1.All the Commissioners of Divisions in the State
2.All the Deputy Commissioners in the State
Memo No.7/4/90-ERII/4902
Chandigarh,dated the 18/8/1993
Sub: Relief for damage to fruit gardens by Natural Calamities
Government have decided to grant relief for damage to fruit gardens by hailstorms and floods at the following rates :
(a) Where the loss to fruit Rs.1000/-per acre
crops exceeds 75%
(b) Where the loss to fruit crop Rs.600/-per acre
exceeds 50% but does not
exceed 75%
(c) Where the loss to fruit Rs.300/-per acre
crops exceeds 25% but does not
exceed 50%
(d) Where the loss does not exceed 25% Nil
2.The relief will be admissible upto a maximum of 5 acres per Khatauni or the actual area affected whichever is less depending on the damage actually caused. For the purpose of disbursement of relief, all members of a Khatauni, whether in the capacity of owner, cosharer, tenant, mortgagee in possession will be treated as one unit. Likewise any person holding land in more than one Khatauni will be entitled to relief upto a maximum of 5 acres or damaged area taking into account all the area held by him.
3.The relief will be admissible for only those gardens which are recorded as such at the time of girdawari in the Revenue Record. The assessment will be made through special girdawari by the revenue authorities like other crops. If Deputy Commissioners deems fit, they can consult the District Level Officers of the Horticulture Department. The relief is to be granted for the damage caused by hailstorms and floods only to the fruit bearing trees from the stage of flowering to plucking of fruits. Relief will be admissible only for the damage caused within specific dates which will be intimated by the Horticulture Department.
4.The above norms shall be applicable in respect of damage caused after 5/7/1993.
Addl Secretary to Govt Punjab
Revenue (M) Department