Punjab Government Department Rehabilitation
The Assistant Settlement Officer ( Sales )
Rehabilitation Department
Jullundur .
No RD(861 )/12030/dated, Jullundur, the 17- 7-1974. ,
Sub: Allotment of surplus Urban Agricultural lands to the lessees and sub-lessees – determination of eligibility
It has come to the notice of the Government that while determining the eligibility of lessees/sub-lessees in accordance with the provisions of Chapter 5(A) of the Displaced Persons (C&R) Rules, 1955, the factum of the lessees/Sub-lessees to be a Displaced persons is taken for granted. In fact this is the foremost condition which should be kept in view while deciding the eligibility of lessee/sub lessee for allotment of surplus evacuee urban agricultural land to him. In order, therefore, to ensure that a particulars lessee/sublessee is displaced person, the following criteria may be adopted:
(i) Refugee Card, issued to the displaced persons at the time of partition of the country by a competent authority, may be seen and kept on record ;
(ii) If the person concerned is a claimant relevant receipts of his claim/verified claim may be obtained; and
(iii) Affidavits, duly attested by a Magistrate Ist Class may be had.
The following instructions may be meticulously followed while determining the eligibility of a lessee/sub-lessee in the matter of allotment of surplus evacuee Urban Agricultural land under the provisions of law.
Deputy Secretary to Govt., Punjab,
Rehabilitation Department.