha house. Rs.6,000.

(iii) Relief on account of damage of mature standing / harvested crops will be admissible at the following rates:-

(b) Desi cow Rs. 2000.

(c) 2 blankets per family.

(d) for partially damaged kacha house. Rs. 3,000.

(a) Where the loss to standing / harvested crops exceeds 75 % Rs. 2000. per acre.

(c) Goat/sheep / pig. Rs .800.

(ii)Rs. 10 per head as subsistence grant to people of marooned villages by air dropping of food items

(e)for a totally damaged hut.Rs. 2000.

(b) Where the loss to standing/ harvested crops exceeds 50 % but does not exceed 75% Rs. 1000 per acre

(ii) For drought animals:-

(f) for a partially damaged hut. RS. 1,000.

(c)Where the loss to standing/ harvested crops exceeds 25 % but does not exceed 50% Rs. 700 per acre

(a) Rs. 4000 per horse.

(b) ) Rs. 2000 per mule.

(c) Rs . 2000. per ponny

(d) Rs 2000 per donkey

(e) Rs. 4000 per camel.


(Part II, Chapter X, Para 13)

Referred to under procedure to make demand for relief due to natural calamities)




Name of village

Area under Kharif/Rabi Crop.

No. of tenants/land holders whose standing crops have been damaged

Extent of damage to crops upto

Loss of fodder in terms of percentage of the total

No. of cattle lost





Total area damaged














No. of lives lost

No. of families whose houses have been

No. of families who have lost their foodgrains

No. of families who have lost their household effects

Spread of epidemics and supply of medicines required


Partially damaged

Totally destroyed

More than

More than











APPENDIX ‘J’ (Contd)


No. of villages affected

Number of villages in which crops affected to the extent 25%, 50%, 75%, 100%

Number of villages in which fodder has been damaged and the extent of damage

Loss of cattle

Loss of life

Number of houses affected with extent of damage

Number of families whose stock of foodgrains have been damaged

Number of families whose household effects have been damaged

Recommendations with regard to total amount of gratuitous relief and taccavi loans






Plough/ Other

More than 50%

Completely destroyed

More than 50%

Completely destroyed

More than 50%

Completely destroyed












(Part II, Chapter X, Para 16)

Title Register of particulars of Relief Granted on Account of Natural Calamity to persons of village___________Tehsil__________District_



Nature of Calamity


Name Percentage and occupation of person to whom relief granted

No. and particulars of family of grantee wife, children and other dependents

Date on which relief given

Details of full particulars of gratuitous relief disbursed

Amount given

Signature/ thumb impression of grantee

Signature/ thumb impression of Sarpanch or Panch or Lambardar (Rural area), Municipal Commissioner or Lambardar (Urban area)

Sign & Designation of disbursing officer















(Part II, Chapter X, Para 16)

Register showing particulars of the persons granted Relief on account of …..(Nature of Calamity) during the year………..


Name of Tehsil

Name of the grantee/ his father’s name, occupation

Amount given as gratuitous relief

Nature of gratuitous relief

Thumb-impression or signature of the grantee

Date on which gratuitous relief disbursed

Signature and designation of the distributing officer











The above particulars are certified to be correct to the best of my knowledge and belief.

Distributing Officer


(Chapter X, Para 6)

Information to be prepared by Deputy Commissioners and sent to the Commissioners/State Government about the damage to standing Crops caused by Natural Calamities alongwith the Quantum of relief admissible etc………

Nature of Calamity

Date of occurrence of calamity

Name of Tehsil

Number of villages affected

Area affected in acres

Damage to crops in acres

Amount of gratuitous relief required for disbursement

(i) Upto 25%

(ii) 26% to 50%

(iii) 51% to 75%

(iv) Above 75%












(Chapter X, Para 6)

Damage to houses by heavy rains/floods

Date of occurrence of calamity

Name of Tehsil

Number of villages/ towns affected

Number of pucca/Kacha Houses and Huts damaged

Amount of gratuitous relief required for disbursement

Pucca Houses

Kacha Houses


Totally damaged

Partly damaged

Totally damaged

Partly damaged

Totally damaged

Partly damaged












Chapter X- Para 6

Loss of human lives and live stock

Nature of calamity

Date of occurrence of calamity

Name of tehsil

Number of Villages/ Towns affected

Number of bread-winners lost

Number of non- bread-winners lost

Amount of gratuitous relief required for disbursement

Number of bullocks/ buffaloes lost

Number of cows lost

Number of goats/ sheep lost

Amount of gratuitous relief required for disbursement













Chapter X- Para 6

Statement justifying disbursement of subsistence grants, fodder grants, grants for temporary Shelters

Date of occurrence of calamity Floods

Name of Tehsil

Number of families to whom subsistence grant is to be distributed

Number of persons in each family to whom subsistence grant is to be disbursed

Period for which grant is to be given

Amount of gratuitous relief required for disbursement

Number of families to whom fodder grants are to be disbursed

Number of cattle in each family to whom fodder grants are to be disbursed

Amount of gratuitous relief required for disbursement

Number of families to whom grants for temporary shelters are to be given

Amount of gratuitous relief assessed for disbursement













Intimation of occurrence of a natural calamity.

State……………….. Date of report…………..

A. General Information

(i) Nature of calamity:

(i) Date of occurrence:

(ii) Districts affected:

B. Details of damage

(i) Life


Population affected in

Number of people

Cattle heads







(ii) Crops and property:


Crops affected

House damaged (number)

Damage to public property (value Rs. In thousands)

Other (Specify)

Area in hectare


Estimated value (Rs. In thousands)


C. Relief measures:

(i) Relief camps……… Number…….. Beneficiaries…….

(ii) Supply of essential commodities:

Sr. No.


Quantity (in qtls)

Value(Rs. in thousands)
















Other (Specify)


D. Assistance ,if any, required from Govt. of India.

Note:- More firm details should be furnished in proforma-II as early as possible.

Proforma –II



State----------------- (Rs. In thousands)

(a) Amount allocated under calamity relief fund for the year ---------------

(b) Progressive total expenditure incurred till previous month ---------------

(c) Expenditure incurred during the month………… on ---------------

(i) Drought ---------------

(ii) Fire ---------------

(iii) Heavy rains/floods ---------------

(iv) Cyclone ---------------

(v) Earthquake ---------------

(vi) Land slides ---------------

(vii) Hail storm/snow storm ---------------

(viii) Avalanche ---------------

(ix) Others(specify) ---------------

(x) Total ---------------

(d) Cumulative expenditure incurred upto the month of….. ---------------


(e) Balance amount available in the CRF(a-d)…………. ---------------

II – A – Drought.

The………………Total No. of districts………For the month of…..Date of report

(a) Extent of damage:

1. Human population affected.

Sr. No.

Districts affected

Number of villages affected

Population affected(in thousand)

Population migrated (thousands)

Deaths, If any (number)

Small and marginal farmers

Agricultural labourers













2. Cattle population affected:

Sr. No.

Districts affected

Total cattle population affected (in thousands)

Migrated (in thousands)

Died (Number)







3. Damage to crops:

Sr. No.

Name of major crops*

Area (inthousand hectares)

Land Irrigated by (in thousand hectares)

Percentage of crops damaged

Value of crop damaged (Rs. In thousands)


Covered under CCIS**

Surface water

Ground water




















*Crops having more than 20%, cultivated area.

**Comprehensive crop Insurance Scheme (CCIS)

4. Water levels in reservoirs:

Sr. No.



Water level (in meters)









*** Having area more than 1 hectare.

(b) Assistance provided #

1. Employment generation

(a) Number of persons employed:

(b) Total number of days on which employment provided:

(c) Type of works undertaken

Sr. No.

Type of work

Persons employed




Works completed

Benefits (in general)

Expenditure incurred(Rs. in thousands)
















Minor irrigation



Soil and water conservation works

Digging of wells/ponds

Repair/reconstruction of roads




(Irrigation project completed)


(Hectares covered)


(Kms. Completed)


# During the calamity, this information may be supplied on fortnight basis.

2. Drinking water:

2.1 Urban:

Sr. No.

Types of work

Physical achievement


Cities covered


Population benefited

(in thousands)

Expenditure incurred(Rs. in thousands)














(a) Digging

(b) deepening

Hand pumps:

(a) Rejuvenation

(b) Installation of new hand pumps





(a) Number of villages facing scarcity of drinking water………………….

(b) Number of villages covered under different works undertaken…………

(c)Details of works:

Sr. No.

Types of work

Physical achievement


Villages covered




(in thousands)

Expenditure incurred(Rs. in thousands)














(a) digging

(b) deepening

Hand pumps:

(a) Rejuvenation

(b) Installation of new hand pumps

Purchase of rigs



2.3 Transportation of drinking water :-

Sr. No.



Population benefited (in thousands)

Expenditure incurred (Rs. in thousands)








Villages covered

Cities covered


3. Cattle conservation

3.1 Cattle camps

(i) Number of camps…….

(ii) Cattle population in camps (in thousands)…….


Expenditure incurred on setting upto camps ……….

(Rs. in thousands)

3.2 Fodder

a. Number of fodder depots…….

b. Qty. of fodder distributed on subsidised basis (in qtls.)……

c. Quantity sold on normal rates (in qtls)……..

d. Quantity transported (in qtls)………


Expenditure incurred (i –iv) (Rs. in thousands)…………………..

3.3 Replacement of cattle

(i) Number perished ……….

(ii) Number replaced with assistance………..

(iii) Expenditure incurred…………………….

(Rs. in thousands)

3.4 Veterinary care

(i) Livestock population affected:-

On account of


















(b) Diseases



Medicine distributed (Rs. in thousands)……..

4. Supplementary Nutrition:-

Sr. No.

Category of beneficiaries


Expenditure incurred (Rs. in thousands)


Assistance Provided











Old and infirm

Pregnant and lactating mothers





5. Gratuitous Relief (G.R.)

(a) Number of beneficiaries………….

(b) Items for which G.R. given ………

(c) Expenditure incurred (Rs. in thousands)……..

6. Agriculture input subsidy:-

Sr. No.

Category of farmers

Numberof farmers

Area assisted

(in Hectares)

Expenditure incurred (Rs. in thousands)











Small & marginal Farmers



7. Rescheduling of loans:-

Sr. No.

Types of credit

No. of farmers

Value of credit rescheduled (Rs. in thousands)

States contribution (Rs. in thousands)

Small & marginal farmers












(i) Short Term

(ii) Medium Term

(iii) Long Term


Land Develop. Bank

(i) Short Term

(ii) Medium Term

(iii) Long Term


Nationalised Bank

(i) Short Term

(ii) Medium Term

(iii) Long Term


Grand total

8. Other expenditure:-

Sr. No.


Expenditure incurred (Rs. in thousands)







9. Total expenditure incurred on drought (Rs. in thousands)…………..

(Item I-8)

II –B Natural Fire

(a) Extent of damage

1. Human population affected:-

Sr. No.

Districts affected

Date of occurrence

Population affected (in thousands)

Number of human lives lost

No. of persons injured








2. Damage to crops:

Sr. No.

Districts affected

Crops Affected



Area (in thousand Hects)

Value ( thousands)

Qty. in Qtls

Value (Rs. in thousands)








3. Damage to residential houses:-

Sr. No.

Districts affected

Number of houses damaged


(Rs. in thousands)











4. Damage to cattle sheds and animals affected:-

Sr. No.



Number of cattle sheds damaged

Animal affected




Value (Rs. in thousands)

Burnt to death


Estimated value(Rs. in thousand)











5. Damage to public Buildings:-

Sr. No.

Districts affected

Details of Buildings affected(Department wise)

Estimated value (Rs. in thousands)






6. Damage to business establishments:

Sr. No.

Districts affected

Number of establishments affected

Value (Rs. in thousands)











(b) Assistance provided:

1. Ex-gratia payments:

Sr. No.

Category of beneficiaries


Expenditure incurred (Rs. in thousands)














2. Assistance for damaged crops:

Sr. No.


Owned by small and marginal farmers


Expenditure incurred (Rs. in thousands)








Standing Crops

(Area in thousand hectares)


(Estimated Qty. in Qtls)


3. Assistance for Houses/Cattle sheds etc:

Sr. No.


Extent of damage


Expenditure incurred (Rs. in thousands)









Damaged houses

Cattle sheds


(a) Fully

(b) Partially

(a) Fully

(b) Partially

(a) Fully

(b) Partially


4. Expenditure incurred on clothing and utensils:

Sr. No.


Number of beneficiaries

Expenditure incurred (Rs. in thousands)














5. Other expenditure, if any:

Sr. No.


Expenditure incurred (Rs. in thousands)











6. Total expenditure incurred on fire (Rs. in thousands)

(Item 1-5)…………………………………………

II.C- Heavy rains/floods#

II.D- Cyclones

II.E- Earthquakes


II.G- Hailstorm/snowstorm

II.H- Others(Specify)

(a) Extent of Damage:-

1. Human population affected:-

Sr. No.

Districts affected

Date of occurrence

No of villages affected

Population affected (in thousands)

Number of persons

Small & marginal farmers

Agricultural labourers


















# Separate proforma may be used for each of these calamities.

2. Damage to crops:-

Sr. No.

Districts affected

Area(in thousand hectares)

Estimated value of crops damaged(Rs. in thousands)

Land area affected

Cropped area affected

Area covered by CCIS*

% of crops damaged









*Comprehensive Crop Insurance Scheme (CCIS).

3. Damage to residential houses and assistance provided:-

Sr. No.

Districts affected

Number of houses damaged

Assistance provided for




Estimated value( thousands)

Fully Damaged




Expenditure incurred(Rs. in thousands)











4. Damage to cattle sheds and assistance provided:


Districts affected

Number of cattle sheds damaged

Assistance provided for




Estimated value ( thousand)

Fully damaged (number)

Partially damaged (number)

Expenditure incurred (Rs. in thousands)











5. Animals affected and assistance provided:-

Sr. No.

Districts affected

Animals died

(Rs. in thousands)


Sheep Goats & Pigs

Poultry Birds

Estimated value(Rs. in thousands)









6. Roads affected and repaired:

Sr. No.

Districts affected

Type of roads affected/repaired (in kms.)

Estimated value (Rs. in thousands)

Expenditure incurred (Col. 6 & 8) (Rs. in thousands)

National Highway

State Highway

Other Roads


















7. Bridges/Culverts affected and repaired:

Sr. No.


Number Affected

Repair/ reconstruction works undertaken (number)

Estimated Loss(Rs. in thousands)

Expenditure incurred (Rs. in thousands)












8. Irrigation works affected and Repaired

Sr. No.



Number of works affected/Repaired

Estimated loss (Rs. in thousands)

Expenditure incurred (Rs. in thousands)





















9. Flood Control Works affected and repaired:-

Sr. No.

Districts affected

Number of works affected/repaired…

Estimated loss (Rs. in thousands)

Expenditure incurred on Repair (Rs. in thousands)



Others (Specify)


















10. Public utilities affected and repaired:-

Sr. No.

Districts affected

Type of public properties

Estimated loss (Rs. in thou-sands)

Expenditure incur-ed on repair( thousands)


Office Buildings
























1. Assistance provided**

Evacuation and Rescue work:-

Sr. No.



Expenditure incurred (excluding payments Rs. in thousand)










** During the calamity, this information may be supplied fortnightly.

2. Assistance provided by armed forces:-

2.1 Army


(a) Persons deployed for

(i) Rescue operation

(ii) Medical help

(b) Equipment provided

(i) Boats

(ii) Pumping sets

(iii) Radio sets

(iv) ………..

(v) ………..

(c) Amount reimbursed, if any , to army-----------

2.2 Air force


(i) Helicopters :

(ii) Sorties undertaken :

(iii) Total flying hours :

(iv) Quantity air lifted :

(v) Persons deployed :

(vi) Others :


Amount, if any, reimbursed to Air Force authorities…

2.3 Navy


(i) Helicopters :

(ii) Boats :

(iii) Persons deployed :

(iv) Sorties undertaken :

(v) Total flying hours :

(vi) Total quantity air-lifted :

(vi) Others :


Amount, if any, reimbursed to Navy :…..

3. Emergency Relief Measures:

3.1 Relief camps:-

(i) Numbers of relief camps opened…….

(ii) Numbers of persons kept in the relief camps…….

(iii) Duration for which the persons kept in the relief camps…


Expenditure incurred (Rs. in thousands)………………..….

3.2 Health centres:-

(i) Number of health centre opened……….

(ii) Number of persons treated…………….


Expenditure incurred on health sector(Rs. in thousands)….

3.3 Ex-gratia payments:-

Sr. No.

Category of beneficiaries


Expenditure incurred (Rs. in thousands)














3.4 Clothing and utensils:-

Sr. No.


No. of beneficiaries

Expenditure incurred (Rs. in thousands)










4. Cattle conservation:-

(i) Number of cattle camps opened---------------------------

(ii) Number of cattle kept in the camps ----------------------


Quantity of fodder supplied (in qtls.)---------------------

(iv) Expenditure on veterinary care----------------------------

(Rs. in thousands)

(v) Total expenditure on cattle conservation-----------------

(Rs. in thousands)

5. Agriculture and Allied sectors:-

Sr. No.

Types of subsidy/assistance

Area covered (in thousand hectares)

Expenditure incurred (Rs. in thousands)











Agriculture input subsidy

(a) Small & marginal farmers

(b) Others

Desilting of eroded lands

(i) Small and marginal farmers

(ii) Others

Removal of sand

(i) Small and marginal farmers

(ii) Others


(i) Small and marginal farmers

(ii) Others


(i) Small and marginal farmers

(ii) Others


(i) Small and marginal farmers

(ii) Others


6. Fisheries:

Sr. No.

Items lost


Expenditure incurred for replacement (Rs. in thousands)














Other equipment(Specify)


7. Assistance to Artisans in Handicraft sector:-

Sr. No.

Types of assistance

Number of beneficiaries

Number/ quantity provided

Expenditure incurred (Rs. in thousands)










Raw materials

Others (specify)


8. Rescheduling of loans:

Sr. No.

Type of credit

Number of farmers….

Value of credit re-scheduled (Rs in thousands)

States contributions (Rs. in thousands)

Small marginal farmers












(i) Short term

(ii)Medium term

(ii)Long term


Land Development Bank

(i)Short term

(ii)Medium term

(iii)Long term


Nationalised Bank

(i)Short term

(ii)Medium term

(iii)Long term


Grand Total

9. Other Expenditure:-

Sr. No.


Expenditure incurred (Rs. in thousands)







10. Total expenditure (Rs. in thousands)……………………………..


1. The DCs are required to send information regarding natural calamities and loss caused on this account to the State headquarters within 24 hours of the occurrence of natural calamities in the proforma enclosed herewith. The final demand for relief should broadly tally with the initial reports regarding loss assessment.

2. The following typed scheduled should be followed while sending demand for relief:


Relief for loss of life/loss

of limbs/loss of animals.

Within 7 days of the occurrence of natural calamity.


Relief for house damage.

Within 1 month of the occurrence of natural calamity.

(c )

Loss of crops.

Within 1 month of completion of girdawari.

3. The relief should be distributed within one month.

4. The relief is to be disbursed through accounts payee cheques in case the amount is Rs. 1000/- or more and through bearer cheque in case the relief amount is less than Rs. 1000/-(12/9/90, 20/9/93)



1. Crop loss due to heavy rains / floods/ hail storms and loss of cotton crop due to pest attack is admissible for relief . (14/9/95, 20/12/00)

2. The DC is to record a certificate in regard to assessment and verification of loss in the prescribed proforma enclosed herewith. (3/8/90)

3. The relief is to be restricted upto maximum of 10 acres per Khatauni. (14/9/95)

4. For damage to fruit, vegetable, horticulture and floriculture crops, the relief is to be granted for the damage caused by hailstorms and floods only to the fruit bearing trees from the state of flowering to plucking of fruits. Relief will be admissible only for the damage caused within specific dates which will be intimated by the Horticulture Department. Other conditions mentioned in this check list will also apply to these crops. (18/8/93, 14/9/95, 25/8/95)

5. Relief for no crop sown due to water logging @ Rs. 2000 per acre is admissible. The proposal has to be accompanied by a certificate from the XEN Drainage that there was water logging and no crop could be sown. The girdawari register has to show ‘Khali’ due to water logging. (23/9/97, 9/1/98)

6. The un-authorised cultivators of government land will get 2/3rd of relief amount. While disbursing the relief amount and arrears of charges from the un-authorised cultivators in the preceding years should be deducted. (12/9/90)

7. The landlord and tenant are to share the relief in the ratio of 1: 2 and seeri etc. are to get relief to the extent of their share. (12/9/90)

8. The crop loss assessment is to be verified by the Patwaris and Kanungos and checked by Circle Revenue Officer to the extent of 100 %, by the SDM to the extent of 50 % and random check by the DCs. (12/9/90)

9. The assessment is to be based on normal girdawari/special girdawari. Special girdawari would be done only if the crop is damaged in early stage. Loss to matured/harvested crops can be assessed from the normal girdawari and there is no need for special girdawari. However, if the crop is damaged in early stage, then the assessment cannot be done from the normal girdawari which will be undertaken after about 2 to 3 months. Thereafter special girdawari will have to be done for assessment of crops damaged in early stage (12/9/90)

10. The demand for relief is to be given in the prescribed proforma.


11. In addition to the above points, the following points are to be noted while sending demand for relief on account of crop loss due to fire:

(i) Relief @ Rs. 3000 per acre is admissible, in case mature standing/harvested crop is completely destroyed.

(ii) The cause of fire should be other than electrical faults/ short circuits in which case the relief would be provided by the Punjab State Electricity Board.

(iii) The case of fire loss would be reported promptly by the person affected and the Circle Revenue Officer would make verification through a spot visit within 48 hours.



1. DC to record a certificate under his signatures regarding assessment and verification in the Performa enclosed herewith. (3/8/98)

2. Relief for houses damage is admissible due to heavy rains and floods only. (12/9/90, 14/9/95)

3. Relief for house damage is to be restricted to one house per family and that too only for residential houses. (12/9/90)

4. A fully damaged house should be one which requires to be fully re-constructed. (12/9/90)

5. In the case of partially damaged house, there should be significant and visible damage such as collapse of wall, portion of roof, settlement of foundation resulting in serious cracks to the extent of 50 per cent overall damage. (12/9/90)

6. The assessment of house damaged is to be undertaken within one week by a gazetted officer. Sarpanch/Lambardar/Municipal Commissioner should be associated with the assessment. The assessment list is to be read out in the village Panchayat/Municipal Ward and the list is to be signed by the gazetted officer and the Sarpanch/Municipal Commissioner. (12/9/90)

7. Name and designation of the assessing officer is to be indicated.

8. Relief will not be admissible for houses constructed un-authorizedly on Govt./Panchayat/municipal lands etc (25/8/95, 19/5/97)

9. The request for relief should be accompanied of Roznamcha report of Patwari.

10. The demand for relief should be given in the prescribed proforma.



1. Relief for loss of human life/ a limb or both eyes due to heavy rains / floods / fire (due to any reason)/ lightening/ collapse of a house or a pillar or a tree by furious dust storms is admissible. ( 17/2/92, 10/12/93, 9/11/94 and 25/8/95)

2. The Deputy Commissioner is to record a certificate under his signature in the proforma enclosed . (3/8/98)

3. The Tehsildar himself should verify the loss of life etc within one week of the date of incident. The verification should be attested by Sarpanch / Lambardar / Municipal Councilor. (12/9/90)

4. The claim is to be accompanied by the list of legal heirs duly certified by the Tehsildar in accordance with rules. (12/9/90)

5. The claim should be accompanied by an affidavit from the legal heirs to the effect:

(i) That the deceased was not insured.

(ii) That they have not received any help from any other agency such as Red Cross, CM Relief Fund, PM Relief Fund etc.

6. Loss of a limb /both eyes due to heavy rains/floods/fire/lightening/collapse of a house, pillar or tree by furious storms is admissible for relief. The committee headed by Assistant Civil Surgeon and comprising of specialists of the concerned limb and the Medical Officer is to certify loss of limb/both eyes. The other points mentioned in the checklist are also to be followed ( 5/6/98)

7. The claim is to be accompanied by death certificate and post mortem report/ FIR/ Patwari’s Roznamcha Report (12/9/90)

8. The demand for relief should be given in the proforma prescribed.



1. Loss of animals due to heavy rains/ floods/hailstorms/fire (due to any reason)/ lightening is admissible for relief.

2. The DC to record a certificate in regards to assessment and demand in the prescribed proforma. (3/8/98)

3. The assessment of loss of animals is to be carried out by a gazetted officer with the help of officers of Animal Husbandry Department. Sarpanch / Lambardar/ Municipal Councilor is to be associated with the assessment. The assessment register is to be signed by a gazetted officer and the Sarpanch/ Lambardar/ Municipal Councilor who was associated. The name and designation of the gazetted officer is to be clearly indicated. (12/9/90)

4. The cause of death of animals is to be ascertained and stated in the report. If possible it should be supported by a post mortem report. (12/9/90)

5. The information in regard to animal loss is to be compiled family wise. One family entitled to relief for maximum of two large animals and maximum of four small animals including all categories. Large animals includes buffalo /bullock /cow /horse /camel /mule /pony/ donkey. Small animals include goat/sheep/pig. (18/3/91, 14/2/95 and 19/5/97)

6. An affidavit should be taken from the owner that the animals were not insured.

7. The demand for relief should be given in the prescribed proforma.



1. Item of Relief : Crop Loss/ House Damage/Loss of Life/Loss of Animals etc.

2. Date and nature of natural calamity: _____________________

3.Total relief amount: ___________________________________

4. I have gone through the checklist and the instructions on the subject and I certify that the relief worked out is in accordance with them.

5. I have personally checked the assessment and I certify that it is in order. I am satisfied that the relief demanded is not in excess of the actual demand.

6. The relief would be disbursed within one month of the receipt of funds and any unspent amount would be returned to the Government immediately thereafter.

7.The final demand for relief broadly tallies with the initial report regarding assessment of loss sent to Government within 24 hours of the occurrence of natural calamity.

8. Reason for delay : (Give reasons for delay if any in sending the case):

Date:______ Signature:

District:_______ Name:

(Of the Deputy Commissioner)




District/ Sub Division

Name and date of occurrence of calamity

Village affected

Area affected (Acres)

Population affected

Damage to Crops

Damage to Houses

Loss of Live stock


Damage to public utilities (Rs. lacs)

Total damage (Rs. lacs) (8+10+12+14)



Value (Rs.Lacs)

No. of Houses

Value (Rs. Lacs)

No. of live stock lost

Value (Rs. Lacs)



























[1. This proforma is prescribed under Part-I, Chapter-IV,Para-2(a) (1) of the Punjab Flood and Emergency relief Manual]

[2. These reports have to be sent daily during the flood season from Ist July to 30th September and immediately after the occurrence of natural calamity during the remaining period of the year.]

[3. Approximate value of crops/houses/live stock/public properties damaged has to be given and not the relief required.]

[4. The figures should be approximate and not detailed assessment is required while sending this information.]


Annexure- A- I






Nature and date of natural calamity

No. of villages/persons affected

Area affected in Acres

Damage to crops in Acres and Relief Required in Rs.Lacs

Total Relief Required (Rs. Lacs)

Upto 25%

26% to 50%

51% to 75%

76% to 100%

Sub Division



No Relief



Relief @ Rs. 700 per acre

Area Acre

Relief @ Rs.1000 Per Acre



Relief @ Rs. 2000 Per Acre










Annexure –A-2






Sub Divisions

Nature and date of occurrence of calamity


/Persons affected

Area affected in acres

Area affected in acres

Relief Required (Rs. Lacs)

Rabi Year




















Sr. No.


Sub Division

Nature and date of occurrence of calamity

No. of villages/ persons affected

Number of Houses/ Huts damaged and Relief Required(Rs. Lacs)




Rs. Lacs.

Pucca Houses

Kachha Houses


Totally Damaged

Partially Damaged

Totally Damaged

Partially Damaged

Totally Damaged

Partially Damaged


Relief @ Rs. 10000


Relief @ Rs. 5000


Relief @ Rs. 6000


Relief @Rs. 3000


Relief @ Rs. 2000


Relief @ Rs. 1000













Sr. No


Sub Divisions

Nature and date of Occurrence of Calamity

Number of villages/ persons affected

Human Lives Lost and Relief Required(Rs. Lacs)

Total Relief Required (Rs. lacs)




Relief in lacs @ Rs. 50000


Relief in lacs @ Rs. 25000










[Relief for loss of life due to heavy rains/ floods/fire(due to any cause) lightening /collapse of house, pillar, pole or tree by furious dust storm is admissible]



Sr. No.


Sub Divisions

Nature and date of Occurrence of calamity

Number of Villages/ Persons Affected

Animals lost and relief required(Rs. in Lacs)

Total Relief Required (Rs. in Lacs)




Relief in lacs













Relief Norms


Instructions dated




Relief for loss to standing mature / harvested crops due to heavy rains /floods hailstorms and loss to cotton crop due to pest attack

(i) Where crop is totally damaged in early stage but the area can be re-sown in the same season, farmers may allowed relief for seeds, fertilizers etc.

Rs. 700/- per acre

The relief is admissible upto maximum of 10 acre per khatauni. If the khatauni has more than one co-sharer, the total relief admissible will be divided among the co-sharers in proportion to their shares.

14/9/95, 20/12/00

(ii) Where crop is totally damaged in early stage but area can be re-sown.

Rs. 1000/-per acre

The relief will be divided in the ratio of 1:2 between the landlord and tenant. Seeri to get relief to the extent of his share.

12/09/90, 22/09/95

(iii) Relief on account of damage of mature standing/harvested crops at the following rates may be allowed:

The unauthorised cultivator of government land will get 2/3 of the relief amount. While disbursing the amount any arrears of charges for unauthorised cultivation in preceeding years should be deducted.


(a) Where the loss to mature standing/harvested crops exceeds 75%

Rs.2000/-per acre

The assesment is to be checked by CRO to the extent of 100%, by SDM to the extent of 50% and random check by DC.


(b) Where the loss to mature standing/harvested crops exceeds 50% but does not exceed 75%

Rs.1000/-per acre

(c) Where the loss to mature standing/harvested crops exceeds 25% but does not exceed 50%

Rs.700/-per acre


Relief on account of damage to fruit, vegetable, horticulture and floriculture standing/harvested crops due to heavy rains/floods/hail storms.

(a) Where the loss to crops exceeds 75%.

Rs.2000/-per acre

The relief is admissible upto maximum of 10 acre per khatauni.


(b) Where the loss to crops exceeds 50% but does not exceed 75%.

Rs1000/-per acre

However in case of damage to fruit gardens the relief is to be granted for the damage caused by hailstorms and floods only to the fruit bearing trees from the stage of flowering to plucking of fruits.

25/08/95, 14/09/95

(c ) Where the loss to crops exceeds 25% but does not exceed 50%.

Rs.700/-per acre

Relief will also be admissible only for the damage caused within specific dates which will be intimated by the Horticulture Department.



No crop sown due to water logging or floods

(i) Where crops have not been sown for less than 2 years. If a person has sown two crops, then he should be paid 1/3rd of the relief amount and if he has sown one crop he should be paid 2/3rd of the relief amount.

Rs.2000/-per acre

The above norms shall be applicable in respect of relief on or after 12/9/97.


(ii) Where crops have not been sown for 2 years.

Rs.4000/-per acre


(iii) Where crops have not been sown upto 5 years.

Rs.6000/-per acre

(iv) Where crops have not been sown more than 5 years.

Rs.8000/-per acre




Ex-gratia payment for loss of human life to the families of deceased persons

Death due to heavy rains/floods/fire (due to any cause) or lightening or collapse of house, pillar, pole or tree by furious dust storm.

Rs.50000/- adult or minor

(1)The Tehsildar or any other senior revenue officer is to make the verification after associating the Sarpanch/Municipal Councillor.(2) He has not availed of assistance earlier (12/1/1994).

12/09/90, 17/02/92, 10/12/93, 09/11/94, 13/08/93, 10/12/93, 25/08/95,


Ex-gratia payment for loss of a limb or both eyes

Loss of a limb/both eyes due to heavy rains/floods/fire (due to any cause) or lightening or collapse of house, pillar, pole or tree by furious dust storm.

Rs.25000/-per victim

A committee headed by Assistant Civil Surgeon and comprising of a medical specialist of the concerned limb and a medical officer is to certify the loss.(5/6/1998)




Grant of relief for animals lost on account of heavy rains/flood/hailstorms/ fire (due to any cause)

or lightening.

Buffalo/bullock/cross bred cow/camel/horse

Rs.4000/-per animal

To maximum of 2 large animals including all categories. Assessment to be carried out by gazetted officer with the help of staff of Animal Husbandry Dept. after associating Sarpanch/MunicipalCouncillor.

12/09/90, 18-03-91, 14/09/95, 19/05/97

Desi cow/mule/pony/donkey

Rs.2000/-per cow

To maximum of 2 large animals including all categories.


Rs.800/-per animal

To maximum of 4 small animals including all categories.


Provision for fodder during heavy rains/floods

For evacuated families.

Rs.15/- per day per large animal. Rs. 7.5 per day per small animal.

Subject to a maximum of 8 heads of cattle per family. It is be paid in cash.

25/08/95, 14/09/95




Relief on account of house damage by heavy rains/floods.

For a fully damaged pucca house


Assessment is to be done by gazetted officer after associating the Sarpanch etc. Relief will not be admissible for houses constructed unathorisedly on government, shamlat, panchayat land.

12/09/90, 06/12/93

For partially damaged pucca house


Relief for house damage is admissible only for residential house and can be paid for only one house per family.


For totally damaged kacha house


In order to qualify for being categorised as partially damaged, there should be significant and visible damage such as


For partially damaged kacha house


collapse of a wall, portion of roof, settlement of foundations resulting in serious cracks etc. to the extent of 50% overall damage.

For totally damaged hut


A fully damaged out would be one which would require to be fully re-constructed.

For partially damaged hut


Sheds used for tethering cattle or storage of fodder straw etc. are not eligible for getting house damage relief.




Grant for temporary shelter

To be given to persons staying in camps/temporary shelters.

One used tarpaulin black cover per family

To be provided on non-returnable basis.



Subsistence allowance

To be given to persons staying in

(a) Rs.10/-per head per day

camps/temporary shelters.

(b)15 meter of cloth per family of 5 members or more

Regarding (b) & (c), DC with the approval of Commissioner to decide.

(c) Two blankets per family


Assistance to people of marooned villages

Air dropping of food & medicine

Rs.10/- per head as subsistence allowance .

To be paid to people of marooned villages.




Instructions regarding relief for loss to property and crops due to fire withdrawn

Vide para 5 of instructions dated 14/9/1995 relief to the extent of 20% of total loss subject to maximum of 50000/- in any individual case in respect of properties and crops damaged due to fire was provided

Vide instructions dated 14/7/97 this relief was withdrawn and at present any loss to property and crop due to fire does not attract any relief.

18/08/93, 14/09/95, 14/07/97




Cost of clearance of debris

The entire expenditure will be reimbursed by the Government on the recommendation of the DC.



Cost of search/rescue measures

The entire expenditure will be reimbursed by the Government on the recommendation of the DC.



Disposal of dead bodies/carcasses

The entire expenditure will be reimbursed by the Government on the recommendation of the DC.



Post disaster public education

Expenditure may be incurred with the prior approval of FCR



(Chapter VIII Para 6, last Para of the Guidelines Seeking Assistance for Financing Relief Expenditure)

Damaged caused by Floods, Hailstorms Cyclones, etc. A-Summary

Sr. No.

Name (S) of the District (S)

No. of the affected Blocks and Villages

Population affected (Lakhs)

No. of human lives lost

Total area affected

Cropped area affected (Lakhs hac.)

Value of crops damaged (Rs. In crores)

No. of cattle lost

Value of cattle lost

No. of houses damaged

Value of private houses/hutments damaged (Partially/fully) (Rs./crores)

Extent of damage to public property (Rs. /crores)

Total damage to crops, cattle, houses and public properties (Rs./crores)(Cols. 8+10+12+13)

Loss more than 50%

Partially loss between 25-50%




















(Chapter VIII, Para 6-last para of Guidelines Seeking Assistance for Financing Relief Expenditure)

Assistance to Farmers, Fishermen, Artisans etc. affected by floods, cyclone etc.

Sr. No.

Name of district

No. of beneficiaries category-wise

Prescribed scale of assistance

Total amount of assistance

Sources of funding the assistance


Centrally Sponsored Schemes

Instutional Finances











(Chapter VIII, Para 6-last para of Guidelines Seeking Assistance for Financing Relief Expenditure)

Damage to Public Properties by Floods, Cyclone etc.

Sr. No.

Name of District

Type of Public Property (Roads, Bridges, Buildings, Electrical Installations, Embankments)

Description of damage

Estimated cost of repairs / restoration

Amount which can be spent during the current financial year

Provision for repairs/ restoration in the current year’s budget

Provision for restoration in the budget for the preceding year






















(Chapter VIII, Para 6-last para of Guidelines Seeking Assistance for Financing Relief Expenditure)

Rainfall and Agricultural Data for Drought

Sr. No.

Name of the district


Number of

Whether the Distt. Is covered by SFDA/DPAP/IRD etc.

Funds available under SFDA/DPAP & IRD programme wise

No. of farmers covered by SFDA/DPAP/IRD etc.



Percentage deficit

Agricultural labourers

Small farmers

Marginal farmers

































(Chapter VIII, Para 6-last para of Guidelines Seeking Assistance for Financing Relief Expenditure)

Damage to Agricultural Crops due to drought

Crops* (Ha)

Sr. No.

Name of the district

Normal area


Percentage area irrigated


Area unsown


Area damaged


Percentage of damaged to normal area


Overall loss



Production (MT)












· Give information separated or Kharif/Rabi crops etc.


(Chapter VIII, Para 6-last para of Guidelines Seeking Assistance for Financing Relief Expenditure)

Drinking Water Supply Schemes for Drought Relief


Name of districts affected by drought

No. of villages where scarcity of drinking water is existing or is apprehended

No. of “Problem villages” in the district

No. of villages in Col 2 which fall in Col. 3

No. of water tankers/tanks

Available Required No. of villages to be covered

No. of rigs with specifications



No. Required No. of villages to be covered

of shifts they

are working














No. of tube wells/wells proposed to be dug month-wise

Amount of funds required

Break up of the number of villages in Col. (2) to be covered by various modes of supply of drinking water like transport by rail/road, by dugwells, by new borings, by extension of piped water, by deepening of existing by wells etc.

No. of hand pumps in the villages included in Col. (2)

In operation Out of order

(a) (b)







(Chapter VIII, Para 6-last para of Guidelines Seeking Assistance for Financing Relief Expenditure)

Cost of Employment Generating Schemes

Sr. No.

Items of work for employment generation

Department/Agency incharge

Plan outlay in previous financial year

Plan outlay in the current financial year

Amounts spent in the current financial year

Balance available from plan outlay

Amount available from non- plan budget

Amount available from Centrally sponsored schemes/special programme including foodgrains under the food work programme Special Food for work programme

Total amount available in terms of Rs. In crores

Employment generated likely to be generated in man day from the total amount available to be indicated separately for each month

Additional man days of employment to be generated

Amount of advance plan assistance required for the purpose














a. Major Irrigation


b. Medium Irrigation


c. Minor Irrigation


d. Soil Conservation & Water Management


e. Afforestation


f. Roads











(Chapter VIII, Para 6-last para of Guidelines Seeking Assistance for Financing Relief Expenditure)

Cost of Emergent Relief Measures for floods and drought.

(Other than employment generating schemes)

Name of work

Expenditure incurred

Period of Operation

No. of beneficiaries

Sources of funds(marginal/money/non-plan funds/other funds)

Balance available out of each source







a. Gratuitous relief


b. Free supply of clothing, blankets etc.


c. Supply of fodder


d. Cattle camps


e. Fodder banks


f. Supply of medicines, disinfectants


g. Transporting drinking water by trucks/tankers


h. Air dropping of relief articles


I. Contingent charges


j. Relief camps


k. Any other items



(Chapter VIII, Para 6-last para of Guidelines Seeking Assistance for Financing Relief Expenditure)

List of Financial Assistance required

I. (a) Margin money recommended by the 8th Finance Commission.

(b) Amount spent out of margin money so far.

(c) Balance available out of the current year’s margin money

(d) Unspent balance of margin money available from previous years.

(e) Total.


(a) Cost of emergent relief measures.

(b) Assistance to small and marginal farmers for Agricultural inputs.

(c) Requirements for supply of drinking water to affected village

(d) Cost of employment generating schemes.

(e) Total.


(a) Cost of emergent relief measures.

(b) Requirements of assistance to small and marginal farmers, fishermen, artisans, etc.

(c) Requirements of damaged public Properties.

(d) Total.

No. of Correction Slip

Date of issue

Para amended


Hon'ble Revenue Minister


 Sh. Hardip Singh Mundian

 Hon’ble Minister-In-Charge, Department of Revenue, Rehabilitation and Disaster Management