F.No. 1-58/97-NDM
Government of India
Ministry of Agriculture
Department of Agriculture & Cooperation
(Natural Disaster Management Division)
Dated 31/10/1999
Sub: Review of items and norms of assistance from the calamity Relief Fund and National Fund for Calamity Relief Constitution of Review Committee.
The Tenth Finance Commission (TFC) had recommended that Ministry of Agriculture will set up a committee of Experts and representatives of the State Governments to drawn up a list of items, the expenditure on which alone will be chargeable to the CRF as also the norms of assistance from the National Fund for Calamity Relief. The State Level Committee would then workout the details of the norms or assistance than can be given or spent under each of the approved items of expenditure from the CRF. The norms of assistance so fixed by the State Level Committee should be communicated to the Ministry of Agriculture for checking and modifying them, if necessary, if they are significantly out of line. The Accountant General will book only expenditure to CRF is incurred as per norms approved by the Ministry of Agriculture.
2. On the basis of the above recommendations of the Tenth Finance Commission, an Expert Committee constituted by the Ministry of Agriculture in April 1995 had identified the items of assistance from the CRF and the norms of such assistance in the case of NFCR. The items of assistance approved by the Expert Committee were communicated to the State Governments. Some of the State Level Committees finalised their norms of assistance and communicated to the Ministry of Agriculture. The Ministry of Agriculture considered the proposals of the State Governments and approved norms of assistance permissible from the CRF keeping in view the basic objective of avoiding wide variations from State to State and to ensure uniformity of approach as far as possible.
3. While considering the proposals received from the State Governments for additional assistance from the NFCR and the reports of the Central team which visited the affected acres to assess the situation, problems related to the unrealistic nature of some of the norms have been pointed out again and again. Some of the State Governments have also made representations about the norms of assistance by the Government of India and requested for continuance of their existing norms. A committee of Secretaries which considered the issue of relief and rehabilitation in the cyclone affected areas of Andhra Pradesh during 1996 had recommended adoption of scientific methods for assessing damage and requirements of relief and rehabilitation in the wake of natural calamities.
4. Accordingly, it has been decided to constitute a committee of Experts to review the existing norms of assistance from the calamity Relief Fund and the NFCR in the wake of natural calamities and related matters with the following composition :
1 |
Central Relief Commissioner & Addl Secretary to Govt of India, Deptt of Agri & Coopn |
Chairman |
2 |
Joint Secretary (State Plan) Planning Commissioner |
Member |
3 |
Joint Secretary (Plan Finance) Deptt of Expenditure, Ministry of Finance |
Member |
4 |
Agriculture Commissioner Deptt of Agri & Coopn |
Member |
5 |
Horticulture Commissioner Deptt of Agri & Coopn |
Member |
6 |
Joint Secretary, Deptt of Animal Husbandry & Dairying |
Member |
7 |
Joint Secretary (Housing) Deptt of Urban Employment & Poverty Alleviation |
Member |
8 |
Joint Secretary (Rural Employment) Deptt of Rural Employment & Poverty Allegation |
Member |
9 |
Deputy Director General, India Meteorological Department |
Member |
10 |
Head Water Resources Group, National Remote Sensing Agency Hyderabad |
Member |
11 |
Director General of Roads, Ministry of Surface Transport |
Member |
12 |
Commissioner (ER) Ministry of Water Resources |
Member |
13 |
Director (EMR) Dte. General of Health Services, Ministry of Health & Family Welfare |
Member |
14 |
Revenue Secretary, Govt of Karnataka |
Member |
15 |
Financial Commissioner (Revenue) Govt. of Punjab |
Member |
16 |
Relief Commissioner, Govt of Madhya Pradesh |
Member |
17 |
Relief Commissioner, Govt of Gujarat |
Member |
18 |
Relief Commissioner, Govt of Sikkim |
Member |
19 |
Joint Secretary (NDM), Deptt of Agriculture & Cooperation |
Member Secretary |
5. The terms and reference of the committee will be as under :
(a)To review the existing list of items and norms of assistance prescribed by the Ministry of Agriculture as debitable to the CRF>
(b)To review the existing norms of assistance from the National Fund for calamity relief.
(c)To suggest scientific methods for assessment of damage and requirements f relief and rehabilitation.
(d)To suggest measures to ensure that relief assistance is reaching the affecting people and to prevent diversion of funds from the CRF.
(e)To suggest guidelines for the memoranda to be submitted to the 11th Finance Commission for increasing the corpus of the fund keeping in view the experiences of the last two years.
3.The committee will submit its report before 31st December 1997.
RVK Kutty
Under Secy to Govt of India
Government of India
Ministry of Agriculture
Department of Agriculture and Cooperation
Dated 16.1.2001-07-09
The Chief Secretaries of all States
Relief Commissioners(All states)
Sub: Items of Expenditure and Norms of Assistance both under calamity Relief Fund (CRF) and National Calamity Contingency fund (NCCF) minutes of the meeting of the Expert Committee.
I am directed to say t6hat in accordance with the recommendations of the elevenths Finance Commission (EFC)and National Calamity Contingency Fund (NCCF). A copy of the composition of the Committee was circulated vide O.M. No. 3-9/2000-NDMdated 1st November, 2000 is enclosed.
2. The Expert Committee held its meeting at 10.30AM on 1/12/2000 under the chairmanship of Sh S K Purkay7astha, Additional Secrterary7 and Central Relief Commissioner in Krishi Bhawan, New Delhi, The minutes of the aforesaid meeting including the recommendations of the Expert Committee regarding items of expenditure and norm of assistance both under CRF and NCCF are enclosed. It is requested that the State Governments may kindly send their comments/suggestions, if and latest by 31st January, 2001.
3. In accordance with the recommendations of the EFC , State specific list of items of expenditure and norms of assistance is also required to be drain up. The State Governments are, therefore, requested to also make available the State specific list duly approved by the State Level Committee latest by 31st January, 2001 to enable this Department to finalize and draw up the State specific list of items of expenditure and norms of assistance not cover under the general recommendations or otherwise.
Department of Agriculture & Cooperation
NDM Division
Minutes of the meeting of the Committee of Experts constituted to review list of items approved for incurring expenditure from the Calamity Relief Fund (CRF) and NCCF held on 1/12/2000.
A meeting of the Committee of Experts constituted to review the list of items approved for incurring expenditure from the Calamity Relief Fund (CRF) was held under the Chairmanship of Central Relief Commissioner and Additional Secretary (P) in Committee Room No. 142, Krishi Bhawan, New Delhi at 10.30 AM on 1/12/2000.
2. The list of participants is at annexure.
3. Welcoming the participants, AS(P) informed that he had taken over as Central Relief Commissioner and requested the participants to introduce themselves. Thereafter a brief background for which the meeting was held was explained. It was informed that the Calamity Relief Fund (CRF) was constituted on the recommendations of the Ninth Finance Commission (NFC) and was continued by the Tenth Finance Commission (TFC). The Eleventh Finance Commission (EFC) has also recommended to continue the CRF with some modifications. A committee of Experts was earlier set up on the recommendations of the TFC to review the existing norms. The committee had drawn up the revised items of expenditure under CRF and items and norms of assistance under the then National Fund for Calamity Relief (NFCR). The states were requested to give their comments on the revised norms. However, in the meanwhile recommendation of the EFC has been received and accepted by the Government.
4. AS(P) informed that the EFC had also recommended the setting up of a Committee of Experts by the Ministry of Agriculture for finalisation of items of expenditure for incurring expenditure from CRF. A Committee of Experts had, thus, been constituted on 1/11/2000 and was meeting today to review the items of expenditure including the State specific list of items of expenditure. He also informed that in place of NFCR a new mechanism under NCCF will be in place for additional central assistance for calamities of severed nature.
5. Item wise review of list of items of expenditure drawn up by the last Committee of Experts was then taken up by the Committee. After detailed discussions, it was agreed as under:
(i) Item 5 (a) may be amended as under: |
Existing |
Revised |
For replacement of bullocks, milch animals |
(a) For replacement of draught animals, milch animals or animals for haulage or for livelihood |
(ii) Item 5(c ) may be amended as under: |
To be assessed by Central Team |
To be assessed by NCCM |
(iii) Item 5(d) may be amended as under: |
To be assessed by the Central Team for NFCR/by State Level Committee for CRF |
To be assessed by the NCCM for NFCR/by State Level Committee for CRF |
(iv) Item 10 may be amended as under : |
Provision of medicines, disinfectants, insecticides and for prevention of outbreak of epidemics |
Provision of medicines, disinfectants, insecticides and for prevention of outbreak of epidemics |
(v) Item 15 may be amended as under: |
Air dropping of food and medicines |
Air dropping of essential supplies |
(vi) Item 16 may be amended as under: |
Restoration to pre calamity level of damaged drinking water supply works in rural areas, community owned social structure, village school etc. |
Restoration of drinking water supply systems in rural areas. |
(vii) Item 16 (a) may be amended as under: |
Nil |
Restrocation of communication links for facilitating relief operations and community owned social structures/village schools etc. |
(viii) Item 20 may be amended as under: |
Draining off flood water in the urban areas |
Draining off flood water in the urban areas |
(ix) As regard items 23, 24 reproduced below, the Ministry of Finance was requested to give their concurrence for incurring expenditure from CRF on these two items : |
Item No. 23 : Pre and post disaster public education – from CRF only. Item No. 24: Preparation/updation of relief manuals and codes and disaster mitigation/preparedness action plan- From CRF only |
Training to core multidisciplinary groups of the State Officers drawn from different cadres-expenditure to be met from CRF. |
6. As regards State specific list of items and norms of expenditure, it was decided that the same would be sent by the State after due approval by the State Level Committee to the Department of Agriculture & Cooperation, Government of India for finalising separate norms/guidelines.
7. In view of the discussion above, a revised list of items and norms of expenditure permissible both under CRF and NCCF is enclosed.
8. The meeting ended with a vote of thanks to the Chair.
List of participants who attended the meeting of the Committee of Experts constituted to review of list of items approved for incurring expenditure from the Calamity Relief Fund (CRF) held on 1/12/2000.
1. Sh SK Purkayastha, Central Relief Commissioner and Addl Secretary DAC
2. Sh Govindan Nair, Joint Secretary DAc
3. Sh SK Swami Director (NDM) DAC
4. Dr. Brij Bhushan, Directorate General of Health Services, Ministry of Heath
5. Sh RC Devivedi, Relief Commissioner & Secretary (Revenue) Govt. of UP
6. Ms Asha Swarup, Secretary(Finance & Planning) Govt. of HP
7. Sh Laljit Singha, commissioner(Revenue)Govt of HP
8. Sh Manohar Lal, Resident Commissioner, Govt of Rajasthan
9. Sh VP Ahuja, SRO Planning Commission
10. Sh VK Pipersenia, Resident Commissioner, Assam
11. Ms Sheela Prasad, Director, Ministry of Finance
12. Ms Valsala Kutty, Director, Deptt of Drinking Water Supply, Ministry of Rural Development
13. Sh RK Celly, Chief-BMTPC Ministry of Urban Development & Poverty Alleviation.
14. Sh Devinder Nath US (NDM)
1/12/2000 - Revised List of items of expenditure and norms of assistance from Calamity relief Fund (CRF) and National Calamity Contingency Fund (NCCF) recommended by the Expert Committee |
SN |
Items |
Norms for assistance from CRF and NFCR |
1 |
Gratuitous Relief: |
(a) |
Ex-Gratia payment to families of deceased persons |
Rs. 50000 per deceased |
(b) |
Ex-Gratia payment for loss of a limb or both the eyes |
Rs. 25000 per person (the Gratuitous relief for loss of limb etc. should be extended only when the disability is more than 40% and certified by a Govt doctor or doctors from panel approved by the Govt |
© |
Grievous injury requiring hospitalisation for more than a week |
Rs. 5000 per person |
(d) |
Relief for the old, infirm and destitute children |
Rs. 20 per adult, Rs. 10 per child per day |
(e) |
Clothing and utensils for families whose house have washed away |
Rs. 500 for clothing and Rs. 500 for utensils per family |
2 |
Supplementary Nutrition |
Rs. 1.05 per day per head as per ICDS norms |
3 |
Assistance to Small Farmers/Marginal Farmers for: |
(a) |
Desilting etc. |
25% and 311/3% to small farmers and marginal farmers respectively on the basis of LDB/ NABARD / any relevant State Agency’s norms/pattern subject to a ceiling of Rs. 2500 per hectare. |
(b) |
Removal of debris in hill areas, and |
© |
Desilting/Restoration/Repair of fish farms |
(d) |
Agriculture input subsidy where crop loss was 50% and above |
(I) |
For Agriculture crops, horticultural crops and plantation crops |
-Rainfed areas Rs. 1000 per hectare -Rs. 2500 per hectare in area with assured irrigation |
(II) |
Perennial crops |
Rs. 4000 per hectare |
(e) |
Loss of substantial portion of land caused by landslide, avalanche, change of course of rivers |
Rs 10000 per hectare |
4 |
Employment Generation: |
(Only to meet additional requirements after taking into account funds available under Plan Schemes viz. JRY, IJRY, EAS etc. |
As per Jawahar Gram Smridhi Yozna norms |
5 |
Animal Husbandry: |
Assistance to Small and Marginal Farmers/Agricultural labourers: |
(a) |
For replacement of bullocks, milch animals |
As per pattern of subsidy under Swarnjayanti Gram Swarozgar Yojana for small and marginal farmers |
(b) |
For provision of fodder/fodder concentrate. |
Large animals – Rs. 12.00 per day Small animals- Rs. 6.00 per day |
© |
Procurement storage and movement of fodder |
To be assessed by NCCM |
(d) |
Movement of useful cattle to other areas |
To be assessed by NCCM for NCCF/by state Level Committee for CRF |
Level |
Committee for CRF |
6 |
Assistance to Fisherman |
(a) |
For repair/replacement of boats, nets and other equipment damaged or lost:
-Boat -Dugout-Canoe -Catamaran -Nets |
Subsidy will be provided subject to ceiling on subsidy per family as per SGSY pattern |
(b) |
Input subsidy for fish seed farm |
Rs. 2000 per hectare |
7 |
Assistance to artisans in handicraft sector by way of subsidy for repair/ replacement of damaged equipments: |
(a) |
Traditional Crafts: |
(i) |
For damaged equipment |
Rs. 1000 per person |
(ii) |
For raw material |
Rs. 1000 per person |
(b) |
For Handloom Weavers : |
(i) |
Repair/ replacement of loom equipment and accessories |
Rs. 1000 per loom |
(ii) |
Purchase of yarn and other material |
Rs. 1000 per loom |
8 |
Assistance for repair/ restoration of damaged houses: |
(a) |
Fully damaged house |
(i) |
Pucca House |
Rs 10000 per houses |
(ii) |
Kuchha House |
Rs 6000 per house |
(b) |
Severely damaged house |
(i) |
Pucca House |
Rs 2000 per house |
(ii) |
Kuchha House |
Rs 1200 per house |
© |
Marginally Damaged Houses |
Rs. 800 per house |
9 |
Emergency supply of drinking water |
To be assessed by Central Team for NFCR / by State Level Committee for CRF |
10 |
Emergency medical care of affected population including provision of medicines, disinfectants, insecticides for prevention of outbreak of equipments |
-do- |
11 |
Medical care for cattle and poultry against epidemics |
-do- |
12 |
Evacuation of people affected / likely to be affected |
-do- |
13 |
Hiring of boats for carrying immediate relief & saving life |
-do- |
14 |
Provision for temporary accommodation, food, clothing, medical care etc of people affected/ evacuated |
-do- |
15 |
Air dropping of food and medicines |
-do- |
16 |
Restoration of drinking water supply systems in rural areas |
-do- |
16(a) |
Restoration of communication links for facilitating relief operations and community owned social structures/village schools etc. |
-do- |
17 |
Replacement of damage medical equipment and lost medicines of Govt hospitals/ health centres |
-do- |
18 |
Operational cost (Of POL only) for ambulance Services, Mobile Medical Teams, temporary dispensaries. |
-do- |
19 |
Cost of clearance of debris |
-do- |
20 |
Drainage of flood water in the urban areas |
-do- |
21 |
Cost of search and rescue measures |
-do- |
22 |
Disposal of dead bodies/ carcases |
-do- |
23 |
Training to core multidisciplinary groups of the State Officers drawn from different cadres-expenditure to be met from CRF. |
-do |